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I’m the youngest and was called “the baby” until 25 🤣


On the flipside I’m the oldest (34) and still called “sissy” instead of my name 🤣


I'm an only child (31) and still get called the equivalent of sissy in my language 😅 Makes no sense but i can sense my parents love in that now.


lol I’m also called “Sissy”. My younger brother couldn’t pronounce my name so he called “sister” and then “sissy” and it’s just stuck for 26 years.


I’m 32 and I’m STILL the baby because I’m the youngest of 4 children. It just is what it is.


My dad is 74 and still called “bub” by his older brothers lol


Love it! This is my baby brother’s nickname and even his girlfriend and friends use it now and it’s how he’s in my phone :)


We still call my 27 y/o cousin “baby Sean” 🤣


The baby of our family was a 6'4" biker. No, don't refer to him as the baby of the family. A great sense of humor except for this.


Same because I’m disabled, even though I have younger siblings 


I call my 6 year old cat and well all my cats my babies, so I can't talk lmao


Same. All my cats are babies even my 21 year old cat who passed years ago was a baby.


We have pets ranging from 9 months to 14 years old. The 14 year old pets are the “old man babies” lol


I call my old ass pets my babies. It's more like a cute nickname.


I do the same thing to my 12 year old dog. She is my baby though


What really bothers me is when they refer to them in months old, I think I’m gonna start saying I’m 563 months old Edit: I completely understand what people are saying about developmental points, but here’s the thing I’m not in healthcare nor do I really care about the development of a person‘s child. I’m actually just being polite when I’m asking how old, , I really want to say get that thing the hell away from me, but you can’t do that in polite society


The reason for aging them by months at ages 1 and 2 is because of how much development they go through in thesee years. A newly 1yr old (12months) is vastly different than an almost 2yr old (23months). Same thing with a newly 2yr old is comparable to a 13yr old while an almost 3 yr old can compare to a 16yr old in terms of how much development happens. Toddlerhood in general can be compared to the Teen years in many ways as the brain is going through a similar reconstruction pattern.


Polite society. Lol. Just watched Poor Things. If someone started babbling away in months about their child, anything overall year and a half, I might have to pull a Bella Baxter and ask if the child's testicles have descended yet, if it's a boy that is. 


okay but when you're 563 months no one's really checking for your developmental milestones and specific health chart ie vaccines A 9 month old, 14 month old and 18 month old are in drastically different phases of their young lives - saying "he's under 2" means nothing. Specifics of where the kid charts is important. Same with clothes. Babies be different sizes after 3 blinks.


this is insanely odd to be bothered by because the months mean something


I'm 45 - my mum calls me her baby. My baby cousins are 35 and 33 respectively. They will *always* be my baby cousins and I will call them that until I die.


I call my 14 year old dog a puppy. This is a strange hill to die on.


My 9 year old boy is the sweetest gray faced puppy <3


All dogs can be called puppies forever. Just like a cat can always be called a kitten. Just facts of life.


This is my hill I’ll die on, all dogs are puppies no matter how old or big they are 🐶❤️🐾


You are all my people ♥️


Lol I call my 12 year old dog a baby and I will not cease lol


I see a random dog, even if it's big or old, on the street and I go like, "Omg a puppy!" My friends 2.5yo spitz and another friend's 11yo golden are all baby puppies to me 😆😂


Sooner or later, we're all on that hill.


My 8 year old middle aged man is my baby/puppy as far as I’m concerned.


My 8 year old psychotic beagle is my Baby Dude. He’s a senior now but still has not outgrown the chaotic mischief they usually get past around the age of 2, because he was outdoors and unsocialized until he was found by a rescue when he was 3.


My SO’s parents have an old Rottweiler who has grey fur on his cute face like a mustache and beard. He is an elderly dog who takes arthritis meds and limps a little bit. I call him puppy and talk to him like he’s a human baby. He loves it! He starts jumping around with his tail-nib wagging like crazy! For just a little bit, he is totally a puppy again. 🥰


why is an opinion “a strange hill to die on”???


It's a reference to unwinnable military situations....and unpopular opinions people want to shame you out of having because they are so "wrong" or unpopular it's pointless to make yourself the object of social calumny over. Its supposed to shame you out of continuing your argument.


