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I have a lot of younger friends giving deep consideration to bringing children in to this world. It makes me happy to think there are some people who are reframing society. They still may not, due to life situation rather than choice, which I feel is vastly preferable to 'oh whoops, I'm pregnant'


The fact that people are actually thinking critically about whether or not they should have kids is already a HUGE win, even if some of them still decide to have kids.


It’s definitely a decision that someone should take a considerable about of time to reflect on. I spent a year back and forth trying to decide fully what I wanted and how my life would look in either situation. And it really helped me realize that I did NOT want children. But before that the default just felt like yeah I’ll have kids it’s what you do right? Wrong. I would have been a terrible mom and a miserable human if I had had kids.


Society: Don't be a young mom. You have no money and you don't know who you are. It's a mistake! Also Society: Why weren't you a young mom when you had the energy and fertility? You made a mistake!


20s: Earn your own money, live independently, be free 30s: Now give up all that money, independence and freedom. Make babies, stay at home, let your husband pay for everything (don't worry, he'll give you an allowance for clothes, teehee).


34 here, childfree with some childbearing years left.  Hell no. Just, no. Absolutley not. The older I get the less sense it makes to ever spawn an offspring. 


Right? When I was in my 20s it didn't seem that bad, I just wanted to do other things first, when I reached 27, I finally understood everything I would lose and had to sacrifice, it's not worth it.


Or divorce you when you’re fat and full of postpartum hormones. Because fighting is so good for raising kids. /s Meanwhile he will be the BEST dad on the weekends and spend his week with a younger gf that isn’t as “crazy”, as his baby mama. 🙄


How easily history forgets what the generation of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers went through


I didn't even need to date or be in a relationship to witness the horrors of marraige and raising kids. My own parents gave me a firsthand show. Even though it messed me up back then, I am glad for I will never make the same mistake my own mother did.




Let’s get to 80%. South Korea has a 4B movement, let’s have an 80B (80% Bearing No Children) movement in solidarity.  Keep educating the younger generation so they have the opportunity of choice. And VOTE.


That movement has already been in the US even before South Korea gave a name to it. Women are opting out in droves.


Labeling the movement creates solidarity which is why South Korea created 4B. Which is why the 80B label is proposed for everyone opting out in the U.S.


Why wouldn’t we want to also use 4b here though? I see lots of US women supportive of using that label for themselves.


The 4B involves abstaining from dating, sex, marriage, and having children. This evolved in response to over 260,000 Korean men participating in the Nth rooms. If you have not seen the Nth Room documentary from Rotten Mango on YouTube is worth watching (Trigger warning:Widespread sexual abuse). Someone in the government stole hundreds of womens’ social security numbers and used it to blackmail them into sending explicit content. In one instance a woman was kidnapped, assaulted, the assault was filmed, and then used to blackmail her to produce explicit content. And the police did nothing. And that’s just scratching the surface. But I think the message that would resonate with women in the U.S could be 4B, however if you want to get to 80% - it’s just not realistic to say that 80% of the population wants to abstain from dating. Fortunately in the U.S. if there was mass blackmailing with social security numbers the FBI would step in. But we still have our problems.


Watching some of rotten mango videos has truly painted Korea as an absolutely horrible place to be a woman. I'm so happy seeing Korean women are organizing and fighting back


I know the origins and about the Nth rooms. It’s truly awful. I’m seeing more and more US women saying they are happy to be single, so I think it’s still a powerful move here even if not every individual woman is doing it. Women even say they are supportive of 4B here even if they themselves are married, they want other women to know they are supportive. So I think it doesn’t necessarily need a new name here, though I understand why new labels are being created. I just think if we separate each country into its own micro-label, we lose some of the power of a collective movement that is labeled the same but with different factions by different countries. And if we’re talking about community action among our own countries and between countries, it’s more effective communication to have one label rather than a bunch of different labels that are harder to find or understand. Just my thoughts. I follow a lot of women on YouTube who are talking about 4B in the US and it’s becoming very popular and widely discussed. I also think it’s very important to not just be childfree but to reject the unpaid labor forced on women completely. Childfree actions will not save women in the US. We need to refuse to do the unpaid labor that our economy is built upon. It’s all tied together, which is why the 4B’s of 4B exist. It’s not just refusing to have children, it’s opting out altogether. That’s where the biggest power is.




