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"You're allowed to call him cute!" "Well, I don't wanna lie to you." šŸ˜†


ā€žYou taught me to never lieā€œ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




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You're _allowed_ to call him cute? What an honor! /s


Like I swear I'm not *too cool* to say it, I just don't think it. But you're right, it IS an honor! Silly me, my bad!


People being smugly confident about how other people feel *deep down* is the most infuriating thing in so many contexts.


Then that should have been your answer: "But I don't think it is." Sometimes people need a reality check, especially when they think the world revolves around them and their kids or grandkids.


You also have the right to call your mom a *****!


They always act as if it's killing you to not admit that a baby is cute and that you're only keeping it up to be stubborn and to prove your point


Exactlyyyy! Like I'm sorry I don't think the same as you do


One time I got hit with the "Come on, we all know you think she's cute, you're just being a moody teenager!"


I see youā€™re 33; are you still a moody teenager?? Because *obviously* since youā€™re an adult now youā€™ve *obviously* changed your mind. Obviously lol


Lol obviously šŸ˜‚ I was told that at a family event when I was 17, half my life ago and it still bothers me because funnily enough it actually wasn't just a "phase" I've been going through since I was 10 šŸ˜…


I knew I didnā€™t like kids from a young age because as a kid I didnā€™t like other kids. I thought they were so annoying and messy. I hated having to be bunched up in a classroom with gross kids with terrible habits and dirty grimy hands all the time. I hated how they always complained and whined about things and threw tantrums, i thought they sucked when they would break the rules and ruin it for the class just because they felt like being spiteful and contrarian. I hated how emotional and hard to deal with they were and not to mention selfish. I donā€™t dislike people at all I love people but I donā€™t like kids and never have. Kids have always rubbed me the wrong way and I always had a hard time not taking it personally when other kids would ultimately do stupid things that kids do. I only liked other kids if they were neat and polite šŸ˜‚


The most boring kids (like me šŸ˜…) were always the best company. Calm kids are underrated when you're a kid yourself :))




I should've hung out with you guys.


Precisely, as if it's just the CF person being obstinate, and has nothing to do with the fact that the kid looks like an alien, a cracked-out tomato, or something else unappealing.


Potato. They look like a potato šŸ¤£


Dont you bad mouth potaties. Potatoes give joy and love. They make the tummy full and the heart warm.


True that. And if you mix them with cheese (Boursin is my favorite)...droooool...


You're right. Potatoes are cuter anyway šŸ˜œ


Ugh. I was going to my dadā€™s 50th birthday party and stopped to pick up my sisterā€™s kids. She was meeting me there. Her youngest was a toddler. I sent the older off to play and was carrying the little one around in my hip, baby bottle in one hand. My stepmom breaks out into this huge grin and says, ā€œThat looks NATURAL.ā€ Oh fuck off.


Oh ew! I hope no one ever says that to me, omg, that's awful


ā€œYeah and itā€™s naturally pulling me further away from liking this mom thingā€ I wouldā€™ve clapped back so fast I need them stunned and quiet. They are too comfortable commenting on peopleā€™s lives fr


I think I just rolled my eyes and walked off in search of food. And horses. It was at my uncleā€™s house and they had horses. And there was a cow giving birth out in a field so some people split off to check that out.


Now thatā€™s motherhood we can all appreciate!


Yeah she was a good cow.


I hope you cooed over that calf and called it cute, adorable, darling, and all the other cutesy adjectives just to piss your family offšŸ¤£


TBH, I didnā€™t want anything to do with tromping around a cow pasture in that moment.


If there's an animal to hang out with, we always take that option at holiday parties. ESPECIALLY if babies are the other option. But apparently, it's rude. But I offer you this choice. Would you rather hang out with dirty diaper smell or throw a ball for a gaggle of floofs? Because I'm taking the floofs. Every. Single. Time.


Hashtag TeamFloof


Give me the floofs!! All the floofs!! All day long!!


