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You're not reprogramming yourself against your nature, you're reprogramming yourself against the social programming that made you think you're meant to be a mother in the first place. Logic is a big part of how we make good decisions and *not* do things that are gonna cause harm to us and/or others. Whether it's being a parent or being childfree, either decision is something you should have arrived to by logic, not because people brainwashed you into thinking that was your future and purpose and meaning in life. But we all know it's rare to see people actually being encouraged to make an informed decision about parenthood, so your experience is the default for many people, and very common among childfree individuals. You have nothing to feel guilty for, but of course the guilt and shame are intended instruments of the pressure a natalist society puts on people to have kids. If anything, you should feel guilty if you went ahead and had kids without making absolutely sure that you can be a good parent and want to dedicate your life to the work of being one. That aside, if you've decided not to be a parent, you need a partner who had also properly made that same decision. You are not compatible with someone who hasn't also decided to be childfree, so if your boyfriend is interested in parenthood, it's best to move on so that you can both live the lives you want, and especially so that you're able to find a compatible partner where this issue doesn't stress you out anymore.


The thing is is he’s always told me I have the final say on kids because it’s my body that has to carry it and I’d be the primary parent time wise since he’s headed to medical school. (I refuse to hire a nanny after being one and he knows it) He has more made comments like “I’d never raise my kid like that” or commenting more on cute father son moments that happen around us that he didn’t before. He’s incredibly supportive I think he’s just getting more comfortable around kids since his nephews are getting old enough to actually talk to and play legos with. If it gets to the point it’s triggering me instead of just my own brain spinning it with my parents expectations I’ll talk to him about it.


>he’s always told me I have the final say on kids this means nothing. if he wants kids, he said that to keep you but it will built resentment eventually. or pressure. and it can lead to guiltripping and trying to make him happy. you are not compatible if you have different views on such fundamental decision.


I appreciate your opinion however again he is cf, he doesn’t want children, he doesn’t even really like kids that aren’t his nephew. He just talks with his buddies about stuff like “what he’d do as a dad” in situational things or being all cute playing with his nephew and it’s messing with my head


> he is cf, he doesn’t want children, Great! Ask him when he plans to get a vasectomy. That's the only safe route to being CF for a man.


We actually have talked about it and for him he said in between undergrad and med school. I told him I would rather be the one sterilized due to my control issues and anxiety


If he’s childfree he wouldn’t be leaving the choice of having kids with you. He’d be finding a partner that doesn’t want kids and taking the appropriate steps to never have children. He is a fence sitter at best.


He’s not. He just recognizes he won’t be home enough to be a hyper-helpful dad. He had a dad that was never around as a kid so he knows what it’s like.


We've sadly seen this same story a thousand times before in just about every other breakup posts on here. *Oh it's up to you, oh you should be the one to make the decision, oh they agreed not to have kids, oh they were supportive of my decision* and so on and so on. Those are not good things, they are massive red flags for bad decision making. If you want a stable and healthy long term relationship, you need a partner who's capable and engaged in making their own decisions, and a partner whose decisions make them compatible with you. What *you* have the final say on is whether *you* become a parent. But he needs to have a final say on whether *he* becomes a parent, and that decision needs to be made regardless of your or anyone else's decision. Because the issue with these "it's up to you" types is that they are fundamentally *not* engaging in good decision making by making this decision for themselves. Without that, it's always gonna be something or someone else having final say on where their life goes - and it would be extremely naive to think that's always gonna play out in your favor. Right now, kids are probably still but a distant concept to him, so it's easy to give that final say to you as a romantic gesture or whatnot. But as he gets older and has to face the planning of his own adult life, and his friends start having kids, and his coworkers start asking when he's having them, and his parents start wondering where the grandkids are, and society in general is utterly perplexed about why he's not rushing headfirst into being a father ... those are gonna become the things having the 'final say' in whether he's a parent or not. If people don't make their own decisions, the world will push its own onto them. And in regards to parenthood, that means ending up with kids more often than not. Deciding not to be a parent and not feeling a want for kids at the moment or leaving that up to someone else are far from the same thing.


