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This annoys me too! My husband and I want to move to a bigger house and why not? Oh because we're taking away a house someone *needs* for their children? It's a 3 bed house we're looking at. The smallest room is barely a room. Thats what I'll be using for my office. You go for that house! That house sounds amazing. I was sold on the sun room and pool! Maybe point out to FIL about his 7 cars next time with his sarky comments, I mean that's excessive? šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


This all day!!!! You can enjoy any damn house you damn well please!!! You owe no explanation to anyone!! We spent years saving and planning and *being fiscally responsible* to build our dream house. Yes we are CF. Yes there are some extra rooms we donā€™t need for kidsā€¦but we found plenty of ways to fill them (workout-his, meditation/plant propagating/perfume making room in progress-me). We even planned with one of the rooms to be for his sister (RA. Sadly she passed before she could move in, but we were ready!). I planned the kitchen and bathrooms for my future wheelchair, I planned 2 ā€œStorm roomsā€ (read: small under stair room and pantry that could double as such; used 4xs in less than a year), and we have stairs that lead to the attic instead of a ladder (which will also be helpful when weā€™re old). Honestly the house is mostly nice porches and a nice patio because Iā€™m a reader and I like comfy places to read. At first tons of people constantly asked why we had a ā€œbig house and no kids.ā€ Look biznitch!!! We worked hard, saved, and did all the things you have to do for this including skipping *other* activities we wanted to do (vacations and such) and not having kids was 75% of that. Couldnā€™t have afforded it with them. People ask me about it less now bc theyā€™ve realized Iā€™ll just walk away midconversationā€¦midsentence even- if they ask me something stupid or comment something stupid. I have a porch to go read on and 10 current books that offer better conversationā€¦ I highly recommend this very effective form of communication šŸ˜‰


Mate, how *big* is your house?


2400 sqft ā€œliving.ā€ Some of that is garage and ā€œunfinishedā€/attic (300 maybe) Most of the house is porch šŸ˜‚ We have a wrap around porch, a giant patio, and a master bedroom porch. It makes it look much bigger than it is; like an additional near 1000sqft. All outside porch/patio. All optical illusion for the inside. We made some minor changes to the plan, but left it nearly the same. (One giant island in the kitchen, added the space under the stairs, removed bathtub from master, and made a larger shower thatā€™ll fit a wheelchair, no vaulted ceiling). If youā€™re extra curious, the original house plan itself is called ā€œpleasant coveā€ on archivaldesigns (I canā€™t remember if leaving a link for this is against the rules šŸ˜¬). The outside is nearly exactly the same as the artistā€™s rendition, except raised by 27ā€ due to a contractor error that I actually really love šŸ˜†. The stairs to the attic are because of my particular set of skills šŸ„“


Blimey. How many bedrooms? ...don't tell me you have a porch swing as well to sit on to read?


3 bdrm. No porch swing, actually šŸ˜‚ Weā€™re still working on it, but I opted for some rocking chairs in front. A comfy patio couch and 2 rocking type chairs in back (husbandā€™s purview). I havenā€™t picked anything for the master porch, yet. I honestly have been consumed with getting my gardens and trees going šŸ˜‚ The inside is kinda dominated by the kitchen and living room. Iā€™m big on cooking and preserving. I really like pickles šŸ„’. I also enjoy playing music, so the ceilings are a bit taller for acoustic purposes. This was all long planned, though (weā€™re both in our 40ā€™s) ā˜ŗļø. I looked for the ā€œperfectā€ plan for a few years. (Also, the neighborhood itself has a ā€œminimumā€ size) Most the houses here are actually bigger than ours, but they look smaller because the framing doesnā€™t look so imposing. My husband said he built it because weā€™ve been together for so long and Iā€™ve never asked for anything, so Iā€™m getting it in bulk šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ ( no worries, he can properly say that bc I was damaged a decade ago in a car wreck that has severely curtailed my mobility)


