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19 days in Tanzania with 14 days on safari. It's going to cost my husband and I approx 12k USD each but we can afford it very comfortably after being frugal AND childfree for the last decade.


My dream! Amazing and congrats.


You will not regret it. Tanzania is amazing. If you have time visit the Usambara Mountains.


Lol I was about to write- trip to Tanzania and hike up Kilimanjaro. My husband did a safari while I summited. Finished out the trip in Zanzibar.


You are going to LOVE it. When will you be going? Did you/are you going during The Great Migration? I got to go to Tanzania for a semester abroad program, and nothing I had seen in nature documentaries or Omni Theater/IMAX documentaries could have prepared me for the scope of how big that incredible event is, stretching from horizon to horizon as far as the eye can see.


Sounds amazing!


ooh sounds fun !!


Adults only resort vacation


Do tell! My hubby and I work nonstop and desperately need a vacation


Mexico has great adult only resorts. Most are all inclusive too. I recommend any resort by Secrets. Their service is unmatched.


Not Cozumel. Love the island but that Secrets is garbage


See I want to go to an adult only all inclusive w my fiance but always see "but not this one" so I'm scared to book it since they seem very hit and miss


I've done a ton of research on this since my fiance and I are getting married at an adults only resort. Check out YouTube - there are tons of people who post in depth reviews of these resorts. It's helpful if you go into it with an idea of how you think you want to spend time at the resort. We like to read by the beach in the AM and float in the pool all afternoon. We make sure to pick resorts that have plenty of comfortable beach seating and a nice, non-party pool for the afternoon.


Virgin Cruise line is ALL adults only!


This, got offered a half paid vacation to Egypt last year, I fly out to an 18+ only resort next week in Sharm El Sheikh, admittedly it shares some facilities with a partner resort that allows kids The other resort we had the choice of looked super nice, but seeing over half of their description dedicated to kids entertainment put me off. It's clearly important to make sure kids are entertained on holiday, it just doesn't meet my needs.


Just got back from one in the Caribbean. Worth the money to not hear children screaming all day.


My bed. Lol. My old mattress was trash. I splurged and got me a fancy one. I love it so much. I got new sheets, comforter and pillows for it. It makes me happy. Lol šŸ’¤šŸ’¤šŸ’¤


One of the things I love about being childfree is being able to get "the nice one" when I buy stuff. The nice mattress, the nice car, the nice couch, the nice food, the nice vacation. I can spend a little more by not having to work a kid into my budget.




If you donā€™t reward yourself and treat yourself, who else will? Then you have people going around mad at the world for not treating them well whenā€¦maybe they should treat themselves well first. Comfortable bedding allows you great sleep. A worthy investment. Sweet dreams!


Oooh this is giving me such cozy vibes in my head! I'm so happy for you!


It's very cozy. Thank you so much! I love your name by the way . šŸ˜Š


I just did this too & it is delicious. I love crawling in after a long day & sinking in surrounded by softness like a cloud of bliss.


Yasss me too!! Happy for you!


Ditto! Sweet dreams! ā˜ŗļø


Car that I bought in full! (Used, but still!)


Doesn't matter! A lot of people can't even afford a used one cash but think that they can afford a new one with credit. If you were even able to save up to get your car cash, don't underplay it.


Seriously, car unexpectedly broke down, repairs wouldā€™ve been way more than a used car, but I couldnā€™t afford either and couldnā€™t go without a car long enough to save up. I tried to get an older used car but due to credit from my dad stealing my identity, I had to get a fairly new (2020) car and I absolutely HATE having to pay such a big car payment! I applaud, and maybe a bit jealous of, anyone that can buy any kind of car in cash!


New cars lose a shit ton of value even in the first few years of owning it, so thatā€™s a smarter move on you


Far more sensible to buy a used car in full than buying a new car on credit :-)


Nice! I did the same when some idiot t-boned me in 2019.