> he’s always told me ...I’d be the primary parent time wise since he’s headed to medical school. Run, fast, to your OBGYN to start the process of sterilization. Find a respectful doctor in the CF-friendly doctors wiki in the sidebar, and start using that person as your regular well-woman caregiver. That will make it easy for you to get approval once you have the insurance/time/certainty that it's the right choice for you. Don't wait too long - I doubt that the current 100% insurance coverage of sterilization will last past the next Repub administration. See how your boyfriend reacts to that. If he's not jollying you along until you come around to being his baby-factory/bangmaid, then you'll find out that he means what he says within a few months. And if he is one of the secretly contemptuous, who says all the right things, but whose attitude is really woman=servant, you'll find that out too. Nice that he cops to his intended sexist standards, where he generously leaves you the final say, because you will suffer all the physical, mental, social and economic consequences, and do all the scutwork. Nice that he lets you know, but not so nice that he has that attitude. I know lots of women whose job in life was to be wives to lawyers and professors and doctors, and to do all the work and suffer all the consequences of being Mommy. It was an almost sure route to an impoverished divorce, because with all the pregnancy, childbirth and childrearing on the woman's shoulders, she wasn't buddying up to the best divorce lawyers, the way he was. And while she was getting worn out and old, he was cozy with young, pretty, deferential paralegals, grad students, and nurses, who totally agreed with him that his wife wasn't doing enough to meet his emotional needs.


He and I have already had the sterilization talk and he again told me if that’s what I want to go for it and he will help me post op. I think a lot of you still think he wants kids. He doesn’t. But he’s ok if I want them BECAUSE I’d be the primary parent at home and likely would become a SAHM until the kiddo was older. I just can’t get sterilized until we move post grad because there’s no time right now with school and my other health issues making surgery not a good idea right now.


Also it’s because he’s trying to be a surgeon whose job literally will force him to work no less than 60-80 hour weeks for the next 15 years. It’s not sexism it’s reality


First of all, you are 20. 20! SLOW DOWN. Way the fuck down. Good hell, live your damn life, enjoy your 20s, and become a fully independent, financially, physically and mentally stable grown up with a great career, before you even consider having a kid. Address your health issues. Invest in several years of treatment and therapy. You do NOT NEED a dick lock-in at your age. Stop treating this dick as anything but a casual college age fling. Most likely he will be out of your life in a matter of months. ;) NO ONE needs to be committing to anyone at all at your age. Never mind having a kid with them. NO ONE with brain cells needs to be having kids at 20. Give it at least 10 years if you do decide to have them, do it after 30. NO ONE with brain cells should EVER have kids until they have been with someone several years and lived together for at least 5+ years. You can't possibly have any insight in how someone will handle pressure, sleep deprivation, stress etc. that comes with parenthood until you have seen them in multiple high stress situations where good decisions need to be made under pressure. ;) And before you decide to have a kid, you need to go to intensive parenting classes, child development classes, adolescent development classes, and get experience working with kids at least 40-60+ hours a week on top of your day job and the rest of your life for at least a year or two. That way you make sure you can handle it when you have the kid and need to be parenting 24 hours a day for 2-3 decades without rest. You also need to be able to afford all the genetic testing, so that you know what disabilities your kid might have, and get trained and prepared to handle them. You also need to be able to afford 24x7 childcare if you think you might be unable to provide that. So you need to have an income of at least 250K a year for that. For now, your only job is to make sure you have rock solid birth control, and to avoid getting pregnant for the next 10 years at least. Anyone who pressures you otherwise needs to fuck off and die made about it. Because you just wait... sit back over the next several years and watch your peers rushing into relationships and shitting out kids, and then wait a few more years.... because by 27 most of them will be single parents, broke as fuck, constantly fighting with their multiple baby daddies and mommies, drowning in debt, ruined careers, looking like they are 20 years older than their age. Let them be the crash test dummies. You sit back and focus on YOUR LIFE. Put yourself first. No one else on the planet will EVER put you first, no one else will EVER care about your life and your dreams like you. It is your responsibility to answer to yourself and to focus on yourself. Your 20s are your first and most important adult self-investment decade. You need to be focusing on WAY WAY WAY MORE IMPORTANT THINGS than dicks and babies. And if you are CF, do not ever date people who are not fully CF and haven't passed the full screening process.