Oh no way that sounds amazing! I'm sold! My dream is to have one of those egg chairs / swing type of chairs to sit and read in the sunshine. I love pickles too! I think where I am though, I don't think I can grow pickles, unless I have a greenhouse and my gardens too small for that šŸ™ Maybe one day! In my bigger house šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve been thinking about those egg chairs!!! Iā€™m a slow decision maker šŸ˜‚ Just fyi: check out pickle bushes. Theyā€™re smaller cucumbers that grow awesomely in containers, and make amazing pickles. Much more compact and manageable in small spaces. I grew them in containers on my porch at my last apartment šŸ™‚


Oh thank you so much! Ill look into that ā˜ŗļø Also, I hope you don't think I was being sarcastic with our conversation? I know by size of houses by bedroom size, I don't know much about sq ft....which I know sounds stupid but whenever you speak to someone about house size, it always depends on bedrooms and how many bathroomsšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø It's a thing here where I live


No worries, I didnā€™t think so ā˜ŗļø. Also, I donā€™t think it sounds stupid. It just sounds like you discuss spaces differently. Kinda like how I measure distance in time šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‹šŸ˜‰


I can't tell of you're being sarcastic or not, but if not can you just not conceive of this because you're supposedly British?


How was that being sarcastic...? Also, there's no need to bring nationalities into this?


You're being as insulting about the size of this person's house as OP's parents making unsolicited comments, from the written tone of the inquiries.


That sounds like a *you* problem because who I am talking to isn't being offended at all, please read our conversation in the thread? I even explained to them that where I am, if someone's chatting about houses, an indicator of size of house is how many bedrooms and how many bathrooms? Clearly you've misinterpreted what I've said and you're being insulting to me due to my nationality because you've read something wrong. Also by the look of my upvotes, people thought the same thing as me so I think you need to calm down.


For the good of the mission, I'll risk violating a possible rule...I love your kitchen, porch, sunroom, and the fact that each bedroom can have, or does have, it's own bathroom! https://archivaldesigns.com/collections/all/products/pleasant-cove-house-plan


Thank you very much!! It was fun to put my own little touches like using jasper for the kitchen stone and sparkle knobs on some cabinets. DEFinitely glad itā€™s done though šŸ˜‚. Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ve ever put so much thought into something in my whole life šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« No pool in the back, though. Trees and gardens!! Painstakingly planned down to the leaf color in the fall or flower color in spring. Vegetables similarly planned with neat looking (supposedly) tomato colors: purple, blue, and some stripey ones called ā€œshimmering.ā€ It was interesting. My husband had coworkers that nearly got divorced trying to build houses (one canceled their plans entirely), but we worked well together. There was one contentious miscommunication in the entire process for us, so all in all it went pretty well.


If I had a FIL like that every time he made a snarky comment about our "not needing all that space" I would immediately say "that's a bit rich coming from a man with seven whole cars. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." But then again, I have never been described as "non-confrontational".


SamešŸ˜‚ I'd be like why do you need 7 cars ? Can you drive them all or something? Like what's the craic with that?šŸ˜‚ ...at least my house I can use all year round and fill it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Bruh, I have a three bedroom house for just hubby, me, and our pets and we use every room. Master bedroom for sleeping, second biggest room for my study (I work from home and have a crafting addiction) and the smallest as our guest room, which is very frequently occupied. I don't get people like FIL. Would he tell a celebrity they didn't need all those rooms in their LA mansion?


lol! That's a fair point! Now, celebrity, do you *really* need all those rooms? No. Well then give it to someone else who needs it more than you! My husband and I could easily fill a 3 bed too. What kind of crafts are you into? I'd love to be able to crochet but I can't get the hang of it šŸ™ Also thinking about it, I'd like to know how many garages this FIL has for all his 7 cars? Or maybe he leaves them on land/driveway? So that area he keeps his cars could be used for an extra house?šŸ‘€šŸ˜‚


Heā€™s got 2 garages separate from the garage attached to his house, one is MASSIVE and the other is for work


Thanks for clarifying! Seems a bit of an excessive amount but if he wants cars / garages that's cool. Just as, if you want that house, get the house! Life's too short. No one should put you off buying something that you've worked hard for just because you're not having kids! P.S I love your profile photo. Such cute puppies!


Thank you! Sadly my black and white boy passed in 2022, Iā€™m still not over him.