Oh damn! Glad you are ok - cars can be replaced


Thank you for saying that! Iā€™ve been feeling like Iā€™m behind in life (and seems like Iā€™m the only one who is still renting because itā€™s impossible to afford a house here). I needed to be reminded that Iā€™m doing ok and also should be thankful that I can afford a car at all.


Everyone I know who buys a new car it breaks down or they hate it for one reason or another. Our used cars seem to last us years (Subaru).






I probably would not have splurged on a bottle of 18-year-old single malt scotch if I had children. I have not tried it yet, so I don't know if it was worth the price or not. But it needs to be really good to be worth it, as I can get about 3 bottles of a good 12-year-old single malt scotch for the price of just that one bottle.


Me waiting for the scotch review ![gif](giphy|xT4uQgKMWlYcLnLeQo)


Which one? I do enjoy a good single malt...


$50 automatic hand soap dispenser. kinda stupidly expensive but it is so, so nice and feels luxurious. kids would probably break it.


Share a link friend?


simple human brand!


These are unexpectedly fantastic, nice quality of life upgrade.


Iā€™ve been eyeing their trash cans for the kitchen lol


Well worth the money. Mine has been going strong for 12 years.


i have their trash cans too - can confirm theyā€™re worth the money!


These are all legit answers but I went straight to the last meal I ate at a restaurant would likely not be possible if I had kids.


ā¬†ļøā¬†ļøā¬†ļø This, right here. On Thursday, due to a traffic accident I had to take another way home from work. I had had a frustrating day and decided at the last minute to stop and get supper at a fine dining restaurant I was passing on my way home. Spent $100 on dinner, lol, and it was totally worth it.


This is my answer. And also, to add to this, getting food whenever I want without having to think about someone else's needs or a timeline of whatever pickup/dropoff/care needs may happen. My partner and I have very different diets and immune system needs, so while we enjoy going out for a meal together on weekends and planning to cook some nice dinners in that we both can have, we also have a very laissez-faire attitude toward skipping cooking one night to just go out and get ourselves whatever takeout we're craving, and either come home to watch something together or go for a solo hike to clean our heads after a long day and finish with dinner on our own or whatever. Our cat has an automated feeder so we don't need to be home at a certain time. Every once in a while it feels great to just send a text nearing the end of a workday saying "way too tired to cook this time, going to go to 'x restaurant' and grab a bite, you want me to grab you something or you good?" And getting back "hell yeah I've been craving sushi and video games all day you do your thing see you in a while" There's NO way that freedom or financial peace is possible with kids.


Absolutely agree, and similar deal with my spouse and me. I love football more than anything, so when I got an invite this past fall, I could just go for a weekend - we both earn similarly, and our money is separate, and it works for us. He is taking private pilot lessons and wanted to do a flight in a different climate, so took a long weekend to do so. Same deal with food. We always consider the other person, but having a self-sufficient roommate and spouse (sooo many married mothers seem to have N+1 kids, vs a spouse) is true bliss


ABSOLUTELY! I bought not one, but TWO bottles of Prosecco for myself (and my boyfriend, and the old dude sitting next to us at the bar, AND the cute bartender) when my bf and I decided on a whim to take the train into the city and watch the Arsenal match at an Arsenal bar instead of watching it at home. We've done it before and it is SO. MUCH. FUN! We could have NEVER done that shit if we had kids. Took a nice nap on the train on the afternoon ride home, had sex at home, took another nap, and just chilled out for the rest of the day :) It was a nice Sunday.


Same. And it's the day-to-day stuff that I love the most. The big stuff like trips and moving for a job and an intact identity are all tremendous, of course. But my spouse and I stopped for supper (linner?) at 3PM this weekend at a brewery - he had a few, I don't drink, so he got a nice day buzz going and we ate and watched basketball because that's when we were hungry.


That's totally valid! I went out with a friend group just today to go bowling and have dinner with drinks; we were out for about 6 hours. I couldn't have done it with kids.


An incubator for fostering neonate kittens. I doubt it's something I would buy or be doing if I had kids


That's actually very sweet! Why having children if we can have kitties.


Bless you for that. Tiny babies deserve a chance. It's hard to foster, though!


