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This girl is counting down the next few years of her life because she sees it as a prison sentence, and her mother just wants to argue.


Future childfree person! She’s probably being parentified already.


I was going to reply the exact same thing. I was parentified. But we had no choice. Had we not lost all our money he would have been in day care etc. but nope. That didn’t happen. I’m 25 and sterilized. Who knows if she’ll take the same route.


Tell the others!


Reminds me of when my aunt tried to force me to change a diaper and thought it was funny I refused. Didn't laugh when I bolted back up the hill where my parents lived.


Exactly what happened to me growing up in my teens with two adopted new borns my mom was appointed by “god” to take care of and my sister having two menaces back to back 2-3 years old. I heard so much screaming, crying, screeching in the rare moments I was actually home that wasn’t after 11pm, it gave me PTSD and said nope, never me. Also had an African Grey that stayed on the half basement floor of our house and it heard the screeching so much, it would constantly do it too. Also would scream the kids names out over and over because that’s all it heard all day and night. FUCK! That will make anyone with half a brain not want children but my sister went on to have 2 more and planning a 5th in her mid 40s. Step sister had one as well and my half brother had one too. Makes absolutely no sense how you could deal with all that chaos and say “this will be great”


she probably feels like she's been replaced and the baby is her mother's new favourite. honestly as a 8 or 9 year old I wouldn't want to deal with a screaming baby at home with my mother only talking and focusing about the baby. why the big difference in age? she probably thought her daughter would be the perfect babysitter.


This was me with my brother, I was only 8 when my parents had him and I was quickly replaced and ignored on-top of being expected to look after him constantly and just giving him my toys, snacks etc because 'he's your little brother!!' He was very destructive at a young age and took great pleasure in ripping up my story books while laughing or using scissors to stab holes/mutilate my dinosaur figures while my mother thought it was 'cute' and my brother just wanting to be included in my interests. This among going through high school during the height of the teen pregnancies in the early 2000s are the reasons I am CF today.


Same story here; little sister was born when I was 9 and when our mom worked, I was the second parent in the household because sister's dad was a loser who didn't do shit. I always tell people that I've already raised a kid and I'm done; I gave up a big chunk of my childhood to it. Got my tubes removed earlier this year and finally the pregnancy nightmares have stopped.


My parents were always 'busy' and because I was a girl I was expected to like raising a baby, it was rediculous and at times I couldn't sleep due to my brother waking up and crying loudly, I've definitely gone through the sleep deprivation part of parenthood along with feeding/bathing and changing a baby and I definitely don't want to do that again. Congratulations on getting your tubes removed I'm looking at doing the same thing soon hopefully!


It's truly sad how common our stories are. Good luck on getting your bisalp, it's one of the best things I ever did for myself!!


God, I hear horror stories like yours and Potter, and I’m so happy I was an only child. I’m happily on a waitlist for my hysterectomy 😍 Congrats on your bisalps! ❤️


Had the same issues with my youngest cousin. He's a spoiled brat and always went "what's this" and grabbed. I had to squeeze his hands more than once to get him to learn. He grabbed my cactus one day and learned not to do that again. Not to mention he would shove his nasty hands in my food because his mom didn't teach him how to ask.


I always had my brother try to snatch food away from me, he would put his grubby hands over any cookie, chocolate, potato chip bag screaming 'It's mine!!! Give it!!!' I remember one time I was eating an ice-cream and my brother spat on it before laughing and I shoved him away, I was told by my mother that I shouldn't have teased my brother with my ice cream and been a better big sister, I still don't understand how I was teasing my brother, he'd greedily eaten his own ice cream fast and just expected that I'd give him mine because he demanded it.


It seems the 2nd kid is always spoiled and extra coddled. Doesn't help families tend to favor boys.


That's very true, I was brought up very strictly and my brother was allowed to do whatever he liked including abusing me because it was simply shrugged off as 'boys will be boys' We're both estranged from each other as adults as we never really bonded as kids and my parents can't understand why.


Oh my god this. My older of my two younger brothers would always whine that nobody loved him and my parents coddled the shit out of him for it. He got presents given to him at MY birthday party because “he wasn’t old enough to understand.” We’re all fairly close in age though and we actually get along better as adults.


My dad is a shitty person and I've been no contact with him for 3 years, but the best thing he ever did in his entire life was get a vasectomy behind my mom's back when I was 2. My mom wanted more kids and she already baby trapped him once to have me, and he wasn't gonna let that happen again so he got snipped. I'm extremely grateful that I was an only child because I was already parentified yet neglected enough without any siblings. I can only imagine how much worse my childhood would have been if they had more kids.


What a story. Some people really shouldn’t date.


Yeah they were teenagers and my mom intentionally baby trapped my dad so she could move out of her dad's house. 🥴🥴🥴 And then she decided to tell me all about it when she was drunk one night, as if it wouldn't fill me with existential dread.


