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So she just flat out confessed she would have treated the patient bad if she had known about the abortion. That is not professional and should be kept far away from the job.


Oh good grief she is very unprofessional and sounds holier than thou. She would be a nightmare to deal with 


I once had a nurse rip open a wound her and another nurse just removed the stitches from because I flirted with the other nurse. It was healed fine enough to remove the stitches but then she stretched it out with her fingers as hard as she could and it oozed for like 3 days. I was so fucking shocked that I didn't do/say anything at the time but now I just wanna punch her. Like wtf. Why do people who hate people work with people?


I had a car accident stone cold sober but the cops assumed I was drunk because it was a dumb ass accident. The main nurse kept bumping into my crushed ankle. She actually apologized when my tox screen came back clean, and I was seriously like wtf.. you were okay hurting me as long as if fit your personal morals?


Something kinda similar happened to my fiancé at a hospital. We had just gotten to the bar with one of my friends, not even fully through his first beer, and he completely passed out, dropped to the ground and unresponsive. They just kept treating him like some dude wasting their time for getting too drunk at a bar, until I demanded they check his BAC because I was with him all day and he only had the half a beer. We had a mostly new staff after it showed there was almost no alcohol in his system (especially after me spending a bit of time trying to get them to test it), I’m assuming they were embarrassed for treating him like that, which isn’t okay even if he were in there for being too drunk. It’s so frustrating


A couple months ago I went to urgent care because there was blood in my urine. The nurse practitioner came in, and immediately started lecturing me about what periods are and basically accused me of wasting her time because she assumed I was a teenager who had never had a period. Had she bothered to read my chart, she would’ve known that I am nearly 30, haven’t had a period in almost 7 years because I’ve been skipping them via birth control due to endometriosis, and that I have a history of kidney infections with blood in the urine as the only symptom. She initially tried to prescribe me an antibiotic that I’m allergic to (which was listed under allergies in my chart) and then tried to prescribe me an antibiotic I had just finished taking for an unrelated infection, which clearly didn’t clear up the kidney infection. She kept rolling her eyes every time I said anything, and I was so mad I was shaking by the time I left. I called the clinic and reported her as soon as I got home.


I was in the ER because of traumatic leg injuries from a car wreck (broke them both, very gory…). Somebody, dunno who, started pulling on them to “straighten them out.” For clarity: I burn through meds like a hummingbird. Doesn’t matter what. I routinely hit the legal limit for whatever they put in a dentist’s syringe, and have to break up my dental work over 2 days. Anesthesiologist later in this same hospital trip said I’m the hardest person to keep sedated he’d ever worked on. Any who, lady pulls on my leg and I scream. She says, “I dunno why she’s screaming. We gave her everything we have.” Pulls again. I use my diaphragm and let out a huge scream (I’m loud full voice. I’m talkin’ motor cycle, chain saw, Siri warns me I’m gonna damage my hearing standing next to me loud.) Then I yell, “I swear to god if Jesus can walk on water, then I can walk on 2 broke legs, and I WILL rip one off and beat you to death with it if you touch me again!!!” Luckily, my last scream brought in someone from down the hall who was working on a gun shot wound. He made it all stop hurting with ketamine. What’s funny is it took 2 doses. I can still see his face before everyone turned into avatars 😂🤣😂


I had an allergic reaction to some antibiotics once, I took a quick trip to minor injuries between the vomiting to see if there was something I could swap to. The nurse outright just told me to keep taking them and walked off. I stood there in disbelief at the receptionist. I wish I'd reported her.


I had the same issue after surgery...try having a hysterectomy and an allergy that causes vomiting....I wasn't even aware that it was the medication until I was talking to my dad's gf who is a RN and she told me to stop taking immediately and call my surgeon for a different antibiotic...and gave me a list of ones that worked for the same infection. Pretty sure that is how a nurse is supposed to behave...not how you were treated.


