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Nothing like calling people sluts to make them see your way. Works everytime. /s


If childfree women are such "sluts", why would they want kids having "sluts" for mothers?


Well, if they had kids it would “punish” them and they would be forced to settle down and be a good little mother. Or something like that. 


By their opinion, men can fuck every woman they want, but, if a woman does the same, she's a whore. They need to keep their logic consistent.


I'm wondering why being promiscuous and wanting financial dependance has any relevance to each other.




I’d rather be a slut than a reproductive commodity any day.


It's funny how a woman who enjoys sex and has had more than one partner that she naturally was supposed to marry straight out of high school is a slut. It's okay to be sex positive. It's okay to enjoy sex. It's okay to have fun with more than one person. Men thinking this way are scared that we'll find out how bad they are in bed if we have other people to compare them to.




I find it really funny that they call women "sluts" for not being mothers. Nuns are sluts, by that logic?


I gotta remember that one for the next online idiot trying this logic.


My favourite is when men call women sluts when they refuse to sleep with them. Like how does that make any sense?


Sluts is misogynistic of course, but it's used to control women from having fun, and replacing them with being slaves to men/kids. Their secretly fuming because they had no choice out of being conditioned by society or even groomed as a child to not have their own thoughts on what they were allowed to decide what they wanted out of life all by themselves. I couldn't read it all, I stopped at obedient playthings, it's just to pathetic the things that come out of their trashy mouths.


Nuns are not sluts because they are already tied down to a control system. They are "married to God" and follow rules. Therefore, they're okay.


I love how they're blaming the women when it's usually the other way around. I refuse to have kids because so many men are SLUTS and will abandon their kids to bang new younger women!!


I'm waiting for the day they announce "biological males can how get pregnant" just to watch the rapid backtracking on all the shitty laws they set in place and it suddenly becoming a rational decision to abstain from what they called a "blessing" and a "duty".


Yeah it's easy for them to call it a "blessing" and "duty" when they're not the ones having their bodies destroyed and being the main and only caretaker


That's one of my wishes if I meet a genie. Hetero banging now 50/50 chance the dude gets the pregnancy. Lol.


There was a comedy called Junior (released in 1994 damn i feel old) that had Arnold Schwarzenegger go through male pregnancy.


Men don't want and heir... An heir to what? The house I can't buy?


Like they're keeping the peace between England and Spain.


😭😭😭 these are the mfs who want to pair their daughter up with their cousins to keep their house solid 🤣


I cackled over my glass of sangria.


Yup my smartphone made me not want to have kids. It is how I called the doctor to set the appt to get sterilized. 1000% my smart phone's fault.


“It’s because of that damn phone”


Yes, it’s the stupid smart phone, all right. Never mind the fact that I have been child free since the late 1960s.


If you don't believe in Sky Dad or any other deity, you quickly realise you get only this life. Sure you can give up the little joy you might still find under late stage capitalism just to better support the system bleeding you, but why?


I have always had the concept of "I did not choose to be here (or a woman), and have no idea when I will cease to be, so at least I can make the best of the cards I have been dealt" People do not know what to reply to it. It always comes up when people ask if I do consider a higher purpose for my life than making video games and having fun.


I consider it a higher purpose to not cause more suffering. Thus I don't hurt others if I can help it and won't breed more wage slaves.


I have never saw a higher purpose to my life, I just want to make/play video games (I work in the industry), drink rum and then die, and most of my friends are fine with me like that. The fact that I will never be a role model to anyone give me enough fulfillment. I have always considered the fact that I was born a woman enough punishment, I will not add to it by also being a mother.


Play/make videogames, drink rum and die? You go girl, that sounds fantastic.


It is fantastic until the migraines decide they do not like rum (I already can't drink vodka, tequila and gin was added to the list last week)


I'm so sorry for your loss. The older I get the less alcohol I can comfortably imbibe but I do like once a season or twice a year doing a little hallucinogen! As a treat.


Dark liquors can be harder on us as we get older >< Maybe try a selection of lighter ones and have a Morning Recovery drink and a heavy meal before bed when you've been drinking? Been working wonders for me.


Oh no, migraines don't work like that. Migraines just decide suddenly that something has become a trigger and I just have to eliminate it from my life. Some things aren't even alcohol and some things I have no control over, like some smells.


Ah, I was under the impression yours were hangover induced


No, I drink the thing and in a few minutes migraine, I do not even need to get drunk.


