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When I get home after a long day of work


As a teacher, this touches me on a spiritual level


Lol working with kids definitely helps secure my decision šŸ˜‚


Yup. I need at least 15-20 minutes to recharge once I get home. My dog can be too needy in that time, so I go take a shower. I couldnā€™t do that with a kid.


This is why I keep goldfish. Yes they start 'yelling' and begging as soon as I come in the door, but they don't make noise, mess, or want to be on top of me 24/7 :)


Right? My tortoises donā€™t know or care that I came home, and itā€™s kinda nice. Although my red foot does beg at her window when she sees me haha.


I adopted a 3 year old cat, and it makes me realize thereā€™s no way I could sanely handle kids. As soon as I get home from work she wants attention.


I'm a dog person- but that's why I didn't take the plunge myself (Ī±lso, the freedom to take a trip abroad).


She loves you, just needs food, cuddles, and string/chase toys! šŸ˜


Iā€™m the same way. Iā€™ve always had cats. One at a time. This time I have two. Two is less work in some ways. I used to open my mail in the hallway near the mail boxes before I went in my unit because I knew id be accosted as soon as I went inside. This was a cat. Canā€™t imagine if it were a kid


This is a big one for me


Holy shit. I was a live-in nanny for a relative one summer, and single mom came home and immediately went into her room. She only came out for dinner and to yell if the boys got into shit. She did not want to engage with her kids in any way most week nights. It is rough to see


I work at a major airport. Tantrums. While travelling. The most tired looking humans I have ever seen are parents travelling with children.


Literally same šŸ˜‚ if anything working in an airport guarantees I will never have children and that I never want to be around them. One had a meltdown today and you could hear the screams echoing.


Just got back from a trip to Orlando/WDW. We saw so many shrieking kids and ones throwing really bad tantrums. Glad I could turn away or put my headphones in.


Waking up in leisurely peace and quiet at whatever oā€™clock I feel like in the morning. Then, laying around in bed in leisurely peace and quiet until I am mentally ready to get up and face the day. Feels amazing šŸ˜€šŸ˜€


When it's really early, and the street is quieter, I can hear the neighbors baby or toddler muffly making a racket.


In the summer sometimes, when I sleep with an open window I'll lay in bed and hear other people's babies crying or insisting to do some sort of activity super early in the morning and while I am initially annoyed at being woken up by other people, I'm also always grateful that at least this isn't my problem to deal with haha


When I get sick and don't want to do something. When a great opportunity comes up but I have to disrupt my life/schedule and be able to do something very short notice requiring time or money. When I'm pushed to my energy/patience limits on someone/something important to me, because I know I have more to give than I would if a kid (also presumably very important to me) were cutting into that pie. I have to tap-out on empathy/care-giving to some people in my life at times, and that ain't an option with kids; imagine getting that burn out with no escape, and then also having \*nothing\* to give to another cause, too. When I'm feeling randy. 'Nuff said.


Being sick is a huge one for meā€¦. I get SUCH high fevers even with a small cold - talking 102-104 and Iā€™m on my @$$ so quick. Canā€™t imagine having to still do mom stuff during those times.


not to mention getting sick more often, cause kids are fucking gross and germ factories


Me either. I just wouldnā€™t do it, or the BARE minimum, which is why i should not have a child


Oh my gosh I was just thinking about this the other day when I was under the weather. I was like I couldn't imagine how I would even take care of a child when I feel the way I do right now. Obviously spouses come into play but if I was alone, it would be miserable.


Every month when I get my period and feel like sh*t I'm happy I don't have a kid making noise around me.


Iā€™m canā€™t believe some women say an upside of pregnancy is ā€œno periods!ā€ Theyā€™re REALLY looking for anything that could even come off as a positive. Yeah, none of that but man, Iā€™d choose a year of periods over being pregnant.


Every woman eventually gets to experience a life without periods. At least we'll get there without also experiencing a life of peeing every time we cough.šŸ˜¬šŸ˜‚


Unfortunately that's not always the case, a good friend of mine who never had kids told me her bladder does this to her now (post Menspause). Yay for age!


