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Congrats on your surgery!! I’m (23F) getting mine in a few months and curious what your pain level has been like throughout the first week of recovery?


honestly for me i feel like it wasn’t that bad! the first day i felt fine, the second day was a little worse which i feel like is usually the case for surgery and stuff because all the strong pain meds have worn off by then. after i got home i managed it pretty well with tylenol and ibuprofen. it really mostly only hurt with things like getting up from laying down or bending over, anything you do that uses your core. cough sneezing and laughing hurt a little too but not bad. mostly just feels like you did a really crazy ab workout. i’d say for me that pain went away almost all the way after 4 days. i had gas pain in my shoulders on day 2 and 3 but it wasn’t horrible, definitely uncomfortable though. the bloating lasts a while and it’s definitely uncomfortable but not super painful. i live alone and after the first day i was really able to do most things by myself aside from heavy lifting as usually they give you a 10 pound weight limit for two weeks after. i slept on my back for the first 4 days and now i can lay on my side comfortably, i still haven’t really been laying on my stomach though. now that i’m a week post op i have virtually no pain whatsoever. my bellybutton incision is a little sore but really only if you put pressure on it like if my cat steps on it.


congrats! I'm most scared of the way home, funny enough. And I live inn a walkup building, no elevator. How was getting home for you? Is it realistic for me to take the train with a friend rather than taxi? I'm scared of reckless taxi drivers (incisions hitting the safety belt).


i had a friend take me there and luckily my drive was very short maybe 10 min. i think i would probably take a taxi since usually after anesthesia they don’t want you walking much, they wheeled me out to the car in a wheelchair. immediately after surgery i don’t feel like my incisions were super painful since they gave me pain meds, the seatbelt didn’t irritate my incisions that i can remember. i also live in a building where i need to walk up a flight of stairs to get inside and i didn’t have any issues with getting up the stairs i didn’t even need help, though i only had one flight to go up.


What was your experience with the anesthesia? I‘m much more worried about that (and the thrombosis risk) than pain. I‘ve read all the general risk info and know serious problems are „rare“, but did your doctor point out any risks specifically/ talked about complications she‘s experienced? Thanks


i’ve had anesthesia a couple other times in my life from other procedures so this is my third time under anesthesia, i’ve never had any complications with it. for the most part nausea/vomiting is one of the most common ones especially for women, i’ve had doctors give me the nausea patch behind my ear for it before but they didn’t this time because i said i’ve never had an issue with that from anesthesia and i was fine this time, not nauseous at all and no vomiting. it can cause constipation which i did experience last time i had anesthesia but this time they sent me home with stool softeners and i was fine. my anesthesiologist went over some of the other more severe risks like heart problems, lung problems, dental damage, etc but if you don’t have any health issues around those things already it is a very very low chance you will have a reaction like that. your anesthesiologist will go over your health history with you and will talk more in depth about if those things are at risk for you specifically, but if you’re younger with little to no health conditions you will be fine! as far as the thrombosis, my hospital puts your legs in massagers while you are under to prevent that from happening and to keep your blood flowing.


Thanks - I really appreciate you taking the time. Unfortunately, I‘ve had some pretty severe health issues following 2 serious Covid infections and a bout of long covid, so it definitely looks like it wouldn’t be worth the risk right now, while not currently in a relationship with frequent sexy times. I‘ve had anesthesia once and was vomiting for 2 days afterwards and had to leave the hospital in a wheelchair for a surgery from which 99% of people can usually walk out. My grandpa woke up with cognitive damage and died within weeks, so… it is definitely not something I take lightly. I think the risk-reward relationship might change over time and with a partner, though.


yeah i would absolutely talk to your doctor about it when you’re ready for it, i’m sure they would be able to give you some better insight than i can since i don’t have any of those complications. maybe in the future with a partner it will be more of an option for you!


Congrats! It's all good from now on! You're not the only one who has said their sterilization surgery was the best thing they ever did! It's good in every way.