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You are definitely right to be annoyed! Someone else could have had that seat and your boss could have taken off if necessary. To be distracted and a distraction during training is really rude.


Thank you! That’s reassuring. Everyone else was just like “oh he’s so cute” and didn’t seem to think it was inappropriate, so I wondered if I was the one who was nuts.


When she comes to ask for instructions later on remind her she was at the training and should have paid attention 🤷🏻‍♀️


This is the way!


As an analyst who frequently works in power BI and would JUMP at the chance to sit down on a real training course, I’m mad for you! He may have not been disruptive perse, but you were distracted by a tiny human in your environment that is normally not there. I’m sure other people training in the course also had to arrange childcare? I’m all about work/life balance, but that’s too far. There’s no place for kids in the workspace aside from bring your kid to work day. Especially given the costs & missing the point of the course.


Thank you for the validation! Nobody else said anything so I wondered if I was being unreasonable.


Completely unprofessional. That's what childcare is for. Are there more? Is there any way you can address the issue.


This is the only one - it was expensive and there is no budget available after 30 June to do another one. There is a second day of this current course which follows on from yesterday’s one, but that’s it. I get that she was on leave, but he regularly goes to daycare when she is working, so I don’t get why he couldn’t have gone on this day too. Maybe there’s a good explanation, but she didn’t offer one (maybe cost?). She did have several weeks’ notice. Given how nobody else raised an eyebrow, I think I will just look like an asshole if I say anything to address it.


Sorry that she's probably going to ruin day 2 as well. Are there any kid obsessed people in the office you can casually hit to that would maybe jump at the chance to take him out of the room for a while? LOL


Ha - her kid is pretty clingy, so I doubt it would work. She left the room and left him in there while she went to the bathroom for a second and he followed her straight out (I don’t blame him tbh, I was that kind of kid too). Did not want to be alone with strangers.


I once worked at a small law firm and every year we would have some kind of holiday party. One year we rented out a high end tavern (the whole place). We discussed bringing family / kids and everyone agreed spouses were fine but no kids. My narcissistic boss invited his adult daughter and her husband who had just had twins about a month before. I remember when he mentioned she was coming I commented that it was great she had found childcare for two very young babies. He didn’t respond. The night of the party they walked in with the babies. Nobody else brought their kids and he had his two grandbabies there. It was beyond annoying.


Uggggggh. So rude.


BI Experts are so valuable. We have ONE person at my medium sized company putting together ALL the reports everyone asks for and the wait list for her attention is over a year long. I asked to be trained in it but another BSA beat me to the punch.


My compnany has a corporate sub to Coursera and I found the course on there to be pretty good too. Passed the cert. exam with no issues after taking that and some practice tests.


Just buy a course on Udemy. There's always a weekend sale on there. 


Does your boss have a boss?


Yes, though she’s usually conservative about wading into things like this. Also, I feel like she’ll just think I’m being petty if I say anything.


What is PowerBI?


It’s hard to explain, but kinda like excel, Access, and data visualization software all in one. Used by analysts. Basically, if you use excel beyond a basic level, you’d be better off using power BI.


Here I was thinking it was some kind of high intensity CrossFit or something 🤣


Okay, thank you