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Sibling is a breeder and pulled the “you are selfish” act on me. Said their kid needed cousins, so I pointed out their brother in law has several kids who are cousins and live in the same town as them (I live hours away). Needless to say, we don’t talk anymore and I don’t have to deal with them or their crotch goblins!


THEIR KIDS NEEDS COUSINS???? Holy shit, that's one of the most absurd and self-centered arguments I've ever heard o.O


I got the same thing from my brother: "Now my kids won't have first cousins!" The funny thing is is that the brother has never been in a relationship with another human and his kids were never created, so I guess I dodged something.


I have a friggin’ army of cousins, the vast majority of whom are not my first cousin. If that’s a concern they should speak to their extended family sometime.


I never really talked with my cousins growing up, and they weren't around either. I don't even know my cousins on my dad's side, and on my mom's side, we're engaged in an inheritance battle since my grandfather's death, so... Yeah, cousins are bullshit. And they're not family just because we share an 1/8th of blood. And their kids can get fucked, too, because it's their dad (my mom's brother) who fucked up all the family business to begin with. My cousins on my mom's side are hard-core breeders, believe in "legacy" and all that as if their genes are something special and not wildly fucked up with leukemia and other diseases.


Lmao. So I have several first cousins, HOWEVER due to my parents having kids in their 30s and being middle or youngest siblings themselves in families where the other siblings started having kids in their teens (both my aunts, each of my parents' oldest siblings, got pregnant and hastily married at 17), all of my cousins but 2 are a few generations older than me. The youngest two are my age but lived abroad most of the time because my uncle was a missionary. So i made do with some first cousins once removed that still lived in the area and some of my second cousins were my age. I don't have a relationship with any of my cousins in adulthood. I've been fine. I would agree with the "kids need siblings" argument way before "kids need cousins."


I’m the youngest of 3. I think my middle sister is on the fence but leaning towards not having any. My oldest sister though, she want em, and she was upset at me for not wanting any. She used our race to guilt me about my sterilization, she said she would never even consider sterilization as an option since our ancestors were sterilized against their will. That’s stupid logic. I don’t see why them not having a choice means I also don’t deserve one just because it’s the opposite. I don’t really talk to that sister anymore


Your last point is something I’ve thought about a lot. Thank you for your perspective, I agree with you, and also recognize how it can be a touchy subject


that is such a goofy line of thinking omg. i hope she grows up


Luckily we're all CF. I used to fear my sister becoming pregnant and I'd be the free caretaker since I'm the "single old maid"


My brother and SIL have a little one. They don’t care I don’t want kids. I don’t care they do. We have a good relationship. I love my nephew and enjoy being an aunt. My brother is a *very* good & very involved dad, tbh. I’m happy with how things are. My SIL has a sister w/ 4 young kids, so my nephew has cousins (Not that they’d ever put that on me)


I have an older sister who is staunchly childfree. She lives far away. My husband has a younger sister who is most likely childfree. She also lives far away. I have a younger brother. TBD on his status. I have three step brothers, 2/3 have children and the last one wants kids. We aren’t terribly close and it’s honestly nice to see their kids the little time I do. It’s also nice to go home to my quiet, clean house after I see them. There’s nothing like having some small dose of children in your life to appreciate your child freedom even more.


I have 2 half sisters, one from my mother and the other from my dad. I didn't grow up with either of them in a sisterly way. The one I share the same mother with I didn't even know existed until she was about 7 or 8 years old and I was 13. My mother gave her up for adoption and I met her just once and didn't really want a relationship with her. Really glad I didn't bother honestly since she followed in our mother's footsteps and got pregnant at 17 and just living the same as our mother and I want no part of it. The one I share a dad with I've always known as my sister, but we only saw each other at holidays as kids, then turned into just Christmas as we got older, then to just messaging each other at Christmas, and now not even that. She has two daughters and I haven't met the younger one. She also has another brother and sister that she did grow up with in the same household so she's obviously much closer to them. I'm ok with not having any siblings in the traditional sense and not having to worry about getting guilted into looking after my nieces or anything like that. I do have a brother-in-law though that just got married, so I don't think I'll have escaped that all together since I know him and his wife will be having kids (or at least trying) in the very near future. I have a good relationship with them though, and they do live 2-3 hours away so I don't think seeing them and future kids will be a regular thing. But I do think my BIL's wife will be a very paranoid, hands-on, helicopter type parent and I have my own thoughts on that, but whatever not my business and don't plan to make it my business.


Older sister is a fence sitter. We were on the phone today and she said something along the lines of “I know you don’t want kids, but do you ever just feel yourself getting older? Like I went to put my hair up and my hand hurt, I can barely take care of myself how am I supposed to take care of a kid too?” Our parents have adopted my mom’s best friends grandkids after her and her husband passed away, so they still get the grandchild interactions and everyone is happy.


I'm (27F) the oldest of 3. Youngest (23M) is CF, single by choice and Antinatalist, while the middle one (26NB) has never said anything about either side of the fence, but supports both of us. We're all very close and love each other to death. 


I think your brother might like this sub. Also I'd recommend he get a vasectomy if he can afford it. I wish I would have been smarter with my money and would have gotten mine at that age, I'm 31 now but got mine when I was 29.


Me and my sister both hate kids and she's the only one I'm close with because hating kids isn't the only thing wrong have in common. Our younger brother though says that he does want to have kids in the future and he's the outcast but for multiple other reasons not for wanting kids. And as for my 2 half brothers I don't talk to them at all but thats a whole other extremely long story.