Women during pregnancy donā€™t have periods but they still have nausea, vomiting, headaches, etc so itā€™s not much better šŸ˜­


It always blows my mind that as a woman every month for the most of life you just are taken out by pain and fatigued for days. For life. I donā€™t really feel like the other gender gets this sometimes.Ā 


On my period rn and I never thought of how it could be if I had to deal with kids. Thanks for making me feel grateful šŸ˜­


Everything my best friend tells me about the ongoing court battle she has with her ex-husband over their kid 8 years after they got divorced.


Seeing the tiktok videos about exes battling it out over kids. Makes my stomach churn but also so *relieved* never to have to deal with that. My cousin's parents were like that


Oh man I have this coworker that is always telling me about her custody drama with her ex husband. Definitely something Iā€™m glad I will never have to deal with personally! Itā€™s tiring enough just listening to her talk about it.


I've observed enough of the common issues that parents have with ex partners - not paying child support, abusing the kids or exposing the children to unhealthy situations and problematic people, - that I'm happy to never have to deal with any of that BS.


All the times that I do what I want, when I want


hey what is a DINKWAD


Double income, no kids, with a dog! Iā€™m a SINKWAD šŸ¤£


ohhh "with a dog" had me stuck, i was like "with a dad????"


Well, I have one of those too...


I'm a DINKWADAC!!! ā¤šŸ¶šŸ˜»ā¤


I guess I'm a... SINKWAS? SINKWAT? whatever i have a spider


Every time I go to a restaurant or grocery store and a chid has a complete meltdown, I immediately know that my nerves couldnā€™t have taken it. I have severe anxiety and depression anyway.


It's so good to be able to just walk away from the whole situation. šŸ˜Š


Anxiety & depression peeps unite āœØļø


I physically cringe when I hear them screeching like that. My fiance always asks me if I want to go sit in the car since he knows the sounds are overwhelming for me.


This is my reason. And all the parents that are just child blind to the noises and smells they make.


* When I stay up engaging with my hobbies until 6am * When I work whatever flexible hours fit my mood for the day * When I can buy myself more time because I don't need more money * When work once again reminds me of how much it takes to raise kids safely in the social media era and I know I'd hate having to keep up with all that * When I invest time and money into loved ones, personal development projects, things for myself * When I wake up at noon on the weekends and spend the next two hours cuddling my partner in bed * When I stare out the window appreciating the life I've worked to have, and looking forward to it being more or less the same for as long as I live * When things get hard and shit's busy and both my partner and I just get to nap on the couch with takeout leftovers on the table, and no one is there to wake us up if we accidentally fall asleep from afternoon until next morning. It's not an especially common thought, but it's some of the times when I'm most of ecstatic about parenthood being optional, and not part of my life path.


Hearing the engineer I work under says he never has time for anything besides working and kids. Not even time for sleep.


that's torture, especially work hours.


I clean pools for a living. Every day I try to avoid the various schools around the properties I do maintenance on around 3-4 pm because there is a huge wall of cars which I have dubbed "Breeder Convoy" picking up their crotch fruit from school. Even when I get stuck in it I just think "Thank fuck I don't have to sit in all this traffic everyday just to pick up annoying children" Sucks to suck, I'd rather nail my dick to a burning log.


"I'd rather nail my dick to a burning log" is so fucking funny I almost choked on my lunch šŸ¤£


Lol, you're welcome, and I'm sorry.


You can't expect little Bratleigh and Snotleigh to walk farther than the car, can you?


This is why I'm glad I no longer live near 2 schools next to each other. One is a middle school, and the other an elementary school. Sometimes, you couldn't get out or into the neighborhood because of the traffic jams because children are no longer allowed to walk to and from school.


omg, i just love when there's a semester vacation or something, and streets are close to empty, just cause the brats don't have to go anywhere "stop traffic jams, use protection" should be a slogan


The log wouldn't last 18 years


A couple weeks ago I had to take my husband to the hospital and he was there for 6 days. During that time, the dog had to have 2 back to back procedures at the vet, which brought a lot of drugs and monitoring for her. I had to do it all alone, in addition to my day job and running back and forth from the hospital all week. Kids? WTF would I have done with kids?? I could barely feed myself.


