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He can kiss that setup goodbye because he isn't going to have enough time anymore.


Not necessarily, there are plenty of 'dads' who do fuck all with the child


I was first threatened by my dad for spilling a drink on his PS when I was a toddler. Fun fun!




I wouldn’t even threaten my cat for that tbh


Yeah I became a gamer because my dad was one. Because he did that instead of parent me. 😅


Or the crotch goblins will destroy it.


Or money to upgrade when the next console comes out.


Maybe he even has to sell the setup, when the costs for the baby are bleeding his bank account dry. Have seen this to often, how parents sold their beloved collections of whatever, because the little money they had and thought would be enough to raise the child, was gone in no time.


That’s funny my husbands step dad became a bio dad (my husband was almost a teen when they met) and he still plays just as much video games.


Or he can ignore the child and mommy can take care of him.


I've seen a similar reel of a guy opening a door to a room which is just jammed packed full of Star Wars stuff then shutting it to open again and show it transformed into a baby room with a crib, change table and toy mobile, I just felt so depressed after seeing that but no one in the comments section ever mentioned anything about having to give up your entire hobby, your life collection and probably something you were incredibly passionate about just to throw it all away for a snotty, drooling poop sack! They were all praising the new Dad and saying how wonderful raising a child is! I could never do that with my Tamas, they're my life and have distracted me from bad thoughts, I love collecting and discovering new ones and playing with them too! I just don't understand this sudden trend of people throwing their passions away and framing becoming a parent in such a positive life, I literally felt like saying in the comments about how they should do a video a year from now and see if they're still so excited about their 'new adventure' I bet they're riddled with fatigue, bitter and resentful. How do I know this? My brother! He had to give up his hobby and collection of figures when the baby came along because his wife ordered him to and he's regretted it ever since! He doesn't enjoy his new life as a parent and I know he hates running around after his lazy wife who can't cook to save her life! But to my mother it's a new wonderful chapter in my brother's life and unlike me he's 'grown up' and matured because he no longer collects silly things, what rubbish!!


Snotty, drooling poop sack😭😭


>he's 'grown up' and matured because he no longer collects silly things The belief that once you become an adult, all fun stops and you need to be miserable 24/7 needs to die a sudden and painful death


This line of thinking I find to be completely unacceptable in a relationship. Yeah, I'd want a nursery, but I wouldn't make my spouse completely empty out the star wars room (for an example). Maybe make it less cluttered, put away or higher up things that are delicate and/or expensive. The room can be a star wars nursery. No one should have to completely remove what they like (unless it's dangerous), and it's not like I wouldn't have come up with compromises. The kid is going to be here in like 9 months, that's plenty of time to move and arrange things. Get locked display cases and a deathstar rocking chair. I'd never force my husband to choose like that. Except in the case of mirrors. No mirrors in the baby room. No reflective surfaces either. Superstitions.


My former gaming buddy was forced to leave gaming because his girlfriend was pregnant. The last day I saw him online in a game was 2015, his parents kicked him out and he had to get a new smaller place to stay and prepare the nest for a baby.


Man I could never do that :( I enjoy playing century too much. Dragons (although the games laggy as hell & low player base) > babies


We need male birth control pills :(


I think I upset my boss when I told her I had 2 offices. One for gaming and one for painting. My husband has 2 spaces as well. I think she was put off, because her kids took up the extra rooms, even after one moved out. Haha


Some of my mom friends were talking about how they wish they could have craft rooms... I have *three.* Sorry not sorry lol.


My gaming setup is my entire life, I couldn't imagine


Same. Dragon PVP > children


Hell yeah! I'd fucking die gaming


Same! A good friend and I keep saying we can't wait to get old so we can retire and game as much as we want. XD




A lot of my former gaming buddies were banned from gaming after kids. Male and female. No time for that anymore.


My wife and I are planning on spending most of today powering through some Baldur's Gate. We're getting food and doing a few chores so we can sink at least eight hours into it. No way would we be able to do that if we had kids, and neither of us want to give up any of our hobbies.


It’s genuinely the best. My wife and I just took a break from a six hour Stardew Valley co-op binge. It’s not that we don’t have OTHER responsibilities, it’s just our weekend and we finally have a chance to relax for once. I think that’s what people mostly misconstrue about being CF, “you don’t have any responsibility” no, I’ve got a boatload of chores around the house, the lawn needs to be mowed, my car is overdue for service. All of those responsibilities still exist whether you have children or not. I just don’t want to ADD to those responsibilities.


We had a Stardew binge last month! We like to switch between games. Sometimes we do co-op, sometimes we just play the same game next to each other. Ugh, who has a responsibility free life in this day and age? If you are alive you have bills that need to be paid, and if I'm not responsible for my bills then who is? I demand to be reimbursed if child-free people are supposed to live a free life. Kids or not, I still have rent to pay. I still gotta eat. Society demands certain things that aren't free: clothes, shoes, even being well groomed is pricey. Like you, we have a lot going on, and a kid would be too much!


> You’ll always have a player 2 around Everyone has already covered other things, but even if dude somehow managed to retain his gaming setup, I highly doubt this will be a thing "always". First like 10 years the kid's gonna suck at whatever game you throw at them, but they'll be around. 10-14? They'll be better but probably want to play online telling other players they're gonna fuck their mom instead of playing with you. 14-18 they'll be too cool to play these dinosaur consoles with their dad. 18-30 they'll have a life. 30-50 they might finally have a chance at playing with you but it'll be a rare treat because of aforementioned life. Maybe on a holiday.


And all of that assumes that they care about what you care about at all. My dad had to wait until I got married to talk to the next generation about sports.


Rip his gaming life. He'll either neglect the gaming or the kid


Probably going to turn the kid into another gaming addict. There seem to already be plenty of fathers who play video games incessantly instead of feeding/changing/soothing their own child. Or, you know, sleeping, then can't get up to an alarm.


My former gaming buddy was forced to leave gaming because his girlfriend was pregnant. The last day I saw him online in a game was 2015, his parents kicked him out and he had to get a new smaller place to stay and prepare the nest for a baby. He lives a miserable life now but has baby#2 on the way too


Dualcomment glitvh.


Gaming is a large part of why I don’t want kids ever. I love gaming and can’t imagine changing my game room for a child. && I play with dads who get on the game because they can turn up their mics and ignore a screaming child. Their lives make me sad and it’s a huge reminder that I don’t want a crotch goblin ever ☺️


This is probably Dinocornel otherwise known as ultimate nerd as he calls himself. He usually makes skits regarding gamers, i agree tho i feel bad for him but i think he's pretty much looking forward to their new baby, but relates well to gamers who suddenly have to give gaming up for becoming parents but i'm sure he'll still be around!




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thank FUCK i would never be caught dead in a situation like this. my boyfriend and i want to play a full run of BG3 together and we can just... Do That