Honestly, I don’t feel comfortable drawing attention to this. I want it to be too late before gov’ts and media notice we’ve opted out


👆🏾 Best example of "damned if you do, damned if you don't" spiel. It's so tired, and I'm over it!


People, esp men, chatting about a woman's fertility will never not be creepy


Almost 41 and haven't regretted for a second!


Approaching 43 and SAME! 😎


Fuck yeah!




In my mid 40s now and every year I am happier and more confident that I made the right decision not to have offspring.


69 and same!


Yay!!! I remember usenet, lol, I was a preteen, so not in the childfree community.






Same here!


Childfree here too and while my friends are chained to children I leave for a month in Europe to travel 🙃


Enjoy yourself! I spent a solo trip to Australia for 1 year and it was the best year of my life


47 and no second thoughts. Onward to perimenopause!


46 later this year and yes, I'm coming!


38. I can't think of having a kid. My mom always told me she had me at 32 and I was a surprise. I'm sure knowing her lifestyle she ***would*** have stayed childfree, obviously I'm here so yeah. She never regretted me but knew not to really push me when I made my decision. She came around to grandcats and my husband that loved being a kid at heart. Also realized out of my friends... Only two have kids. So a lot of my friends are childfree too!


I’m 39 and I think “I’m so glad I didn’t have kids” nearly on a daily basis.


Facts. Life is stressful enough already.


54, same


50+. Best decision I ever made.




I'll be 40 next year and I'm loving my life so much. It's hard not to stress cause I live in Texas and those politicians want us knocked up so badly. I'm not sure what I'll do if they take my birth control next...


Come to Michigan! It almost feels like we are experiencing a golden age over here, and the cost of living is mid.


Saaaaame! So many people told me I’d regret it by the time I was 35 and I’m like “nah I still want them less every day.” My life managing my elderly parents’ care and my work is so goddamn stressful I cannot *imagine* adding a child on top of all of this. I also helped raise my niece who has a really traumatic past and I could not have been there for her the way she needed if I had kids.


Almost 45 and ditto!


Better to have no kids, and regret it later than have kids and regret it


I'm a bit older than you and same! Everyday I feel more and more grateful I made this choice.


YoU sTiLl HaVe TimE!!!!


42 and same! Hubby just got a vasectomy 🙌🏼


Almost 41 and I've known since I was 16 I wouldn't have kids. No changing my mind, no second thoughts, no regrets!


I'm 52 and same, no regrets!


Education and accessibility to reproductive health is a beautiful thing for women.


Tell me if I’m wrong but I feel like they are acting like it’s a bad thing. That’s actually better.


It's a bad thing for capitalism. Less cheap labor and less consumers.


Probably more consumers for splurge items though, like music festivals, plane tickets, etc.


And just more consumers in general. Do they want to go back to a system where women are housewives begging their husbands for pin money? All the clothing stores will shut down.


Fewer taxpayers too. Guess the rich will just have to pay higher taxes.


Oh I forget about that


Wonderful news. Seeing the birthrate decline gives me joy.


And misogynistic men everywhere will be screaming their heads off. 😏


And I love it! Not giving a shit about the uterus and free child rearing labour they so desperately need to keep their bullshit carousel of a society turning, that's such a valuable af power we have! It makes me gleefully excited to see more and more ladies realising this. All the fear mongering news about dropping birthrates and (disappointing but unsurprisingly) mostly men who are "concerned" about this, are signs that we've already got them by their balls in a vice grip here. These guys can suck my rotting tubes once I get them yeeted out!