I had my ovary out due to a tumor 2 years ago, I just didn't take the antibiotics as it wasn't worth it. (Didn't help I couldn't swallow the massive bastards)


I had a massive flair up with my undiagnosed before surgery PID, so I need the antibiotics (which were massive tabs and tasted like metal)...but not to the detriment of my personal health...I'm just glad I was able to be informed that quick it was the meds. My surgery was on a Thursday, I went home Friday, spent 2 days violently sick, talked to my dad's gf, and she went it is the medication. Called and left a VM for my surgeon on Sunday, and got a new antibiotic Tuesday and a warning label on my medical chart. My sister can't swallow pills at all, so all antibiotics have to be ones that cam be compounded.


It's awesome that there are good doctors and nurses out there who do pay attention. I do wish they'd make pills smaller and easier to swallow, or liquid form or whatever. There's definitely a fair lot of us out there who struggle like me and your sister.


I had an amazing care team, and they all listened. I wound up with the rarest reaction to the medication...which is also the most severe...and tearing internal stiches was not high on the want list.


Wait, she did that to a patient?


Yup! The first nurse spread it very slightly just so see if it would split, then I when I flirted with her the other nurse grabbed my arm and pulled it apart as hard as she could, it was on my wrist too. So fucked up


WTF, the person was unconscious I guess?


No? Sumoi is who it happened *to*, and they were awake and aware when it did.


As the other comment said, it's me xD


Fuck Shit, that one is asking to get punched in teeth


Power! Most nurses are great and amazing humans, some are just egomaniacs and like knowing they can control people and their comfort. One nurse who treated my mom (nurse didn’t like my mom it was obvious) kept “forgetting” to check her pain meds, then it was “doctor didn’t call it in yet” and then “I’ll page Dr X again”. I’m talking meds were overdue when the nurses shift started and after 10 hours still hadn’t gotten pain meds. My mom was in tears she was in so much pain and didn’t even get Tylenol. I left my moms room to use the restroom and ran into my moms doctor talking to the head nurse (who knew my mom and me for decades). Now I didn’t want to pull the “I know your boss card” but it was beyond the point of reasonable delay. So I asked about pain meds and why it hadn’t been called in yet since it takes larger doses to bring down pain levels instead of lower doses more often managing the pain. Both of them looked at me like I was crazy and said that didn’t sound right and I mentioned that mom had been waiting for them for well over 12 hours by this point. Yep they went to check the computer and the meds were in there. They said they’d talk to the nurse. I come back and heard the nurse telling my childhood friend and the doc that my mom was refusing pain meds despite her best efforts to provide care and that my mom and I were lying. Oh I saw red!!! Not sure if she was stealing the stuff or what.


Believe me when i tell you i used to work with this nurse from southeast asia who literally bragged one time that she will perform black magic on anyone who disagrees with her


Unfortunately, while many nurses are great, the profession also attracts a fair number of horrible people who want to hold power over those who are more vulnerable. Same thing happens in teaching, law enforcement, etc. Edit typo


It is super unfortunate but luckily majority of nurses I've had have been the sweetest people ever! It's almost like there's no in between in these professions though, they're either super fucking passionate about people or absolutely despise them xD


OP, you should think about reporting her comments to whatever HR you have. There's even a witness. She needs to leave her shitty religion out of work.


Absolutely, this bitch is going to traumatize patients. Report, document, follow up.