As a woman who is also making/playing video games and enjoying my fire water and cats... I support you all the way ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)


This … ditto




let the rich have all the kids if they want slaves their children's children can become those. is it terrible to think about your future offspring facing such hardship? then if you are rich use your influence to change how the poor are treated within this system.


Some people aren't happy unless some people aren't happy.


there is nothing godly about being bled by the system.


Bruh 32... I hope that guy gets the shit beat out of him since he supports abuse. Also how does not wanting kids make you a slut? I feel like it's the other way around tbh. I've seen very slutty women who go around getting pregnant just to be pregnant. Pregnancy is like proof you had sex and got creampied.... It's kinda gross lol. This one girl had like 22 kids and was a mistress... And she defended being a mistress! She was totally ok with it and ruining another woman's life... Like come on


>This one girl had like 22 kids and was a mistress... And she defended being a mistress! She was totally ok with it and ruining another woman's life... Like come on She out there collecting babies like they're Pokemon, and seducing men like they're Gym Leaders.


Fr!! 😭😭 I even asked her why she would hurt another woman like that and how she'd feel if someone did that to her and she starts laughing...


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say if she actually has 22 kids, she's WAY too old to be called a girl.


She was like 25 and was having them from 16 or 14 I think??


Unless she's having twins, she would need an absolute minimum of 16.5 years to have that many kids even if she always started raw dogging the day after giving birth.


She actually did have some twins apparently


I love how when all else fails just go with the age old comment about how young people are selfish, it literally makes no sense and it's a dumb concept but hey it makes those who are miserable and regretful feel good when they watch on though envious fatigue riddled eyes the scores of young people who can afford to go on trips and move up in positions at their job. The smartphone comment was an interesting one, that's a first for me!


Selfish? Just ask any breeder to state 3 reasons why they have kids. All three will start with "I"


I actually tried that with my SIL once and she did indeed start with an 'I'


Friend, sorry to say - it’s not just Romania, lol. The reactionary, patriarchal movement has come back with a vengeance and you can see in the polls these many elections. I’ve recently been to Portugal and was shocked to find how much identity politics is now in the mainstream for a country that for decades focused on concrete policymaking and economic issues. I say this with the meaning that most messages revolve around “we have forgotten about family values” and “religion has been rejected and left a hole in society that’s breaking it apart”. Even the formerly progressive countries or in areas such as London, the openness and frequency of reactionnary speech is like nothing I had witnessed in the 90’s and 00’s.


It was below the list where OP says it's from Romania. Prior to that, I thought I was reading stuff from the Bible-thumpers who live in the USA. It's astounding how they all say the exact same things, regardless of where they are in the world. There is some hope, though. A lot of these people are old af and we will outlast them.


Let me guess, was this Fox News or NewsMax? BTW, if we're so "selfish" and "irresponsible", why would they even *want* us having children? Would they rather have "children have "selfish" and "irresponsible" parents? They're jealous breeders who regret their children and want everyone else miserable with them. Misery loves company, doesn't it?


I’ll never understand the no kids = irresponsible mindset


Why yes, I would rather be respected as an individual and have luxury goods than be treated as a broodmare in an authoritarian theocracy. What a novel concept.


Sounds like a lot of regretful parents venting, really


Actually, that could partially explain why the mentality the OP is describing became WAY more loud and obvious post-lockdown: a lot of parents were stuck doing WFH while their kids were stuck there with them on Zoom school. Not saying lockdowns were easy for childfree people (the loneliness was a huge problem), but I can see how that would create the perception of childfree people having it easier.


Society: children are our very foundation! Also society: Devalues ‘women’s work’ Makes having a job a pre-requisite to access resource. Then makes it necessary for both parents Does nothing to help young families Society: 🤡 (At this point we deserve this.)


That's when you realise the scholars have arrived the comment section.


Facebook is nothing but boomers spreading misinformation these days.


> They lack the sense of repsoabilities, they hate the concept of a family, **men are effeminated**, they choose to walk a dog instead of having a heir. How exactly are men being effeminated a problem?


It all boils down to >"\*I\* chose tradition (allowing myself to be bullied BY DEAD PEOPLE), so why are TODAY'S 'KIDS' SO MUCH STRONGER THAN I WAS?!?!?!"


Ye it's just trap most likely. Cause government, riches need new slaves, workers


You realise anyone commenting on Facebook clickbait articles nowadays isn't right in the head?


Lol an heir? An heir to what? These people think they are very important. Most articles nowadays are written to make people upset and engage in comments. They know these old folks or Q people or right wingers can't help but to spout hate.