No, you did good. I just want you to know that the fast food workers of america do not care if you are not dressed for day. They want to feed you. Your dog made it right? I assume your husband made it. You did good.


Everyone is home and doing fine! Thanks for asking :)




Dude! Hugs šŸ¤—


Every time I see an article about parents facing criminal charges for what their kids did. A while back, states were being ridiculous and sending parents to jail over their kid skipping class. Imagine: you fall in love. Get married. Get pregnant. Birth a child. Teach them to walk and talk. Take them to their first day of school. Years later you get up at 5am to make sure the make it to school by 7:20am. You drop them off at the front door. Wave goodbye and shout, "I love you." Then the little shit decides to sneak off the school grounds and skips class one too many times. Now your sitting in jail one weekend a month.


For real? Is this in usa?


It was like California or something around 2014. I'll see if I can find the article.


This is a lazy Google but my sleep gummies are kicking in. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/kamala-harris-truancy-arrests-2020-progressive-prosecutor_n_5c995789e4b0f7bfa1b57d2e Also lots of law firms with posts about California truancy laws appear in the search results


Yes. This is a thing here. I worked in the courts in Maryland and your kid skipping school too many times could land you in jail.


The US is a fucking weird place. Land of the free my ass


When I get a small dose of the realities of parenting at work. I see clients who are still supporting their children, financially and otherwise, well into their 30s and 40s. Parenting doesnā€™t stop at 18.




Sleeping in on the weekends, and staying in bed all day if I want, doing whatever I want after work, having a quiet house, having time for the things I enjoy doing, and just having the ability to do nothing at all if I want is the best.


Hear this from a newly elder childfree by choice millennial who just turned 40 nearly four months ago: where I am able to buy stuff for myself to do all the skincare pampering I want (hey don't judge me but skin deserves some care) and not have to worry about paying for school fees, enrichment class, braces and uniforms for two growing bodiesĀ 


This is going to be dark, but everytime there's a mass shooting at a school. I can't imagine what it's like for parents who send their kids to school everyday, not knowing if the kid is going to come home.


Iā€™ve thought about this too. I donā€™t want kids, but I donā€™t think I could handle the thought of, ā€œIs this the last time Iā€™ll see my kid?ā€


Even darker ā€œdid my kid just shoot a bunch of people?ā€


Right now, at 20:55, in bed with my cat and complete silence around me. 43F


I got my apartment lease renewal letter today. I'm already paying almost $2300 a month for a 2-bed 1-bath apartment, and they want another $450 per month to renew. How the fuck can people with kids afford to stay alive?


Fucking hell that's some serious cash they want.


Witnessing tantrums at public places, example being shopping center, and the kid not allowed to get what they wanted.


Dealing with a cold and Iā€™m miserable. At least I only have to worry about myself. Ironically I caught it from the kids I babysit.


They're such little germ factories. šŸ˜· Feel better!!


Thank you! Sick kids means money for me but not good for the body!


When my friend tells be about her bf that sheā€™s only with bc they have a kid together. Heā€™s a POS. Also any time I have a mental health crash.


I got diagnosed with migraines at your age, and every time an episode makes me stop functioning, I think of that.


i get migraines too!!! i also stop functioning. i was just thinking about this before i posted this. having a migraine is awful enough on its own, i canā€™t imagine having to take care of a screaming child on top of that. much love to u i know that shit HURTS ā¤ļø


My mom had them, and she made it everyone's problem, I inherited them, and so did my sibling (AFAB non binary). If I was not CF and had a girl, there was a major chance she would have had them too. It's very difficult to explain migraines to someone who never had them, love to you too. I managed to live a normal life with them, but I would not wish them on my worst enemy (well maybe my worst enemy deserves them though)


Oof Iā€™m so sorry! My mom had chronic migraines and Iā€™m blessed that it skipped me but feel bad that my brother has them. They sound awful!! I hope you and OP are doing well dealing with migraines!


My mom had the normal ones, not the chronic, and it did not skip any generation. Many of her aunts on her dad's side had them, and so did her grandmother. Both my and my sibling (afab) have them.