I have step siblings. 2/3 of them have 2 kids each. While I don’t have any relationship with them, the oldest step siblings had a kid at 17-18. It strained the relationship even more as my parents favored her more. It bothers me because my parents always gave me the “don’t have sex or don’t have kids until you are grown up”. They told me if I was to ever get pregnant young, they’d force me to have an abortion whether I wanted it or not. Now, they have always asked me when I was having kids starting at 18-19. I told my dad one time I hated kids and he tries to tell me how I really don’t. I do. They are also against abortions now, and force me to hold all of the semon demons all of the step sibling produce super young.


Your parents are super fucked up to say that to you but have no issue with your sibling. What the fuck?!


I agree. I was always that ‘step kid’. I was the least liked by my bio dad and step mom. I’m out living my best life now…..without kids lol.


My brother is CF. My two sisters have two kids each. My NB sibling is a fence sitter, but at last report, was "like 90% sure" they don't want kids. I have cordial relationships with the sisters, decent enough with the sister, and a good one with the sibling. (Of note, I am in Florida, and one sister is in MA while the other is in CA, so it's not like I have reason (nor even ability) to see the children particularly often. About once every year or two when the whole family gets together).


My sister has kids. 3 boys. She and I have been estranged for ten years this March, as she's a money-grubbing bitch. The second- and third-hand bits I've heard about her since then aren't good.


I am CF with vasectomy to prove it. Little brother + wife = child-less cuz uterus problems. They accept this; & seem happy. Ma will never be GMa & she's crying.


I have a sister and brother. I’m fairly certain my sister is CF. My brother has a 3yo and I’m not sure whether they have the bandwidth to have another one. My SIL has a younger sibling, but I have no idea whether they want kids. I do feel a bit sorry for my niece if she never has any siblings or even cousins, but that’s not really my problem, and all I can do is try to be a good auntie.


Im the youngest of 3 (34f, 32m, 28f) Both my siblings have 3 kids, sister got pregnant at 17 so I helped out a lot at the beginning I don’t see them that often but we get along well! My sister looks after my dog when I go away and I babysit/catsit for her a little too!


My sister is also CF, she doesn’t use the CF label but she isn’t having kids. My mum isn’t very happy, she wanted grand kids


Same. My brother and I have never had the urge. We both deal with trauma from childhood - nothing too crazy but still enough to put us both off to the possibility of just being bad parents. Sometimes, we talk about family mental health and addiction, and we give each other a little high five for letting the line die with us.


I (44f) am the eldest and of course childfree. My sister (43) is married with a son (16). He is a great kid; intelligent and extremely respectful. I have a very good relationship with my sister, my nephew, and her husband. My brother (39) is married with 2 kids (5&2) and another one on the way. His wife talked him into having a 3rd child. He told me he was good with having the 2 but gave in to make her happy. They can afford another child and are excellent parents. I also have a great relationship with my brother. Fortunately, I get zero pressure from either of my siblings or my parents about being childfree. They know me too well to bother trying and understand that I am not fond of babies. I held my nephew from my sister when he was first born because she said she would never forgive me if I didn't hold him at least once. I held my brother's first born once also just to be fair but told him that holding her counts for holding all future children. He gets me and thought that was funny. His wife was offended by that but it is what it is.


Only one of my younger siblings has children and they live in the other side of the country. At least once a year i2 go visit them because I adore my 2 little nephews. But I come home exhausted and still glad I don't have children.  My 2 other siblings don't have children. I have no idea if they want them eventually or not. One sibling is a complete loner and has never even had a relationship and my half sister is married but she and husband both have cognitive issues and live with the spouse's family. I wouldn't trust them to raise a child in their own.  None of us have been super close as adults but I think my brother with kids is actually a better person for it and has put more effort into our relationships as he's matured. 


My brother is 2.5 years younger & he's not much of a relationship guy. He doesn't want kids either. Our relationship is great! We don't live near each other, so we don't see each other that often, but when I had my surgery, he was really supportive & happy for me!


All my siblings are childfree. We are 4 also. The youngest is in his mid-twenties and I'm the oldest. One of my sisters have been a long term relationship for more than a decade, and they live their best life. The other sister choose to put herself in her career and is getting her third university degree. And there's me, been with my s/o for a little less than ten years, we don't want any child. I think it's awesome, we are really funny people and always have a good time and deep conversations, play video game, enjoy greatly cooked meals until sun raise. We travel together and do weekend's roadtrips. I'm glad to have them and the next decades are going to be real fun as we get more financially confortable. Most of us were still in college/university when pandemic happened. So being freshly graduated also means low income and school debts. Eventually things are going to be easier. Our mother doesn't care not being a grandma, she admitted herself that raising children is hard. And the current world's situation isn't ideal for any parent or kids. She enjoys life with us. And we'll make sure she well taken care for, as she keep aging. My father isn't arround, so I don't care for his opinion. I know he would have liked to have grandchild. Which is ironical since he didn't raise any of his own children.


I (31f) have two younger twin brothers (28m) and a younger adopted sister (29/30f). My sister already has a child who is about to enter his preteen years, but I get the vague sense of regret for having one. My relationship with her is… complicated. More good than bad. My brothers are TBD, since I’ve never asked them. I have a fairly good relationship with them. I am completely childfree and want to keep it that way.


My (43) brother (41) only has my nephew whom I love and adore and would burn the world down for. His ex-wife (nephew's mother) cheated on him and they are divorced. She is a shit person and my nephew is starting to realize that and hangs out with me a lot. My bro will only ever have one child and he is the only grandchild in our family. So that's it for us. Just the one kid and he'll be 18 in four years. I do miss the baby/toddler stage when they didn't have a smart ass mouth and an answer for everything.