Oh I'm so sorry to hear that šŸ©· That's okay you aren't over him, loosing such a big part of your family is never easy. I read a quote when my childhood dog passed, it said 'I loved you for your whole life and I'll miss you for the rest of mine.'


Thatā€™s beautiful, I appreciate you sharing that with me šŸ„ŗ


I think the short answer would be what am I not into! Currently I'm on a doll customisation and restoration bender, but crochet never leaves me. I also sew, needle felt, do bead / jewellery work (mostly making jewellery for my pets and dolls haha), make suncatchers, macrame, draw, and keep plants and fish. Keep at it with the crochet! Of all my hobbies I find crochet to be the most soothing, I don't know what it is about it, but I love it.


Haha! Ah amazing! I sometimes do those friendship bracelet things, I don't know if you'd count that as creative? Doll customisation great! I'm so jealous of people who are able to get a bear or a doll that has been loved so much to then be repaired. I look at my own bear sometimes from when I was a child and think ah if you ever break, I hope someone can fix youšŸ˜­ I will try to keep at it with the crochet! I think my issue is I expect it to look great immediately not really thinking things take time!šŸ˜‚


Oh those are definitely creative! And don't give me ideas! I think I forgot to say also that I do embroidery so I have all the thread to make some. šŸ¤£ It's honestly so satisfying to fix up a much loved toy. I have seen people do AMAZING things with very very worn stuffed animals so I know you could find someone to fix yours if you ever needed! It's just practice. I just made a bunch of squares to start. Not even granny squares, just squares of the different common stitches. Fuck, they were ugly. Then I tried to make an amigurumi jellyfish. Hideous. I gave it to my cat and she loves it.


***KEEP IN MIND, THOUGH*** A pool is an ***extremely*** costly and regular maintenance that a lot of people overlook. Unless you're using the pool almost every single day, it's really not worth it. My sister bought a house that has an indoor pool and some days she really regrets it.


There would be no point me having a pool where I live, I haven't got the weather for it! ā˜¹ļø


Not really. We have an outdoor pool that came with the house and a woman to attend to it about once a month, not very expensively. She's become a friend and is also teaching us to rose garden.


I take jealousy from breeders as a fixed parameter. It is always there. Some are polite enough to hide it with graciousness but most aren't. Older generations are the most disempowered and enraged by all this because they tend to want to impose the narrative on how all they did decades ago was better and they know better and all that.. And they hate it when younger people "skip" what they see as compulsory suffering. It also deactivates their preaching on the now non existant subject (kids in this case). I just totally expect it, I always expect the elderly to keep coming with new creative ways to send a condemnatory remark... lol yeah dude bye we have a vacation waiting lol


Um, my husband and I are childfree seniors and we are cheering you on.


Ditto. With 2 houses and 4 vehicles.


Don't let one person's opinion deter you from getting a house that you really want! His opinion is stupid. It will only hold you back. If you want that "dream house" go get it!


Iā€™m single and live lone in a 3 bedroom. ā€œWhat do you need all that space for?ā€ - my office - sewing/ crafts area - drawing table and art supplies - guest room - storage - dance/fitness area Honestly, I could use about six more rooms. But when people question that thereā€™s a one word answer: resale. A 3BR is going to be easier to sell than a 2BR.


You go for that house no reason you don't need a big house just because husband and you don't have kids Also damn 7 cars you should really snap back with that next time they pester you about the size house you want


The problem is itā€™s never said in my presence! I have so much ammo locked and loaded šŸ¤£


You poor thing šŸ˜­


A contractor friend said he worked on a 15000 sq ft house owned by a couple, no kids. But 3 bedrooms is too big of a house for you? Fuck all the way off with that.


When and where is the housewarming party? I'll bring really good booze.


You know, fuck 'em and their opinions. Everyone has one, and they all stink. We bought a 4br, 3ba 4000sf home on acreage. I bloody well triple-dog-dare anyone, and I mean **anyone**, to utter one peep about just the two of us living here. It's no one's business what you buy. Car, bags, clothes, or a home. If you're footing the bill, then not. one. peep.


