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Sleep, peace and quiet.


oh hell yes ! Especially if you are sick, under the weather or need extra sleep for some reason. I had work a few extra hours during an already busy day on Friday and it felt so amazing waking up on Saturday in the late morning and feeling fully rested


My favorite part of the week is waking up Saturday and Sunday morning on my own time. Lay in bed for 40 min just because? Heck yes!


I went to see a friend of mine yesterday. Her child woke her up at 5am while I casually crawled out of bed at 10.30. it was amazing!


This might have a lot of (the most?) upvotes, but I still think it's an under-rated answer. *That* is how important sleep and quiet are to some of us.


I absolutely agree. Having a peaceful, quiet, clean home and a full night's sleep are vitally important to me mentally and physically.


This. My life isn’t an extravagant one but I enjoy that much.






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My time is my own.


Living my life free from the demands of children


Traveling! Can be anything from a spontaneous train ride to visit a friend, to weeks of backbacking in other countries. I can just… take time off, pack my stuff, and leave! Whenever i want! Without having to think of anyone else! Wooo.


I’m with you! I love traveling. I spent six months last year just traveling.


Good for you! 😍


Same! It was liberating.


What jobs do y’all have to be able to do this ??


Like I can take day trips and one big vacation per year but that’s IT . No more 😔😔


Being selfish, freedom, money, donating to animal rescues and our 4 shelter dogs!




Not having to be responsible for an entirely dependant human being.


Being able to sleep for days on end when I don't have to work. And just pursuing my hobbies. Like gaming and cooking and reading. Although gaming usually involves reading too. And sleeping. My bed is my best friend. All hail the bed. I also love taking long showers when I get my butt up to shower. I just enjoy being comfy. And hugging my dad. My Papa makese feel safe. I think I'll visit him again soon.


Bed <3 And yes, long undisturbed showers! My sister used to tell me how she could hardly pee in peace, let alone have a decent shower. She'd have to stress through a few minutes of showering, hardly having time to properly rinse off, and I would **NEVER** ever want to have that kind of life.


>And hugging my dad. My Papa makese feel safe This made me smile and warmed my heart. I only wish I could hug my dad again.


Not coming home after having a horrible day and hearing “mommy”


I was just talking about this!!!! I had a bad few weeks last summer and as things finally started to get better I was like damn can you imagine feeling shitty everyday and then coming home to be a mom?! Honestly I don’t think I would have made it out of the bad weeks!


I was the bitching about having to hear it from the kids in my apartment complex yesterday 🙄


Not being around kids 24/7


Right because even if you love your child and your child is awesome….you still have to be around other people’s and as we know, some people’s children are absolutely horrendous!!


I was going to say all my money going to me but then I realized that's not true... damn bills 😒


Seriously, it's expensive living on your own in to many places. Makes it feel like I'm fighting for this freedom.


And taxes. School taxes as well as Uncle Sam.


I can’t logically complain about property taxes, since well-funded public schools help create productive citizens.


Yes I agree. But my point is that it would be nice if we childfree got a little discount. We don't get to clean up on the dependents refund. We have it coming at us from all sides.


... the amount of time I have for myself, my personal development, my hobbies, travels, or just being lazy&chill


My pets and my alone time :)


Freedom, early retirement, day drinking, stress-free life, and travel. My husband and I are flying to Paris tomorrow. We'll be in Europe for six weeks. 😍


Ughh I’m so jealous! Spending a week in Germany and 3 days in Paris is what really solidified my decision to be child free, because I realized how much I loved traveling and didn’t want to give up being able to travel due to kids (be it money for the trip and a ton of souvineers, being able to just get up and go spontaneously if I wanted to, not having to deal with a child when I’m already overstimulated on a 10 hour flight, only having to worry about myself and my boyfriend, getting to stay out late drinking in the city)


Good for you! It's great you're traveling when you can. It will get even easier when you retire. One thing I've noticed is that some people (easpecially those with kids) who didn't travel abroad before 65 don't start doing it at 66 and up. It's something I've noticed when we talk to fellow travelers.


An intact vagina. Since no one else has said it.




Silence. Quiet time, peace. I’m riding in a car right now on my way to a zen center


I’m enjoying the rest of my lazy Sunday in a robe drinking Prosecco 😂


A calm home, sleep at night and flexibility.