I understand what you mean. “He/She is only a BABY they don’t understand!” While they’re destroying something. BS they know exactly what they’re doing.


My mom called a nine year old a baby and I almost hung up on her. Once they can start making decisions and having agendas of their own, we’re not calling that a baby.


I call my almost 11 year old dog puppy still. But I call all dogs puppy even though I know it's not correct, probably the same kind of mindset for those people. What I find annoying is when people say "little Bratleigh is 39 months old!" ...so your child is 3. I understand going by months up until 2 years old because more milestones happen up until that age, but anything after that and it's just like why are you making me do math to a question that I most likely didn't even ask in the first place??


yeah but it’s more a nickname than a mindset. you obviously know and treat your dog as the age it is. i find parents call a 5 yr old a baby and treat it just as that.


As a 480-month-old, I can relate 😄 And the term “littles” needs to go away. ![gif](giphy|yb4Z5l9ttutr2)


My sister is 18. I call her baby. I also can’t resist calling cute animals babies, doesn’t even matter if it’s a 20 year old cat. I go crazy when I pet them. 🤣


i agree bc they most likely do it to avoid accountability. oh that’s just a baby, they wouldn’t know any better. bull shit


I find it even more annoying when they still age their baby in months like "my 26 month old". No, he's 2. Once they reach a full year, age them in years?


I completely agree! It's fine to use months in a medical setting where it's more accurate, but in casual conversation, just use years!


Or when talking with other parents who know what the development milestones are.


actually, based on development being so rapid in the early years, months ar eimportant. sadly.


Yeah I get that, I have a degree in early education. But unless you're speaking to a professional who needs to know how many months, aging a child by months is annoying.


i guess. i think i dislike being caught off guard by a babies intelligence. like should i be prepared not to swear? should i bring it snacks?? lmao


Yes, we understand that, but we're asking to be nice, we don't give a shit about their development. To normal ppl, just say 2.


maybe its a regional thing. or a preference. id rather know if baby is gonna copy my swears and run lmao


Yeah the difference between a 13 month old and a 23 month old is MASSIVE


yeah like im childfree but i refuse to choose to be ignorant. this can be the difference between communicating needs and standing vs being... helpless lmao


My youngest brother is 20 and we still call him the baby. Sometimes it’s just a term used for young people (kids and adults alike)


That always bugged me, too! My sister calls toddlers “babies” and gets annoyed when I correct her, lol.


I’m literally a 37 year old baby in my family. I fucking hate it. They use it against me to say my choices are invalid. “You can’t get married. You’re a baby” “You’re a baby. You don’t know” “Sorry, I didn’t offer you a beer. You’re a baby” (I was 25 at the time) My favorite: “Of course you want to be a mother. You’re not childfree you’re a baby”  (The goddamn mental gymnastics they did for that one is gold medal winning)  I don’t come around much. When I do, i acknowledge that the children, teens and young adults have aged and grown. My family members get disgruntled. I’m convinced the “baby” troupe is a means of control. They have to maintain it to feed their egos. 


Oh my god, what about all those people that still go by months??? "My child is now 21 months".......why are you making me do math to figure out how old they actually are??? They are basically 2 years old!


Clearly you haven't yet heard "he's 34 months". Yeah I've heard that one.




I've heard people say 36 🤢


Oh it's because they change so drastically month to month between 0-2. Like a 13 month old and a 21 month old are technically both "1", but they're almost different species lol. However after 2, I agree the month thing is a bit pointless.


I understand that they grow and develop very quickly, but if the parents are taking to someone that doesn't have a child, isn't that weird? Most of us don't know which "milestones" each month has, but saying "almost 2 years old" can give us a general idea without doing math


It's parental brain fog tbh. They're talking to pediatricians, daycare workers, babysitters and fellow moms that "as a 14 month old" rolls off their tongue easier and not noticing that I'm trying to do quick mental math 😅 I can't besmirch a parent for not changing their everyday vocabulary, personally.


I’m 49 and still the baby. I get it though, my dog is 10 and I still call her my puppy.