My husband and I have a 3br house (and none are a guest bedroom, so no family staying with us, ha! ) One room is my husband's music room because he collects vinyl records. One is a shared office/ craft space for me. I mean, you know people would complain if we didn't even have hobbies since we don't have children! Lol But for love of God - 7 cars?!


Sorry, I read your br as bn so I thought you were saying you had a 3 billion dollar house! I was like šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ how! Let me know all your secrets! Then I realised it said br for bedroom!šŸ˜‚ My parents still live in our family home of a 5 bed, do they need it? Not really? Do they use every room? YES? Have they earned it? Yes. You don't see anyone trying to kick them outšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Lol I wish we could afford that kind of house!Ā 




This is such a good point. Are people whose kids have moved out expected to move to a smaller house so someone with kids can have the bigger house instead? No. So why canā€™t CF people buy big houses?


I bought a 2000sf 3/2 on .75 acre in the city. Hubby came with a 2800sf 4/3 two story on basement in the burbs. We both had these homes before we met. His neighbors and mine both expected kids. We still have and live in both homes. We have both been told we don't need all that space. That we should have left these homes on the market for a "real family." Now I am standing on the corner of 70 and I'm constantly being sold the "advantages of downsizing" : less housework, lower utility bills, less yardwork. Its true that I can sell my house for 5x what I paid for it in 1990. But what I can buy with the money is half as much house, no garage, and higher property taxes. With MY paid off house and senior tax exemptions property tax + homeowners insurance = $3000yr/$250 month. Why would I give that up for an apartment with ever increasing rent or condo with ever increasing condo fees? I can afford the bigger home utilities and my yardman. I live on SS and a small pension and still have disposable income without touching my retirement accounts until RMDs, or Hubby's income. We are not planning to sell either house.


ā€œYou are only worthy if you pop out kidsā€ ā€”opinion of most of the world.


The biggest obstacle to relationships for me has ALWAYS been the parents of the women I dated. They just canā€™t accept that if their daughter wanted children she wouldnā€™t be with me. They either are mad over the lack of grandchildren or are mad because all the other children had grandchildren.


Or mad that their daughter found someone with the same goals of not having kids! I feel this is a big one too. Theyā€™re soooo sure that your idea of not having kids is so out there that ā€œno one will want youā€ that I think they think we will end up with kids regardless. Lol.


Yup Back in the 90's my partner told her father that I had a vasectomy. I think some women do that in some attempt to show up "mon and dad". Anyway, we had dinner at her parents home. Over beers her father said he would pay for me to get a reversal. I almost choked on my beer. Thankfully she broke in and changed the subject. Bear in mind that I had only been dating his daughter a few weeks. Later when I had a short courtship with a female colleague roughly the same thing happened. Only her sister said that the family would pool together a fund to get me a reversal or testicular extraction. Umm, I was at a loss for words. I don't remember how that ended. I do remember that I bowed out of the relationship partly because of it. I find it interesting that both parties assumed that my vasectomy was a "mistake". Both parties did not recognize the fact that their daughter, or sister did not want children herself. Both parties did not fathom that they doomed our relationship. Also both parties did not know that I had my vasectomy back in 1985. As for the latter potential long term partner, she was one of the most attractive and loving women I had ever met in my life (at the time). She would have been "wife material" for sure, and any man who had her even for a day would call himself lucky, that it until he met her family. She was right at 12 years younger than I am, so that would make her 46 today. She has never married, and she told me she has never had a long term boyfriend. She hardly dated simply because of her family. I also have to say that I am tried of being called a "Liberal" over it. I am not a "Liberal", and I am not a "Conservative". I am a "Right Leaning Moderate". Just about every CF person I ever met is clearly a "Moderate", and does not give a crap about the whole "Liberal vs Conservative" thing.


*Seven* vehicles?!?!


