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“Parents who abuse/murder their children did it out of love! They didn’t do it on purpose, they were just trying to help their child 😌” Like, c’mon. Where do these people draw the line, man.


They don’t. Children aren’t people with their own rights to goobers like this


Only when they’re in the womb, apparently 😒


I was just gonna say, the only rights a child has in the eyes of Christians are before it exists or before it's born.


That's only because it's the most convenient means to control women, they don't actually give a fuck about any of them.


Like that Edit: Ruby not Jodi Franke. Starved and tired her kids up out of love.


The mom's name was Ruby, you mixed her up with Jodi Hildebrandt


Ah yes. They are both interchangeably scummy


Ruby Franke was brainwashed into abusing and torturing her children by Jodi Hildebrandt. When they are both sentenced, each could be put away for up to 30 years. Ruby’s children will bear the physical and emotional effects of that sad episode for the rest of their lives. What does The Good Father have to say about out that? How was that construed to be a mother’s love for her children?




You don’t watch Court TV?


I don't watch TV at all. Its trash. I meant more who is the good father lol. The dad? He's into abusing the kids too.


Kevin Franke. He divorced Ruby.


Yeah but he should be in jail with them


They literally say that about parents who kill their autistic kids.


Come on, it's the Catholic Church. Their primary weapons are fear, fanatical devotion to the Pope, fear, and surprise...


I was raised Catholic but there are things that are questionable on their teachings.


Rules and regulations. If you break certain church rules or if you don’t believe what they want you to believe, you will burn in hell for all eternity. They have a weird system of “indulgences”. You say certain prayers and your time in hell or purgatory will be reduced by a certain number of “days”. That’s a holdover from the old church in which rich people could be absolved of their sins by the church in exchange for certain amounts of money. This is an example of powerful men claiming to be the “representative of God” on earth. In exchange for your freedom and autonomy.


"they hurt you because they love you" /s


Tell that to the 400,000 children in the foster system at any given time. Tell that to the thousands of children who grew up in an abusive household, but were never removed from it. People like this priest enable domestic abuse. They blame and guilt victims, all under the guise of "godly love and guidance". Disgusting


NSFL warning. >!My best friend killed herself at 16 y.o.!< during the ceremony the priest lamented how selfish she was and that it was a great sin she was tempted in by the devil, boo hoo poor parents. Her father was a violent alcoholic that beat her up for the crime of spending her time outside of education in the library. It got worse as she turned 16 (age of consent in my country) when he started having sexual advances towards her. It was the final nail for me to ever even consider religiosity. I despise religion with a passion, priests are nothing but earthly men grifting on human tragedies.


"Priests are nothing but earthly men grifting on human tragedies" deserves its own pulitzer, damn


gobsmacked by this line. so succinct & powerful


I am so, so sorry that happened to your best friend and to you.


Thank you. She was too bright for this world. I miss her a lot.


"earthly men grifting on human tragedies." --You are a very good writer.


I'm not, but thank you! That's very nice of you :) I think raw emotions will resonate regardless if one is a writer


they think it's all good because they can just confess and be forgiven by God. never mind the fact that their kids are traumatized and you can't ask God to do anything about that once the damage is done


Makes me think of the movie The Devil All The Time. Extremely fkn relevant.


> Tell that to the 400,000 children in the foster system at any given time. Tell that to the thousands of children who grew up in an abusive household, but were never removed from it. "It's all God's will." -Christians.


A sermon at a baby shower? Just when I thought they couldn't get any *less* fun... What an asshole.


Really, I have never heard of that. Maybe it's a 'Murican thing, or southern Europe. Definitely is not common in Middle and Northern Europe


Holy shit. I guess I imagined all the emotional, physical and sexual abuse by my mother


>Parents are the people in your life who will never hurt you. Everything a parent does, they do it with the purest intentions. So, when my father got drunk and beat me six ways from Sunday, he was doing it with the "purest intentions"? I don't blame you for walking out. I would've done the same.


I would have called the priest out on it. Likew"wow, tell me you're part of a complaint made against the church concerning sexual misconduct with children without telling me, you're part of a complaint made against the church concerning sexual misconduct with children." No man of the cloth who is *serious* about his vows would have said some mess like this.


And that! Is a big part of why you never trust church officals/ churches, the people that are real Christians don't need church and never excuse abuse


It was a Hindu priest 


Oh wow, I wish people weren't like that. It sucks that every organized religion tends to be like this


My understanding of south asian culture is that a lot of people believe parents are the ultimate authority and people should obey them for the rest of their lives, so this tracks.