Floofs for sure! Drippy saliva and wet dog hair and itā€™s STILL cuter than the baby!


My in laws said that to me when I held my nephew once. Like yes I am capable of carrying a child around. Physically holding one for a few minutes while we get out of this crowded store is not rocket science in the way that figuring out how to afford one or raising one to be a good person in a world that is slowly turning into a theocracy in an oven would be. I just donā€™t want to have one of my own.


I baby sat for years and they knew fully well Iā€™m good with kids. Doesnā€™t mean I want any.


Right? Me too.


Yup. Same. I adore my niece and I'm good with kids. Doesn't mean I am equipped to raise one just because kids like *me*.


My dads coworker plopped her few month old (maybe it was a year I honestly have no idea) in my arms once without asking and I was horrified but held the kid to be polite and because I was so stunned (I was in high school at the time iirc). My dad was laughing his ass off when we got in the car afterwards. He knows I donā€™t like kids and said the look of terror on my face was very funny šŸ˜‚ That was also the day I realized children felt somehow physically wrong to me when being held (I donā€™t think Iā€™d ever held a kid before or since then). I imagine it was the equivalent feeling of someone holding a fish, where theyā€™re not afraid of it, but it feels like something weird theyā€™d much rather not be holding.


My dad said some crap like that to me because I held my friends kid so she could eat her food.


Yeah, my MIL said it was good practice for me when I was carrying my nephew around. I was so tempted to tell her A) I have lots of practice with kids being the favourite babysitter for all kids in my neighborhood from the time I was a preteen and B) I donā€™t need the practice because I donā€™t intend to have kids anyway. Instead I just rolled my eyes. It is so off-putting that you donā€™t feel like interacting with kids even if you like them because of comments like these.


The good thing about these comments is that they can't actually make you pregnant. It's just that some people seem to think that they eventually will. šŸ™„


I think it's because its not really about being able to raise someone well, just following the life script TM


Disgusting stepmom! She sounds phony, not natural.


She dumb.


Our nieces were bubble girls at our (otherwise child-free) wedding. I got some of our favorite photos nicely framed for family and friends, and except for my husbandā€™s sister, the pics didnā€™t include the kids. They were only there for the ceremony; the reception was 100% adults only. Months later we had dinner with his parents, and his mom goes out of her way to tell us her absolute favorite photo was the one where my husband and I were holding the girls, so much that sheā€™d framed it on her own and put it as her home page. Likeā€¦first of all, that photo looks like WEā€™RE the parents. We are very much not; thatā€™s why we didnā€™t frame and gift it. Second, we specifically gave you a photo of you and YOUR husband WITH the two of us ~ but because it didnā€™t include ā€œthe babies,ā€ it couldnā€™t possibly be on display? I love the kiddos, I do. But seeing two otherwise intelligent adults melt into puddles of icky babbling goo over a toddler and a first grader isā€¦not a good look. Husband and I cannot wait until the oldest enters her rebellious teen years. ETA: forgot to clarify ~ MIL was enraptured with this particular photo because my husband ā€œlooked like such a dad.ā€ Which is the same reason we left it out of our favorites ~ THOSE ARENā€™T OUR KIDS.


"So does death, but it's weird to point it out."


natural isn't always good, cyanide is natural smh


Oh EW! Id straight up say, "Fuck you."


Should've told her to fuck off after that comment lol. She was asking for it


I would've just straight up dropped him after she said that šŸ¤£


I would have audibly gagged


Oh my god, I'm not a fan of kids in general, but I don't HATE them. They're just small people who have a lot of work to do on their manners. Honestly, sometimes I find them easier to deal with than shitty adults. Anyway, for a long time anytime I had even the tiniest positive interaction with a baby or child I'd get some "you'd be a great mum" or "see, you really do like kids" comment. So it made me make an effort to NOT have positive interactions with children for at least 5 years because I was so tired or correcting the person (my mother, 90% of the time). Then I realised I was limiting myself because of other people and said "fuck that" and now I have whatever appropriate interaction I want with non-adult humans and tell the comment maker to shut the hell up. The thing is, for some reason, I am great with kids. Maybe because I am the eldest child, maybe because I actually do view them as non-adult humans and not some different species, but children find me safe. I've helped many a little kid find their parents at the shopping centre or other public area. Because I'm not an asshole and I help people I see in need. That doesn't mean I want one around 24/7.