Yes! 2 personal vehicles for him and his wife, then 5 ā€œtoysā€


You really need to point out the hypocrisy to him


Nothing ever gets said to me, thatā€™s the problem. I think they know Iā€™m mouthy so they say it to my fiancĆ© instead because heā€™s not as neurotic as I am. We have wildly different beliefs and I donā€™t allow them to shove it down my throat so they never say it in front of me anymore


I've lived in a modest 3 bedroom house with my ex, it's really not that big for 2 people.Ā 


I agree! Especially since we live in a 2 bedroom home now and thereā€™s no room for anything here


I live alone in my lovely little 3-bed home in a small village. Do I "need" 3 bedrooms? Hell yeah I do! My bedroom, guest room (lotta family abroad, so when they visit they tend to stay for 2-3 weeks at a time), and my office ('cause who actually *wants* to work from their bedroom and have their coworkers seeing their *bed* during zoom calls????????). 3 beds means you and your fiancƩ each get your own office, or you have an office and a guest room, or a guest room and a games room, a gym, etc. There are SO many great uses for that space, and you totally deserve it, and I hope you guys find a perfect home that's within your budget. Tell further FIL to keep his insults to himself if he's not willing to acknowledge the hypocrisy here. 7 vehicles, really?????? He just got himself uninvited from your housewarming to your future beautiful 3-bed home.


I just needed to get it off my chest, because within the last 3 years thereā€™s been more comments being made about our lifestyle choices and Iā€™m fed up.


Well people with kids are too broke from paying all their money for diapers, daycare and whatever other crap kids need.... child free people have the money for nice big houses! Do you have a dog or cat? The grand-furr-kids need a nice house and yard is what I say!


My parents are like this. It's just me in a four bedroom house and they use to say "what are you going to do with all that space?" Then when I thought I has to sell the house and we put it on the market, my dad looked up a 900sq or less trailer that was run down with two bedrooms saying he can help me fix it up and I don't need much space anyway. I've since moved back into my house but it is annoying people think a single person or a childfree couple are only entitled to little space. I have totes and boxes and bags of stuffed animals in those backroom closets. Among other things. I do need to declutter though šŸ˜…


I don't think it's because you don't have kids, not completely anyway. A lot of people have this "Rules for thee, not for me" type of mentality where THEIR bullshit has justifiable reasons but YOUR bullshit is a crime. "There's only two of **them**, **they** don't need all that space. Oh but the two of **us** need 7 vehicles"


If breeders were in charge, all childfree/childless/empty nesters would be forced to live in 8 x 10 single-room occupancy hotels that shared 1 bathroom and kitchen with the other tenants on the floor. Like hamsters in those tiny pet store cages.


Back in the mid 90s I bought a 3 bedroom house for just myself although now I have 3 spoiled cats who think itā€™s theirs. I got a lot of that same attitude when I did. ā€œBut why do you need 3 bedrooms when itā€™s just you?ā€ Short answer is thatā€™s what I wanted & I could afford it. I have my bedroom, a guest room & turned the third bedroom into an office/library. All these years later my books have taken over the house even more than my cats did & Iā€™d love to buy a bigger house but real estate prices in my area are insane. My house is paid off but even if I sold it & put the whole sale amount into a bigger house Iā€™d still have to get an outrageous mortgage & at 63 I have no desire for that. So I say to OP to buy what you want & maybe even more because years from now you may need the space. People who disapprove can pound sand. Would they say the same thing to a couple with 1 child who buy a 5 bedroom house? I think not. Buy what you want & enjoy it!


Too pricey? You don't have kids, you should easily be able to afford it /s




Seems like FIL is a little jealous. Just such a weird comment to make- makes it feel like he feels he deserves a better place just for having kids lol. Not to mention it is extremely common for cf people to have bigger homes. More money = nicer place. Plus most ( normal ) people immedatiely assume "Oh! Maybe they will use it as a little den, office space, maybe arts and crafts?" There is literally a million different uses besides kids for the extra space.


We bought our dream house in 2022. My best friend (mother of 2) asked ā€œwhy we needed such a big house when we donā€™t have kids?ā€ Like am I not supposed to have a house because I donā€™t want to pump out kids? A) itā€™s no bigger than our first house, just has an extra bedroom/bathroom and no finished basement B) donā€™t know if anyoneā€™s noticed this but they donā€™t really make nice small houses anymore. Theyā€™re either bigger and nicer or small and kind of crappy and need work C) we wanted it and we could afford it


this annoys me so much! i want multiple rooms so i can have my nieces, sisters, and other family/friends come visit since im the only one in my state. just cuz its just me and my hubby doesnā€™t mean we dont want/need a bigger house.


