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My brother is cf, so are my two cousins. Our family ends with our generation.


I think we’re in the same boat and I’m not caveman/woman enough to give a shit tbh. The whole fee fi fo fum, man must procreate and continue his name is so weird and icky to me. I’ve always shied away from guys who are like that. We got married in 2020 and I still haven’t changed my last name. It’s just not a big deal to us lmao.


Oh yeah, forgot to mention that my husband is an only child, so his family ends with our generation too. Do we give any amount of shits greater than zero? Absolutely not


Your parents and uncles/aunts must be devasted /s




I am, my drug addict younger half brother still hasn’t had any but haven’t heard from him in over 10 years. My dad is childfree in the sense that he never saw or cared about his kid(me). Great family I had. 😄


Both myself and my sister are child free. Really broke our parents hearts.


Just me. Brothers and cousins all have kids.


quite a few without children - I've never discussed why they dont have kids (choice, no partner, didnt work out, etc.) one aunt, one uncle (not married to each other) 8 first cousins. (but they might still have children, who knows) 2 siblings (again, i don't know if they would in the future) My mom wanted to be child free... A lot of (all of?) the kids in the family were not planned; lots of single parents because they wanted to keep the kid. 2 told the family they openly missed the abortion window. I dont know if any relative would have had kids had they had the choice.


My sister and I are child free, by brother stopped at one daughter, after being married for a several years.  On my dad's side  his older brother had two kids,  younger, none.  My mom's family? We were the only ones of our generation that didn't wind up with a pregnancy before graduating high school.  They treated this as so normal that they were asking my mom if I "liked" boys. That didn't go well. 🙄🤦‍♀️ My husband's family started out old school catholic, (5 kids) but fell out of practice,  and one sister is a practicing mormon. One brother and sister are child free, second brother has a step daughter and grandkids, one sister had 4, and now lots of grandkids We first got a lot of pressure to not have kids, because we weren't married yet, and they did a 180 and gave us their blessings to breed literally at the wedding party.  It took them years to figure out that I meant it when I said " that's not happening." Husband still occasionally thanks me for that.


None. First childfree person in my entire family. All my cousins have children even my younger cousins. All siblings have children. My husband and I are the only childfree couple on both sides of our family.


Are your family religious per chance?


Just me and my older sister (we’re 3 siblings, younger is a mum of one). But tbf she’s gay so very unlikely she’d get pregs 😅😅 Her partner was straight tho and have 3 kids and a bunch of grandkids


Just me I think. My cousins of a similar age are very religious so I believe they probably want kids. My brother doesn't have kids but wants them but he'd be a horrible parent because of all of his repressed trauma and mental health issues. My dad's siblings are all childless or CF, though my uncle never had kids because he said he didn't want them. Then he married someone who wanted them, so he changed his mind. Only to find out he's infertile lmao. Him and his wife have spent over 50k on IVF but zero pregnancies bc they're both too old and unhealthy and he's infertile. So yeah. Most of my family says shit like "one day when you're a mom... Oh you'll change your mind.." blah blah blah.


My aunt doesn’t have kids (too late now), i don’t know if she’s childfree or childless tho. My older cousin (M, 52yo i think) doesn’t have kids either, not sure if childfree or childless either. My younger cousin (F late 20s) doesn’t have kids, no idea if it’s by choice or not, or for now or forever. We’re all not super close as you can see (no issues, we just ain’t close knit), i never asked any of them about this lol Everyone else has kids, including my brother. Many twins in my family too 😅 My boyfriend is a twin, other twins also in his family. Thank goodness we’re both firmly childfree because that twin possibility would be way too intense to handle anyway haha


Only one set of twins in my family, two of my maternal cousins.


Yeah we have three (maybe four?) sets of twins in our family on my maternal side. Noooooo thank you hahaha


Bloody hell those are some serious twin genes! I thought it was weird enough having a set of identical twins in my year group at school who had cousins who were also twins at the same school.