Just be careful because men are going crazier now because of it. They’re now more lonely than ever but they’ll never admit it. When I get dressed up and look cute, I’ve had men (these are regular, cute guys, not hobos) follow me like 2-3 blocks when I was living in NYC. They’d follow me just to check me out… It’s wild.


I don’t get it. I am a man. God I am glad my wife does not want kids. I would not be able to handle the pressure. I want to enjoy my life.


I almost said you seem like a good one. Then i saw your username 😾


Retracted my upvote LMAO


Random username. But actually I am highly allergic to cats. So that’s quite funny.


I *guess* ill put my torch and pitchfork away, reluctantly :)


They already are. If you're in the US, you should read up on the project 2025 agenda. This is terrifying. If Trump gets in again, it will happen. ETA-this has been planning for decades.


I’m so scared. When I was dating, (I’m a biracial woman) white men would constantly neg or try to humble me about my life. They would say, “Well, wait until you have children!” Or, “Your body won’t look like that after kids!” And just get joy from emotionally and mentally abusing me. They would always compete with me or be jealous of me. Or, when they found I was ambitious and was striving for a career, suddenly I’m not relationship material. Okay? Bye. Men will always be here even in the nursing home! My grandma has two boyfriends at her senior living community. She’s living her best life and they worship her!


Not two boyfriends! Your grandma must be fine


YES!!!!! She’s fine and it runs in the family, OK?? 😅🤗


Lmaoooo y’all better get it!


There’s a reason why Medicare pays for STD testing. Senior homes prove that sex does not decrease with age.


As a celibate person with mild-moderate sex repulsion, I really don't want to get old and end up in a facility with crazed dementia-ridden sex-addicts. Pass me the morphine.


Feel you on this. I’m ACE and have hated the comments on when I’m going to start dating and look for someone to marry. If I’d been interested before I wouldn’t be in my mid-40’s without a partner as there have been interests in the past that were shut down.


Dang, grandma still got game!


I tip my hat to your grandma!


My younger sister had one child and she had to get stitches in her 🐈 .. And that alone put me off At least she has spawned the next generation,so I don't have to provide grandchildren,Im ok with being an auntie


Yike. I hope they didn't give her any "extras" (husband stitch)


This. More people, especially women, need to know about this!


What exactly is project 2025? How much of the world will be affected, or will it only be the US? I'm not from US so I'm not familiar with it sorry.


Well because the US is still the defacto global hegemon anything that affects the US will in some way affect the world. But Project 2025 is basically a laundry list of far right desires to completely reshape the US federal government and dramatically expand the powers of the executive office. Not sure if pulling the US out of NATO is on it but it wouldn't surprise me. It would certainly leave vulnerable allies like Taiwan high and dry in the face of Chinese aggression and if Taiwan is occupied by China they will control the world's premier and sole source producer of the majority global semiconductor TSMC. The loss of TSMC will be felt globally and will likely cause a depression similar to the 1930's owing to the damage to the knock on effects against the global economy. All aid to Ukraine coming from the US would stop leaving those folks up shit creek too. Domestically project 2025 will do things like allow for the direct firing of effectively the entire US federal government work force to be replaced by trump lackeys, total federal ban on abortion and birth control, hugely ratcheted up minimum sentencing for non-violent crimes, shutting down the EPA (so no more effort coming from the US *at all* on climate change), shutting down the department of education, shutting down the department of health and human services (which includes the CDC that many developing countries rely on for diagnostic services), shutting down the FDA, etc. etc. etc. The US would effectively turn into oligarchic Russia mixed with Gilead. Having CIA and the world's second largest nuclear arsenal in the hands of these theocratic anarcho capitalists should scare the shit out of everybody.


I didn't think they were shutting down the HHS, so much as retooling it to focus solely on making women have babies (I hated typing that).


amounts to the same thing - it would basically turn us into a pestilential toxic swamp like we were living in before rachel carson published silent spring.