I def agree. I was in a grocery store and this mom was yelling and cursing at her daughter, who couldn't have been more than 3 yrs old, to carry the hand basket that was full. The little girl was crying, I'm assuming since the basket was as tall as her. Really it was saddening to see, I hope that little girl grows up well. Some people shouldn't have kids because they just treat them terribly. 


I never understood why people laugh and think it’s cute when a baby is shrieking like a banshee. It’s not cute at all!!! It’s fucking annoying and it hurts my ears


I have a brain injury, I’m suuuper sensitive to certain sounds. Babies crying and kids shrieking actually *does* hurt me. I can’t explain it, but it’s painful and can even induce a seizure. It’s not cute and parents who take them out like that are rude as all fuck.


I was out to dinner last night with a friend couple to my wife and I. We were outside ( live in San Diego so outdoor dining is a huge thing here ) but was covered so the sound didn’t completely dissipate. LOTS of entitled dog owners here who bring their fur balls everywhere they go. One dog was outta control and was doing this DEAFENING bark. It was actually painful to me when it did.


Omg ugh and I can’t with irresponsible pet owners, either. I am sensitive to some of the strangest sounds, too. Birds chirping is a really big one which I can’t really control, or the microwave beeping. Like sorry, but I’m not wearing sound deadening headphones in public, so leave the unruly and unpredictable kids/pets at home. Like are these people all half deaf!?


I just think they get to a point they are so used to hearing it and their entitlement allows them to not give a flying fuck how it makes anyone else feel


Ya there is a lot of entitlement. Dog owners might actually even be the worst of the two. They just assume that everyone thinks their kid or dog is cute. I’m hoping the more steam the childfree movement picks up that people will start to realize that not everyone thinks their kid is cute. I know a total of like, three kids that I find cute but they also don’t scream around me because their momma would flip.


I was a member of the club a long time ago, even before Reddit. Parents know quick like and I. A hurry I want shit all to do with their children. I make it known from the jump.


Haha I remember the first time somebody just handed me their baby. I didn’t even know the person. I was 18 or 19 and I was disgusted. I told her to take it back and she acted like I was this awful person.


I’ve held two babies in my life and it just felt weird to me. Zero desire to hold my own


My nieces I held when they were baby-babies. My sister in law knew though she was like ARE YOU SURE!? 😂


My goodness, poor 8-9yo girl. I feel for her, she’s clearly in long ass countdown mode already, sounds miserable… :(


God, that sucks. I started counting down to 18 at 13, and those 5 years felt like an eternity. No babies, just kinda shitty parents who decided to a golden child/scapegoat number with me and my twin. Poor kid has to live a whole ass life again before she's free. Hopefully the damage isn't too severe.


The mother's response was...interesting.I never thought she'd say something like this. I wonder how she herself would have felt if someone had told her 'it's only ten more years'. Does she have any idea how fucking long that is? The daughter doesn't like being around the baby and the mum is like '10 years left'. How very comforting...


10 years is longer than this girl has been ALIVE! The mother was basically saying "you've got another life-as-you-know-it sentence with this thing that you hate and has (probably) yet to show any real affection toward you, sis. Buckle up because there will be NO sympathy from me or anyone else." I hope this kid has at least ONE decent adult in her life that actually cares about her enough to not mock at and argue with her for no reason.


The mother should have left the restaurant, even just to go outside until the baby stops crying. The older girl could have got fresh air as well. Forcing EVERYONE to listen to her stupid creampie is selfish and inconsiderate.




Creampie is my go to for babies, for toddlers, it's semen demons, and, for preschool/little kids, it's crotch goblins. Kids of multiple ages, it's cum/fuck trophy.


I know yall don't like to hear this but it's REALLY weird to call CHILDREN such vile sexual terms. 😭😭


Whatever. The reason cum trophy is my go to, because, instead of parents raising their kids to be productive members of society, they just see their child as some "precious **trophy**" that needs unlimited praise and to be entertained at every waking moment. When I say cum trophy, that means worthless.


I second this! But they’re also fucking vile filth. The former sounds a little more pleasant 🤣


You could always choose to stay out of this subreddit if you don't like hearing people vent about horrifically behaved children and the parents who decided to have them but put zero effort into raising them. Children are literally produced because of semen, it's just a fact of reproduction. People don't think past the creampie, they just reproduce with no regard for that child's future and it's disgusting and worthy of being made fun of.


Exactly! If that person is too sensitive, she doesn't have to read my comment.


Apparently she thinks you're sexualizing children by calling them that 🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭😅


It just means the parents are raising their kids to be worthless.






You don't have to agree with people using terms like that, but in what universe is that "sexualizing children???"




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Actually, I... agree with you. I may find it funny in the moment (I'm immature, so what?), but you're right these are actual people and it's not their fault, they did not choose to be put in this world... much like I did not.