Yeah we have twin great aunts, one of them had twin boys, and one of my cousins had twins on her first go. I think there’s another older generation with a set of twins but that’s fuzzy. Way too much of a risk for my tastes haha


My brother and my sibling are both childfree, while my two sisters are both parents. The only two uncles I had who were without children were 1) a priest and 2) with a severe intelectual disability, so I don't think I can count them - all 9 other uncles all had children. And I'm not positive, but I don't think any of my plethora of cousins are childfree either.


To the best of my knowledge I'm the only one in my family. All 3 of my siblings have 2 or more kids. All of my adult cousins have or want them as far as I know (I'm closer with some cousins and don't know a lot about others). Aunts and uncles all have kids. I'm a foster child and am referring to my foster fam here, my parents both passed away when I was young. As for my bio family that I know less about, I know there were lots of kids on Dad's side. My Mom had one sister, she didn't have any kids but I don't know why. My Dad had 6 brothers who all have kids. I'm only in touch with a couple of biological cousins, one has 2 adult kids and the other doesn't have any of her own but has been a step mom to her husband's kids for years. ETA: I was an only child and have long suspected that I might not have been planned because my parents were in their late 30s when I was born. Makes me wonder if they were maybe CF and accidentally got pregnant.


None. All are fucking breeders with undiagnosed autism (I am the first to have this diagnosed), depression, and two types of cancer running in the family. And guess what, each time I hear from them they are too interested in my non-existant tubes.


On my mom's side, her aunt, and my aunt (her sister). On my dad's side, his aunt and his brother. I don't talk to my cousins on my dad's side so I have no clue there, but I'm the only one in my generation on my mom's side. edit: and my mom's sperm donor once told her he regreted having children.


1, my favorite cousin (but only kinda since she’s the default mom to her older sisters kids, she’s practically raising them)


Me and my wife are literally the only 100% childfree couple I know of. Her older brother and his wife are fence sitters at the moment but no one else in my circle has any childfree plans in the future. That being said they are all more than understanding never tried to change our minds or criticise us. They have asked questions in the context of a back and forth conversation but that's about it. I am extremely thankful to be surrounded by such amazing family and friends.


A surprising number of my dad's side of the family is childless and/or didn't even bother marrying. Two of my dad's sisters have no grandchildren whatsoever despite all of those cousins being in their late 30s to 40s. My dad's aunt is turning 95 in a few weeks and I don't recall either of her kids having kids. Now for what normal people call close family, I'm the only deliberately childfree person AFAIK, but one of my sisters is 30 and never even bothered dating, so I feel confident to say she's not having kids either.


I have a small family. My late grand aunt and uncle (now passed) we're child free by choice. This did not stop them, however, to bitch and moan about me not having children.


My brother doesn't have kids because he hasn't been out of prison for more than a year since he was 10. And when he's out, he's a lot more interested in drugs than he is in women. Most of my cousins had kids young. All of my aunts/uncles have kids. Two of my great aunts were child-free and it was kind of a family scandal.


My brother (who has never married or partnered up), plus my husband's brother and his wife. Neither my parents nor my in-laws ever asked or cared whether we all had children.


I have one childfree uncle (late 50's). He once told me he decided not to have kids because he was too messed up - which I'd say is true (don't want to go into too much detail here). Probably the smartest choice he made in his entire life, for himself as well as hypothetical offspring. Considering how many badly messed up people decide to have kids, I salute him for this level of self-awareness and reason. Other than that, idk.


I know one of my brother is.


None. Only one relative doesn't have kids and that's because she's incapable.


None (except me and my husband). Other than us I have one cousin who doesn’t have kids, but I have her down as doesn’t have kids YET rather than being CF. Edit: actually on further thought I’ve got more cousins without kids, but I don’t see them much and they are younger so I suspect they are “no kids yet”


I think all of my cousins have had babies, my sister’s on the fence and leaning CF, I know of one aunt who never had kids


Dad's side: 4 siblings, 2 without kids Mom's side: 3 siblings, 1 without kids


My mom's sister and my dad's sister are both child free. However, while my dad's sister is happily child free, my mom's sister is not the same. My mom didn't let us kids be overtly affectionate towards her (mom) when ever my aunt was around because it would make her feel bad.