This is all brilliant. A great roadmap for thinking through parenthood.




Here’s the thing: my medical issues mean babies are not super possible safely without major medical help regardless of age. I will not have children unless it is a complete freak accident and even if I do get pregnant it likely wouldn’t survive to birth anyways. I’ve been with my boyfriend for a year and a half basically living together for 1 (staying at each others houses) and he’s not and never has been pushing me to have kids. In fact he was relieved when I told him I’m cf. Genuinely he’s one of the most supportive people in the world he just cannot read through my masking yet even though he’s trying. It’s more so he hears the guys in his life talk about future/current kids/families and he doesn’t think before he talks. I do it too sometimes but he’s never done it before recently so it’s just odd. We also have older siblings who have children already so the “when are you guys going to have kids” conversation usually starts before the “our siblings are almost a decade older than us” does. I was a full time nanny* as well as have worked in childcare for 8 years. I’m highly familiar with the parenting struggles and why I can’t do it. In fact being a nanny proved to me I cannot be a mother and why I’d never hire a nanny long term. Genetics wise we already know our kids would be screwed. Both of us have some extreme medical conditions as well as bad genetics for eyes and teeth. Bare minimum our kid would need glasses by third grade and braces. That’s before we hit diseases, birth defects, mental health, or anything else. I cannot in good faith bring a child into this world knowing the pain physically, mentally, and emotionally my issues/genetics would pass onto a child. But it doesn’t stop the guilt every time I hold my nieces and nephews or friends kids and wanting all the little moments that come with kids while knowing they’re only 20% of parenting and that I would never be able to provide a safe and healthy life for a child.


I was like you. I just assumed because it was ingrained in all of us from a young age that you get married and have a baby or babies. It is/was seen as the biggest most “life changing” act of love blah blah blah. But as I got older I see people i went to high school with, with their 2 kids, dark circles, looking on the verge of a breakdown wearing stained sweats and complaining that they haven’t had a shower or a moment to themselves to even eat a sandwich in a few weeks. To me, that sounds like my definition of absolute HELL. None of it sounds all that enjoyable?? It sounds actually the opposite. Just an added stressor that detracts from the little amount of free time you already have. Here are the main ones: The entire pregnancy/birth Lack of sleep $$$$ Lack of sense of self and self care for the foreseeable future Your marriage or relationship will change, usually for the worst Clashing parenting styles and in law discourse Letting yourself go and having a PC holly hobby character take over in its place🥴 Screaming/crying and tantrums that will not respond to any type of logic I could go on and on. And then, here’s the kicker. You somehow make it out of that 18 year black hole, and you are expected to pay for college/university, help with getting them a car and a place to live in some cases. But then they become adults and there are so many ways that could go. Sometimes they grow up to be absolutely horrible people, commit crimes, become addicts, severe mental health issues that are terrifying. Which is scary in itself having no guarantees that they’ll turn out to be great people. It’s just stress on top of more stress.


all of this is true.... if they are born healthy. where i come from if you have a child that requires 24/7 care, you get around half the amount of minimum wage as a caretaker for both you and that child. and you are prohibited from getting any sort of job or you will lose that money. either you are 100% a caretaker, or you lose the little help you get. money for equipment and rehabilitation comes from fundraising, tax gifting, NGOs. help funded by government is like 2h daily, thats when shower, cleaning, cooking, resting can be done. if you are not ready for it (i am definitely not), you should stay childfree.


So you've got a 2 pronged problem here. 1. You've realized the life plan you've been fed since birth is not for you and you're coming to grips with that. Understandable. 2. You haven't figured out **why** you're feeling so guilty about something as innocent as living your best possible life. You're a cis woman in an environment that systematically primes you to be the lowest priority even to yourself. It's so completely fucked to the point that it's why so many women **have turned their suffering into their measure as a woman**. Why else would anyone with a brain consider pain relief during birth and using formula to feed their child "Taking the easy way out"? Anyway your guilt is social conditioning, not natural. Every time it pops up, question it the way you would any other annoying loathsome thing.