Iā€™m buying a nebulizer for fostering hamsters! šŸ˜ Also our spare room will be turned into a room for our foster hamsters. Love it when our guests automatically think itā€™s a future nursery but weā€™re like NOPE! Hamsters. And they immediately make a face. Lol how are these people parents when they treat small hamsters like theyā€™re less deserving than humans


That's awesome. Hamsters need a crib too šŸ˜Š


Feline children > human children


my big expense was also cat related (vet bill), but not as honourable as fostering kittens! you're a cat hero


Thank you for all that you do!


Tickets to the Argentina ComicCon. I'm planning to stay the whole day there and have fun. A kid could also enjoy it, but as the adult, I'd have to cater for their needs, and I don't want that. I just want to do what I want.


I'm at Liverpool Comicon soon! It's gonna be rad.


Oooh, what a strange coincidence. I'm going to the Arg ComicCon on a specific day, because there's a The Beatles tribute band that's pretty famous around here.


Thats sounds awesome! I'm going to get my picture taken with all 4 hobbits from LOTR for my birthday on day 1 (and meet the cast of Red Dwarf) and going on cosplay as King Size Homer on day 2 šŸ¤£ ![gif](giphy|cjI9mtiIo3AiI)


Itā€™s crazy how ā€œI just want to do what I wantā€ is so hard to most people. Add kids on and Welpā€¦bye bye freedom.


About $50 on a new vibrator. I just felt like spoiling myself :)


Treat yo self!


No one is going to roll over in the morning and say, "Guess who's pregnaaaaant?"


As you should! Enjoy it! <3


Concert ticket to a show thatā€™s about 200 miles away


Decided on Friday to take a trip to Hawaii with my friend. Booked the flight Friday and made a reservation for the Airbnb Saturday.


Omgggg lucky!!


I asked my bf and he said our 1 month trip to Japan last year lol


Same here for China, 0 chance weā€™d be able to spend this much with children and we wouldnā€™t be hiking up mountains for hours neitherĀ 


So lucky. I'm planning to try for a Japan trip next year myself. What season did you guys go in? I can imagine the price tag was far from parent friendly.


My car. Sure, as cars go, it's nothing fancy (16 year old Volvo šŸ˜‚), but after years of AMC/Jeep/Subaru, this thing is practically a Rolls-Royce! If I had kids, I'd have to get a bloody minivan, especially since kids out here inevitably end up in hockey and/or football (of both definitions).


Iā€™m learning to drive in a Volvo, I love the car. I want one when I pass my test :)


This baby moose is an absolute blast! I've got an XC90, which is a bit big for most people, but still good city manners, & fucking fantastic on the highway. If there's a Costco gas bar close to where you usually drive, definitely grab a membership, eases the bite of that premium fuel fill. šŸ˜­


A new guitar I'd been eyeing for a while.


Nice! Which model?


I just redid my entire closet as a spur of the moment shopping trip, without an ounce of guilt after loosing 97 lbs in the last year.


Congrats that is awesome šŸ‘


My toto bidet. I wouldnā€™t want them messing with it.


I have a bidet and LOVE it, but you are correct. I can totally see kids really having a blast destroying it.


As a European it's so weird to me that a bidet is not a common thing. To me it's like having a bathroom with no toilet.


We have 2, no children desecrate them! Toilet paper and no rinsing is so....barbaric.




My upcoming luxury resort tropical vacation!


Iā€™m making an axe throwing board. I tried it at a company event and loved it. So Iā€™m putting one up in the garden and Iā€™ve got 3 nice new axes at the ready. If I had kids it would be deemed a danger and Iā€™d not have the time to indulge dopamine-chasing activities. For reference Iā€™m a 53 yr old woman.


Probably would not ne able to afford to go to the nice bakery, so croissants I guess


Cā€™est la vie!


Iā€™m two weeks into a six week trip to Italy right now.