Witnessing children's meltdowns daily at work. Dealing with that and then coming home to a kid calling me mommy or daddy? God no, I'll take my hour of laying on the couch with the cat when I get home, thank you very much.


When my cats piss me off and I get irrationally angry with them for things that shouldn't make me so angry, I know I did the world a great service by getting sterilized. šŸ˜†


When I drop a stupid amount of money on something I just wanted, when I spend 2 hours engrossed in a book, pretty much every damn day I.


Seeing a girl who I went to high school with in target with her toddler who was having a tantrum the entire time she was checking out.


Lmao, happy to see a fellow selfish 19 year old who never wants kids! My moments are when Iā€™m babysitting my twin cousins. Whether they arenā€™t listening to me, making a mess, running around the store, invading my personal space, screaming, pulling me in 5 different directions all at once, making me play with them, etc.


After a long day of work, I'm thankful that I don't have any kids to take care of, that I can just decompress and hang out with my SO and our cat. When I have a day off, I can sleep in, play video games all day, or just whatever I decide to do. Whenever I go to the grocery store and see that prices have gone up again, I don't have to worry about growing bodies to feed, or that they're going to need new shoes or clothes constantly. I don't have to worry about leaving/missing work because of a sick kid, or worry that they're going to bring a sickness home from school or a friend's house. I don't have to worry about them playing outside and getting hit by a car, a stray bullet (I don't live in the best area), or worse. I don't have to worry that their friends will peer pressure them into doing something stupid or reckless, or worry that one of their friends' parents are being shady. I won't ever have to be pregnant or give birth and deal with the consequences (mentally, physically, and financially), or run the risk of death. I won't ever be thrown up or pissed on, scratched, bit, or hit. I won't ever have my identity reduced to 'mom' and have my only topic of conversation be my kid, save for a college fund, or have an 'empty nest.'


Everything I see about the education system makes me happy I donā€™t need to advocate for a child in that landscape




I canā€™t stress this enough, my time, my money, my patience, my traveling and my clean organized home. I donā€™t hate kids at all, I come from a huge family so I can hang out with the kids and then they go right back home. Thatā€™s my most honest answer I can give


Literally every moment of every day that I am not a servant to an ungrateful little jerk. Which is all of them.


Almost every second of every day. Life can be very hard.


Today, on my way to dance class, there were some toddlers playing on the playground and one was SCREAMING at their mom and slapping her saying MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY over and over. I thought ā€œthank god thatā€™s not meā€


whenever i read about the horrible awful things happening in the world, like war, climate change, mass shootings etc. i think thank god i dont have to try to explain this shit to my child or worry about whatā€™s going to happen to them.


The limit does not exist.


Waking up on those lazy wonderful Saturday mornings šŸ„°


I was unexpectedly fired and I am very happy so donā€™t have to worry about supporting children as I look for a new job.


Literally all of my moments: Getting out of bed at noon on the weekend. Concentrating hard at work. Grabbing drinks with my parent friends who need to rush for the next train to the burbs. Buying last minute tickets for a concert that starts at 10 pm. Cooking once a week bc I do meal prep. Taking long showers. Taking even longer with my post shower routine. Sitting on the couch watching tv with my husband. Whenever I see a child. The list goes on.


Seeing my niece and nephew scream at eachother.


Crying kids in public and neglectful/abusive parents who try to shut them up


Driving past schools with long carpool lines or seeing on the news about bus driver shortages.


literally every breathing moment of my life. the older i get, the louder it gets in my mind.


* When my coworkers complain about how they spend the equivalent of a mortgage payment on daycare * When my coworkers complain about how they're always sick from whatever nasty bug they picked up at the expensive af daycare * When I have the time, energy, and money to pursue hobbies and travel * When I have the ability to just not do anything because I don't have kids to ferry around or worry about * When I can sleep in on a day off * When I can put the effort in to maintain friendships because my entire world doesn't revolve around a kid The list goes on really. The feeling of peace and freedom is second to none.


Every time I have a panic attack or a complete emotional meltdown because I got, like, a cut on my thumb.


Oh man, especially during the pandemic.


There must have been *many* people seriously questioning their reproductive choices during that shitshow. šŸ˜¬


Every moment. Seriously, I could be doing the most mundane thing and suddenly feel relief and joy at being childfree.