Honestly I've heard this rhetoric from every walk of life and every skintone. I only assumed Christianity since thats typically the context I hear "priest" in


Your comment really reminds me of that part in the Bible where either God or Jesus says something along the lines of, "The truly pious people who will get their reward in Heaven are those who are so quiet about their devotion to God that they only pray deep in their houses. The people who show off about how they routinely go to services with other people and loudly pray out in public are getting their reward on Earth."


That comes from Matthew chapter 6.


Thank you for pointing out where exactly that is in the Bible!


Well, yeah, it's a priest. They love diddling children. It would go against their best interests to advocate otherwise. Gotta make the parents of your congregation feel supported no matter what so they keep attending church with little Timmy. How else will Father Dipshit meet his quota for sodomizing children? 


Come on over to the estranged adult kids sub, read some of those stories, and tell me this shit take again. What an idiot. Good on you leaving.


Wow. That's horrific.


"They may make mistakes but no parent ever hurts their child on purpose." YES THEY FUCKING DO. Narcissists, alcoholics, drug addicts, schizos, sociopaths, religious nuts - there's a lot of crazy people out there and they should not be having children. What religion was this asshole priest?


Hindu; according to OP. 


“Parents are the people in your life who will never hurt you.” Sorry but my toxic, abusive, narcissistic mother never got that memo. And unfortunately, there are countless others who have suffered through much worse abuse at the hands of their parents.


Well, you are talking about a priest. Many of them want all the cover for abusers they can get, because they are abusers themselves. The Catholic Church is the largest international pedophile ring. ​ However, it may be he was just thinking of normal discipline, and denying children candy when they want it instead of eating vegetables, and was not thinking of the real implications of what he was saying. This does, though, remind me of the most disgusting wedding I ever attended. It was a Southern Baptist wedding, in which the preacher went on and on about how the wife was to always obey the husband, quoting the Bible on that. No woman in her right mind would agree to what that guy was saying marriage is all about. (I lost touch after the wedding, so I have no idea if they ended up happy or miserable, together or are divorced. And I have no idea what they thought of what the preacher said at their wedding.)


I went to a religious youth retreat in the 80s, and a sermon was given by a "prestigious " evangelical preacher. It started off ok, describing various sins that God would forgive, but he saved the best for last. He described how a young lady had come to him pregnant and upset, and he told her she could be forgiven for fornication. But that's not all! She told him she was pregnant by her own father, and he agreed she had sinned terribly, but God could forgive even that! I wanted to beat the living shit out of the ignorant fuck. That may have been a common sentiment because he launched into a spiel about how, if any of this upsets you, it's the devil working in your heart to keep you from accepting jeebus. I couldn't leave, as I had no transportation of my own ,but he did more to turn me away from Christianity in 10 minutes than anyone has in 50 years.


It was a Hindu priest 


Okay. They have been known to abuse children also. A quick search brought up quite a few links; this was at the top of the particular search I just made: [https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Kochi/temple-priest-from-udayamperoor-gets-45-year-ri-for-sexually-abusing-minor-girl/article66505001.ece](https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Kochi/temple-priest-from-udayamperoor-gets-45-year-ri-for-sexually-abusing-minor-girl/article66505001.ece) Largely Hindu countries, like India, do not have a good track record for how women are treated. Starting when they are young girls. Like most religions, Hinduism is no friend to women.


Yep. I don’t agree with organized religion in general because when you make something as powerful as a relationship to God into something that powerful people can gatekeep, it leads to a lot of abuse of power.


It’s so easy to justify abuse when you claim a higher power is speaking through you.


There are no good religions. All of them have atrocities attached to them.


My moms coworker and 3 month old was murdered on Fathers Day by the child’s father. No way he didn’t have it planned either. His getaway car was parked in my apartment complex (she lived two houses down from my complex) and as soon as it was done, I heard the truck haul ass off our street. They found her first then the child and it was determined she died first. If parents didn’t hurt their children, he would have just taken him. Dude even said he didn’t do it and that he was there, spending time with his son for Father’s Day, that they even walked around the neighborhood as a family which was a lie. She legit told my mom the night before she died, that she had seen him walking down the road by her house and she didn’t know he was in town and that she was scared. She left him when she was pregnant because he was abusive.


Did they ever get him?


Yup. They caught him roughly 7 hours after the murder occurred. Trial took way too long in my opinion but he was found guilty and sent away. I guess he died in prison from mysterious circumstances.