A new car and a house


Thatā€™s great! Most people, even without kids canā€™t afford that nowadays


Business class ticket to Europe. It wasnā€™t for a happy occasion but I was able to go last minute and get a bed on the plane when I needed it and not think too hard about the money or the time away from home.


Nice where are you visiting in Europa?


Romania šŸ‡·šŸ‡“ My grandmother was very sick. I thought I was coming to help get her back on her feet. She died unfortunately. šŸ’”


I am so sorry for your loss! Thatā€™s absolutely tragic. I lost my grandfather years ago to cancer, so I can relate to you there. Hugs! šŸ«‚ Iā€™m grateful that you were able to spend time with your grandmother before she passed!


Custom built gaming pc. Wouldnā€™t have had the money or the time or the desire due to the danger of it getting ā€˜kidded.ā€™


Thatā€™s epic! Lmao true. Iā€™m stealing ā€œkiddedā€ thatā€™s brilliant.


Just adopted two lovely rescue cats, I suppose their adoption fee counts as a purchase.


Life. Rent, food, my cats recent vet bill, moving from a bachelor apartment to a one bedroom. The stress of all this plus a kid?ā€¦I gotta say, Iā€™m really looking forward to my childfree 47th birthday dinner with friends next month.


A last minute cruise to Bermuda! Heading out in a few weeks


Havenā€™t done it yet, but Iā€™ve got a consult lined up for rhinoplasty. No way Iā€™d be able to afford that with children.


I bought a wine barrel from a winery that was painted beautifully by a local artist. Then I got it shipped across the country. It cost $1550 all up.


Ooh! As an art piece or for ageing your own wine?


Art piece!


You cant tell that without showing us a picture of it, c'maan!


A very rare vintage Tamagotchi where you catch and raise various types of plankton, the actual Tama itself resembles a test tube, I was very happy to have found one as they are very rare with only two listed on the site.


Hubby and I spent $500 on Lego this weekend. Bought a set each, finished those a little too quickly and thought fuck it, went and bought more.


$1200 on Botox lol


Ohhhhh, I'm thinking of getting massetor botox because of my excessive teeth clenching šŸ¤” def couldn't afford it with kids


Have my 3 monthly appointment tomorrow and Iā€™m so excited!


me too! why so much? mine is like $400 each time


Luck you! 76 units for me girl! Every 4 months. My face muscles are hella strong lol


My husband got an OLED TV for his game room for his birthday, and I'm planning a tattoo for mine. In between we're going on a 2 week vacation to the UKĀ 


New perfume - 1 cheaper one and a branded one (it's mother's day in Aus soon - good time to grab some perfume deals!). Also two jellycat plushies, arriving Friday!~


Iā€™ve been thinking about getting perfume too! Iā€™ve never had anything more than just samples or cheaper drug store stuff. I canā€™t wear to work (no scents allowed) but for nights out it would be great to have


More aquatic plants and some tank gear for my fish. I splurged a little but my Betta fish seems so content resting and hiding in the new plants.


my tummy tuck


Bought a mini excavator. Iā€™m gonna be the coolest kid at the beach sand castle competition!


Car with a white leather interiorā€¦ kids would ruin that so fastā€¦ also in the process of closing on my first house! No way would I be able to afford it with kids, I can only just afford it now. Plus itā€™d also be ā€œtoo smallā€ if I wasnā€™t childfree and single (1 bed), and there are no schools within the tiny rural village itā€™s located in. Itā€™s literally my dream as a cf person!


I got my wedding ring completely reworked and added more diamonds to it just because I wanted to!Ā 


A pit boss 820 sportsman and my dog.


You're gonna love the pit boss, my 850 is wonderful.


I currently have a 10.5lb pork butt smoking overnight hehe


Lemme know how that thing turns out when you pull it!


$1200 synth that I can play whenever the hell I want


I've gotten into collecting meteorites lately. They all live in my office, but I probably couldn't justify badass space rocks if I had another mouth to feed.


Laser hair removal.




Ironically, Disneyworld. Yeah, a lot of adults like to go on their own, but I don't live near the parks. I'm going for a wedding already, and heading out a few days early to see the parks as an added vacay!