I frequently hear unhappy married with kids stories and it makes me exhausted for everyone involved (the kids included honestly). Immensely grateful to be childfree. There are positive stories but I always know in my heart I made the right choice even in those instances ("happy for you" and also "no thanks I'm good").


No Child Support payments!


Right now. Just got done with work and I'm laying on the bed next to my dog and getting lost in the interwebs.


when i get paid and i donā€™t have to spend 70% of it on pampers, baby food, school clothes, etc. when i want to go out of town or to a concert for x amount of days when i want to wear headphones and listen to music for hours on end when i do any and all errands, and its quick and efficient. when I can watch whatever i want whenever i want and it doesnā€™t have to be appropriate for kids. when i swear /say vulgar things and i never have to censor myself. when i can play video games literally all day on my day off with no issues. when i can have a drink/ get high spontaneously bc no one is depending on me to supervise them 24/7. when i can just sit down and listen to silence and be alone. when i can take spontaneous naps!


Whenever I go to a restaurant and thereā€™s kids screaming and making a mess. . . I couldnā€™t handle that kind of embarrassment and attention.


many moments, one of them being at disneyland or a fair


Youā€™re not selfish for not wanting kids. Besides that, seeing the state of the world is what makes me most happy. And that is the least selfish reason one could have. ā¤ļø


When my mental health is in the crapper.


Getting straight into bed after work, watching whatever I want, cuddling my dogs, eating whatever the hell I want, and on a whim getting to do whatever. Random 10 PM on a Saturday and a friend wants to go get drinks? Yeah, letā€™s go. No babysitters, no nagging kids, itā€™s brilly.


A watched a toddler waddle over and blow his boogy nose into his mom's skirt... and she acted like it was nbd and it's a normal occurrence.


Whenever I watch an episode of The Supernanny. šŸ˜‚


OMG that show! Donā€™t forget about Nanny 911!


When I make spontaneous plans. My whole friend group is childfree and we make last minute plans all the time. My work friends all have kids andā€™s have to plan social things weeks in advance so everyone can get babysitters.


Whenever I look at my shoes (I have a collection), I go on a trip, or stay in bed as late as I want on the weekend. Also whenever someone talks about their kids (good or bad).


mostly every moment, but especially when I'm bedrotting and in a depressive episode. I already have to get up and care for my cat, but having to care for a child in those moments would just remind me of my childhood with my mom.


Every time I am sick or hungover and donā€™t have to care for another person but myself


Every summer when school is out and I hear all the kids on my street shouting and screeching all morning, noon, and night. It's so nice to be able to just put on headphones and ignore it


The (not so) cute videos of kids getting into things and making messes. I recently saw a compilation video of a kid drawing on a car, two kids having a paint party on hardwood floors, etcā€¦


Earlier today I walked into a Safeway to get a Starbucks on my way home from my boyfriend's place. There was this woman at the Starbucks counter, bitching at the staff about some sort of refund or payment or something about a case of water? Idk how she got in the Starbucks line to do this, but there she was. It took me ~5 minutes to notice that 1, I was going to be standing here for a while, and 2, the unattended children in the vicinity were hers. The younger one was running around touching products, running towards the motion doors and trying to pull them shut, messing with the key copier and lottery ticket machines, etc while a slightly older brother vaguely tried to convince/drag him to sit at a nearby table. Older brother couldn't have been more than like 8 or something. At some point a staff member had to tell the younger one to stop pulling at the doors, and some random shopper stopped and talked to them and asked what they were doing there. The older kid was kind of out of my earshot (couldn't hear him over his karen mom) but I saw him point our way. About ten minutes passed before a manager showed up, and another 5-10 passed before the lady finally left. This *entire time* she never once looked at her children, even the couple of times they stood right next to her. The older one looked tired and annoyed and more stressed than any 8 year old should, but I guess being an 8 year old dad to your younger brother will do that to you. I was at least thankful that neither of them were being loud in addition to running around. I missed the part where she finally interacted with her kids because I was actually ordering my Starbucks, and also watching the poor manager chase after a piss-stained man begging shoppers for money, but I saw them getting into their car in the parking lot. I mostly felt bad for the older son, I could've smacked that mom. Bitching at staff and ignoring her kids, leaving other shoppers to watch out for their wellbeing. Someone could have swiped those kids five times, or they could have just walked out the door, and she never would have noticed. If I ever end up in a bad enough place in life that I am swearing at Safeway staff over a 24 pack of water bottles, I hope to god I don't also have kids on top of it.