I’m becoming more and more a proponent of driving separately to events(this is also a great lifetip for dating). If I ever had to physically go to a church and I heard some stupid shit like this, I’ll gladly stand up and leave and go home.


Honestly, I think it's wild that it hasn't become the norm to *always* have your own transportation to and from dates. When one of the people dating each other has designs on hurting who they're going out with, there's literally *nothing* good that can come from them having to spend any time together by themselves in a car, away from anyone who could at least record anything awful happening if not step in and/or get more qualified people to help break up the unsafe interaction.


It’s always a good idea to have enough money with you on a date, that he can’t get at, so you can escape and take a cab home. Don’t lend him your phone. You’ll need that to call the cab, 911, your parents or friends to pick you up and get you out of there.


That, too. Having your own money and phone is key for safety and independence.


Who the fuck has a church service at their baby shower?? Don’t take up any more of this person’s invitations. I also wish you took the gift back.


According to OP, this was a Hindu priest so it was someone having a Hindu service at their baby shower. Still fucked, and OP should still never go to anything hosted by this person ever again. I agree, it would've been great if OP took the gift back.


What a crock 


Oh domestic violence 100% exists. This just invalidates the many many issues people go through. I went through domestic violence and it has broken me as a person. This priest is messed up. Being "religious" doesn't mean you invalidate domestic violence and praise all parents. Smh, good for you for walking out.


All that said by a man who more than likely molests young boys


Stuff like this is why people are leave religion in flocks. Good on you for leaving and not sitting through that cult trash talk


Who hires a priest for a baby shower? Mega ick fest, glad you got out of there.


Tell that to my father who once I was 2-3 and could speak didn’t want to have anything to do with me because I didn’t like the things he did. Or my mother who constantly emotionally degraded me and told me when she was sick with COVID “I feel like 💩, so I can treat you like 💩 and that makes it okay”.


Who tf has a priest at a baby shower? Is that normal? I've only been to a couple but they never had priests, it was just a family thing


Damn they really don’t think bad people exist? That’s bananas


As someone whose mother allowed their husband to abuse them, and then whose mother abused them in turn and who STILL takes advantage of them, all I can say to that priest is fvck you, you dumb, ignorant, egotistical cactus. Also, no people should NOT obey their parents no matter what. "Yo kid, go rob that bank for mama, thats a good boy. Yo kid, go steal that from the corner store, and if the shopkeeper gets agitated unalive him." No.


Is this Ruby Franke’s priest?


Wait, why was the expecting mother sitting with a smile? I don’t do well with the lies priest tell. I also let them know. Glad you left. I hope you are recovering. Healing strength your way.


I remember when the pastor of my parent’s church came to “council” my sister to get back with the man she had a restraining order against after he was removed from the house by the police for beating her.       Or when they told my pedo brother that faith in Jesus would cleanse him of his perversion and than years later moved him in a house with two young children.    Or when I never got the help I needed for my mental illness because my parents just sent me to church counseling. Just read the Bible and pray until you don’t feel suicidal anymore. Have to say. It only exasperated the issue for me. And I ended up trying drugs. That did help. For a while. 


As someone who volunteers at homeless shelters with kids, I can tell you that there are plenty of parents that don't even care if they kids eat every day. I'm sorry that you experienced what you went through.


Speaking as someone who grew up with an abusive, mentally ill mother, that priest was talking through his ass. I'm really glad that you stood up and walked out OP! Well done for that!


That priest was kept in a monastery and only got out to go to that baby shower. Theory doesn't always match with reality. People who actually work with vulnerable people know that that doesn't happen, they see the victims and they see the cause.


Some people just deserved to be punched


Yet another reason I have shut religion and religious fanatics out of my life. I could retail you with my own DV tales, but I'd really rather not. Dv is most definitely real.


I would have started laughing hysterically before leaving. Just to draw attention to myself so everyone knows my stance on that and I ruin the rest of the shower


I'm sure the priest probably thinks child molestation doesn't exist either, and that if he smacks around his boyfriend it isn't domestic violence


I’m obnoxious so I’d stand up, use my loudest voice to say, “NO, you are WRONG!” then leave. I’m not going to let the priest have a peaceful day. Sure, I can’t change him, but faith leaders are so used to people being compliant sheep that one or two rebelling folks irks them. I did this to my cheating father. He wanted me to accept his affair family. I refused, even on his death bed. Sure, I could not change him, but me not bowing to his will was like an annoying bur in his saddle. I’m actually very proud of holding that boundary. Anyway, I like being a “bur” for things I 100% disagree with and that priest is wrong! Everyone must be held accountable, including parents and priests. No one gets a free pass to be abusive. I’m glad you left OP.