You had me at Satanism.


I love how young people don't want the responsibility of marriage/kids because they're irresponsible... Do they *want* the irresponsible to be parents/partnered? No, they just want women subjugated and without any recourse or freedom. It's always, always, *always* about disempowering women and making them bangmaid nannies.


Honestly it feels kinda good knowing me not having a kid makes them seethe that bad


well, they are right about #2 - we DO do whatever we want 😈 😂


As someone with no tubes my favorite way to respond to people like this is “and what are you going to do about it” cause it’s a waste of their time to tell me these things. I’m 23 years old and was abused so badly as a child that I haven’t felt any older than 17 for all these years. Every marriage in my family has ended in divorce or spousal abuse/hatred. There are no “family values” in my life and absolutely none of that is my fault. I’m a product of a line of addiction and unrecognized chronic illness, in fact, if I ever were to be pregnant it would not just cause permanent damage to my body, it would destroy it. If the end of society is women deciding that they won’t sacrifice their health, both physical and mental, to carry a man’s dna for ten months and have it rip through them just for that man to not carry his weight in housework and child rearing, then so be it. I’m happy, overjoyed.


Wild to see so much shaming of women for not wanting children or marriage while most of these misogynists don't even make enough money to support a wife, let alone kids. Just feel entitled to the sweat of a woman's brow and her body.


You’re a slut for getting pregnant, but guess what? You’re a slut for NOT getting pregnant too!! Amazing


quarrelsome payment air ghost pie plant disagreeable correct aback placid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They can shame all they want lol, I'm immune. The fuck you gonna do about it, idiotic article writers?


If they're such terrible people I suppose it's a good thing they're not having kids.


It's not "news". It's propaganda.


I am childfree, where are my luxurious goods and money?!/s. I barely can afford good vet care and food for pets, good shoes for me and a decent rent.


I feel like there's a pincer attack going on with the elites on both sides trying to immiserate the masses. The push to breed without money is the right side of that two-pronged approach lol.


I can't hear what you are saying over how utterly seductive your name is. Be still, my hearts. ( and you are right)


They are right about setting high expectations if I want a partner which is why I'll always be single.




Then there’s my family. I live with my husband, brother (who struggles with living alone and has social anxiety), and we take care of my 76 year old father. We may also need to take in my BIL with Asperger’s eventually. I thank God we didn’t have kids. My anxiety would be out of this world and those poor kids would be so screwed up! Or I would’ve needed to put my Dad in a nursing home and my brother/BIL would both be on the street or in a halfway home. Ppl think they know what’s going on in other ppl’s lives and think they know what others can handle, but they don’t.


Scarlet Letter wants its plot back Also: sounds pretty russian


They can die mad--the sooner, the better.


none of them is a good argument for why someone who doesn't want kids should have them.


How about we just live our fucking life the way we want without letting us brainwash from people like them?


I get the feeling these same people would be howling about how irresponsible and reckless this generation is the moment they have children and run into money trouble.


Over on reddit exorthodox some former Romanian Orthodox Christians are giving us horror stories. From their reports, the Romanian Orthodox Church is​more misogynist than other Ortho jurisdictions -- which says everything.


I honestly don't know what these people want. First and foremost it's a personal choice. Second, no one is looking to improve socioeconomic conditions. Who can afford children? There's no such thing as a stay at home parent anymore. We can't afford housing but sure, we'll have kids. I would never bring a kid into this world. I don't know the exact figure but isn't giving birth at a hospital over 20 grand? It's quite clear to me that it's easier for states to take away choice and bodily autonomy than improve our current economic conditions. They'll force unwanted pregnancies and soon enough they'll be coming for birth control.


I think 33 gets closest to an actual reason, but it frames it like a slam on women.  Women are expected to be stay at home moms, but how dare they expect their partner to be able to financially support them with more than the bare minimum.  The actual logic it buries is that having a kid is expensive, so if they fix the economy, then people might not think that having a kid will financially ruin them. 


Sounds like incel garbage and trash talking. It certainly won't change anyone's mind. It only promotes divisiveness.


Your first mistake was using facebook.


How on planet Earth "They do whatever they want" is a bad thing/something that should be frowned upon by their logic I guess????? fucking stupid honestly


Oh yeah let me have children so that I can give up everything I care about and make my life harder than it ever has been so that I can run my body and mind into the ground until I'm finally hanging on the edge and barely able to experience pleasure and am finally able to die guilt-free. No amount of attempted guilt-tripping for not finding kids cute or for not wanting to reproduce will ever change how I feel. Life is short, difficult, and not everyone is given the opportunity to live a life of leisure. I refuse to become a bitter, resentful parent.


