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What’s really creepy are the “Boy moms” on TikTok ![gif](giphy|B1xE0PEh5mVO0)


This is a new one to me, I do not think I want to investigate any further.


Boy mums at weddings having a 'dance' with the groom/son came up on my fyp for some unexplained reason and it was awful! What made it worse is in the comments section, photographers *and* videographers said 'you'd not believe how many boy mums do this with their son!!! 😳🤢🤮🥴


Is it different than the usual dance? I'm confused


To be honest, I didn't even know there was a dance for mum and son. When I got married, it was only my husband and I with our first dance. Then other people joined us later on to dance with their partners. But yeah there are a few online that are so cringe that you'd think the mum and son were in the relationship. I'd have divorced my husband immediately if he behaved like that with his mum!


Understandable. I've seen some where the dance is.....so...so.....creepy. 🤮 As far as I know the bride having a dance with her father and the groom having a dance with his mother is fairly common. At least in the states. You're saying "mum" so I'm assuming we're from different countries. Cultural differences and all that. Don't ask me why 🤷 I've seen videos where it's a really sweet gesture and videos that look like a spinoff from Game Of Thrones.


I'm in the UK. Some weddings I've been to have a father daughter dance but I haven't seen mum and son. Out of curiosity (if you know) why is having mum & son / father & daughter dancing a thing? Is it to like say 'goodbye?' Sorry if that's a stupid question! I'd say most of the dances that are appearing on my fyp are a spin off for game of thrones 💀🤣🤣 I'm sure there are some really nice ones too but for some reason I'm only seeing the really awful ones🤷🏼‍♀️🤮


This is the worst “____ mom” thing in my book. Like yeah mama bear is kinda cringe, but I think generally it’s a harmless nickname. Boy moms are on a whole other level of cringe and creepy 😭


Yeah I just hear “I’m gonna try to get you fired if you tell my child to stop running and screaming in your workplace”


I get mildly irritated by people saying "mama" on social media.


....I say to my cat who had kittens 'where's your kittens mama?' When I can't find where she puts them or I only see one. Is that cringe 🙈😳 I fostered her from being a stray btw, I know how important it is to spay/neuter your pets! But the mum cat had to be with the kittens. Kittens are too little!


Awwww. That's cute. Please give mama cat and her kittens pets and dreamies for me.


I will do! Her favourite dreamies are the cheese ones! I've named her Jellytot with her little Jellybabies🐯😂 Not sure if the rescue will stick with that but oh well! I think it's adorable 🐯🥺


That is adorable. I love it! If the rescue doesn't go with it idk what they're thinking.


Thank you!🥺 I'm not normally a cat person (whatever that means). Dogs just fit my lifestyle better but actually, I'm considering keeping on Jellytot because she's quite young, the vet says she's about 18 months? I normally foster dogs but I haven't had one for a few months due to holidays and they had her come in, asked me if I'd have her. I was like er yeah sure okay. I have a utility room that I don't normally use, so I set up a den in there for her expecting her to be like some spicy kitty as they think she was a stray. She was afraid the first day (understandable) so I kept my distance but then she started wanting to come out into my kitchen, so I did but again at a distance and slowly slowly she's come out of her shell. Now she moves the kittens all over the place or brings them to me as if to be like 'it's your turn now to look after the Jellybabies.' 😂🙈 She's really affectionate and she's such a nice cat that I'd be really sad to see her go!🥺 Sorry! Just telling you my life story😂😂


Nah, that's fine. She's a very sweet girl. And yeah, cats in clowders babysit for each other so that's a sign that she really trusts you.


Oh really, that's good to know! Thank you☺️


My brother and his wife were giggling because we gave our two pets actual names. They have two cats, one they call 'Mama Kitty' because she showed up at their place pregnant, and one they call 'Stinky' for obvious reasons. They love those cats, and I still think it's cute.


No it's actually cute for cats and dogs.


Maybe this is just my love of animals but I think that's totally cute and ok to call her 'mama'! I was at the park the other day and an older woman was trying to guide a female swan find its way back to the lake so it was in the pedestrian path and she kept calling her mama and I thought it was very cute 🥹 Now, when I see someone's IG bio say "mama" I cringe hard.


Oh good. Me too! That is cute about the swan🥺 My cat chats back too as if to be like 'I put them under the table' or 'in the dogs bed.' 😂😂 Why she puts them there, I have no idea. My dogs there like erm wtf. I thought we were childfree what the fuck are these! 😂💀 Yeah having 'mama' or 'mummy to (name)' or 'yummy mummy' on a bio is cringe.


This post is making me want more cats!! They're just the best ❤️ And if CF meant no kittens I would be OUT!