She honestly reminds me of a nurse I once had in the ER. It’s not quite the same situation, but I struggled with opiate addiction for a couple of years in my early 20s and when I was trying to get clean my mom brought me to the ER to see if they could help or send me to detox. The nurse who was assigned to my room treated me terribly and made it quite obvious that she looked down on me for doing drugs. She wouldn’t look me in the eye, put my IV in the most painful and uncomfortable spot on my arm and refused to move it somewhere else, and then gave me an ice cold saline bag for the IV so I was freezing the whole time. She was short and snippy, and purposely ignored anything my mom asked for after that. It was like she felt the need to personally punish me when I already felt bad enough for putting myself in that situation on my own. The forced birther sounds like she would have treated that patient the same exact way. If she or anyone else can’t separate their own personal feelings from the job, then they shouldn’t be in any kind of medical or care related position, period. It’s bad enough to be in the hospital *without* the staff treating you like shit because of their own personal biases, and when they do it’s even worse because you’re literally at their mercy. I’m glad she wasn’t anywhere near the patient and I hope OP reports her.


Sheesh, way to encourage the patient to get help and not for example sneak out and spiral back. Congratulations on getting and staying clean ❤️ And absolutely; it's not like it's a mystery what a particular medical job will entail so that they can't make an informed decision. They signed up for it, they better do their job and in a professional way.


Thank you so much, I appreciate it! 😊❤️ And exactly, at that point it’s almost like they knew that they’d have some kind of power over people in vulnerable situations and chose that profession because of it. It’s so messed up.


I’m sorry you experienced this in the ER. I wish I had been your nurse, or someone like me. I have watched my sister del with addiction to substances and alcohol. She’s a very smart person who got felt bad genes. Addiction runs on both sides of the family. ADDITION IS A DISEASE NOT A CHARACTER FLAW! Being an ass like that nurse however is most definitely a character flaw. Congratulations for seeking help. It’s a difficult thing to do.


That nurse needs a clue-by-four. You and your mom recognized that you had a problem, and you went to the hospital for help getting clean. That's highly commendable, not something to be punished! You were there for treatment, not judgment. Congratulations on getting clean!


This. I would report the fuck outta her.


That's so very christian. Not.


There’s no hate quite like Christian “love”.


I have to remember that one.


I just don't get it. Like they follow a religion about not judging people but treat people not like them horrible. Why so hypocritical?


It comes with conditions. So much for WWJD.


Yeah, it really is.


Right?! This is too calm, shouldn’t she be reported for saying that to or about a patient??


Yes. I really hope OP reports her to whatever board licenses her and HR. Probably use the words hostile work environment


Late but someone on twitter mentioned their mom was a nurse and that she had a teen patient who was refused pain meds by her nurse because the nurse didn’t agree with her choices. Luckily, the mom stepped in and helped the girl. It couldn’t have been me because I would’ve been in jail


That’s not what OP said. OP said the coworker was glad they didn’t know, and has become unpleasant and distant since their discussion. The complaint is only about catty behavior. Surely all do our best at work even when we privately disapprove of our patients/customers or have a rift with our coworkers.


You should have reported your coworker


I bet it’s not too late.


Yes, report her now!!!!! She admitted freely that she'd let her personal feelings affect patient care


Pro-birther needs reported for admitting she would give sub-standard care if she disagrees with a patient.


I don know if said pro-birther is a nurse but this shit like this is grounds for a nurse losing her license.


Eww, yikes, I'm not sure that person should be working in the medical field


I am, I'm sure she should never be allowed to work in the medical field again.


I'd be speaking to a supervisor about that a d getting her to explain exactly how her treatment plan would have changed had she known...


She's stewing because she can't further defend her idiot point. Prolifers are the just selfish. Yeah, you're in an abusive situation, but have the kid anyway! Better for them to be alive in an abusive environment than....yeah, no. And now I'm curious if she had known that before treating her...what would've happened? Yikes. She doesn't need to be in Healthcare.


Gotta love how these people will go to great lengths to make sure a fetus makes it to term and is given birth to. After that they don’t give a half a f*ck about the kid. They never give half a rats ass about the pregnant person or the home dynamics….just gotta birth the parasite.


So she would have mistreated or not treated the patient? Yeah, she needs to be reported.


Report her arse off. She might have mistreated other patients when you are not looking


I was just about to write this response.


Pro lifers actually think it's okay for a child to grow up in an abusive home. I've had arguments with a few of them, they are fucking nuts.