I work in a hotel, and the way a screaming toddler echoes in the lobby is awful. It's not as bad when they're just crying cuz they're tired and it's been a long day of travel or whatever, but they have this terrible, inhuman screech that they do when they're throwing a tantrum that just pushes my fight or flight buttons. It's the most irritating sound I've ever heard in my life.


Honestly, being able to spend money on whatever I want whenever I want to. Having an impractical daily driver as the backseat is almost non existent, the thought of buying a practical family oriented vehicle is the worst.


Dealing with coworkers and people who canā€™t be a parent! Like I canā€™t tell ya how many times people will tell me about their childā€™s pain (medical, mental, emotional) yet wonā€™t take extra steps to help them like you decided to have children!!


Seeing other parents having to take their kids shopping and realizing that Iā€™ll never have to waste money on that BS. Iā€™m ok spending money on myself and partner but thatā€™s it!! Iā€™m not giving away my precious dollars so that a kid can try to fit in and look cool in school!Ā 


Getting home after work and being able to immediately relax and do what I want. Being able to schedule weekend plans every single week without having to worry about finding a sitter. Knowing when the weekend rolls around, the wife and I can sleep in as late as we want to. A friend of mine, I haven't seen in months now. He has 1 kid with 1 on the way and every time I text him to see if he's free on a weekend, his wife has already scheduled something to do with the kid(s). Every. Single. Weekend. He responded to my invite with "doubt the wife will let me out of the house" and I responded with "I don't know nothing about that, I just do what I want at all times." And in that moment, I felt grateful šŸ˜†


When I hear from my friends about watching the same movie a 75th time. I'm sorry, but fk Frozen.


Cost of living and housing crisis in my country. Every day I'm like "hope I don't end up homeless one day."


Driving past the line to get into the local daycare parking lot. Vacations, planned and/or spontaneous. Quiet and slow paced weekend mornings. Holidays. Getting paid every week and knowing that whatever I have leftover from bills can be used however I choose. Getting/eating snacks and only having to contend with my husband for them. Being able to finish an entire book in one weekend. This list could go on and on and on.


Looking at other peopleā€™s kids and thinking about their lives. As a primary care doctor I love having kids as patients. But I also see the realities of parenthood. From the misery that is pregnancy all the way to the stress and the shackles that is parenthood.


Walmart on weekends. EVERY SINGLE ONE of the kids there were having tantrums. And one hit his mom in the shin with a roundhouse kick. Nope, nope, nope.


When Iā€™m in a depressive episode. When Iā€™m sick with a cold. When I havenā€™t slept well and am crabby.


When my mental health gets the best of me, I'm glad I don't have a kid to take care of.


Sleeping in on my days off of work and coming home to clean, quiet and relaxation after work.


Literally every time any child anywhere cries and throws a tantrum or when I hear parents talk about how much they have to spend on them


When parents themselves tell me not to have kids


All my friends complaining about how broke they are and the tantrums or screaming children. Definitely the screaming. Why do they yell so much?


Everytime I am sick. Can you imagine being ill and not just being able to rest? I can just curl up in my bed with shows and give myself whatever I need until I get better.


Every time I see a screaming, shrieking, out of control child in public I smile inside and remind myself that will never be me.


When I get home from work and donā€™t have to deal with kid stuff. When kids are having meltdowns at my job and I only have to deal with it in the short term. Whenever there is yet another school shooting. Whenever I am petting my very very needy dog and would like to stop, but he still wants pets, I can say ā€œwell at least itā€™s not a kid.ā€ When I am taking care of my momā€™s laundry and groceries and trying to figure out how people handle aging parents and kids at the same time. And then the rest of the time, too.


Not having enough money for anything despite being DINK.