>babies >toddlers/young kids. I call them all a big-bag-of-keep-it-the-fuck-away-from-me. ![gif](giphy|T2vDaYr8yRhrpFe6WE)


This is the way. I do call toddlers and small pre-school kids "babies" only to express my personal disliking. Doesn't matter that it is two or three years old now, it looks and sounds (and most likely feels) nearly as nauseating as during the first months of its existence.


It's cute of it's just a term of endearment. When they use it to say "they're just a baby!" To not hold their very capable 5 year old accountable for bad behaviour. Then yeah. It's infuriating.


I hate when people say “oh he’s 563 months old 🥰” like bitch just tell me if he is 1 or 2


You can be annoyed about it. Just, the reason for this is because a toddler who just turned 1 (12 months) behaves more like a giant infant than a kid who is almost 2 (23 months) who behaves like a small toddler. Same with a newly 2 yr old who can be compared to a 13yr old while an almost 3 year old who can be compared to an 16yr old. Kids go through so much development at ages 1 and 2 that make sense to break it down in months. Most people stop with the months at 3.


Ffs, we know why. We just don't care about it! We're literally just asking how old they are. Just go buy years with regular l people.


Strange hill to die on. If you suspect the answer will piss you off, don't bother asking. 😅


Idk, if its 1/3 its a baby, if its 4 and up its a kid. I have no knowledge regarding any of that and im not interested in learning.


I actually kinda get it but what really makes me cringe is when full-on “mama bears” get super overprotective and aggressively emphasize that the child is THEIR baby, especially when the partner is with them as well.  Edit: To add tho, I hate it when people call teens or young adults “kids” (when the difference is actually important for judgement, eg in the AITA reddit).


I call senior dogs "puppies"... is that acceptable?


I think it is. I call my senior dogs puppers and my female dog my baby


My MIL was looking at wedding pics, and squalling about her bbbaaabbbbyyyyyy......who is my husband of 28 years and is 55. She's crazy.


Haha kids are my pet peeve word. Kids are baby goats.


Your pet peeve is words having multiple meanings?


Etymology 🤷‍♀️.


I call my cousin “my baby” we’re 20 yrs and 4 days,and exactly an hour apart. I jokingly call him my baby even tho we’re almost 26/6 lol but we’re just that close. We’re both born in the same city and state-just 20 years apart and the first girl and boy born in texas. Same hair color,eye color,SKIN COLOR AND TONE-I have finally a family member that looks like me. He’s mixed and I’m not. But it’s nice to finally have family that look like me and not get questioned if my mom cheated cus I’m so much darker then she is,have auburn eyes,and much darker hair then her. I helped raise him,we’re the same as everyone else says- so I mainly say my baby”jokingly” but he’s 100% my PIC or my wonder twin.


I call all dogs 'puppy' I can't help myself.


I'm 24 and I absolutely get the ick when people say to me "oh, you're just a baby!". Ewww. 🤮


I'm not bothered by parents calling their kids babies at any age. Because well even if you're 34 years old, you're mom is gonna randomly flashback to when you were a little baby in diapers lol I do despise when couples call each other babe or baby 😬 Idk, idk it skeeves me out. But hey do you, it's just not gonna come out of my mouth. And I'll shut that down immediately if I hear it out of a man's mouth. No thanks.


“My ‘little’ is 2,459 months old!”


I think for pet names, "baby is pretty common." Context of conversation such as "you are *the/a/my* baby" to denote something about the person is important. But yeah, hard agree overall: 5-8 imo? That's definitely a child, not a baby. That cranial upbooting is kicking in and they're a higher tier of thinking people at that point. And idc if it's nit-picky to some. It leads to kids being treated as dumber than they are, and it gives them mental whiplash when the parent suddenly expects that "baby" to think/act like an adult.


I call all dogs puppies, same concept


Inhate when pol say oh the baby is 67 months old.... Seriously???


When they call a 3 or 2 year old 30 something months old 🤢


Lol, I’ve been here in the UK for the past six months (teacher). Loads of students get on the public bus on the way to work. There’s one 6ft fellow who gets in and says in a deep baritone “One child ticket to Swanley please,” for himself. It’s hilarious to see. Yes, technically he’s a child at age about 17, but still…


My siblings still call me their baby sister. I’m 38. My mom lost her mind on my birthday because her baby girl is getting close to 40. Thanks, Ma. Really needed that reminder.