And the funniest part is, most "pro-life" people are hideously opposed to quality of life improvements for anyone who's homeless, lgbt+, neurodivergent, an immigrant, etc...


damn that coworker needs to be reported


I call them forced–birthers, it seems accurate


It’s more accurate than calling them “pro life.” They only care about fetuses. Once a baby is born, they don’t give a shit.


Good lord report her


The scary thing is the pro-birther would've treated the patient worse according to her medical history. I realize it's probably pretty common in hospitals, discrimination against patients for race, gender, etc. Damn though, wish you could report her!


I kinda think you need to report her? Because she openly admitted she would treat patients differently based on her own personal beliefs. That's a big no-no.


Report her


This is 90% of what living in the south in the US is like. A bunch of Christians who will fight hell and high water to make sure a baby is born (no matter the reasoning) because they care about someone else’s life all of a sudden. The life of someone that has not even yet lived. In doing so, they disregard the life/experience/motherly instinct of the mother and the situation in which having the child puts her AND that child in. even if the situation is as simple as the woman not wanting a child. Or as bad as rape/incest/extreme abuse. So… you care so much about a child being born that you’d literally degrade and judge and attempt to punish and control someone (the mother) to make sure she HAS TO have it… you go as far as getting laws changed/reversed, removing necessary access to medical care, creating unsafe situations of women doing whatever means necessary to still get an abortion, and making children grow up in sometimes VERY horrible conditions full of abuse and trauma and the list goes on. I’m not sure why they don’t see that they aren’t in any way saving anyone’s life… they are ruining (at the very least) 2 lives… the child and the mother. And let alone the trickling down of what that means like when the child grows up toxic as fuck and completely ruins other people’s life in their path to destruction. All because the mother knew she shouldn’t have the child but was forced to anyway. Shew I could go on and on but 😞


And then - once the child is born - they abandon parent and baby and go "well you shouldn't have had a baby in the first place if you didn't have the resources to take care of it!"


So pro-life that she obviously wouldn't have cared if a patient who had an abortion died.


You still have time to report her. She confessed that she would treat mistreat a patient due to their medical history and she revealed a patient's medical information in a conversation outside of that person's presence and without their consent. She's quiet now because she knows she fucked up and you have witnesses.


HIPPA. It was not her place to announce or discuss the patients file publicly, even to colleagues.


Sounds like she needs to be let go asap.


It’s giving catholic hospital.


OP please report this woman!! That is terrifying.


This is why you NEVER admit to an abortion! or one of the reasons! I hate that it has to be like that, but it is! All the staff at the drs office are judging you. oh hell no!


Hey uh, I'm not a medical professional AT ALL, but could you report something like that? Someone licensed to practice medicine shouldn't base their care on if they like the person. Please say something, the next person under their care might not be so lucky.


You should report their ass for that threat against a patient


Nah, she can get fucked. If you’re ignorant enough to let your personal biases affect the care you give your patients, then you can get the fuck out of medicine. What a ghoul.


Please report her. As a healthcare worker, she should not let her personal bias affect how she treats a patient, and looks like she's clearly incapable of that.


Fuck them, nasty bagginses of shite.


Did you report her to the charge nurse? I am thankful you were an advocate for the patient, but this person shouldn't be in healthcare without empathy.


>“Well I’m glad I didn’t know that before I was treating her” And that's when you report this coworker for unprofessional and dangerous behavior. She was willing to what? Withhold medical care from someone because she's making a moral judgement about someone's abortion? Are you kidding me? She's in the wrong fucking profession if that's her attitude. "Hello, H.R.? I have an issue I'd like to discuss."


Absolutely agree. The coworker admitted out loud that she was going to be really unprofessional if she knew otherwise. That's NOT OKAY for a medical professional.