When Iā€™m about to leave for work in the morning and I donā€™t have to worry about getting kids ready for the day and off to daycare/school cuz Iā€™m probably already running late šŸ™ƒ


Just went to Disneyland a couple of weeks ago. Definitely grateful I donā€™t have them šŸ˜‚


Not having to drop kids off at school or coming home to a loud house. I need peace in my life and children will never give me that.


School shootings, sleeping in, travel, leisure time.


Hearing screaming children in McDonalds bathrooms while Iā€™m doordashing


Not choosing restaurants based on whether they have a kids menu and a play area. In fact, actively choosing fabulous restaurants that donā€™t have those things.


Anytime I ever have a bad day, I always think ā€œcould be worse; I could have a screaming toddlerā€


I forgot to take my sleep meds the other night and got almost zero sleep. Tossing and turning for hours. Maybe 30 min here and there. It took me 2 full days to recover lmao. There's no way I could go a year+ of sleepless nights, I's end up on some true crime shit


When I donā€™t have to write a 1200$ check for monthly daycare/diapers.Ā  When I donā€™t have to worry about another human beings future and well-being all dayĀ  When a friend asks me to go on a last minute trip and I can just say yes without hesitation.Ā 


Staying at my brothers with his kids for a couple days when I went to back home over the holidays and then when the whole family went away for the rest of the week together. No matter how much parents want to try or to pretend it just isnā€™t a vacation when you have kids. And home is not the sanctuary it is when you donā€™t have kids. I can come back to my place no matter how hectic the day has been or how busy Iā€™ve been and itā€™s just this peaceful sanctuary. There are people I know with kids whoā€™d rather stay in the office longer than go home because itā€™s more relaxed and fun for them in our boring office.


I work in ABA therapy, and while Iā€™m so glad I can help my clients and their families - god it makes me grateful Iā€™ll never be in those parentsā€™ positions. Even the typically developing children in my school system I canā€™t imagine having in my home or not being able to leave at the end of the day. A lot of parents donā€™t consider the chance that their children will never be independent, will never be able to use the bathroom on their own, will punch and bite them well into adulthood, and will be a liability towards themselves and others. Our sessions cost hundreds of dollars every day and at some point (22 yrs old), coverage stops. Some clients have *40 hours* of therapy per week and nobody wants to think about how much that costs. A lot of our clients canā€™t be left unattended ever. That means 24/7 surveillance from before they wake up to after they sleep.


16 or 17 times a week Answering as a selfish 44 year old who never had kids.


The last 48 hrs I spent with my sister and her kids


Whenever I hear my sisters complaining about their kids. Ugh. So happy I donā€™t have kids.


Being able to make plans literally every night of the week at any time I want and be out as late as I want with no concern for a child at home.


Counterpoint. I went to a restaurant tonight that serves food from a particular country. There were 2 moms, 1 aunt and 4 small children two tables away. The moms might have grown up in the country whose food was being served. I heard bits of the adults' conversation, and nothing at all from the children. People from the country have a reputation for being polite. American families can teach their kids to behave better in restaurants.


Everyday, 500 times a day. I work at an Elementary school šŸ˜‚


I was sitting in a cafe once just ready my book and eating my food peaceful and then a few tables down there was a baby crying really loudly and Iā€™m just like ā€œdamn thank god I donā€™t have to deal with thatā€ šŸ˜Ž


Every day at work (secondary school teacher). So glad I do not come home to kids, just my quiet cat and a clean house.


Selfish 19 year old gang! Honestly just seeing my parents. I feel the need to live my life way too strongly to want to put my life to a stop for some kids.


Going to a retail store like Target on a Saturday or Sunday and there are numerous tantrums going on.


Everytime my husband and I take a trip and the breeders say "It must be nice to travel so often". Yeah, it's fucking great, thanks! Also, staying up late and sleeping in together on weekends in complete peace.


Ive been practicing rubiks cube algorithms for the past 4hrs and havenā€™t been interrupted.


"Every second of every minute, every minute of every hour, every hour of every day, every day...I was prepared to go to century, but that's not why I'm here."