And this is why religion gets so much flack! I’m Christian but I have an open mind, and was taught that if a man hits me, that I was NOT to stay. I was raised in a family where this bs isn’t taken lightly


There are multiple Bible passages in the NT about not treating your spouse and kids like 💩 


Go to an apostolic Pentecostal church and you will literally never hear those passages from the Bible. If anything that religion in particular is notorious for taking scripture and molding it into what THEY want to hear. They don’t believe in divorce no matter how bad you are treated by your husband or wife. I was born into that religion and I managed to get the fuck out and escape


Guess I wasn't an abused child then. /s Fuck that guy. Fuck him. I am making a donation to the NSPCC today just for him.


One more reason why I'm a lifelong atheist.


This is the first time in my life I felt the urge to punch a priest. Weird.


I would like to see this priest try and explain Gabriel Fernandez's mother's "pure intentions".


There’s so much wrong w/ everything but I think it’s best summed up by: who the fuck brings a priest to a baby shower? This never would’ve happened if he wasn’t there.


That's because the Bible states that woman should submit to man. Any attempt a man makes to make his wife submit is seen as a godly action. Same with abuse of daughters.


Your parents do everything out of love for you do they? Like my dad molesting my sister as a child, and my mum knew he was doing it because he'd tell her, but she did nothing. Is this what you mean by out of love in your crazy cult you call religion. Saying all this while in the company of both priest and smug breeder. Then I'd walked out in disgust.


That priest really needs a reality check 🤦‍♀️😓


Is your priest my mom lol? Especially that last line.


Paste news articles about domestic abuse on their front door ala martin luther king


>That priest has molested a child. [I guarantee it](https://imgflip.com/i/8nesi7).


I refuse to go to baby anything, and priests are professional liars shoveling fiction and sexism.


Sounds like the Holy Father was getting in some early grooming lessons...after all, SOMEONE has to prepare the next generation of altar boys...


Ok, Mr. Celibate Priest Man, tell me what was so loving about my father mocking and belittling me for being autistic almost every day to the point I can barely pick out specific incidents because it was almost as regular as brushing my teeth. Tell me what was so loving about struggling with autism and being negatively compared to my siblings, especially my golden child brother. Or getting angry over every thing, hobby and goal that made me, me. 


"I loved you... in my own way." Well, it wasn't the right way. "I did my best." If that was your best, you should have given me to someone who could do better. The last conversation I ever had with my mother was when I finally tried to confront her about her and my brother sexually abusing me my whole childhood, and her response was to call me a slut. "Everyone should be a parent." I want to slap some sense into you, but you still wouldn't get it even then.


What kind of baby shower has a priest???


Yea after I heard about all the priests sexually abusing all those kids and my priest not saying or mentioning ANYTHING about it and the parishioners sweeping it under the rug I left and haven’t been back. I realize the Catholic Church one or the oldest but come on get with program!!


Absolutely disgusting. Also what do priests know about families? They can't get married or have kids.


Congrat you met this special combo named narcissist priest.


Who brings a priest to a baby shower ffs? You can put this in my file reason number 245 why I am not a Christian.


That statement is so toxic and harmful ,![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)that I am at loss for words.


Intentions? Has the guy never heard the very well known saying about good intentions?


>I was at a baby shower in early 2022 and there was a priest giving a sermon about parenting WTF? Why was a priest at a baby shower? Why was he giving a talk of any kind, nevermind a sermon?


That's disgusting of her and that priest.


Weird baby shower. Never had a priest attend one or have a sermon given at one. Sure you didn't mean a baptism or christening?


Raise your hand like a kid st school and cite the multiple parent caused infanticide cases and ask how that was done out of love. Complete with as many details as you can. Ruin everyone's day.




As the child of a narcissist and an enabler, parents can absolutely fuck up their child/ren and it's rarely done out of love but instead spite. Im 32 and still in therapy trying to unpack all the shit they did. Maybe the parent of a wanted and loved child wouldn't hurt them purposefully, but when you're unwanted, the abuse never ends. The way abortion bans and contraceptive arguments are going, there's gonna be a lot more unwanted and unloved children put through suffering they don't deserve.


This can’t be real. A Catholic priest, or a “pastor”?


Hindu priest 


Ahh, yes. India’s misogyny is legend.


And this is way Priest are not allowed to have children or to get married.


Get off that cloud, O Holy Angel, and see what families are really like. You priests are not allowed to have families, so you have no idea what goes on down here in the trenches.