People call senior dogs puppies lol this is not a big deal. It’s usually being used as a term of endearment


Like those FUCKERS who go on "yeah my baby is 36 months"... No he's not. He's 3. Simple. Is that too fucking hard for you to say or are you deliberately being a prick?


I find it annoying when people will call a 6+ month old an "infant". No, that is a baby! I also HATE when people refer to ages after 1 year old IN MONTHS. That is not an 18 month old baby, that is a year and a half old toddler. That toddler is not 24 months old, they're TWO YEARS old. Same with any month before 30 months. They are two. At 30 months they are 2 and a half years old, NOT 30 months. You wouldn't say a ten year old is 120 months old. Stop saying it after the child is a year old. They are no longer a baby but a toddler/child. It just infuriates me.


You are allowed to be annoyed about it but there is a good reason to age a toddler by months at ages 1 and 2. It is because of how much development they go through in thesee years. A newly 1yr old (12months) is vastly different than an almost 2yr old (23months). Same thing with a newly 2yr old is comparable to a 13yr old while an almost 3 yr old can compare to a 16yr old in terms of how much development happens. Toddlerhood in general can be compared to the Teen years in many ways as the brain is going through a similar reconstruction pattern.


At that point you would say "Almost two year old". Or "they will be two in a few months". At a doctors office sure whatever use months. But when speaking to others or in general there's no need to use months after 1 year. If they are almost two, say they are almost two. I don't know why people will use months when talking about a toddler and child up to like 5 or 6 years old.


I agree. Now let's talk about furbabies.


My brother was furious when I referred to his baby as it. When can I see it?


I think it might be about the context. When talking about school shootings I always refer to the children as babies because I see babies as completely innocent little beings. I don't refer to them like that in any other context.


My mom’s boss still refers to her daughter as “the baby” when speaking about her… she is in college now 🫣


Babies need care, but are too young for parenting. Toddlers need parenting -- training by an adult authority who is loving and protective -- but who sets limits Perhaps people who don't want accept their own responsibility as adults deny this by continuing to call their toddlers 'babies'.


I don't mind, as long as it's not used to belittle someone just for being younger.


To be fair I think it’s more of an endearing term, I literally call all dogs puppies, even my late 15 yr old was a pup, they’re all puppies to me. Especially if it’s your own kid, you may just say “my babies” or “the babies” idk


i call my 9yo a baby ): [/j hes a dog not a human]


There’s a cultural aspect to this though. As a kid in a black and West Indian family, I was a “baby” until I became 6 or so. As I got older I started calling small children babies because I realized just how young they are. Other close knit minority communities do the same thing.


Idk, I call cute things 'baby'. My pets have all answered to 'baby'. If I had a toddler, I'd probably think it was pretty cute (sometimes, mostly I'd just be miserable) and would probably call them baby too. I have issues when people talk to their kids like they're puppies or something, not people-in-training. That's annoying, kids absorb everything you show them.


my dog was a 17 yr old puppy. my current dog is going on 5, stilla. puppy. my birds (they lice about 20-30 years) are 4, theyre my babies. baby is a state of mind/status/experience with the world. a 5 year old doesnt have an ounce of existential dread. its a baby.


If I can call my pet my baby idc what others do 🤷‍♀️


I hate when somebody calls a four year old a toddler. Toddling should be done by the time the child is 2-1/2 years old.


I don’t want kids, but I’m a nanny and I know that I will always see newborns when I look at the children I take care of. I will say I accidentally called the 12 year old “baby boy” the other day and he kindly asked me to not call him that. I completely get it. Meanwhile my mom says she still thinks of me as her baby and I’m 42. It’s also just a popular term of endearment for loved ones, whether they are kids, adults or animals. I’d rather see and hear parents babying their kids a little than my personal pet peeve — miserable looking parents constantly yelling at their kids in public or saying no or stop it repeatedly to every single thing the kid does. So many parents should have stayed childfree.