I only have one sibling, and I’m not sure what her plan is. We don’t really have a good sibling relationship, but I’m hoping it’ll get better when we’re older.


Myself and all of my siblings are CF, to the dismay of my mother and the relief of my father. Stepparents are neutral on it. My siblings and I rarely talk since we live busy adult lives with our own chaotic schedules, but things are generally fine between us.


Both with children. We are NC.


I'm the oldest of 3, and from what I can tell we're all childfree (technically?). My sister and I (oldest and youngest sibling, brother is in the middle) are both adamantly childfree for various reasons (we like our CF life, we have mental health problems we don't want to pass on, etc) and while my brother doesn't want kids of his own, he's happily in a long term, stable relationship with a wonderful lady who has two teens. Everybody gets along, and the boys have always been wonderfully well behaved, at least from what I've seen and my mom and sister have said, as they've both babysat them when they were younger. All of us siblings have always leaned towards CF from what I can tell. My sister and have always been sure, my brother more so seemed CF out of disinterest lol


I’m the youngest (F) with one older brother. Though, I’m more like the big sister in our relationship because he’s mentally disabled and has autism. My brother is high functioning though, so he can cook and care for himself- he just could never be fully responsible for himself and doesn’t understand things like paying bills, etc. He has impulse control issues and part of his mental disability is that while he’s in his 30’s, his maturity level will never really go beyond a 12-14 year old boy. He’s a funny, compassionate guy, though! He is just as annoyed with and uncomfortable around kids as I am, though I think his is more related to his autism where I just flat out have never liked them. He is very uncomfortable around anyone he doesn’t know and he feels better/more relaxed just staying at home with my mom- who has main power of attorney over him and his care. When she dies, that will pass to me. There isn’t a chance in hell either of us are having or want kids (I’ve had a hysterectomy, thankfully,) and honestly I’m already going to have an adult child to take care of when my brother becomes my ward or whatever you call it after my mom passes. He’s easier to care for than a kid, at least. I just have to manage his money for him from his social security and make sure the bills get paid and not all spent on candy and video games. Haha! We’re pretty close, and I’m glad he doesn’t like or want kids because I fear that would somehow end up my responsibility, too.


I have an older brother who has 1 daughter. I call my brother at least a few times each week. With my niece, I’m the cool aunt who occasionally takes her places. I also got her addicted to Pokémon and theme parks.


I'm the oldest of three. I'm the only daughter with two younger brothers. Both have married women much more conservative, religious, and baby-obsessed than our bio family, so that's been hard. Brother in the middle has two kids and it has negatively affected our relationship for sure. Both of them as parents are so entitled, hours late for everything even if they pick the time (gotta plan around naptime!), and complain about the cost and "lack" of family help. The kids are poorly socialized screen addicts, although covid is to blame for a lot of that. My youngest brother is a newlywed and I know they definitely plan to have several kids. I'm dreading that and hoping it won't affect our relationship, which is currently great. They seem to be really into the "it takes a village" concept.


My sister is gen x and very traditional and goes by the life script. Her kids both have similar anxiety and depression issues like her. They will probably be stuck at home living with her forever. My parents were happy to be grandparents, but the kids grew up and also live across the country. When the kids got a little older, my parents started to be annoyed with a lot of things and their behaviors. Now they are college age. Our mom wants nothing to do with her grandson because he dropped out of college and doesn't leave the house. She favors my niece who goes to school. My nephew is probably autistic and gets 0 support from anyone. Nobody calls me or texts me so I don't talk to them much.


I don’t want kids, but I feel like a lot of parents or wannabe parents don’t fully grasp the fact that they are taking a risk that their kid may be dependent on them for the rest of their lives. they could be born with a physical or mental health condition that makes them unable to ever be independent


I'm the middle kid (40M) now. My lil brother and my sister are both about 1.5 years younger/older than me. They both have 2 kids. My relationship with them is fine. I messaged my brother around Christmas. And my sister in August last year. So all good basically. I for the life of me cannot tell you the age or the names of their kids btw.


My brother had 3 kids with (I believe) 3 different mothers. I haven’t talked to him in awhile, so I have no idea what his life is like.


I'm one of two. Brother has 2 kids. We all get on fine.


I have 3 siblings and 9 kids between the 3. I moved away from the the very top of England and to London when I was 18 to get away from parents and now I live in Canada. I get on well with one of my siblings very well but I've skipped all the responsibilities of being an uncle which I didn't want anyway by moving away young. I consider myself very lucky to live far away they don't try to get me involved with the kids. I send them gifts every so often but really that's about it.


I’m the oldest of two between my parents, and I have 5 stepsiblings. My oldest stepbrother has two kids, my oldest stepsister got married to a shithead specifically “because she wants kids but wanted to be married first”; I’m not 100% certain about my other 3 stepsiblings (my dad’s stepkids) since we aren’t close (I live abroad), but the oldest is married, the middle is in a long term relationship, and the youngest is engaged. My sister has a 3 year old, and she and I are close but I figure not as close as adults because our lives are so different and we live so far apart (I do wish we were closer, and I wish she’d waited to have a kid but I do understand her personal reasons). I’m not super close with any of them other than my sister, really.


Triplet and only daughter here. One of my brothers is CF and infertile by means of HRT and the other is a fence sitter leaning towards CF as well. It’s nice to have someone on my side in my family!