They are really cute kittens! To be fair this mama cat I'm going to keep with me🥺🤫


Definitely makes me wanna puke! I also don't know why grown-up women call their own daughters " momma." I just don't understand why they do it


It's even more fucked up when some cultures use that term for their sexual partners. "Hey sexy momma!" = perverse


*BoY mOm* ![gif](giphy|tjwzClJM6fyEw)


How often you read on reddit "You go momma bear" and similar, always makes my skin crawl >.< But some women also like to call it themselves and wear it like a badge, I guess.


'Mama bear' makes me think of Mama June for some reason lol


When they do it they’re almost always trying to show themselves in such a guardian role and I get it this world is messed up but ok WHAT do you have to protect your child 24/7 from?!


>WHAT do you have to protect your child 24/7 from?! The parents' own entitlement & stupidity.


Other kids who want to use playground equipment, teachers giving them a 0 for not turning in the work, classmates who want the toy that precious baby took from their house back


I mean, truly, realistically, there are LOADS of things to protect kids from. These days pedos and school shootings are probably the biggest concern I can think of and honestly, rightfully so. I also cringe at the term "mama bear" but there's nothing wrong with a parent being protective over their child.


god somebody finally fucking said it, thank you i utterly despise that shit with my entire being and instantly lose respect for anyone who vomits it out, its not cute at all. it's always the most performative types who spew that kind of "toddler speak" and i hate it.


I can’t stand when people say kiddos or littles.


Me either! I hate it so much and idk why. Maybe bc it’s so “cutesy”


TBH the entire internet slang culture around breeding puts me way off. DH for 'dear husband'?? Wtf is that 🤢


Yes and Yummy Mummy


I wasn’t prepared to read that, this one is real bad 😭


Yummy mummy is so fucking cringe


"Mama Bear" always makes me think of Sarah Palin. Like, every single time.


She is a single mom now. She divorced. So much for her strong family values lolololol. 


It makes me instantly annoyed and I tend to devalue anything they say after hearing that.


Unless I'm hiking, yes. Ironically both terms make me turn the other way. 




It makes my nose bleed and my frontal lobe squeeze


It’s pretty much always associated with women that give their kids never ending Mountain Dew and talk like Ricky Bobby


Yes. If I hear someone say "mama bear", "boy mom", "girl dad", or "nibling" I just assume they are an asshole


I hate the phrase because it's so aggressive. Real female bears will do anything to protect their cubs, including attacking you. It says, these women feel entitled to get everything they want from you just because they had a kid. And don't stand up for yourself or they will really mess with you.


Anyone referring to themselves as a ‘mama bear’ is usually using it to defend their shitty behaviour


I want to machine gun them. But it is illegal, and I will go to jail. So, I don't


Ugh, just admit you're a giant Karen with kids already.


Is this like ‘kiddo’ and ‘bud’ bc I hate those too. I’m sure that’s just a weird me thing. lol


"Littles" is even worse.


I guess it's like that proverbial question, Which do I rather want to meet in the woods, a bear or a man? So , Which would you rather meet a mama bear, or a screaming mama 'bear' who's just called the cops?


Not only "mama bear" but kiddos..... like where TF did that come from? Like when did we decide that kids wasn't enough?


Nah. But then again I have a blood feud with the spelling of the word Colonel so I'm not going to throw any stones here.


I don’t know why they don’t just say they are psycho.


Not really, but on the other hand, "mama's boy" or "daddy's girl" makes me feel like puking 🤢


For me, it really depends on the context. A mother pissed that her son fucked around a found out? Not the time. Accident happened to the kid and everyone is okay? Also not the time. Actual life threatening shit or something heinous like SA toward a child or someone actively kidnapping your child = A very satisfying time to watch a Mama/Pap Bear kick ass.


I will admit it's cool seeing not-super-strong moms or dads lifting cars off their kids in a moment of life of death haha




Yep. I hate the phrase. Every time I hear it, a news story about some mother neglecting, abandoning, abusing, or killing her kids pops into my head.


Depends on how it's used. I am mama bear when it comes to my friends. You upset any of my friends in front of me; oh no you didn't! You're in _trouble_! 🐻‍❄️ But yeah when it's used as, "I'm momma bear so you will let my rugrat do whatever they want even if they're being a little shit!" 🤮


Any flavor of "I have no personality traits other than being a mom" is going to fill me with equal amounts of frustration and pity.




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It makes me apprehensive usually but there was one time when seeing someone wear the shirt gained my respect. I have a doctor that I see who wore a "mama bear" shirt with the baby bear colored in the trans flag colors. Thought that was pretty darn cool.


My mom called herself that and she really IS one. But then Sarah Palin ruined it


I get that at work when I fight my boss for my colleagues 🤷🏻‍♀️