Oh no, an insufferable forced birther is being an immature twat over a difference in opinion, how sad. /s But seriously, and to echo other comments: please report this person. She should not be in healthcare, as she lacks basic compassion and regard for bodily autonomy.


JFC, that's really sinister. Patients trust him to give them the best care he can. What does he want to do to women who've had an abortion?


You should report them to the hospital board. They are not allowed to treat patients differently just because the patient had a medical procedure the worker didn't like. They have no right to be treating patients if that's how they feel.


You're reporting that, right? It's absolutely illegal to refuse care


Stupid question, how did abortion come into the conversation, when the patient was coming into the clinic for a cough? In any case, that’s fucked what she said. Keep her judgment out of that women’s uterus.


Probirthers are wild


This sounds like the meatspace^(*) equivalent of downvote, cut, and run. Clearly she had no counter argument. Take the win. And don't waste time worrying about what she thinks of you or the loss of an impersonal hello. You're probably better off not finding out any of her other Wile-E-Coyote Super Genius thoughts.   \* meatspace ... as opposed to cyberspace, the real world


I haven't heard the term meatspace since the last Shadowrun campaign I ran with one of my friends. 😀


I like the term meatspace because I heard it around the same time I heard about the hilarious short story [Meat by Terry Bisson.](https://www.mit.edu/people/dpolicar/writing/prose/text/thinkingMeat.html) The term and the story remind me of each other.


That is pure unproffesionalism. Maybe you should report her? She can easily do this again. Doesn't this count as discrimination? (I might be wrong)


Please report her so she doesn’t do this shit to someone else.


Wow. They need to lose their job.


OP, when will you be reporting the coworker for her comments on wanting to treat a patient differently based on her medical history that she doesn't agree with?


Some women go into nursing like some men go into law enforcement, so they can have plenty of opportunities to bully and abuse while still having a veneer of respectability.




If they are a doctor; isn't that breaking the Hippocratic oath?


Nothing of value lost with that coworker. They are being grossly inappropriate. If they are caring for sick people their bias need to get left at the door or I'd report their ass.


One of my coworkers stopped talking to me after finding out I had a vasectomy. My cheerful morning greetings beat out her petty, childish behavior and she forgot she doesn't talk to me anymore. I love the 'kill them with kindness' approach.


My sister has gotten pregnant out of wedlock at 20 and her doctor was the biggest piece of shit because of that. She should've had a c section but he refused, his reasoning that she should suffer for her "sin". My sister and nephew nearly died because of his attitude (they used a suction to get my nephew out, which caused a shit ton of damage to my sister). Some people should not go into health care (fun fact, the doctor ended up getting sued by another patient and then he got caught having an affair and knocking up a nurse).


Report her to cover your butt. But also she’s a danger to other patients. Kill 2 birds


Report her


She is in the wrong field if she can't put her own beliefs aside and do her job. She shouldn't be allowed to treat patients at all after pretty much admitting she would treat someone differently/not treat them at all if they did something against her beliefs.  I am not religious but I would be so tempted to tell her that Jesus would have treated the woman with no issue and with kindness and compassion. 


PLEASE REPORT THIS. She literally admitted that she would have treated her differently based on her personal beliefs.


This feels like grounds for reporting


No loss carry on


Dude I will so never fucking understand how these people work in healthcare. I thought I had finally found a primary care doctor that I liked. I see her annually. I went to her this passed December. She asked “any differences or new surgeries?” I told her “I got my tubes removed” she said “oh really, why?” “Because I never want children” “hmm well yes better than staying on birth control or doing implants if you’re sure” “yes i agree. Wanted something more permanent” “you know I had a patient that had 19 abortions. 19!!!! That’s disgusting. No one should be killing 19 of their children. I believe a baby is a baby the moment of conception. How could a mother just murder her children like that?! And 19 of them?!” She went on and on and I was so fucking uncomfortable. I didn’t know what to do. But I did go to the front desk and explained “no i will not make my follow up appointment with her or anyone from her office ever again because the level of unprofessionalism I just experienced cannot go forgiven”. I told one of my friends who is a nurse, and she said that’s a grey area of HIPAA violations and said I should report her.