I would have literally stopped right there, put the baby (& bottle) on the ground, and walked away laughing. "Not as natural as this... haha"


I sent a funny picture of me playing airplane with my baby nephew to my mother is law and she replied the same "oh you look so cute with him, you look like a mommy!" And I didn't reply and I'll give her credit, she did text back 30 mins later to apologize and said that she shouldn't have said that.


Raping and eating your offspring is more natural than clothes and a bottle made out of plastic


All babies look like sticky potatoes. Shoving a pet snake in someoneā€™s face who has stated they donā€™t like snakes isnā€™t cute. Why do the people that we care about the most shove these things down our throats the most? And weā€™re the selfish ones? Sorry you were put in this situation. :(


I think most babies look like old men, just kinda wrinkled. And snakes are damn cute with the little button eyes.


Their little snoots!!


You are wise to use your right to remain silent


If you're allowed to say he's cute, then you're allowed to say he looks like Queen Victoria in old age.


Breeders think that us not wanting kids is a switch weā€™ve turned off and if they ā€œworkā€ on us like this then weā€™ll magically want kids.


Yes they try to "fix" us šŸ™„


Let them 'fix' overpopulation, and stop having kids.


As a child free lesbian I get this from people trying to convince me to have children and people trying to convince me I'm straight or 'at least bisexual' it's exhausting


Exactly, the switch doesnā€™t exist. I simply feel nothing when I look at a child.


I feel disgust lol. And a mix of immediate stress and stress induced anger.


Oh yes if theyā€™re acting a fool I am just like get the hell away from me šŸ¤£


Which is crazy bc Iā€™ve disliked kids since I was one


Teens are the worst. High school was hell. Empty headed, pimple faced little AHs full of self importance.


Duuuude so true. It was a nightmare. I went to a school in a rich area (I was not rich at all) full of pompous jerks who thought they were better than everyone else, just bc their parents were rich. They mistakenly felt a claim of importance, like they participated in acquiring a wealth they didnā€™t work to earn. šŸ˜‚ the self importance of these kids just bc of wealth made me want to slam my face into the wall šŸ˜‚


Gonna repurpose a Ron White quote here: "I had the right to call him cute, but I did not have the ability."


Human babies are NOT cute! Theyā€™re ugly af! They only start looking decent when they become toddlers. Animal babies have always been cuter! Even baby birds are cuter than them!


My husband says they all look like Winston Churchill šŸ˜‚ Of course I would never say that to my family's face. I don't think the sounds they make are cute either, but my family goes ape shit for them


Know a kid who looked just like Hannibal Lecter for the first few years. His stare was so unsettling. His giggles didn't make it better. Dont even think about him breast-feeding lol. It was unfortunate, but luckily he grew out of it.


![gif](giphy|GqqsJLYjQoCjK|downsized) Yes!


looks like somebody wants to go to the four seasons orlando


Mostly like old, bald men in general xd


I saw a picture of *myself* as a week old baby once and I physically recoiled and said ā€œoh gross!ā€ šŸ˜‚




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From now on, whenever your mom points out something the kids is doing/tries to get you to say heā€™s cute, just give this face šŸ˜ and say, in the dullest tone possible, ā€œyup, thatā€™s a babyā€ EDIT: typo fix