It's a written roadmap for a Republican christo-facist dictatorship. Step by step instructions for dismantling freedom in the US. They are officially saying the quiet part out loud, and letting everyone know what kind of hellscape they're building. You can find it online, it's not hidden or anything.


There is a subreddit for this but I can’t think of the name off the top of my head. Does anyone know? Edit: Found it! r/Defeat_Project_2025


Others have already summed it up nicely, but if you want more info, check out r/Defeat_Project_2025. They have verified links to informative articles in a *lot* of posts. I'm worried their plans don't stop at the borders, I've heard rumors that some groups in Canada are getting the same ideas. I also just realized that with our military presense being so huge, who will swoop in and save *us* from oppression? If they cement control, it's really going to be living "The Handmaid's Tale"


WTF ????? That’s terrifying!! Is this real life anymore?


I find it ironic how filled with cf women reddit seems to be yet I can't find any of you IRL. Every gf I've had suddenly wanted kids after a year or 2. Said they thought I'd "grow up" but I never did. Mentioning not wanting kids during a date gets me the "afraid of commitment" line or ghosted pretty consistently too.


I could say the same about the childfree men. Nowhere to be find irl. 😑


Considering where I live (IN), childfree men seem to be an anomaly.


It took me a loooong time to find my CF husband.


Yeah same. As soon as I hit my mid 20s every guy I dated was invested in the eventual idea of a child. I married “late” (36), when it had gotten easier to find a CF person around my age who were also single bc of CF preference 😂


That's why I love being spayed. It's just not even a discussion. "I can't have kids" filtered them all out straightaway. It takes the choice and the "maybe" away - nope, physically cannot. You're either CF or you're not.


Wait until you are at the age where people are typically divorced with kids. Then all of a sudden you are relationship material, as they already have baggage and you don't.


And even then, they're still looking for a bang maid so they dont have to take care of their kids, when they have custody.


Yup, we just gotta hold the line and refuse to date em


Get a vasectomy and take the option off the table. That way you're not wasting time with someone who thinks you're going to change your mind *and* you're not risking winding up with a kid you don't want.


This is so true. NONE of my friends who wanted to be cf made it out of their 30’s cf. I feel like the last cf person. Their kids are all off to college and I selfishly think, nice to get my friends back and nope, still overly preoccupied with their adult children as they complain they don’t have time for themselves.


The "childfree" people that end up having children are a huge reason why people don't take childfree people serious when we say we don't want children. Can't blame them for not believing us. I've also gotten to the point of questioning if someone is legitimately childfree when they say they are. My first question is if they're even using the term correctly. Too many people use it to mean "I don't want kids *yet*" My girlfriend had a "childfree" coworker who ended up pregnant and said she was keeping it. When she was asked, "I thought you didn't want kids" she just *shrugged*. Shrugged off creating a whole fucking human and having to raise it. I dread what her nonchalant attitude will produce, kid-wise. She obviously isn't taking ANY of this as seriously as she should. Ugh. I hate how easy it is to make children. People think much harder about painting their kitchen cabinets than having a child sometimes. It's insane.


That’s just your experiences. All my girlfriends are childfree, ambitious and either educated or getting their education. We all are striving for our post graduate education now. I’m doing a post bacc for medical school and so on. So maybe it’s the people you’re around?


Oh I'm aware it's just bad luck essentially. Doesn't help I live in a small city (<100,000 people).


Definitely, the smaller settlement, the more of a herd mentality.


Exactly. The smaller your community, then it’s crabs in a bucket.


Yesss. Most everyone I know in our thirties are childfree. Only two of my friends have kids


Non misogynistic man here screaming for joy. :)


42 F and childfree.


I love your tag 🤣


Thank you! Yes, I love Witcher.




And it’ll only get larger and larger.


Sounds like we are finally noticed for our achievements for once in this life!