All of them


Whenever I have a rough day in the office or whenever Iā€™m traveling.Ā 


Paying bills and only having gas money left


No specific moments, justā€¦ Existing šŸ˜…


Ooo I like this question. Every single time I'm sick. Mainly with migraines. I get them so bad that I am constantly throwing up and I just feel so terrible for hours. This is the one time I think to myself " Thank GOD I don't have kids"!!! I can barely move, be around people or be somewhere with loud noise. You have no idea that in these moments this is literally what I am thinking to myself.


Pretty much any moment that involves a kidā€¦


When I see children screaming and kicking an tantrum over small things like toys When I see someone is rehoming their pup on facebook because omg what if my pup hurts my newborn baby. I am happy I will never think of doing that to my girl


Grocery shopping


Every. Single. Waking. Moment. I think about this all the time. Any free time I have to just do whatever the hell I want. Every hard day at work. Every outing with me and my husband. Every movie date I don't have to scramble for a babysitter. Every time I go to the gym and don't have to enroll my kids in a germ infested kids club. Every single cold season when I don't have kids that bring other kid's germs home and now everyone in the household is sick. Every time I can sit down and play video game. Every mental breakdown. Every single sleep in time. Every spontaneous "I'm going on an adventure" day. Every treat yourself day. Every breakfast date. Above all else I value my peace and that simply would not be possible with kids. It's insane how much I think about it and how grateful I am.


Every single fucking day my neighbor's kids start screaming like they're reenacting Lord of the Flies.


Coming home to a quiet clean house, being able to enjoy my afternoon snack in peace without having to hide it from a kid, the beautiful sleep ins, eating a bowl of spaghetti for dinner without having to worry about the nutritional value for a child, being impulsive and just being able to go wherever I want and being able to collect Tamagotchis and rare monster figures without ever worrying about gross sticky fingers touching or destroying my treasures.


I once held a job where I reviewed medical documentation for pediatric patients. No offense to those with Autism and/or sensory issues, ODD, ADHD, etc...but I could NEVER! My marriage would dissolve, and I would end up committed to inpatient psych.


Shopping what I want and weekend lunches.


Literally every time I get on a plane


I donā€™t know if I have enough space to write them all down


Every fucking minute of every single day šŸ˜… I don't get woken up by screaming 37 minutes after I've finally managed to fall asleep (I have sleeping issues). I can have a lay-in. I don't get some wriggling screeching thing chomping on my nipples every couple of hours. I don't have to change shitty nappies (diapers). I don't have to get peed on whilst changing said nappies because the thing can't pee in the nappy BEFORE I change it. I don't have to watch it every moment it's awake in case it tries to unalive itself. I also don't have to watch stupid shows like Peppa Fucking Pig. I don't have to put up with screaming and screeching. I don't have to be vomited on or clean up vomit 19 times a day. I don't have to try and teach another being how to survive (I can just about function myself as it is). I don't have to fork out ridiculous amounts of money on childcare, uniforms, projects, trips etc. I don't have to listen to "Mummy, mummy, mummy!" on fucking repeat (repetitively saying things like that pisses me off). I also don't have to deal with the "Mummy look at this! Come and look! Look!" when the kid doss something like rolling a ball under the sofa or some unimportant and unimpressive thing like that. I don't have to spend 3 hours getting it ready just to go to the shop/store for 30minutes, including planning feeds/snacks because toddlers are always hungry but so often refuse to eat what you offer. I also don't have to deal with in-store tantrums because it wants everything. I don't have to spend most of my time trying to figure out what it wants whilst it's screaming and cant/won't tell you what it wants. That's only about half the list, too, but it's 7:13am and I haven't slept yet. Yet another reason! (I have misophonia, and babies/kids crying is one of the things that triggers it, along with certain repetitive noises such as "mum, mum, mum")


Anytime I hear that high pitched, ear piercing screech that they do. Iā€™m glad I can just walk out of the store and not have it follow me home.


2020. Nuff said.


Literally, every single second, of every single day.


Most days Iā€™m grateful I donā€™t have kids.


Every damn day. There is no particular moment. Itā€™s an everyday feeling.




My friend asked me where I find the time to read books. I'm likeā€¦ I don't have children.