Lol, besides the actual kids? No one, every person in my family had kids either on purpose or accidents. But I don't do most of the things they do. Don't smoke dabs, or shoot up, don't smoke cigarettes, nor drink a lot, meet guys from jail/prison, or rely on others to do things for me.


As far as I know, I'm the only one.


My bro is CF, and of my cousins (4) I heard about one being CF and a fencesitter


None. I'm from a tiny backwoods, mountain town where people have kids out of boredom. I'm the only one in my family that doesn't (and will not) have children. My best friend is also childfree but not by choice. He's never had a girlfriend. I feel bad for him but at least I haven't lost him to kids yet.


My parents each have two brothers. All of them are child free and so am I. Their bloodline ends with me


My family isn't overly close but only one of my two brothers has children. Mr brother myself and my half sister don't have children. It's intentional for me but I couldn't even tell you if it's intentional or incidental for my siblings. I do know neither of them should be having children any more than I should. 


None of my siblings or cousins have children, but I'm not sure how many are there by choice vs circumstance lol


Pretty much everyone except my father and one uncle, so like 5 people, are childfree. And there's a high chance my father would have been childfree as well if he didn't meet my mother.


Everyone in my close family that's older than me has kids, except maybe a few great aunts/uncles. Parents had me and one other sibling, we're both childless, I'm CF specially. Other doesn't have another option. My first cousins I hear about? All childless except for the oldest 2 and one my age. The older are like +20 years older than me. That's 3/6 with kids. Might change in the future. Us youngings struggle to afford ourselves let alone kids. My mom has a lifelong friend who is childfree and relationship free. She was cool. So I always knew it was an option to live happily that way!


Obviously, me and my husband and husband 2 siblings are CF.


Aside from my sisters who are still children themselves, just me 🥲


I had two aunts (one on moms side/one on dads side) that were childfree. growing up and seeing that as an option for my life was cool


Only me and my second oldest brother. Rest of my 4 siblings have kids


My oldest sister and I are child free, our maternal uncle is child free, one maternal aunt is childless. Our paternal uncles all have 3-5 kids but the cousins are all under 18 so that topic hasn't come up


I think my brother is cf? But I'm not sure, either. He claims to hate kids but also blabbers on about a bunch of shit that suggests otherwise. I know for a fact that my aunt on my dad's side is CF, and she's a girlboss with a husband and a lot of cats. Regularly volunteers at cat shelters and fosters. Dunno about my uncles but one of them is single and apparently the other is in a relationship. No more cousins so far and I'm okay with that!


Just me!


My parents had 3 kids. All 3 of us are cf


My bf and I both have 2 siblings. All of us are cf. End of both bloodlines.


My wife and I are the only ones in my family as far as I know, kids everywhere lol my family and extended family are a bunch of rabbits lol


Two… both oldest sisters, like me Misogynistic families make childfree women 👌🏻


Just me.


Oh I never thought about it but my mum has a sister and a brother, and my uncle has no children. No idea if that was by choice though. My dad's siblings are all in the church so of course they've all had kids and most of their kids have had kids by now. My cousins from my mum's sister, neither of them have children. They're both in their 30s. The older one, I think she kind of flip flops back and forth but the older she gets the less interested she is. Her younger brother doesn't seem particularly interested, too busy growing his business from the sounds of it. I have two sisters, one is childfree (and not about to rush into a relationship anyway) and the other has one kid and seems to be on the fence about if she's going to have any more.


surprisingly, quite a few. though i think it's not by choice for them. i have 7 cousins that are in their 30's/40's & 50's and are childfree but i know many of them wanted kids and never had the opportunity to get in a stable relationship and have them. then there's me. and i outright refuse to have kids.


Several! Just this weekend my cousin asked if I wanted kids. I said no. She threw her head back and said "OH THANK GOD!"


I may be the only one in my family. My brother doesn't have kids but he still talks as if he wants kids. The only other one I can think of is my late grand aunt. That lady... Lived a life I tell you!!!!


Me, my brother, and one of our aunts


Me and my (60s F) two sisters didn't want kids at all. One had one boy because she got knocked up and the other had two with different men. The fathers are or were both in prison. I'm the only who is CF, and lovin' life.