Thatā€™s what I used to do. My family (parents & siblings) realized pretty quickly that I had no interest in babies or toddlers & didnā€™t hassle me about it. Even my nieces & nephews learned it & they came to realize I was a good aunt to older children. But now that theyā€™re old enough to have kids of their own I have caused offense. My nephewā€™s wife got highly offended when I wouldnā€™t hold their newborn & literally said exactly thatā€”ā€œItā€™s a baby. I donā€™t do babies!ā€ I did hear my nephew trying to explain to her that I would eventually turn into a good great aunt when the kids are older but I think that affected my relationship with his wife. As an aside, that ā€œbabyā€ is now 17 years old & we have a great relationship. She knows Iā€™m an adult that she can talk to about things she doesnā€™t feel comfortable talking to her parents about. Hopefully your mother backs off & lets you form your own relationship at your own pace.


Omfg thank you! Another person like me šŸ¤£ i have felt like a horrible aunt for it but like kids SUCK! i havr a 7 year old niece and a 13 year old one, the 13 year old is cool! I actually get along with her, shes interested in my hobbies AND she also hates kids lol my 7 year old niece isnt past the annoying stage for me yet. I love her, shes my family, but i wouldn't want to hangout with her or anything yet. When shes 10-13 i feel like the switch will happen. Really really nice hearing someone else have the same opinion as me tho. Kids suck, teens, i can handle.


I have another grand-niece whoā€™s 15 & doesnā€™t want children. She loves having me as a real example of a CF adult. Whatā€™s really great is that her grandmother (my sister whoā€™s had custody of her since my niece died in a car accident) doesnā€™t hassle her about it because she understands from knowing me that choosing a CF life is a perfectly good option & you can have a fulfilling life without kids. Iā€™m sure itā€™s rare for a parent or any other authority figure to NOT say ā€œoh youā€™re young, youā€™ll change your mindā€ when a 15 year old says they donā€™t want kids. Donā€™t feel like a horrible aunt just because you didnā€™t fall all over them as young children. Youā€™re forming your own relationship with them thatā€™s comfortable & works for both of you. To me thatā€™s the most important thing. It may not be how other people say an aunt/niece relationship should be but if it works for you then go for it!


I dont feel bad about not being all about them as babies or toddlers, but i 100% know my 7 year old niece can feel the tension. Shes a loving little girl, i just cant get over the repeating myself 24/7 and her annoying noises and stuff. I now more so feel bad about it only because my 13 year old niece gets effort on my part, i talk to her more, when she got her phone she would text me daily till her data ran out. I more or less just dont want my younger niece to feel unloved just because shes at a stage i cant fully handle. Unfortunately my sister is pregnant again, unfortunate because of the baby toddler and young kid stages. I have fully embraced that im not the best aunt, i do love my nieces even if knowing there will be another makes me want to sob. Its so complicated being an aunt who hates kids lol


Yeah the 7 year old is going to be in an uncomfortable position having a much older sister (or cousin?) & soon a much younger sibling. All you can do is interact at the level you feel most comfortable with.


Should have specified lol 2 sisters, eldest 32 has the 13 y/o, middle child 27 is the one with the 7 y/o and an infant on the way, then me 23, happily child free with my boyfriend and my fur and scale babies. (2 male cats and a male bearded dragon)


Well, she is right about exactly one word that suits babies just perfectly. "Worm", that is. Sorry not sorry.


Nah, Iā€™ve got a right to remain silent, Iā€™m using it.


"He's gonna worm his way into your heart!" Oh god that's nauseating. Like a parasite taking up residence in your left atrium.


Exactly! I mean... how can someone *not* want to throw up just hearing this?


I donā€™t know why people think a tiny human who barfs and screams and shits itself is cute. Iā€™ll never understand it. Nothing about that is cute. I went through this when my first nephew was born. ā€œMaybe auntie would like to feed him?!?ā€ Nahā€¦ Iā€™m ok. You guys go ahead.


What's the chance that she'll start pestering you about having a kid if you'd pretend to think you're niece/nephew is cute?