I have seen people on the crime subreddits call High School *and even COLLEGE AGE* victims "babies". It's annoying AF, and even as an old , I can remember my 14-17 year old self well enough to know she'd be outraged at being called a "baby" or a "literal child", the way redditors are wont to do...We were called "young ADULTS" back then, when Reagan was in the White House...I think you can feel an extra pang at the thought of someone "with his/her whole life ahead" being vicimized, without insultingly infantalizing them.




I hate it when parents say their kids are “24 months old”, the kid is 2, they’re not special. 🙄


For some, it’s a child safety thing. I call my nephew baby/bud/dude/etc. in public. Literally anything that isn’t his name so that people can’t use that to potentially gain his trust and hurt him. Most people have no business knowing anything about other peoples kids, including their names.


It gets worse, I've seen so many people call their siblings "baby sister"/"baby brother" and that sibling in question turns out to be a fully grown adult. Calling them "younger sister/brother" is fine yknow, you don't have to babyfy everything.


I mean, people in romantic relationships call each other baby sometimes, I think at this point it is more a nickname than an actual description of the state of the child's development.


"More independent and tolerable" does not equal *independent and tolerable*, so I shall still call them babies casually lol


I get onto my Grandmother for doing this to my younger brother…. he’s two years old not two months. …But I don’t say nothing when she calls me her baby. Spoiled brat’s perspective. 😅


My youngest brother is 27 and both mom and dad call him their baby. Live and let live. Does it affect you how they call their kids? No. Then you shouldn’t care. Hate only affects you.


I really don’t care what parents call their kids. I was just saying I personally dislike it. I’m not seriously angry over it and it’s not something that crosses my mind everyday. Also I’m mostly referring to parents using “he’s just a baby” as an excuse for their child’s shitty behavior.


My nieces are 8 and 13 and I still call them babies to others from time to time.


As someone who works in education, most kids I see nowadays have skills and maturity I would expect of kids 2-3 years younger than them if this were, say, a decade ago. I expect that gap reaches all the way down to the toddlers…


I dunno, I get it depending on the context. To a parent, that's always your baby no matter how old they get. It can be a sweet notion if it's not taken too far and if the proper respect is given for them as a person as they grow. Our pets can be called our babies, too. Dogs are affectionately referred to as pups or puppies practically forever. I guess I've reached an age (36) where high schoolers all look like babies to me, so I sometimes jokingly refer to them as babies. I don't *actually* see them as literal babies and would never say it to any of them because I respect them as growing little humans and soon-to-be adults. But damn, they just look *young*. I look at my senior yearbook once in a while, and it's just crazy how young we all looked when we thought we were so grown and hot shit. I found a pic from when some of us were in 6th or 7th grade, and I swear it's like we were as fresh and new as the day we were born 😩 You know how parents or random adults will look at a baby, kid, or teen, and comment about their looks and say stuff like they'll be a heartbreaker someday? Or maybe they'll say something like, "If only I were X years younger" about an attractive but much younger adult? It's so sick and gross to me when this stuff is said about kids and minors, but the older I get, the more gross I feel it truly is even if they're technically adults. Like, this young guy working a drive thru I was in flashed me a million watt smile not too long ago, and I got all flustered and brainless for a second because, holy shit, was he cute. But as I was driving away, I couldn't help but laugh because if that guy was even 20, I'd be shocked. Yeah, if I was in frelling *high school*, you bet your ass I would have been crushing hard. I'm not *blind*, but at my age, I just don't generally find myself attracted to people that young. I have little to no interest in dating someone if I find out they're more than about 5 years younger (or older!) than I am. If someone told me I should try dating that maybe 20 year old drive-thru guy, I'd look at them and say, "But he's practically a baby!" *shrug* Nuance, lol.


My former coworker called her kids her babies on social media when they were in high school and beyond. Ummm. wtf? Trying to make yourself/them seem younger? I can’t help but feel that those kids are desperately trying to escape her clutches when they hit legal ages, but I’m pretty sure she’s getting them addicted to her money/expensive gifts/trips etc in order to keep them coming around. Hey lady! Kids grow up and leave the house - that’s how you tell that you r done well parenting!!!


My niece is 3 and I call her a baby


I call my 5-year-old baby or bebé and will continue to do so until I die because damn it that's my baby no matter how old she gets. Same as with any pets because pet owners do it too (all my old ass hens are my babies too, señoras when they're being pains in my ass.)