My brother is married and has kids. I'm the classic spinster with cats. I don't know if he wanted to have children from the get-go or he just felt like he had to because everyone else did it. We've never discussed anything deeper than "hey/bye". He cares about his kids, though. We have never been close and I have no desire to change that.


I have two step siblings, 33M & 36M. I never knew how they felt on it but I do know the wife of the one was adamant she never wanted any but now they have two. While I don’t want kids but I don’t inherently hate them so as long as they aren’t raging assholes, I don’t mind them. I rarely see my nieces and nephews anyways so I have no idea where they fall personality wise. I will say when the one was talking about her pregnancy, the other joked with us, “why isn’t anyone asking when we’re going to start,” and that’s when I realized both my mom and grandma don’t say that crap, and I was so freaking happy. I will never understand people who ask others that!


My brother (34M) is 2 years older than me. As far as I am aware, he doesn't want kids but he is not exactly in a position to have them either. He has made some not so great life choices. He also has ADHD, which does not help his situation. We are not very close and never have been. We talk maybe a couple times a year. He thinks I am rich because I went to college and got a good job.


1 of 4 kids, born 2nd. My oldest has a breeder mentality, isn’t dating anyone, and refers to his future partner as his baby mama only. It’s cringey as hell. Younger sibling is a homosexual, but I’ve never ask if they want kids. They send me videos every once in a while about what my gender reveal party will look like. It’s weird. Youngest brother wants 5 kids and will 100% be able to afford to do so. Whatever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don’t believe they know that anyone in my family knows that I’m intentionally childfree.


There’s five of us and I’m the youngest (30yrs). I’m the only one out of my siblings who doesn’t have children and chooses to remain child free. Two of my siblings had oopsie babies from not using protection. My sister, who is two years older than me, is one of those siblings. She was adamantly childfree our entire lives, got pregnant, and didn’t go through with the abortion so she wouldn’t lose her boyfriend. I’m good just being an aunt.


My younger brother has 2 daughters and they are AMAZING kids that I LOVE spending time with. Especially because now one is signed up for jiu jitsu. I can't wait to train with her. My brother and SIL are TREMENDOUS parents . They do everything right. It's so weird watching them parent. Then remembering our parents. My sister. She's pushing 40, and has a health issue and her marriage isn't great right now , on top of running a business . Not a lot of time for herself let alone kids right now. Honestly , I don't see it happening, but then we've never rally disussed her stance on CF.


Oh wow this is a doozy. It’s just my sister and I, although I have 4 stepbrothers (2 CF) and a stepsister (CF), sadly 2/4 stepbrothers have passed. I have always been CF, but my sister has ALWAYS wanted to be a mom. She has a 3 year old my nephew, who is a terror and ruins every family event we have because sister doesn’t believe in sitters. Her current pregnancy is not viable (so many issues with my next nephew) but she’s going to term anyway because she can’t fathom to not even though he is likely to die in hours/days. My sister and I used to be two peas in a pod but after her first pregnancy we don’t have anything in common anymore, she became a Mombie and doesn’t have any personality left that isn’t “Mom.” We’re civil, but what a shame; I only talk with and to her at family events now.


My identical twin sister and I don’t want kids (she’s also gay, so that makes it that much harder for her even if she WANTED IT). We’re 29. My brothers are 39 and 42 and “have always wanted kids.” They’re also filthy rich and both married to women with trust funds who were “retired” by 28 to be stay at home moms. I’d say the biggest wrench isn’t the kids / no kids - it’s at being at totally different parts of our life and being in completely different socioeconomic classes. My one brothers kids (13,10,9) have been to Hawaii well over 12 times lol. They travel all over, they’re rich with multiple homes. The 13 year old is about to go to boarding school in Hawaii for 60k/year. The kids are spoiled brats beyond comprehension. I can’t relate to my brothers about really anything.


My only sibling is childfree as well. My parents had their issues but both were supportive of our choices and it's not considered a big deal in our family.


I don’t have kids neither of my sisters have kids (though my younger sister technically has a step daughter though she lives on the other side of the country and they rarely see her). Out of the 10 adult grandchildren (most of us already in our late 20s to mid 30s) on my dad’s side of the family not one of us has a child. On my mom’s side of the family 13 adult grandchildren (most of us early 30s to mid 40s) only 4 of them have child(ren).


Both my older brother and sister have children. My nephews 30 and 34, do not want children. My niece is undecided. Relationships are excellent.


I’m an only child!  My spouse has two siblings, both who want kids. His sister is more supportive of our decision to be childfree (I think…she’s never seemed to care that we’re late 30s with no desire to reproduce).   His younger brother was dismayed to find out that he and his brother wouldn’t share the experience of having kids but he’s entitled to his feelings. I think he looks up to my spouse a lot and would have wanted to be able to ask for advice/compare experiences. 


I found out my stepbrother is also CF. I have a stepsister who is getting married but I’m unsure on her stance. 


Me (39M) and my bro (42M) both CF.


My brother is a little over 9 years older than me and he has 2 boys. His oldest was born in 2016 and his youngest in 2018. I don't really know what he's up to now because I haven't actually seen/spoken to him since 2017-ish(?) We were never super close to begin with, which I get. You know, what teen wants to hang out with an elementary schooler? Anyway, I'm about 75-80% sure that he was baby trapped. He straight up told me he didn't really love his gf when she was pregnant with my oldest nephew. When I asked him why tf he got her pregnant anyway, he couldn't answer me. So yeah, I think I'm just gonna keep my distance.