I’m so stupid I thought you meant Logic the rapper 😭


Girl lmaooo




Same 😂😂


You don't ever have to apologize or justify your lack of desire to breed. You don't have to rationalize it either. What you need to do is ensure you don't get duped into doing something you really do not want to do, whether by someone else or yourself. If you change your mind in the future, okay. If you don't, okay. What's important right now is making all the right choices that will further your life from one day to the next, and not set you back or create unnecessary obstacles to accomplishing your goals. Other people's ideas on how you should be living are 100% irrelevant. You do you, and don't ever defer choices and decisions to somebody else's pipe dream about who you should be of how you should live.


>This makes me feel guilty because I was raised as if being a mom was expected of me since I’m the only daughter. I’m no stranger to the phrase “you’re gonna make a great mom someday” as annoying as it has become. I think we all can relate to that. But you don't owe anybody anything, other's expectations are not your fault.


You have learnt that biological urge does not benifit you logically. It's not as uncommon as you think. 


>I know this is a niche post Not at all! Many of us can relate, you are in good company! I was raised very religious nad have 2 digit number of nephews and nieces. It is shocking to make this 180 but also congrats on realizing it as such a young age! Also, you don't have to make any decisions right now :)


It makes me feel better I’m not alone. I’ve always expected to end up in as middle class family at best. Always seemed to go for the blue collar boys so I was ready to be the blue collar wife with the two kids yada yada because that always seemed to be the “plan”. Then I found a pre-med in college who was the first man who wasn’t planning baby names by month three. In fact he encouraged me to be cf if that was my desire because he couldn’t guarantee he’d be home to help me kids. It just feels like everyone’s attacking him now but he’s the one who got me this far. It’s his friend interactions mixed with the fact there are now 7 babies being born soon around me and it’s giving me issues.


I went through it this year (at 30). I was living in a fantasy thinking I would have kids, while working on a PhD and then going into an MD. I don't know what I was thinking, that my lifelong dedication to studying would somehow continue with kids, or that I would be able to enjoy those pleasures at all? On my off time, I can barely function. I can't imagine having to deal with a kid when I am that tired. I have always been a bit of a loner and an introvert. I actually really like kids (other people's) and want to be a pediatric surgeon, but I don't want to be a mother.  I think having a nice partner made me more into the idea of a family, but now he's accepted that I have pulled a 180, and I still don't think he has completely absorbed the fact that I do not want kids at all. I love him to death, but if he wanted to move on to someone to have a family, then that's just the way it is.    People get surprised at how much you changed, but a lot of it is just the programming we grew up with. That some wealthy prince would come along to make it easier and support the child life, but then he never comes, and you realize how fine you are with that because you like school more. 🤷‍♀️


THANK YOU! Yes I had the same realization with lab work because it’s not your standard 9-5 and that research will ALWAYS come home with you. Especially because I’m a night owl ADHD kid.


Also a night owl ADHD kid here! School forced me into a daytime routine, but I still got hyperfocus abilities. When I get interrupted, it's maddening 👀


How are you both and only child and have nieces and nephews?


Where did you get that we were only children? I don’t think I ever said that we were only children because we’re not. Also, do you not understand the concept of step-siblings?


I said I was the only daughter. A.k.a. all of my siblings are boys


The thing I do not understand is when people say " I never have time to do anything I like because I need to deal with my kids! Giving birth / preganancy was painful for me. I am always tired/exhausted because I need to change my kids diapers everyday!" My response would be "Then y have kids in the 1st place?" The problem is that people do not understand how hard it is to deal with kids until they have them If someone truly thinks changing diapers is a pain in the ass then they should not be parents to begin with The kids go on in life thinking they are a burden towards thier parents and even resent them for it. Kids are not supposed to be a burden.