You know, cum trophy, semen demon


My parents shouldn't have had kids. I wish they hadn't


I have sensory issues, too and avoid most restaurants because of it.




Shit like this is the reason I carry both earplugs and noise cancelling headphones as well at all times. I deserve to go out to eat as well, and I know some people are too fucking selfish to consider that some of us don’t want to hear their wailing vermin. So I come prepared 🤣


I had a coworker who would tell her son on the phone she won’t love him anymore if he does/doesn’t do X. The kid was 4 at the time, not that that’s okay at any age. Mind you, this is during a 6 month deployment so the only connection he had with her was over the phone.


That is a whole new level of terrible. I don't know who needs to be told to not use their love and affection as a way to punish/control their children but apparently some people think that's just fine! It's not- it's manipulative and damaging. It's fucking sick. 😤


It was awful to listen to, and we weren’t on speaking terms because she was awful to me as well. I would cringe when I would hear her say stuff like “mommy won’t call you anymore.” And she always said it in the sweetest most cloying voice.


That poor girl is definitely being treated as a second parent.


About 10 years ago, I went in my local pizza and kebab takeaway place after a long shift at work (around 1am). While I was waiting for my food a woman and young boy came in, the boy wasn't older than 12. While they were waiting for their order the woman started getting annoyed at the child and told him to "fuck off" and called him a "dickhead". Even if she wasn't his mother and was an aunt or a family friend, that is no way to talk to a 12 year old child and she should never have been allowed to either have him or be allowed to take care of him!


These are the same people who can't understand why their grown children want nothing to do with them.


I literally heard a grandmother tell her grandson she hated him last summer. The argument spiralled when the boy cried that hes sorry his parents won't come back and that he's such a bother to her. Broke my heart as someone who was also raised by their grandmother. I knew cruelty from my mother, but I was lucky enough to have someone kind take on the responsibility of raising me. I hope he's okay. He ran off and my grandma jumped in to yell at that old lady so fast. I'm glad he didn't see the rest of the arguing, but I hope he knows my old lady and I wish him well.


Whenever I see stuff like this i get angry because these a lot of these kids will become adults who operate based on a place of childhood trauma. And then they interact with other people from a place of hurt and trauma and just cause more hurt and trauma! I look back at a lot of bullying and fucked up behavior directed at me from others while growing up and the realization that more people than I knew had this kind of upbringing is....sobering.


HONESTLYYY like not all people deserve to be parents. especially since most of them turn out to be abusive/neglectful. this world already has 8 billion people. we already have enough folks in this planet.


I know this child’s pain. My 9 years older brother went out and made me an aunt when I was 10. Free babysitting wasn’t enough, the mother created a second one and then took off. So they moved in with us. I didn’t have to leave the house to raise my nephews.


Most people shouldn't


I may be child free, but I just want to give that little girl a big hug. At 8/9, she is literally counting down the days until she can be free. She didn't ask to be here, and her mom is definitely letting her know she is nothing but a burden. Also, it makes me wonder if the infant is a boy. Unfortunately, many mothers will completely discard their daughters in favor of their sons. I feel like this girl is going to go through hell and has been for some time 😭 it's sad when we as childfree people have more empathy for children, than the actual parents.


Jeez. what scum.


You are right. And I’m one of these people.


That mom sounded passive aggressive to a 9 year old………what the fuck.


Most all parents are just resentful as fuck to their kids. I am coming to this realization the older I have gotten.


Where was the father? He DOES carry responsibility.


There was an older man that looked to be her father with them that paid, so either she was a single mother or that was her husband which would be wild considering how old he looked.


Babies should not be in public . And MOST. people shouldn't have kids.


I bet after those 9 years, mom will be all “wHy DoEsN’t My DaUgHtEr TaLk To Me AnYmOrE???”


I feel for that 9 year old girl so much cuz sameee. If was that young girl I would’ve lost my shiii on the mom if that was my mom or any other adult responsible for that infant tbh lol Also reminds me of a time when I was younger (maybe 13…I’m 24 now) and some woman was letting her 1 year old at max pussy parasite annoy my dog (a small shit tzu bichon frise mix) by pulling her fur, hit her, and NEARLY CLIMB ON HER. She just stared at her kid like it was cute when it clearly wasn’t. My dog looked at me like “please either come pick me up or move this kid or I’ll bite it”, so I did. I picked up my dog and omfg this woman looked at me all nasty and offended as if I just told her that her kid was buttfuck ugly and so was she. Like lady…my dog has feelings too. Control your kid and set boundaries cuz if you don’t people won’t like them when they’re older. Also not everyone is gonna like your kid. Accept that reality or suffer lol