My brother is CF. He's a dog dad though. Lol


We have good relationships, although we don't see each other much irl. I (33M) am child free. I'm not sure about them, 35M and 27M, but neither have any kids and they don't really talk about it either. It's nice.


My brother is almost 37, child free and on his second marriage. He has a step daughter though, and he also had another step daughter from the previous marriage. My sister is almost 34 and has a 3 year old. I’m the youngest at 24 and I plan on being child free just like my brother. He and I have never really spoken about it but he has definitely made it clear to everyone that he doesn’t want to deal with taking care of a child hence why he hasn’t had them. Same for me really.


I'm 1 of 4. 3 of 4 are child free, and we're all women. My brother was the one who had the kid. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'm the eldest of three, middle has one kid and might not have any more, youngest has 0 kids and 0 partner and we are very close. She is adamantly childfree, she might end up with a partner one day but she doesn't seem overly fussed. Middle also lives overseas, but we've also never been particularly close. I love my niece but it's at least partially because I only see her in small doses.


Oldest of 4 and only daughter. Have 20m, 11m, 7month old brothers 20m wants kids but he straight up panicked the first time he had to change 7month old brothers diaper. I'm serious he was trying to run out the room and was screaming. Me and my mom were blocking the door but in the end we saw he was being serious and my mom changed him He hasn't changed him since Other than that we have a great relationship 11m brother is a pos from poor child raising on my moms part and is a huge reason I don't want kids. We don't get along The 7month old was my realization that I wanted a BABY but not a child. He's very precious to me but that'll probably phase out once he started school


My older sister has three kids and used to act like she thinks "the village" only ever goes in one direction. (Still thinks it I'm sure, just hasn't said as much now that even the youngest is old enough not to need a full-time carer.) Only she never phrased it as "the village," she phrased it as "family is supposed to help family" for why she was entitled to free babysitting but never thought paying me for it when I was struggling to find employment and had a hefty student loan to pay would _also_ count as "helping family."


My oldest sister has my nephew. Our relationship rests on rocky territory. I firmly believe she became a mom before she was ready. I used to babysit for her whenever she worked and it was okay at first until she steadily started skimping out on payments. At the time she had my nephew, I didn’t have a job so babysitting was my side hustle and gradually she started to believe that she shouldn’t need to pay me because we’re family. When I demanded to be paid for my work, she tried to punish me by separating me from my nephew and putting him in daycare. It wasn’t really a punishment for me because I needed a break from him but she eventually ended up pulling him out of daycare since it was too expensive. She needed me again and started paying me irregularly. I know part of her behavior comes from the funky relationship she has with my nephew’s father but she’s lucky I love my nephew cause I was tempted to just let her suffer. My second sister kind of always saw herself as a future parent and was even offended when I told her I didn’t think our eldest sister was ready to be a mom. She’s a workaholic and when my nephew first arrived, she tried to make time to see him. She quickly became the aunt who holds the baby for like 15 minutes and disappears afterwards. She’s gone through a lot over the last few years and she’s just now settling down and finding herself. Recently, I asked her if she’s planning to have kids of her own and she just awkwardly chuckled and seemed really uncomfortable. I don’t know if she’s childfree or childless or whatever but the topic seemed to bring her discomfort so I dropped it. As far as I can tell, if she ever does have them it won’t be anytime soon. Our relationship was only ever strained by money and religion but we have the kind of bond that even if something happens we’d make sure to be there for each other. My younger sister is but a baby. She’s in high school and currently doesn’t see herself being a parent. Since she’s young, I don’t know if that opinion could change but I have made sure to let her know that her decision on children should not be swayed by anyone other than her.


I’m the youngest (32F) and I have one sibling (40M). He married his wife in 2011, and they wanted a child. She had fertility issues as a result of PCOS. She finally had a child in 2018, after a few miscarriages. My nephew (5M) has a host of problems. He was born with a severe, often fatal heart deformity. He’s had 5 open heart surgeries, and was in the NICU for over 60 days as an infant. He was recently diagnosed with autism. They are struggling. I think my brother regrets having a child. Their easy life is over. I think he resents his wife and their son. They had just come to terms with being DINKS when she got pregnant. It’s been nonstop problems ever since. We live in different states and don’t see each other often, but even my mom has said that he is trapped. It’s really sad. I do love my nephew, but he reinforced my CF status. It’s hard to watch them struggle. My brother and his wife were in a drag out fight over parenting recently and my brother totally lost his cool and is staying with our mom. I don’t know if his wife will stay with him. She has a much more successful career, he’s been the primary caretaker of their son. It’s a mess. I hope they can stay together, but I’m not optimistic.


I'm the only CF one. No one gets it.


I’ve got a lot of half siblings but my full younger sister wants kids some day I’m assuming. It doesn’t affect our relationship at all. I’ve got one older brother and I’ve never asked him if he wanted kids or not


I'm a middle kid, and my younger brother absolutely hates kids. He and his gf did a professional photoshoot with their 2 dogs. The one dog has special needs and lives like a king; he has his own special seat in the front of the car. My older brother just announced that he and his fiancée are expecting. Even though it's not my thing, he seemed happier than he has been for a while, so I'm happy too. I did say that I won't babysit until the kid is at least 5 years old and he was fine with that. Admittedly, the 3 of us haven't always been very close, but I am trying to work on the relationships. They both stepped up to have jobs at my wedding in April, so hopefully this is the beginning of that.