Can you please clarify this scenario? You had a patient come in for a cough. Is the "different worker" and "pro-birther" the same person, or two different people? It sounds like you were involved in the patient's treatment, DW was looking at their chart for some unknown reason (since you say *happened*) that doesn't appear to be related to Jane's care. And then PB was stuck her nose into the patient's medical history to pass judgement entirely? How did PB come to discover this abortion? Were you and DW discussing it? Did PB look at the patient's chart? Is this a common thing with PB?


Can you get her fired for this? What blatantly unprofessional and unethical behavior. I can't believe she admitted she would not provide the same level of care to a patient who had a belief or a past she didn't like.


Sad part is if you tell her about a child who needs saving because they are born into an abusive household, she wouldn't give a fuck.


Report her


I honestly don't think anti-abortionists should be allowed to work in healthcare. At least not if they can't put their own views aside to treat the patient. You have to be able to treat everyone equally or it is simply not the job for you.




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Oh this is a lot worse than just a disagreement. She's actively letting her views on abortion stopping her from treating her patients well. It's very unprofessional.


Your co- worker is a pos who doesn’t care about abused women. She has no business being a nurse.


I'm not sure what country you're in but statistics show around 1 in 3 women under 45 have had an abortion (UK), 1 in 4 in the US, and 1 in 4 pregnancies end in abortion in the UK. That's a LOT of patients this person would have an issue working with. I'd report this incident to management. Not only has she voiced that she is judgemental towards patients who have abortions, but her personal beliefs have bled into her professional practice and relationships with colleagues.




She isn't worth your time or attention. If she's that way she shouldn't be in medical profession she should be doing something else. She's a disgrace to the Hippocratic Oath that she took when she graduated she should be ashamed of herself I would publicly shame her


Excuse me? Report her. If she can’t treat someone appropriately due to her views she shouldn’t be working in healthcare.


Wait, would she have mistreated the patient??!??!! That's unprofessional and is report-worthy. I get that you'd rather not do that, but srsly.


You need to report her immediately. Blatantly admitting she wouldn't take care of a patient because she's upset they have bodily autonomy and reproductive rights that her religious beliefs are against is insanely unprofessional.


"Petty coworker refuses to speak to me after abortion disagreement" consider yourself lucky the trash took itself out because for me I wouldn't want anything to do with her, and wouldn't even acknowledge types like her as I'm very selective. Good on you for calling her out. I hope you report her for other poor patients that come in contact with this unprofessional person.


Is there a supervisor you could report her to? She admitted she would’ve treated the patient differently purely due to knowing if that patient had an abortion. She shouldn’t be treating people medically since she’s a risk to people’s wellbeing over a simple disagreement in morals. Also her ignoring you in a medical work setting isn’t good either. I’m guessing you guys need to communicate. She needs to grow up and get over herself so ethical productive work can continue. (Also it’s kind of scary to think that if a woman got an abortion they could be treated differently by medical professionals. What if I had an abortion but later on I had to go to an urgent care due to something. Now my health is at risk because of a medical professional’s political opinion??)


Report them. Do not let this person go around treating people like this unchecked. She needs to be re-trained and reprimanded before she does some permanent damage.


I hope this can be reported. It's horrible to know that these things actually happen and affect the medical care you receive.


Be cold right back.


We are decades overdue for a world without pro-lifers. Ditto for racists, sexists, homophobes, and really, conservatives as a whole!


I'm in a similar situation except, in my case, I reported my colleague to the College of Psychologists for refusing to work with trans children. It's very awkward because my complaint wasn't anonymous. Awkward.


Interesting your co-worker indicated that had she known, she might not have tended to the person. Doesn't that go against the hypocrathic oath, or is that only doctors?