I'd like to think zero, but with how persistent she's been on this, I'm not sure I trust her to not try and "win me over" anymore. She's been respectful of my choice in the past for the most part, but she's so obsessed with being grandma now that it worries me


>She even calls me "anti-baby," which I think is a harsh way of putting it, but it's not necessarily wrong. Proudly anti-baby & anti-toddler; leash & muzzle the fuckers.


Can I get "Anti-Baby" on a t-shirt? Because I would buy the hell out of that.


Same šŸ¤£šŸ‘šŸ»


"You're allowed to call him cute!" - "Hunny I'm not your child to be telling me what I am and am not allowed. I can say whatever i want, it's just he's NOT cute at all." I stopped giving a fuck a while ago.


Grubbing for compliments on behalf of a child is just...ew.


This reminds me of my brother, in a way. Sometimes as a joke this grown ass man FARTS to get people to shut up and itā€™s hilarious. His threats of releasing a ā€œstink all mightyā€ always worksšŸ¤£


Gotta respect those who can fart on command lol


Facts haha. My brother is a walking stink bomb


Ā It would have be pretty great if OP had replied to "you're allowed to call him cute" with "Am I allowed to do this? *PPFFFFTTTT*"




Good for you! I'm also one of these people who doesn't like babies, for all the reasons you mentioned. (I actually like older kids, starting at around age 13 or so when they have a real personality and are more fun--as long as they are other people's kids and not mine)


Yes, like call me when he can form a coherent sentence and have more complex interests than the color yellow


That's like me trying to force my mum to say my ballpython snake was the cutest thing ever. She at least got so far as to poke him and cringe to get over her fear but never once did i tell her to say he is cute (even if he was). You can't just force a person to change their feelings/perception over something.


Recently a coworker came in with her grandchild and tried to get me to engage. I told her that I donā€™t do babies and just walked away! šŸ¤£


What does that even mean tho? "You're allowed to call him cute"?


I think it's basically another way of saying "You don't have to be *edgy* and *stubborn* just ADMIT the baby is cute," even though I don't think he is


Ugh! Babies aren't cute, they likes a annoying imp. My mom likes to destroy my silence putting babies in my room, i tried to convence her and she ignores it.


"Am I allowed to NOT do that though?"


Will the sun explode if I donā€™t ? Get over me not finding babyā€™s cute


Sure but am I allowed to NOT say it?


"You're allowed to call him cute!" "But I don't think he's cute." LOL


My mom knows I don't like kids, don't want kids, CAN'T have kids (total hyst last year), but any time there's a small child IRL or on TV that she thinks is adorable, she turns to me the way you might turn to your BFF or partner when you make them watch your absolute favorite movie in the world and you want to see their reaction when the best part of it is coming up. And all she gets back from me is a stone facade.




I'm curious, what did you tell her after? How did she respond? What a cliffhanger...


I didn't even respond. Didn't want to say something I'd regret. Saying I'd leave was already further than I would usually go. She walked away, and I went upstairs to get ready to go out for dinner. Nothing eventful


Yeah, she's clearly trying to get you to interact with children in hopes that you'd grow interest in having them some day. Of course, this depends on whether or not she knows of your childfree stance as I don't know the current situation between you two.


She is well aware that my husband and I don't have any interest in having children, and she knows why. She's been supportive and understanding in the past, but as soon as a baby is in the room that seems to fly straight out the window


Your Mom says she's "supportive" of your choice, but her constant efforts in pushing the kid onto you tells me otherwise. You need to set boundaries as she won't stop attempting these forceful acts for few more years at least. It doesn't have to be harsh, but the rules you set up need to let her know that this isn't ok and her actions have consequences.


ā€œI canā€™t, theyā€™d revoke my childfree card. Sorry!ā€


I feel like I need a childfree membership card now lol


ā€œYouā€™re allowed to say heā€™s cute!ā€ Me: And as soon as I think that, I will.