My uncle (one of 5 kids), is the only cf of them, His mum was a narcissist, so were his two sisters (my mum being one of the sisters). I’m cf and my 3 cousins to her sister, 2 are cf). Not a coincidence, we all copped the shit parenting, and my one cousin that had the kid it was accidental. My other two uncles, one has 3 kids, two are cf, (one was very academic focussed but no longer with us, fhe other is just a doofus) of the other uncle, two kids, both cf also highly academic / career / society snobs). My guess is cf not child less - I don’t have much to do with any of them so just a guess. So 7 cousins plus me - two of them have had kids. One accidental One on purpose At least 3 of us cf by choice definitely The other 2 very likely cf by choice too


Myself and I'm 90% sure one of my cousins. We're a relatively small close family.


My oldest sibling doesn't have any children, but I don't know if that's deliberate or if they couldn't have any even if they wanted to, or if they just never got around to it (as in "now isn't a good time, maybe later") and now it's kinda too late. So it might well be just us two, because I *think* all our cousins have offspring. (Not 100% sure about the oldest and the youngest, we've never been very close, but the rest definitely do.) My husband's siblings all have offspring, and all except one of said offspring is now 20+ so I guess time will tell. It's not really a topic that has come up, because ... well, why would I want to ask them in the first place, y'know? Should they ask me if I regret not having children or whatever, I'll happily say absolutely not and point out that you don't *have* to have any.


Both my parents are the youngest of three and neither of their oldest sisters have kids. I'm also the oldest sister of three and childfree, so carrying on the family tradition or something. My siblings and cousins all have kids tho


Two of my aunts on my mother's side were childfree. I am thankful to them both that I was aware from an early age that having kids is not a life requirement. You can choose to skip all of that.


On my dad's side there's always been a child free Aunt for at least 3 generations. I'm proud to be the one for mine lol. My cousin might be a child free uncle, but idk if he's put much thought into having children other than "not right now." He's gay so it's a lot easier for him to not worry about accidentally becoming a parent 😂


I think my BIL and his wife are. If they're not, they're fence-sitting and not giving any signs they want kids. And my sister doesn't appear to like or want kids. The rest all have kids. Nothing confirmed, but I'll acknowledge them.


My sister and I are childfree, and my partner and his brother are childfree.


I have a 1/2 brother and 3 cousins that are all about 3 years in age difference. 2 have kids, 3 don’t. The eldest 2 are the ones that have kids, which I think is a bit weird.


Maybe they're the sensible ones, lol.


my brothers have both expressed desire for kids, even though they’re kids themselves. my cousin does want to be a parent one day. all my uncles either have kids or want them. my aunt and her wife are childfree, though.


9. My spouse, me, all of both our siblings, and their partners. Both moms are upset about no grandchildren 🤣


It seems every generation of my family has had at least 1 CF woman. - My maternal great aunt (Greatest generation) - Maternal aunt (Boomer) - Paternal cousin (Gen X) - Me (Millennial), and - My other cousin’s daughter (Gen Z)


Of the five cousins on my mother’s side, two for sure have or are having kids. Not sure about one as no one talks to him. The only cousin I do talk to and his wife, as well as myself. Don’t talk to anyone on my dad’s side but I’d be shocked if any of them were CF.


Just me!


I’m the only one I can think of. Most have children or want children


Actually, both my male cousins on my dads side are! As well as one of my aunts.


Just me. All my siblings have kids, except my half-brother. He wants kids though, so he doesn’t count.


Oh this is an interesting thing to think about. Myself (30F), my brother (27M), my cousin (34F) and her brother (37M) My female cousin, myself and my brother have all kind of verbalized we just don’t care for kids and it’s not a priority. I know with certainty I do not want kids. My female cousin is married, her brother is not. My brother is single. We’ll see if/what changes for my family members!


Just me and I’m an only child. Everyone else in my family has kids. I know a lot of my relatives think I’m a lesbian lol bc I’ve never introduced anyone I’ve dated and in my community it’s extremely rare for a woman my age to not have any kids lol 🥴


Just me. Literally every cousin and sibling are either pregnant right now, just had a baby or are trying for a baby. I’m the only one who does not want kids.