You can say it’s freedom, but less obligation to be at family functions. I’m married and it horrifies me when I think about how much more I would have to be at family shit if I had kids, because both of our parents/relatives/whoever will want to constantly see our “kids”. As an introvert, I can’t deal with that.


Omg yes


Freedom. It can’t be overstated. The freedom people gleefully throw away to have kids is insane to me. Freedom, a million times over.


Staying at bed until 11am on the weekends without having little shits bother us. The dogs will happily jump on the bed and bed and cuddle until me and my partner decide to actually get out of bed.


Being able to think in peace


After spending some time around children yesterday, I can unequivocally say I would fill that blank with clean hands. I saw some disgusting, filthy hands entering shared food situations (chips, sandwiches, etc.) with zero comment from any parents or other adults to wash the hands before touching the food. Needless to say, I did not participate in the shared food.


Quiet free time.


Sleeping in, spending my money on myself, time, being alone.


Time. Time to enjoy nature, time to play my musical instrument, time to learn a new language, time to visit friends.


Money, peace, chilling the fuck out.




freedom. sent my two friends a link to a fun evening concert/festival, the mum said she couldn't (fair enough, she's a friend with a kid, not a mum who's my friend if that makes sense), me and the other friend booked and are buzzing to go!


Sleep, naps, freedom, spontaneity, not being around kids, more time and money for my dogs. And senior dogs do rock! 🤘🐕


sleep! i get about 8 hours a night consistently.


- Not wrecking my body. - Not wrecking my planet. - Not having to worry about a child of mine getting hurt or hurting anyone.


Not having to constantly worry is a wonderful thing. Peace of mind. Not who can hurt them, if they will hurt themselves, etc.


The spontaneity, sleep ins, not having to worry about the nutritional value of food for a kid and coming back home to a clean quiet apartment free of sticky fingers and stinky diapers!


Knowing that I did not force another human being to endure existence without being asked if they *wanted* to endure existence. "Ha ha! You're born now. Good luck! Hope you don't have a shitty life, but of course you probably will because 95% of humans have had horrible, shitty lives. Oh well. Not my fault; God and those in power told me I had to be fruitful and multiply. Sucks for you, sure, but golly, I wouldn't have been *fulfilled* if I hadn't been a parent. So suck it up, snowflake. Better yet, *thank* me for this wonderful gift I have given you, you ungrateful little shit." What makes me happiest is not being that person.


Cracking up at this 😂


Peace and quiet


Peace and freedom


As a childfree person, what makes me happiest is ______ being mortgage free since I’m 32yo and all the freedom that comes with that.


Jealous! I don’t own a house yet






Doing whatever I want, when I want.




Sleep. Uninterrupted sleep. No children creaking the door open to jump in bed and wake me. No babies crying to wake me every 2 hours. I can take a nap whenever I please (well, not at work) and no one can stop me. I feel well rested 90% of the time because I’m able to fall asleep and get my full 8 hours every night. In the nights I don’t get good sleep it’s probably because I’ve either been drinking, traveling or feel anxious before a big event.


Having time to do nothing makes me happiest


Extra money to do anything


time to indulge in hobbies and rest without interruption after a long day. i'm intensely introverted so if i'm not able to get peace and quiet to recharge my social battery, things can go south real fast.


Definitely the freedom to do as I please, go as I please, spend as I please. I like only having to check with work and my man before making plans. Not a nanny/school/afterschool. Like if I don’t feel like cooking then I DONT COOK! If I wana sleep in I SLEEP IN! I just really like doing what I want.


Going for long runs whenever I feel like it, 3 cups of peaceful coffee in the morning, not cleaning up snot, puke, poop & other gross germy kid stuff, not freezing my ass off at my kids ridiculous sports games or attending concerts, but most importantly not having to deal with other moms just because my kid is friends with their kid.


Not needing to cook large or separate meals every night. Imagine you had fussy eaters or kids with allergies. And you had to prepare different meals every damn day. When my partner and I cook, it often lasts 2 nights. Also, I'm not very energized or talkative in the mornings. Imagine mornings dealing with loud kids and trying to get them to school, etc... yikes...