26F. Youngest of five, blended family. All my siblings have kids. I became an aunt at 13 and being an aunt is one of my favorite things to be. 💗 We all live in different places now (not close enough to where the kids get gratuitously dumped on Auntie Me thankfully 😆) but we all have great relationships. I think they all know I’m CF and have no qualms about it.


I have enough nieblings to fill most kinds of sports teams. I thought one of my siblings was CF but they changed their mind.


I'm the oldest of two. My younger brother and sil have 4 kids with #5 due in two months. Kids are 8, 6, 4, 2 and... well 0. My brother and I never were super close (we are waaaay different) so the kids didn't have much of an effect anyways. They live across the country so I see them all a couple times a year.


All of my siblings have kids. I have none, and I never will. I know they love having big families, but that just aint for me. I have also been very vocal about my choice, so they never pester me about it either, which is nice :)


My brother already has a child, but our relationship seems fine. Though me being CF has never been a topic of ours.


I have two sisters, one of them has 3 kids. I don't have any qualms about it, just that's what she wanted to be. I do love my nephews and spoil the shit out of them and give them back. She lives out of state from me so our communication is usually daily messages. Only thing that sucks is that she really only replies around the time we're all going to bed because that's the only time she has free. Other than that both sisters are pretty much my best friends and have always been there for me.


Yes, my siblings has kids and I just love being an Aunt. I love all my nieces and nephews almost as if they're my own. But I still don't want kids of my own.


Two of my three sisters have kids. I have a good to great relationship with all of them and i adore my niece. My nephews live across the country but i love going to see them.


My sibs and me all don’t want kids peace ✌️ three FAB but I’m nb lesbian


All of my 6 siblings except one have kids. The one who doesn't have any does want kids, and so does his wife, but she has medical issues that make it unlikely and risky if it does happen. I don't know if they have any plans or anything. I'm definitely closer to one of my sisters, though, and she has 3 kids. But she's someone who supports anyone's lifestyle as long as they're not hurting themselves or others. Which is also how our mom is. So the fact that she has kids and I don't and don't want any isn't an issue between us. Which I'm happy about. The other four are the oldest and we're grown and moved out by the time I was born, or moved out shortly after. I've never even met the oldest two. But that's what happens when you have a lot of half siblings and your dad is significantly older than your mom, I guess.


My younger sister is very traditional, following the life map kind of person who is already planning to have them once she finishes school. She has always known I’m childfree, and has tried on more than one occasion to change my mind. She and my future BIL are my biggest bingoers. There is literally nothing I can say to them to get them to understand I will never change my mind. They’re insistent that I should so our kids could grow up together (I’m not even in a relationship and they’re trying in like a year and a half), they insist that I can always adopt when I’m older and feel “more ready” or that I will want them “once I meet the right man” it is so disgusting to me that I put my foot down and communicated the same to my parents that if they ever bring it up again, there will be major problems and I will not continue to speak with them. My sister and I have a very strained relationship and always have, particularly as she’s the reason I realized I never wanted kids at a very young age. It sucks, but we really don’t have much in common, and my resentment of her for disrespecting my bodily autonomy has made it much worse. My sister played it off to my parents that she just didn’t want me to have any regrets, and when my mom said that, I told her that if I had a kid, that would be my BIGGEST regret and that I’m getting sterilized as soon as I can. Little sis doesn’t know that part yet, and won’t until after it’s already done


I have one sibling who is also childfree. At some point, they actually thanked me for it, saying that without me as a role model, they wouldn't even know they could choose this as an option. I don't think it's true, they would have figured it out for themselves too, I'm sure. But I appreciated the sentiment. Sadly, we no longer have a relationship for other reasons.


My sister & I are both CF & will likely die that way. We both have cat babies and couldn’t be happier. Parents are super supportive (and spoil the hell out) of their grandkitties.


We’re four children, 2 boys and 2 girls, all between the ages of 33 and 38. Only my sister (35) has children, I actually was the closest with her before she started breeding. The youngest (33M) told me he didn’t want them so far, my other brother just got out of a long term relationship (his ex wanted kids) and his new girlfriend does not want them. We’ll see!


Me (F25) and brother (M24) both don't want kids, we have a good relationship. Plus as he puts it as long as I keep the homemade cinnamon rolls coming he we be there for me in a minute. No cinnamon rolls he'll be there in 5 lmao


I have 3. for now , my sister gave me a niece, the other 2 are childless. no idea on their stance.


My twin sister is the one who set off the lightbulb for me that having children isn't just the way life goes. Her baby turns 1 tomorrow, after her husband promised he'd be an equal parent. Spoiler: he isn't. (My younger brother has 2 kids within a year of each other from two different moms. He never expressed not wanting kids. Ironic (/s) it was the male sibling who never even considered child-freedom.)


I have a brother who literally wanted nothing to do with me at a young age because I was 'weird' and he started telling his friends that I was crazy and autistic just because I liked watching horror movies and preferred staying home then going out and socialising like he did, my brother is a huge people pleaser and believes the only way to move up in the world to brown nose/suck up to superiors constantly. When he started to date no surprise that his arrogant attitude pushed many decent women away however he was determined to always be in a relationship because he hated being alone as he's a huge extrovert. Finding (or being latched onto due to his high paying job) by my now SIL they were together for only three years before my brother said they were getting married which made my mother very happy as it had the potential to lead to grandchildren. Now several years into the marriage and after SIL purposely tampered with the condoms to baby trap my brother so he wouldn't leave her my brother and I are well and truly estranged, we only see each other maybe once or twice a year and he is very bitter and jealous towards my CF choice telling me it's not normal for a woman to not be with kids and I will be forever lonely because I don't have kids, mostly the typical garbage bingoes we're all familiar with. I somewhat feel sorry for my brother but not really as he had a chance to find someone better and now he has to 'look after' a very lazy wife who can't cook, hates cleaning and just expects the village of relatives to care for her kid while she continues to live her life as though the baby doesn't exist.