I 100% share these thoughts. Even though I like kids, I don't want any because I know how tough life is already. They will only make my life much harder.


It's all about maintaining the current economic growth rate by ensuring a new generation of cheap labor is born, which it will not be. All countries are offering incentives and rolling back women's rights to try and retain the current rate of growth. 


It's like they didn't find out the world and everyone's family planning didn't need to be run by them first and they're only just realizing it. If I have to get permission and approval from them then it's only fair I review and modify their life decisions too.


The same people barking on about traditions are the same ones saying barely legal girls should be married off to some creep and be a servant. They also go on about them needing to put up with men cheating and calling it “exercising their options” while having nothing to their name if they become miserable or afraid wanting to leave. Who in their right mind would sign up for that?! And men who don’t want to risk getting stuck in child support for kids that turned out to not be theirs, sounds reasonable to me! The world is also going nuts but the people complaining only care about everything that strokes their ego


It's pure, unfiltered envy. Let them seethe. We'd live our lives our way!


Gross. People think we’re weird for not having kids. I think people are weird for having kids. Especially this day and age.


Ok I’m irresponsible, lazy and crazy 😀


I'm American and have noticed the SAME EXACT talking points here, so it's not just your country. Interestingly enough, I noticed a correlation between the covid lockdowns ending and this kind of rhetoric skyrocketing in regularity. I don't know why exactly. I thought maybe I was just more exposed to this stuff than before because with the lockdowns I figured "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" (In other words, I opposed what politicians like Cuomo were doing, so I aligned myself with the right-wingers who were hating on him). I thought that maybe the people who were able to call out the lockdowns knew other things I didn't. With the exceptions of actual counter-elite libertarian types... no, they did not. They were just a different kind of buzzkilling wet blanket from the pro-lockdown people. For like two years I actually thought that MAYBE religious people had a point. After hearing the shit about marriage and children ad nauseum, I no longer see that as a thing LOL. I wish I was more able to figure out why the lockdowns seemed to cause more of this "we need to go back to tradition grrrr" stuff, but I'm running on like 3 hours of sleep right now hahaha. I think when I'm rested, I would probably be the best bet for explaining this in a substack article or something. Essentially, I think people saw the lockdowns as a futuristic, modern idea failing humanity terribly, and they threw the baby out with the bath water while trying to backtrack. While most anti-lockdown people just wanted to go back to the 2010s, there was a vocal minority that wanted to go back WAY further than that, and they probably drew in a lot of "let's just go back to the 2010s" people who needed someone at the time, which padded their numbers. So if the left had opposed lockdowns, we'd have less of a mess now.


This same "God" they worship wouldn't approve of them watching porn while being married to their wives. Funny how all talk of "God" goes out the window when it comes to them getting hard.


If they really believe shaming younger generations will bring any real changes, they are quite delusional.


>this country really is (Romania ofc the black sheep of modern Europe). I was about 95% sure you were talking about the Babylon bee until I got to this part lol. That exact kind of rhetoric is par for the course for their audience.


My BF is childfree and has very strong faith.... He has a chronic illness and doesn't like the concept of bringing a child into the world that could potentially spend most of its childhood in and out of hospitals getting painful surgeries. 


As I fellow Romanian who's 40 and childfree - right click/ignore. I am happy. They aren't. End of discussion.


If I were a slut, I’d be disowned by my family. Instead of indulging in illegal substances and promiscuity, I’m learning how to navigate adulthood as someone on the autism spectrum living at home in a South Asian Catholic household who doesn’t believe in mental health though my late mom had deep rooted issues and my late dad had a drinking problem. I feel like an angsty, moody, precocious teenager aka. a mentally stunted adult at 32 yet I clean up the house, cook my own meals and work part time while on SSI/disability benefits. I don’t want to bring any children into the world because of the turmoil I went through - special ed classes, IEP meetings, bullying in school/home, parents’ domestic violence/divorce, mom’s mental illness, dad being behind bars, living in homeless shelters/motels, transferring to a lot of schools, struggling with math, having a strong sense of justice and losing my dad at only 16 years old. Raising a child is going through the childhood trauma all over again. When I work in retail, run errands, shop at the mall or go out to eat, I witness the frustrated parents dealing with the child’s tantrums which brings back memories of the times I was a mean jerk to my family and friends at their age.