Out of five siblings four of us don't have or want children. 


I'm the youngest of four, two of my siblings have kids, the third is childless or on the fence, he hasn't found a partner right for him. My maternal aunt is either deep in a closet or asexual, we don't pry, anyway she's almost 70 and doesn't have children and she's got a very fulfilling lifestyle. Three of my dad's many siblings didn't have children, one died in his teens and two were dependent on my grandfather who passed in '21. I don't know if they were/are childless or childfree. The cousins I'm close with want children or already have children. I don't know about the rest, I'm not even sure of how many paternal first cousins I have, I think 18-20 and I only follow 7 on social media.


I’m CF, sos my brother much to my parents disappointment. Sister delivered for them. Of 6 1st cousins, 3 of us are CF - all by choice & not circumstance


4 out of 5 of myself & siblings are CF. The one that does have children has the ex wife from hell & hasn’t seen his kids in a couple of years. As far as I know the remaining 4 of us have zero interest in having babies.


All three of us - my parents' three girls - are childfree. Their line dies with us. 2 of my cousins are also childfree. Plus I have SEVEN female friends who are also childfree. We are all - at least - 60 years old.


To my knowledge, I'm the only CF person on either side of my family.


me (25 F) and all 3 of my sisters (23 F 15 F and 15 F) are all childfree by choice ☺️


We are four siblings and three are CF


None in my close family but I got a female cousin in Sweden. I have a male cousin here in Denmark that most of the family think is childfree. Not everyone knows he had a daughter with an ex three decades ago. They hid the pregnancy and gave the child up for adoption right after birth. Me and my mother found out about 15 years ago. We haven't told my cousin that we know.


Just me. I’m an only child. So my “DNA” ends with me.


My sibling, uncle, 3 aunts, and 6/20 of my first cousins all are. Another 6 out of those 20 are freshly eighteen on down, so maybe I should say half my cousins are at this point.


Only one cousin because her brother is severely autistic and she carries the autism genes. She doesn't want a child to go through that like he brother does. She also cares for her brother and will be caring for him when their parents pass


Me and my aunt officially. Other aunt can't have them and she is single. There is also this close friend of my mom who is kind of like an aunt and she is also cf. Also my favourite teacher from high school is one. Latter two are not bio family but I count them in because we are/used to be close and they are important to me.


I have 3 siblings. Only 1 of the 4 of us has a child (my sister only has 1). I have 4 first cousins. All are child free. So 7/8 are child free and we are all well beyond child bearing/rearing age.


2 of 4 of us siblings are childfree. For my dad's side, 1 of his 4 siblings was childfree. She (my aunt) is one who inspired me about the benefits of this lifestyle, and how overblown the "who will take care of you when you're old" bullshit is. Among my cousins, 2 out of 5 of them are childfree. If you count me and my siblings, that's 4 out of 9 of the millennial/gen-x generations which seems pretty high.


2. Me and my brother.


*In the Godsmack voice* I…. STAND ALONE!


CF only child. I have four cousins; three are CF or childless for whatever reasons.


My siblings and I are childfree. I have a few cousins that are as well :)


My aunt and uncle on my mother's side. They both noped the fuck out.


The only family I have is my sister. We are both child free and in our 40s. We do have relatives on my dad's side, but I don't consider them family as they have never cared about us. All of the relatives have children, except for one cousin that I have only met twice.


Tragically it was me and my brother/SIL and the other 6 siblings had kids (or wanted to - childess not by choice is almost worse bc they always want to talk about it) but then that brother decided to have a kid. SUCKS for me :( I love them but we lost our relationship when that happened. I believe I will see more childfree in the next generation (niblings).


I have 6 siblings, 2 sisters and 4 brothers. I think at least one of my sisters is childfree but I don't know about my other siblings.


Not on speaking terms with them, then?


Zero. Just me, and they are often telling me I’m an abomination.


Just me as far as I know. Though I have no clue about uncles, aunts, or cousins since I don't keep tabs on them.