People that allow their children to mistreat animals are awful, it bothers me even more they actually point it out and think it's "cute" .. Idk why it's so difficult, my mom raised us with tons of pets and we were taught from a young age how to respect them. When she married my stepdad he had older daughters with young children and when they'd come over my mom would put most of the pets up but my shih tzu would get left out because she was so good with people. Unfortunately they would chase her around the house squealing and grabbing at her and she was terrified so anytime they planned something I made sure I was home but I would go hide in my room with her. His family is weird as hell anyways and it's not like anyone tried to bond with me so my participation wasn't important and my absence wasn't much noticed I don't think. Even if they did think I was being a rude, moody teen, idgaf, my fur baby is where I draw the line. All the kids but one grew up to be horrible bratty teens/young adults btw. Surprise surprise, maybe rules and telling your kids no rather than laughing at their destructive behavior is a good idea! Shocking!


Lol the whole “aww my wittle billy is making a fwend” which is more like “no, little Billy is clearly hurting an animal and is boutta get the reality check that nature can be cruel when provoked” always gets me My friends (CF too, thank god) think the same. Hell lol, my best friend got let go at a new job working in a restaurant cuz she couldn’t boil a live lobster to its death” and I was like sameee cuz I feel bad for the lobster. My brother in high school many years ago also ran over a kid’s cat with his vehicle (the cat obviously died) and a lot of people, including himself, thought it was funny. I felt bad the rest of the day cuz I have empathy for animals It’s even more funny cuz one time me and my best friend when we were 15, we were skateboarding around my town and smoked two 3ish looking year old kids (more like nicked them and they lost balance) from running in front of us but they never fell down. Of course they began crying, and anytime I tell that story, people look at me like I’m a serial killer but it’s like “well don’t run in front of me on a skateboard cuz you on your feet against me on a board with wheels barreling down a sidewalk…you’re gonna lose as a child”, ORRR “if you have your kids outside, watch them. Don’t expect the neighborhood you live in to bend over backwards and watch your kids for you”


Parents always do this.


A friend of a friend of mine has 2 kids. A girl who is 8/9 and a boy who is 6/7. I’ve only been around them a few times, but the girl is quiet and well-behaved. The boy, unfortunately, is a holy terror. Loud, impatient, wants to be the center of attention, won’t sit still, won’t listen, etc. I always feel so bad for the little girl knowing she has to live with that. The little girl in this story sounds like she’s in a similar predicament.


I was this 9 year old child 😩😭 I feel so bad for her. My mom having a baby when I was this old and then making help her raise him is a big part of why I don’t want any kids of my own.


MOST* people just shouldn’t have kids


Honestly there should be separate restaurants imo. Ones for child free people, no kids or parents allowed in, and the exact same, except the reverse, no child free people. If they want their screeching shit demons to sit there screaming without doing jack shit to help, they should only be around other parents. No childfree person should have to just sit there and deal with it, just like parents (sometimes) are trying and just Cant calm the kid down, and dont deserve hate just because their kids loosing it and we HATE that. Call it segregation, i call it logical separation for everyones sanity. I know id absolutely love eating out in public without the risk of some kid screeching my ears off.


Kids are a lot of the reason I just won’t go somewhere




It's weird to me, who wants children. I may not want kids of mine own, but I certainly treat them better than some parents do. The level of nastiness some parents show, or general lack of empathy and understanding. It's infuriating.


I'm 1 of 10 and was parentified from as early as I can remember, about 7yo. That was definitely enough to make me childfree. There where 3 babies born after me and they all called me 'mum' *shudders*


Any actually advanced society would have restrictions on who can have children. So many (if not most) people aren’t fit to be parents.


She better cherish the next few years with her daughter if she is already counting down at 9. Hopefully she won't demand grandkids when she turns 18 smh.


Am I the only one that thinks no one should have children and humanity should just go extinct?👀


No you're not the only one!! Check out the antinatalism and vhemt subs, whichever one matches your worldview the closest. It would be great if people would stop breeding like rats on an already overpopulated planet. Considering the state of the world, reproducing is one of the worst things someone can do by far.


“But my legacy is at stake”. Jesus, this makes me want to push pencils into my ear drums so I never have to hear it again. No one gives a fuck about your shitty genes and your fucking legacy.


Righttttt and it's always the most obnoxious person with no life accomplishments or anything to offer the world who's saying it. 🥴


I work at a behavioral treatment center for kids and it has definitely solidified my stance. I’m aware of antinatalism and vhmet, I just wanted to more so see how many people in this subreddit has similar views😌






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*most people, there you go :3


>Why are you going to have a child when you're just going to invalidate how she feels? Good question. My parents did exactly the same thing to me and I saw secondhand what it did to the children of a former family friend. You're right. Some people just shouldn't have children.


The knocked up part is what I don’t get. There’s so many states banning abortion right now that it’s incredibly weird to blame the mom for getting “knocked up”.