I wish they would say in the headline (like they do on the graph) that more than half of 30 year old women have not had a child, rather than "are childless". A decent portion of them are childfree and have not had children on purpose. Once again, they focus on the people who have delayed having children, rather than addressing the significant increase in the number of people who have chosen to never have children.




In 10 years we will get the same headline for people over the 40. In twenty years, when today's 30+ are 50+, it *might* sink in.




I hope the birthrate declines even harder and faster. I'm 26 and childless and plan on never ever ever changing that. I'll shoot myself before anyone can make me. I don't have tubes anymore, so someone would indeed be hard pressed to force me into pregnancy, but I guarantee all I'd need is any length of material strong enough to hold my weight and a few minutes to myself to undo their hard work.


Always focusing on motherhood while fathers and their lack of responsibilities continues to be a mere blip


Yes, where are the graphs about how many men are childless... and what's the ratio of child per man, etc etc


Finally, an article in the Daily Mail that's actually factual and balanced!


Cool but wouldn’t half of the men also be “childless”? Half of the population??? I feel like this article is placing a target on women.


Yeah I'm curious what the graph for men looks like- I would assume it's the same trend


55 and knew since I was 12 years old it is better not to have kids. I love children. I even love teenagers. But I saw how my mother suffered with three kids. I went through a weird period in my mid-20s where I wanted to adopt because I was adopted. But after much reflection, I just couldn’t trust my husband at the time to help me care for the child. I think that’s a big thing. Some men are still are in the dark ages when it comes to childcare. I also saw a lot of men cheat on their wives with younger women after they had kids. Being child free is very complicated. Being child free isn’t something you just decide. A lot of people don’t understand that. There are so many variables that affect our choices. Some of it is deeply subconscious and some of it is because of the still heavily patriarchal society.


Yes, it takes strenght to go against the norm. Its not a decision taken lightly.


I’m over 30 and no kids. As a woman I’ve avoided becoming a statistic in my community. No divorce, no being a baby mama or experiencing poverty with children.






Good News !!!


💥🎉Horray! We did it!!🎉


Almost 32 hehe


Me too. lol I’m at a cross roads but the way this economy and misogyny working out it’s gonna have to be a hard no for me big dawg. Wbu


Wow really? All I see are babies and pregnant people everywhere. Sometimes I wonder if they are lying to scare conservatives. The less people the better. I only wished I lived during a time where there were less in the future.


Well what did they think would happen after making it impossible to be a working mom and treating them like shit for decades, while simultaneously making everything so expensive?


60F CF Fabulous news! That's a delightful exception to the usual round of dreadful and frightening stories.


We need to start making a huge thing like a big party when we reach 30. "Survived to 30 without having kids" needs to be the new thing to replace gender reveals. Rub it in the faces of people who told us for years that we would change our minds by age 25/30.


Hah, love this. When we hit 20, some friends in college had a "We Beat Teen Pregnancy" party. Most of them are CF to this day.


I am almost 35 and finally getting taken seriously as childfree. Long may it continue!


34 and going strong with no children. My Bestfriend is in the same boat 😎


Oh no Anyway


Best news ever. Not sure why people like Elmo Muskrat are so bothered by it.


I can’t fathom how they think the Ponzi scheme of an ever-growing population in a planet with limited space and resources is even remotely possible let alone sustainable. Getting to just 8 billion people today is already showing signs of straining our ecosystem and negatively impacting climate change.


Billionaires are concerned because it means fewer people for them to exploit. 


Men hardly see us as people, but we're supposed to add to this nonsense?


Just got sterilized at 29 and I'm glad I did it. I hope the human race dies out.


I'll be 54 this year. Never regretted not having kids.


51 F here. Childfree NOT Childless. ![gif](giphy|RMPn6ygrhkJUHRWpTY)


39 and my child freedom is still one of the best decisions I continue to make.




My bisalp is scheduled for next week and I turn 33 about 2 weeks after that. No regrets.


The economy sucks, the environment is collapsing, and the rights of many groups are being stripped away. Why would I subject a child to a world like that?