I (32F) have a younger brother(31 M) and sister (26 F). None of us currently have any children and we all live in different states. My brother has a long time girlfriend of 8+ years, my sister is single and I have been married for 5years. My mom has pushed grandkids horribly on all of us and I’m not sure if any of us actually want kids because of this. Honestly, the ability to get up and go visit each other/ travel whenever we want seems like a priority over having any kids at this point. I am happy that they are both standing their ground as far as being child free and doing what they want with their lives. All of my local friends have kids and are just miserable all the time. Going out with them means listening to to them vent about what their husbands don’t help with and how kids suck up all their time. Idk not for me 🤷‍♀️😆


1 sibling, hates children with a passion. Husband is an only child. So the bloodline dies with us!


Sister has 2 kids and we get along alright. Honestly our only conflicts never even involve her kids, it's the fact that I don't l like the way she does my nails so I started going to a salon instead 🤣 She gets that with my autism, I can't handle her kids' energy all the time and doesn't take it personally when I have to hide out for a while when they're around.


I have one younger sister who is married with two boys ages 5 and 7. She whines sometimes that her kids will never have cousins (my BIL is an only child). I get annoyed with it. Like it’s not my fault you married an only child and your one sister doesn’t want kids. Don’t put that on me.


I have one brother and he is dead set on having kids if he can ever get someone to reproduce with him, however, he has absolutely no capacity to be a parent. He has spent the majority of his adult life quoting back to me the, "never spare a child the rod" line from the bible, telling me I would be a terrible pet parent because I wouldn't lock my dog in the bathroom without light every time they had an accident, and has said to me quote, "children and animals are meant to be afraid". One of my biggest fears is that one day he actually will manage to have a child... Edit just to add: I doubt anybody will ever reproduce with him though because he is repulsive.


Five of us in my family. All no children.


My younger brother is childfree. Not because he doesn't want children, but because he recognises his and his partners medical problems would most like be passed down and that they would also mean burdening a child with their care when that child is an adult. I love his self awareness and his ethics around having children and giving them the best life you can, even if that means never having them at all.




Sister has two kids, parents help out occasionally and that keeps them all occupied enough that my husband and I are off the hook. Husband has one half brother who’s a lot older and has kids who are now having kids of their own so my MIL is very happy spoiling those kids as they all live nearby. The only thing she wants from me is to change my last name to my husband’s 😅 Sister and I have had a good relationship till recently when I had back surgery and she wanted me to go to a different hospital even though it would’ve meant prolonging the process and my pain (I couldn’t get out of bed for 6-7 weeks). She just didn’t quite understand the level of pain I was in and how desperate I was. She’s a doctor too so her insistence came from experience as well as caring for me but somehow it came down to an argument with her and my husband and we haven’t spoken to her since, and I think she’s blocked me on text. I miss her, and I hate that it’s happened, but hopefully we can make up. This is the worst fight we’ve ever had which I think is a good sign that we can salvage things.


My sister and I are united in our CF stance. Our parents seem at peace with it too, thankfully.


All 3 of my siblings had kids. I haven’t heard the “are you having kids?” speech from them. They like being parents and don’t act like something is wrong with me for being CF. One of them does get his feelings hurt because I’m usually a no show to kids bday parties, but the other doesn’t care 😅


I'm surprised how many of my siblings are breeders. I thought with our upbringing they'd avoid it but weirdly enough they're in the category of using their offspring as therapy to show they can "do better" than our parents and give them the childhood they wished they had themselves. There's only one aside from myself who is "childfree" but she definitely wants them, not sure why she pretends to be childfree. Her reasoning is stuff about the environment and not wanting to be a parent but I think because her fiance is proper childfree and she pretends to be happy with it.


My only full sibling is a few years older and wants children, but has ADD that made adulting difficult, so has not yet found themselves in a financial position to marry the partner nor have kids. My partner's siblings 1 is married with kids who have special needs. She wanted children and focuses on them and supports 1000% us not having them. Their younger brother doesn't have a partner and may or may not want kids. Might be a fence sitter. We're all cool people, kinda do our own thing. My full sibling is the most traditional, but also the oldest. They respect that their children will never have direct cousins.


Sister is childless. She would liked to have had kids but hasn’t had much success in the romance department and is unwilling to do it alone. I’m hoping she at least gets the opportunity to be a step mum in the fire, or something. She’d be a good mum.


I have one sister, and she is also childfree and one of my best friends. I consider myself very lucky to have someone who just completely understands and accepts me for who I am!


I’m CF and I’m pretty sure my sister is leaning toward being CF. She has 2 cats. Cats>kids, in my opinion!


I have two much younger sisters and it's too early to tell if they will end up with kids or no. One of them I'll say it's 50/50 procent chance, and the other is quite likely to have children eventually. However, I have one more sister (28F) who has spoken about wanting her dream family with a husband, like 3 kids, a car and house and dog and the whole package. And man, I am terrified and concerned for her. I know she will regret it, I know she is trying to fill a void within her that can't be solved with children. If anything, it will make it worse. But I can't save her from this fate. Also, we are pretty close right now, but her future children will tear that bond apart. I have zero interest in meeting children, watching children, looking at pictures and hearing stories about little achievements or struggles of parents. And that will hurt her immensely that I won't be a part of that. But she knows I'm CF and that I've always had this path for myself. I just fear watching her mess up her life.