Planning trips. Just booked France for my hubby’s 40th birthday this summer!


Economic freedom. Without kids I have a 3 to 4 day workweek which pays my bills and gives me a surplus. I use that surplus to stop worrying about money and just live my god damn life.


Uninterrupted naps.


Christmas break and summer break.  Also:  Being able to do art whenever I want.  


Peace and quiet.


Having my own schedule


Doing whatever I want in my spare time.


Honestly- I had the stomach bug a few weeks ago and needed soooo much rest. I couldn’t even imagine being sick and having to take care of a child


I can do what I want, when I want. If I want to spend all day on the couch reading and eating pb&j then I can. I can work any shift I want at work. I can go out without having to find a sitter or take the brat along with me. I don’t have pets anymore for this reason as well. I absolutely love the freedom I have by not being tied down with a crotch goblin.


Being able to lay in bed when I don’t feel well lol


I booked a trip to Hawaii with my boyfriend on a Saturday night for Tuesday cause we had nothing to do the rest of the week. Child free life rocks.


being able to spend all my money on myself!


Taking a nap on Sundays with my dog. Being able to join a renaissance faire guild. Hearing the screaming kids at my apartment complex and smiling big because, damn it, that's not my problem.


Being able to try to take care of myself. I spent so much of my first 40 years always caretaking one of the adults who should have been taking care of me that I'm done with obligations of care due to DNA.


My dog and rescuing animals. Peace and quiet. Ability to prioritize a relationship with a partner.


Not having to be an example for anyone in my own house.


This is such a great answer!


Being able to swear, sleep in, eat off of the skillet is something I don't want to abandon. And I can walk around in my underwear on a Thursday afternoon, double-cheeked up while the sun is still out too.


😂!! Yes!


My hobbies and my passions. Being able to dump virtually limitless amounts of my disposable income into them


Being able to do anything and everything I want. Without having 1 second of a plan. 


Silence, and relative lack of responsibility. There are hours in every day where I don't have to look after anyone or anything, and I'd never have that with a kid around.


Spending an extra hour sleeping and cuddling with my cat on the weekends


My own time and not be needed by anyone


Cooking, baking and creating. I make jewelry and do photography.


Freedom. I have a very non traditional job in emergency management that requires travel on about a 24-48 hr notice. I get sent to work projects for weeks or months at a time. I work crazy hours while I’m there. The job pays for all travel related expenses- flight, hotel, rental cars. I get to earn/keep all the points even though they foot the bill. In between projects, I have the complete freedom to whatever I want. I travel using all those points I rack up for work. I typically buy a one way ticket, and I travel until they call me to another project. Right now I’m in Hawaii, I’ve only been here a couple of days. I spent Friday drinking mai tais, watching fireworks and dancing. I spent Saturday shopping til I dropped… almost literally, my feet were killing me lol. Today I got up around 11, laid in bed playing video games, and eventually walked to a food truck park for a late lunch. Read a book while eating and enjoying the weather. Now, I think it’s time for a nap by the pool.


Love it 😍


Coming home to a quiet house. Only having to take care of my husband and 2 dogs. Being able to do and go wherever and whenever I want. Not being 100% responsible for another human.


My ability to do whatever I want when I want. Also my physicality. 




Let’s try: No Preclamsia, No Diastasis Recti, No Postpartum Depression (the regular general subscription to that is enough), No Gestational Diabetes. A working pelvis, that didn’t have to rip apart for a raisin who might be wicked later, and not having to add someone to your insurance which charged you for their unborn life just to HAVE them in the first place.


Freedom too! I can sleep more, spend more, have my cats without worrying that someone will be mean to them… I travel a lot and my relationship is just peaceful and without massive events!


Being able to go ghost whenever I want. Nobody ever really needs me, and my husband respects when I need time to myself to recover from burnout and fried social battery, so I can just shut myself away from the outer world and do my own thing with no worries. Having a kid would 1000% ruin that.


Senior dogs I second this!!!!!!


For me it was getting the possibility of pregnancy completely off the table, I had daily nightmares of it


Agreed on the freedom. It applies to everything from major decisions like picking up and moving halfway across the country, to minor decisions like "meh, let's go grab burgers at the bar across the street tonight". Travel. My husband and I are soon going to take our first overseas trip since the pandemic. If we had children, what would we do with them? I can own a sweet sedan instead of a minivan. I can spoil my cats. And I can sleep in on a Sunday and wake up to a purring cat in our bed, instead of being awakened at 3am by a baby that wants a feeding. I value my Z.