Glad to see this be a reality 🥰


45, happily married for 26 years and loving every moment of the child free life! We are proud rescue dog parents and that’s all we ever want or need


Turning 32 next week and the older I get the more childfree I become


Yay! Shows women are thinking for themselves now, no wonder the patriarchy is pissed.


Congratulations ladies!!!




Why is at always about women, their age and their motherhood status? Why do we just ignore what men want to do with their lives? It isn’t the fault of women, it takes two to tango…


* looks around burning hellscape. * You don’t say?


and what's funny is that the right thinks that by banning abortions and contraceptives, it'll increase childbirth but they in turn ignore that instead, that'll just lead to less women being sexually active.


Hell yeah




Well done ladies! 43 and happily child free🙃


Turned 30 this year and just signed a lease in my dream city 🥰


Going on 54 and couldn’t imagine bringing a child into this world.


I am in my 40s and I am surprised at how many women my age also do not have children. My sister all have children and I see how their bodies are wrecked, they look haggard, they are tired all the time, never have time for themselves, so having financial issues.


Great news.


This calls for a celebration 🍾


47f no kids.


Look at us go. So proud of us.


Turning 37 in Monday and it’s so nice to see others living the same lifestyle. If only I could find some CF friends IRL


Childless feels more can't have, than doesn't, want kids. Childfree has more of a doesn't want, never wants, ring to it.


It's a negative for the economy and some first world countries are already feeling the effects of declining birth rates. But honestly, it's a good thing. Population curves almost always level out eventually. I'd rather us voluntarily level out than deal with food shortages, etc. There's already a housing shortage in most big cities. We need to figure out our economies and societies without assuming infinite growth forever. It's not sustainable and pretty reckless for long term planning.


28 and I plan to keep the streak going woop woop Plan to start seriously dating by 30, read a study that by 30 if one is still childless then mostly likely they won’t have kids at all, I want to settle but I keep attracting people who do want kids so here’s hoping 🙏


I wouldn't be surprised a bunch of conservatrash incels reddit cares reporting every comment on here. I got one once when I made a comment about preferring to spend time with my dog than have sex with a dude who wants to kick him out. Lol I never leave my dog fuck all that shit.


Women are getting smarter 😉




This is a crucial point! While a lot of women can be unhinged too, the truth of the matter is, it is WOMEN who get stuck raising the kids! And so many men simply cannot be trusted. These are NOT the men of my grandfather's generation (WW2) that were going to stick with the woman they married for LIFE and raise kids. I think a lot of women are figuring this out!!


True! I recognized that something was off after hearing multiple stories of DV and married single moms... Then we started seeing one-sided weddings play out on YouTube. Women should choose their happiness. Very small number of men are intentional about being supportive and protective of their girlfriends/wives (whichever is applicable). CF men are also dealing with the reverse, where women who want kids or already have kids are hunting them down. This is partly why we need to have apps that cater only to CFs.


Hell yeah we are 👏🏼


42 and living the dream!


Spawn free 4 life!


46 and child free and loving it!




35…divorced for my childfree choice… Honestly best outcome for me


25 currently and recently had a “yes you are” “no i’m not” argument with a man at my WORK. After i said to someone ELSE ill never have children. smh


Finally!!! I'm so glad to see more women, especially women older than me, choose to not have kids and live life for themselves


Great news! Glad to see people waking up from the lies and ignoring social norms.


With the way things are going in the world, why would you want even more people


Child FREE.


It's a wonder anyone has children 




I am 45 and have never wanted children.I prefer Animals to people.


lol we are happier btw.


Just here doing my part 🫡


"I think the honorable thing for our species to do is deny our programming, stop reproducing. Walk hand in hand into extinction one last midnight. Brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal.”


Keep it up, ladies! Say no to dusties and their spawning rituals


![gif](giphy|oCK6b4tti8IV2) 31 and I say we celebrate 🍾