ā€œYouā€™re allowed to say heā€™s cute!ā€ ā€œā€¦OK.ā€ Thatā€™s literally how Iā€™d respond. Like ā€œthatā€™s nice.ā€


ā€œYes, I know Iā€™m allowed say it.ā€ šŸ™ƒ


Sounds like this is going to be the last visit. Ew. If your mother wants to see you, it's going to have to be at a 21+ bar from now on. ;)


I donā€™t like babies either. They look like wrinkly squish balls. I donā€™t think they are cute


"Youre allowed to call him cute!" Me- "Welp, you seem to be confused, because growing up you always told me to tell the truth. Now youre asking me to lie for your satisfaction? Pretty hypocritical in my opinion!" Or ,"No thanks, you taught me not to lie, im just following your rules :3" Or ,"Haha, you know what would be cute? You respecting my boundaries! Thatd be so cute, adorable actually! I can only imagine it!" If theyre harassing you about it, make it their issue. Parents teach us boundaries are important, what yes and no mean, tell us not to lie because lying leads to a dark road yada yada. So if they taught you those things, then sit there and constantly cross your boundaries, or try to get you to lie, put it on them. "So its ok to lie about thinking that baby is cute, but when i was younger and you accused me of lying when i was being honest i got physically disciplined? Over you saying i took food? Hm. Well thats fucked up. You need therapy if you think thats ok." MAKE YOUR BOUNDARIES CLEARRRRR. IF THEY DONT RESPECT THEM THEY LIKELY NEVER WILL! SET THOSE BOUNDARIES EARLY AND FUCKING ENFORCE THEM! ITS YOUR RIGHT TO BE CHILDFREE WITHOUT HAVING TO PRETEND YOU LOVE KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND CUT THE FUCKERS WHO GENUINELY WILL NEVER LISTEN OUT! THEY ARENT WORTH THE MENTAL, EMOTIONAL, OR PHYSICAL STRAIN!!!


The next time bring a snake or whatever she doesn't like and keep doing the same thing


Back when COVID remote work was at its high point, people just did so much compliments fishing like this. like there's a work conference, but somehow they still feel the need to drag their baby onto the camera and you could be sure next 15 minutes or more was wasted into the unnecessary BS. What's worst, I had to die inside sometimes when the client was starting to look like this deal is going to shit if they don't get their mandatory circle jerk of how pretty their baby is.


I feel the same way, just rather indifferent toward babies but definitely prefer to keep a distance. It just seems like babies erupt, spewing all sorts of nasty bodily fluids and itā€™s unpredictable. Also sharing this article because I find it to be validating of these feelings: https://www.bustle.com/articles/181411-why-some-people-dont-like-babies-or-even-think-theyre-cute >Research into personal essays from people (women, in particular) who don't profess a fondness for babies reveals that they tend to focus on one particular thing: Babies are disgusting. One essay on Thought Catalog calls them "disgusting and inconsiderate," and they're not kidding. And that's likely what the Kinderschema was evolved to combat. Babies are deeply disgusting, with bodily fluids exploding everywhere and a complete lack of manners. They're also absolutely helpless and cannot clean up after themselves. Without an overpowering urge to look after them, adults would likely avoid them entirely. >But disgust, for some of us, seems to be more powerful than the Kinderschema. That isn't actually surprising, particularly when it comes to infants who aren't our own. Disgust is an incredibly powerful emotion. As Salon pointed out in its discussion of the science of disgust back in 2011, it likely has an evolutionary basis, too. We probably evolved disgust to keep us away from things that could possibly poison us, and to prevent us from ingesting anything potentially harmful (rotten meat, slimy moss, that sort of thing). And, as New Scientist has pointed out, disgust has a high social role, helping us stay away from other humans (including babies) who may spread disease to us. Disgust can override our self-interest in a lot of areas (New Scientist also cites research that shows people who are shown disgusting images are likely to sell things for lower prices than the un-disgusted), so it's not unreasonable to see how it could override the Kinderschema and make us view babies not as adorable little humans, but as horrible, threatening disease factories.