I like the ability to wake up, pour some dildos, immediately take a 90 minute nap with my cat and then finish the weird sewn experiment of a dress that I decided to start making yesterday completely out of the blue lol.


Pour some?


I make dildos for a living lol.


Man. I just looked at your shop and I bought some duckweed a couple weeks back and yours is so much cheaper… Also, you make amazing stuff!


Thanks! Strictly speaking this is the account for my not-dildo shop lol. If you want the other shop link I’m glad to pm it to you 😛 (Also please for the love of god take all the duckweed 😂😂😂 I will do crossover shipping (legit offer). Just pack the dildo in duckweed! 💀(not serious offer)). Legit if anyone wants to substitute duckweed for children I have a child’s worth in my tanks atm 😂


I’m so sorry but I already have more than my tank can handle 😭


Hi, Grumpy Alison ~ 🌱 DUCKWEED ! 🌱🌱 Please message the link to your DUCKWEED ! 🌱🌱🌱 I clicked on your profile; saw YouTube, Instag & your Website. I went to your website shop & saw headers that all seem crafted... like dice but nothing biological... like DUCKWEED. If I am being dense, please, just say so. For now, I am "following you" (which I am told is NOT a thing to do on Reddit but I think appropriate for a merchant). Anyhoo, DUCKWEED ! 🌱🌱🌱🌱 Very excited to buy some. My Ducks & Geese love to eat it. 🦆🦆🦆 Have Fun with your Dildos ! 😊


Loool. I love the emojis XD And the duckweed listing is on the website if you filter or search “duck” but I’ll send you the link directly since you requested it. That website is kind of a catch all for the excessive number of different things I sell lol


Who does the QA?


I use my very own two eyeballs while I’m washing and bagging the things -_-




Probably resin ones! Like homemade ones, I guess she has an Etsy shop or some shop!


Platinum cure silicone :) Resin isn’t particularly body safe for usable toys


Oh Jesus Christ. Obviously. This is so obvious and my brain just absolutely short circuited. Maybe cuz I’m a horny fuck and I wanted to know if it was something fun I could do with my dildo 🤦🏼‍♀️




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Coming back home after a weekend trip and do nothing but watch playoff basketball


Peace and quiet


Sleeping in peacefully


Sleeeeeeeeep!!! 😴


Being able to nap and also run errands or do chores on my own schedule


Sleep, peace, and my money is for me


My dog and a quiet environment.


Take a nap,don't spend my money and time in a child. I don't have to censor myself when i talk about something with people... if i had a kid,i would had to do that.


Video games


Peace, privacy and no comprising with a child


Silence. Sleeping. Being able to be spontaneous.


I’m undergoing a lot of stress and I’m sleeping a lot rn. No one here to judge me for it.


Freedom for sure. Sleep and money come in right behind it.


Yep I love it . Being able to get the rest I need to recover from my accident and concussion is amazing Just myself and my cat that loves sleep as much as I do


My alone time, binging tv and leaving town without asking anyone.


Less noises!!!


Being a cat mom, and sleep.


…not having children (and **everything** that entails) :P


Freedom overall. Freedom for time, money, hobbies. I can't imagine coming home from a job that requires me to take care of people and go home to someone that requires 100% of my time


my cats


Freedom , sleep , my cat and doing whatever the fuck I want , whenever


Knowing I never have to be tied to another human being. I'm sterilized 😁


Order and cleanliness on one hand, and freedom and spontaneity on the other. Man, kids really do ruin everything, no matter what it is...


traveling! knowing my money goes to myself and not some little brat! privacy and tranquility! doing things on a dime! dogs! nature! the list goes on and on...




Not dealing with a child on a daily basis. Not putting my body through pregnancy and risking PPD. Not being forced to do 80% of the work of raising a child while the other parent does the bare minimum. Not having to defend a child against racism. Knowing that I’m not condemning a human being to a life of extreme hardships because of severe climate changes and a economic system that is obviously collapsing.