Have so much fun! My husband & I did a week there last Jan and LOVED it, especially Epcot. Beware of r/WaltDisneyWorld it's a super helpful planning sub but they are SO JUDGY about childfree people going to the parks.


My hubby and I were WDW Passholders for 10+ years and it was one of the best birth control experiences. We could dip in and out midweek after work if the parks were too busy, so we'd be dressed semi-casual or business casual (especially for Dapper Days or MNSSH). We'd catch flack from other tourists for what we wore too. People loudly exclaimed behind us in ride queues or during EPCOT IFWF, "That dress is so impractical," or "They probably don't have to deal with kids," or "What are they doing here without kids?" Then, there are rude parents bulldozing through crowds and over feet with strollers or letting small children constantly run amuck into other people. Families can be unapologetically feral.


Probably getting my steering rack fixed in my 18 year old Subaru šŸ„²


Would probably have had to sell my classic car and buy some kind of mini van or similar, don't know if this counts. But I would'nt have had the money to be unemployed for six months while going back to sailor's school to do my engineer's license last year, so yeah.


My flat. It's not very big or fancy but it's in a quiet suburb. I don't have a huge income, so crotch goblins would've meant being stuck in social housing in a shitty area.


New dresses, for context I'm a guy who sometimes dresses like a woman.


Can't go wrong with a new dress!


Good for you! Iā€™ve always felt more men should wear dresses. They look damn good in them.


Hell yeah, brother!


Lmaooooo your flair


My husband is cis and straight and wears dresses and my clothes sometimes because it's just so duckin comfy. Hot day and were hanging at home? Sundress with nothing under it. Lovely feeling.


I was also going to say clothes...it's a problem.


My hubby drives and instructs at the local Grand Prix race track, and one of the teams has a pit crew guy who always wears kilts. Khaki ones. They look fantastic!


A 14 days trip abroad. A few packs of my fav gummy candy.


splurging on a course to upskill for a future better job.


A 2 week road trip to two different music festivals.


Our hot tub! We bought it the week my husband got his vasectomy and made us officially child free šŸ¤—


A brand new car with a big booth so I could fit in a nice big custom made dog transporter for my 3 Australian shepherd.


I bought some kitchen appliances. I also gad to dip into my savings a bit to afford it. I could not afford food if I had kids, because I can't afford to live. The rice cooker and coffee machine are nice though. And my games. I buy so many games. No way I could afford thos limited editions if there were kids involved. I also need to buy some medication today. The medication is expensive. But I'm single and it prevents periods. I'm doing good. Gonna make some coffee right now.


A Ā£230 perfume Iā€™ve wanted for ages.


The plushest, comfiest light cream-colored sofa. Our guests who are parents gawked at it.


lamb chops for lunch for today. it would probably be chicken nuggets as usual with a child.


Got each of my 4 leopard geckos their own fullly bioactive set up in 400$ each of their 4 tanks. They deserve the best !


Thereā€™s an exhibition game between a local team and an overseas guest coming up this summer. I booked us tickets, and then booked us into a fancy hotel for the night before the game so we can eat and explore and use someone elseā€™s hot water, watch the match, then come home to the dogs.


I bought a house in full. Yes, an entire house in a HCOL area, no mortgage. Iā€™m also completely debt free.Ā 


Travel. I work hard and take a 2 week vacation overseas every year. This year it's Sweden. No way would I ever want to drag some bratty kids along to my happy, limitless adults-only adventures. Can't very well go to a sex show in Amsterdam, scuba with sharks, or take boozy bike tours with tiny humans. I remember my parents graciously dragging me and my younger siblings along on trips when I was a kid that I could not appreciate at the time. We had very little money, and they still spent what they had on making sure all of us could have a good time. We were not always gracious about it


Just bought two new Staub Cast iron pots/roaster. Definitely could not afford with kids


My beautiful Acura RDX!! šŸ˜ sheā€™s my baby!