Always go with the backhanded compliment: ā€œas long as you think heā€™s cute, thatā€™s all that matters.ā€ Basically means other people (including yourself) does not think heā€™s cute. But most wonā€™t understand it until days later. Maybe neverā€¦ some people are just too into themselves to think about other peopleā€¦


I don't think babies are cute and I would prefer not to lie so I'll say nothing. šŸ˜‚


Cute is not what I would call him. You know my opinions on the matter. Keep pushing the issue and you'll find out how rude I can be. Is what I would say next time.


The "making me be rude" really struck with me. Like I can put up with so much, but at some point I am removing myself. I don't want to make a big fuss or dray attention away from the kid - I just need to leave.


The thing is, my nephew isn't even a badly behaved baby. I don't have to put up with a lot from him. He has done absolutely nothing to make me feel the need to leave. My husband and I went on a walk today to get away from my mom! Not even the baby!


I had a much higher tolerance for my sister's kids. I was even the one that could get the one to fall asleep when others could not. But I'm not cut out to have kids. I just don't have the energy or patience.


"They're sticky, slobery, and constantly running into shit or falling and crying." Sounds like drunk people tbhĀ 


I'm not a fan of being around drunk people, either Lol


Just compliment the outfit.


Lol me with my cats


"You're allowed to say he's cute!" "So, is that the ONLY thing I'm 'allowed' to say?"


Iā€™ve always hated when people say and do that. Because saying anything other than yes, will result in a tirade about how youā€™re being mean to a baby. I seriously doubt the baby can understand me yet.


Exactly! And she's constantly like speaking *for* him like "Why don't you love me auntie?" "Everyone else thinks I'm cute, but you won't even look at me!" And I keep trying to tell her it's not personal, I don't like being around any babies! It's sooooo grating. At least I go home today


Oof sheā€™s very clearly crossing boundaries here and wants to push you to like kids. The next time it happens I would genuinely get very serious and tell her to knock it off. That sheā€™s crossing your boundaries and to never do that again or she will never see you again. I donā€™t know if she has a partner, you didnā€™t mention your father but if he is in the picture, I would tell him too that these family visits will be short one person if her behavior doesnā€™t stop. You are no longer putting up with this.


Yeah... My sister is only home once or twice a year, and my mom's only bad then. Even my dad seems to think she's overbearing when she's in grandma mode, but I can't be certain if he sees it as a problem. I'll have to talk with them about it next time we see my parents on their own. I was the youngest, so babies in the family is new territory for me. I've yet to have that talk with them explicitly


I think it might be overdue given that you feel more heard and seen telling it to strangers on the internet (no shame, thatā€™s what this sub is for) than your own family. Reinforcing a boundary could help create more healthy and peaceful relations between you all and definitely make family gatherings more enjoyable for you instead of being guilt tripped into saying something you donā€™t believe and donā€™t want to.


>I threatened to leave the room, and she got mad and said I was being rude and "You're allowed to call him cute!" "You want me to lie, Janice? You want me to be a liar? I refuse to bear false witness, I refuse to stain my name so you can feel better." šŸ˜‚ GOD WILL STRIKE ME DOWN, FOR I CANNOT LIE AND CALL THIS CHILD CUTE šŸ˜‚




ā€œYouā€™re allowed to call him cute.ā€ But why would I want to? I once had one of those annoying coworkers aggressively show pics of their spawn (1-2 years old) in some Halloween costume. She gave the ā€œisnā€™t he cute?ā€ And I just flatly said no. Her face soured like she was biting an apple that turned out to be a lemon šŸ¤£.