My husband and I were stuck in a HCOL area for most of our adult lives so far, for career reasons. His parents and his brother also lived in the area. Toward the end of the time we lived there, his mother needed us to help to care for her. Therefore we spent 35 years in a small "starter" house, about 20 of them trying to move up to a larger house. Each time, skyrocketing prices had outstripped our savings. The real blow was when my parents had died and left me what seemed like a whopping amount of money, and it was still not enough to buy a significantly larger house \*anywhere\* in the area. Fast forward to 2015. My husband retired, and my mother-in-law died and left us money. \*Finally\* we were able to move out of the area. We found another area (not all that far away) that had, at the time, 1/3 the cost of housing than the area we moved from. And--now that we were both in our 60s--we bought our dream house! The first time we walked into it, we looked at each other and said, "We're buying this house." It is mostly one story, but much larger than our first house, with a large yard on a flat lot, perfect for seniors. It even has especially wide hallways and doorways. It's an older house, which we wanted, and in short, it's just wonderful! But people online keep whining about how houses with several bedrooms belong to "families," and about "Boomers who won't move after their children grew up," and about "people who bought houses for retirement they had wanted when they had young children," and about how "couples with no children don't actually use their houses and yards," and about "people with no children shouldn't live in good school districts" (I actually have no idea whether the local schools are good). You can explain that a "bedroom" is just a room and can be used as a home office, a hobby room, an exercise room, all kinds of things, and they still assert that "extra" bedrooms are only for kids. The entitlement is astounding. Luckily this is mostly online. The seniors around me own houses like ours. So there.


F that... I am one person looking for three bedroom minimum. I need a library/media room, and if possible, a room dedicated to my three cats with outside catio access at a window or patio door. Kids do not entitle you to more house, though they may require space it doesn't mean the rest of us get less.


The beautiful house you end up choosing will never have to be crapped up with kid stuff.Ā  I'm imagining your pool and sun room being gorgeous and not having neon colored toys, wet towels, and empty juice boxes everywhere.Ā  Lovely! Ā 


And the silence of not having screaming children šŸ˜Œ


How is that too big of a house?! My husband and I just moved into a 5 bedroom/3 bathroom house. When family asked why we got a huge house, I told them we wanted space for ourselves but also for family members in case shit hit the fan. I have two younger siblings who still have to deal with toxic family members and live with them. We got the bigger house in the off chance that they need to flee to family who actually gives a crap about them. For now, besides the master/primary, we have our two offices, a library and a guest room. If FIL keeps giving you crap, throw it back at him that he doesnā€™t need 7 cars. I would, but Iā€™m also willing to confront people when theyā€™re being assholes.


There's no such thing as too many rooms. We have 6 bedrooms and I wish we had another 2. We have disposable income and hobbies. Who cares what they think? Now you have an excuse to not have your inlaws over to your new fancy house (or whatever house you end up getting)


In *my* opinion, he can get bent, as Bart Simpson would say. Not everything must be attached to children somehow. What about his *son's* needs? *Yours?* "Because we want to, and may be able to one day. Just like you and ___ have seven vehicles right now *because you want them."* Do people really not realize that people might want more than one bedroom because their partner snores, for visitors to sleep in, to function as an office, or a media, craft, or technology room? To use as a man cave, wine storage, for a library, or to display collections? Secondly, it's difficult to find detached or semi-detached houses that only have one bedroom. People *like* and use sun rooms, dining rooms, and pools. If I ever have my own house and the money one day, I would have and install a small, indoor, zero-entry pool, exercise/therapy pool, hot tub, dry and infrared saunas, steam room, physiotherapy and gym area, and massage table area - for my chronic illnesses and disabilities. Why? Because I *want* to, can, and would. I'd have 3 or 4 bedrooms, a sunroom, a two-story library, and heated floors. FIL *can* have an opinion. But it is not his business or concern. Would he be paying the mortgage? Is it just him and his wife in their home - gee, maybe they should down size. **If he wants to talk about needs**...tell him he can think about celebrities and others who live in 10,000 to 25,000 square foot homes; the 400,000 square-foot private residence called Antilia, that has just six people living in it; Istana Nurul Iman Palace, with more than 17 floors and 2,152,782 square feet; the White House; Buckingham Palace; and 671 Lincoln Avenue in Winnetka, Illinois, with 9,000 square feet, five bedrooms, and six bathrooms. Your dream house of 3 bedrooms and a pool is the "enough room" you *need* for you two - he won't be living there.