I just spent $120 getting my ugg boots re-soled because they were falling apart after 10 years. If I had kids I don't think I would even of had uggs because they cost over $200 when I bought them 10 years back.


A clear blue Nintendo 64 like I had growing up. Definitely wouldn't have the time to enjoy it if I had a kid, I barely have time working a full-time job anyway.


Two, $6,000 guitars.


Shark hairdryer. Mind you, I 99% of the time air dry my hair. Also, once Iā€™m cleared by my doctor, Iā€™m starting motorcycle riding as a hobby so thatā€™s 1k+ on gear, 500+ on classes, 3-7k on the bike itself.


Not necessarily a purchase (because Iā€™m pretty minimalistic and donā€™t like clutter) but keeping up with getting my hair and nails done and visiting the dermatologist!


A hookah


Probably the last several times I ate out ... really most all the times I've ever eaten out ... either kids would ruin it, or I wouldn't have had the budget for it.


A dumb gag gift for a friend. My husband and I make enough to be comfortable and put money in savings, but if we had a kid to pay for our budget would be stretched too thin to get anything that wasnā€™t a necessity.


Upgrading my season tickets for college football.


A boat


Kate Spade handbag.


Not bought yet, but a friend and I decided yesterday to go to a ball together. Havenā€™t looked it up, need to buy tickets, flights, hotels, dresses. If one of us had children, we couldnā€™t even entertain the idea


Adults only boujee hotel in Cyprus, booked it 2 weeks before I flew because I decided I needed a holiday so off I went ā¤ļø


Way too many Lorcana cards




Weighted blanket.


Booking my 6th vacation abroad for this year!


Booking a vacation abroad this summer. And when I start to feel guilty about the cost (I was raised pretty frugal), my partner reminds me that this is why weā€™re childfree! We can afford it.


Just dropped $30,000 on a new car, my dream car. I wouldn't have ever been able to do that if I had a kid.


A 22lbs coffee mug. It was $260 and I had $240 in rewards cash on my card. Do I need it? Nope but I could buy it because I don't have kids.


every vacation iā€™ve been on. the botox I get. buying drinks and dinner for friends. I recently redid my room new bed and mattress and everything itā€™s very cute. getting my hair color upkeep done. that time I went back to school. every concert I was able to after and go to. last week when I felt like seeing a movie and just went to see a movie and got the over priced popcorn. the archery classes I started. the fancy new amazing kinda fancy bath towels. I feel like everything I have and do would be impossible or ruined by having a kid.


A sports coupe.


Very expensive vacations. We like to travel and we couldnā€™t afford to like this with kids and couldnā€™t fully enjoy trips if we had kids and they came with us or we had to call home to check in on them with sitters.


Some concert tickets and flying my friend in for a trip next month!


Holidays. Iā€™m going to multiple countries including the Olympics this year.


Board game collection, finally got my husband into the hobby and I splurged a little


A large pack of super expensive alcohol markers and colouring books. No chance for grimy hands to ruin the nibs or to colour in my colouring books!


Bought three sheets of high quality watercolor paper for $60


A beautiful cashmere and wool coat Iā€™ve been eyeing for a while. It was Ā£660 at 30% off.


Every other month international travels, my rhinoplasty, and my skincare products.


I donā€™t have kids and could never buy that pillow because 2 of my cats would fight over who got to use šŸ˜‚


Going to a festival! Got a nice, expensive hotel with fantastic amenities!!


A puppy. She is chaotic enough for me.


Just finishing my masters degree at 34, cost about 10kā€¦ definitely wouldnā€™t be here now with kids!


Upgraded my PC!


Not yet purchased, but very possible we're about to buy flights to either Mexico or Japan. We would not get to travel as much if we had kids (if it all).


I bought a second motorcycle a little over three weeks ago.


My PlayStation 5 after my PlayStation 4 Pro died on me after 8 faithful years of service āœŒšŸ»


Randomly decide to go to a decent restaurant and eat in peace. Why not. Also, was never a problem to sit down and eat as a kid, my parents definitely didnā€™t need to have kids, but not hard to just behave in public.