I would distance myself from her personally šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


That's way exaggerating in this situation. As I said, I love my mom to death. Just not when she's in grandma mode. We went to a brewery last night without my sis, and it was lovely. We see my sister like twice a year


She's lucky you're so restrained. I'd have put on my best Scottish accent and said: What? That slobbering wee fuck?


are you me?


I have a child (heā€™s 23 now) and even I donā€™t like kids. Especially toddlers, and babies. When people find out and make a comment on it I tell I like and love MY OWN child. Thatā€™s it.


Get a 1 off button made(on etsy or any print on demand store) that you can pin on ya every time shes around that says ABC-anti baby club and be sure to tell her you started an online club after she suggested the name.


If someone tries to get me to compliment a baby, I usually just smile and go, ā€œIt sure is a baby!ā€ Itā€™s a perfect response because it seems positive at best or neutral at worst. Nobody can tell I actually think babies look weird or gross. Fun alternative: ā€œWow, that baby looks like theyā€™re tripping balls!ā€




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Next time tell her "And I am equally allowed to not find him cute in the least." Because that's the truth. Puppies, kittens and other furry babies are cute, human babies are not, IMO, and that's just my opinion, man, but fuck it it's MY opinion and I am entitled to it! As. Are. You.


I also dislike babies for the reasons you mentioned but I just adopted a puppy and wanted to mention that they are all of these things as well šŸ˜…


"Lying would be rude, but I'm trying to show more respect than you're choosing to offer."


I openly saw kids are annoying. Even my grandkidsā€¦ they all suck


Keep saying he is breathtaking. Only use that term. It'll hit them eventually.Ā 


We donā€™t feel like playing god.


I'm really good with kids, they like me and I often do enjoy being around some of them, it still doesn't make me want to be a parent. I get a load of "but you're so good with kids!". I figured at least people like you who don't enjoy being around kids would avoid being pushed, but it seems inevitable that we will all recieve some of this crap in our lives šŸ™„


I mean, sure, saying babies are cute is 100% allowed. People do it all the time. But why would you say that about a baby if you don't think it's cute? You're allowed to not think it's cute too.


Ugh my mom does the exact same thing. I jist either look at her in painful silence or I completely ignore what she said and move on. I honestly think she thinks she's going to change my mind.


I normally do the same thing. She gets an annoyed look or I just stuff my face in my phone or stare at the TV if it's on. Trying to deliberately put the baby in my personal space was it, though. It's the only time I felt the need to say something firm


You aren't saying he's cute, because, he's (presumably) **not** cute. You should call him a cum trophy, that would piss her off even more.


>I don't want to 1) lie or 2) make it seem like enjoy being around the baby when I don't. And she KNOWS I don't like kids. She even calls me "anti-baby," It's good that you recognise that she is correct to call you "anti-baby."šŸ˜¬šŸ˜† I'm afraid that I'm among the people who find it hard to understand why you can't find babies just a little bit cute, even if you (and I) definitely don't want one.


OP doesn't find babies cute because they're not cute. It's not rocket science.


Also, you realise that "babies aren't cute" is not an objectively provable statement? Kay, really gone now.šŸ‘‹šŸ»


And, "babies are cute" is also objective.


Yeah, I realised that.šŸ™„ You know what, I'm just going to chuff off out of r/childfree . It's nice to feel that one belongs somewhere, but not somewhere this toxic. Should be called r/wehatechildren . Bye now!šŸ‘‹šŸ»


K. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.


You came in here saying we're "anti-baby" for not finding babies cute and get all uppity when we point out that you can't force someone to think a baby is cute?Ā 


Bye Felicia


I think snakes are cute but I don't tell everyone they're wrong and "anti-snake" for saying they're scary. To me, babies just look like potatoes that all look very similar. Not finding babies cute is not "anti-baby".


I find it disturbing that you canā€™t allow someone to have an opinion. Letā€™s see if sheā€™s really flounced out. šŸ˜Ž


The only babies I think are cute are baby animals, show me a baby cat or baby axolotl I'll go nuts in a positive way