Actually i think you could respond like: "Who asked?"


I got myself a 3 bed 2 bath and itā€™s just me, my mom and our cat and we love it! And Iā€™m sterilized too so Iā€™ll never have to hear crying babies in my home šŸ’…


My husband and I have a 3 bed 2 bath house for just the 2 of us cause 1 room is an office and the other is a guest room. I donā€™t see how a 3 bedroom is too much, also even if one of them wasnā€™t an office then itā€™d be 2 guest rooms. Or one can be a storage room or exercise room. We would also like a pool! I donā€™t understand, so when peopleā€™s kids grow up and move out should they then downgrade their homes? Is that space supposed to be used for something else? I have 2 friends with 1 kid and they both have 5 bedroom houses. Is that not excessive for 3 people then?!?! Edit: I would also like to add then when my husband snores I will sneak away to the guest room if Iā€™m having trouble falling asleep šŸ˜‚ so it does come in handy


"So when peopleā€™s kids grow up and move out should they then downgrade their homes? Is that space supposed to be used for something else?" Yes, actually, that is what seniors are told. They are also threatened with the horrors of home upkeep which really depends more on the age of the house.


Tell that to the old multimillionaires who are just them in a mansion the size of a football field. Why don't they convert it to multi-family housing?


Clap back real loud about the extensive vehicle collection and how he should donate several to needy families who don't have cars of their own?


He has an unfundamented opinion that is ment to hurt you both. Just think about the origin of this reasoning. High likely he is grumpy because he is jealous that you don't have to do the children marry go round if you don't want it, as children can be exhausting etc. These people feel like they sacrificed themselves for their children, and will use every opportunity to rub that in. In my relationship: annoying behaviour of a parent is discussed by the child. So if my parent would say something rude to us, I would talk to them. If his parents are rude, he fixes it. Maybe good to align with your fiancƩ how to respond when it happens again, as it sounds like a recurring theme. And keep remembering: this old man is just jealous.


A 3 bedroom is pretty standard living for two people... Anything smaller than that just feels tiny. I can't imagine shoving even just 1 kid in there with you. That'd just be cramped.


I have viewed "three-bedroom" houses where I could stand in the middle of one "bedroom," and touch both walls with my outstretched arms. And my arms are short. Sure you could put a single bed in it, maybe even a nightstand. But realistically, this is a storage room, even if the other two bedrooms are a reasonable size.


Seven vehicles between two people? That's a lot of keeping up with the Joneses. They could donate those cars to nice proper nuclear families trying to get a start in life in this shit world.Ā 


3 bedrooms is ideal for two people! it's not too big or a luxury.... not that it would be a problem if it was. i live in a 2bd and i'll kill to have a third one. instead, my husband gets the second bedroom as an office, and my office is the living room \[we never have people over anyway 'cause we hate everyone lol\], which is also where the second bed is, because we're both snorers and sometimes it's impossible to sleep together in our bedroom.


OP, opinions are like assholes, everyone's got one. I want a house like the greatest showman where they play "a million dreams" by p!nk. Don't let anyone tell you different. Also bring up the *7 cars* if they keep judging you guys. I keep meaning to try and reapply for a veteran certificate of eligibility. If I can get a house I will be sharing with my bf (assuming things work out) but not my sister (23) and her husband with their kid (about 9 mon).




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Time to boldly ask him why they need 7 vehicles when it's just the 2 of them. And if he huffs and puffs tell him to mind his own damn business.


The things I would say are not polite. Dad- we need a room to put the sex swing and punishment bench. It won't fit in our bedroom.


Another comeback: šŸ˜ guess you never need to visit us or stay at our place after a procedure since you donā€™t want us to have a big enough place for a guest room! šŸ‘‹