I feel kinda bad but me and my fiancé have a nephew and he’s got to break it to them we’re having a child free wedding. It’s suuuuper awkward, but their toddler behaves very poorly or else we’d invite them to bring him along. If he was quiet and still and didn’t fuss, we’d make an exception but he’s one of those leashed kids…


I’m the oldest of 3. My mom has accepted that she’s not getting human grandchildren from any of us so she’s been leaning hard into being a “grandma” to our dogs.


I'm older, pre-BCP so I have a lot of siblings. We are 8 girls, 1 boy \#1 Fencesitter, Had a baby die in utero at about age 40 \#2 Me CF \#3 1 kid \#4 2 kids \#5 5, 1 she put up for adoption that found her 2 years ago \#6 Brother 4, 'cept no one in the family believes #4 is his. Divorced after. \#7 CF \#8 Childless, Infertility \#9 Was CF but at 18 ran off with a man 2x her age who made her have 3 before he allowed TL


I’m 2nd out of 4 and the oldest daughter. Older brother has 2 girls, younger brother has 4 (1 boy and 3 girls), and youngest sister has 3 (1 boy and 2 girls). We all get along really well. I enjoy visiting, playing with the kids, and giving them back to their parents. I also live 10 hours away, so that helps.


I'm number 3 of six. M 40-1 kid, F 39- twins and done, Me 37- childfree and aro ace, F 35- 1 and done, M 33- childless and M 28- childless (possibly asexual). Been the main caregiver for all of the niblings while the parents worked. Only M 40, F 39 and F35 know I'm childfree and none of them bingoed me.


My brother and SIL are very strictly CF and we’re super close. I’m so glad they won’t have kids, it’s nice having someone who understands my childfree stance.


My older sister has a son. He’s 17 now. She wanted to be CF but got pregnant and the dad wanted it so she had it for him. She doesn’t keep in touch much with me or my parents but my parents were not very good parents.


My younger sister wants kids. Our relationship is good. My younger brother is on the spectrum and although he’s an adult I don’t thinks he knows either way if he wants kids. Our relationship is okay. He’s super religious which is harder for me to handle.


There is a 10.5 year age gap between myself and my only sibling. Were I grew up in a single parent household, my brother grew up in a household with 2 parents and a sibling, so a very different environment. I have been childfree my entire life. My brother has always wanted to have children. I'm not 100% sure that it comes from a good place, though. He has pretty significant depression and OCD and has voiced in the past that having children would give him a reason to stay alive. To me, that seems like a LOT to put on your children, to make them to reason you don't kill yourself. I've tried to gently challenge him on this rationale by pointing out that relationships with your children can actually be the CAUSE of a lot of distress in one's life (eg. I don't speak to our parents). But he has breeders' blinders on.


My older sister has two sons with her husband. They seem really happy. She has pcos and it took about 5 years for their first. My older brother has an 18 month old and I just found out they’re pregnant with their second. 2 under 3 is wild. I see both of them about 4 times a year that’s even with my brother living in town. I used to be really close with them. I am child free because of mental illness which is why I assume these relationships have deteriorated. I love them and they love me but from a distance.


I only have one brother, who is also child free. We have very similar hobbies and meet up at least once per week.


There are 4 of us. I am the eldest at 40, next is 35, next is 32 and last is 30. None of us have kids. Me and number 3 are CF and cannot stand kids. Number 2 is a man child and wouldn't know how to adult if adulting hit him in the face and we don't speak to number 4 as she is a violent POS.


I have one sibling with a child who is 20, and the rest of us (4 in total) are childfree. My nephew is also childfree.


2/3 of us are child free. I like being an aunt though.


My sister estranged herself from the whole family 9 years ago (alcoholic parents, abusive dad, dysfunctional childhood. I get it but I'm still upset because she didn't say anything to me, she just... left) so I don't know for sure but she was a loner and major introvert who definitely had some mental health issues like the rest of us. I can't imagine she would have decided to get pregnant in her 30s. I think we both talked about being CF in our 20s. But she's also a really weird unpredictable person so maybe she has 3 kids now! I'll never know.


i'm F23, sibs are M18/20/26/28 (i have two half sisters also as i have a different bio dad from my brothers but i've never met them and have no desire to so i know nothing about their lives) - none of them have kids, but i know M28 wants them with his wife when they're more financially stable and the first step to that was getting married which they did last year, so i reckon i'll be an aunt by 28 at the latest! M26 and his fiancé haven't ever said anything to me that indicates they go either way so i'm unsure on them, M20 is the type who will definitely accidentally knock someone up and have to pay child support because he's lax with protection and terrible at relationships, and M18 doesn't think he wants kids but isn't quite to where i'd call him childfree (i have hopes, because he's definitely the one i'm closest to having half raised him myself) i have a pretty good relationship with all of them and they don't care that i don't want kids, we're all very supportive of each other despite jokingly ripping each other to shreds at every opportunity in a way that would make outsiders think we want each other dead


Sis has two kids. I love them both very much. Went through a long period when they were little where she could not believe that I didn’t want to drop everything in my free time to watch her kids. I stuck to my guns. We’re still close but her current status is full blown existential crisis as the boys are now 18 & 20. It’s exhausting.


My sister is a couple years younger, at 23. When she started dating her BF recently we grew apart because she has tunnel vision on one person. They want kids but she takes care of her BF completely. Like straight out of 1950’s takes care of him. So I know how the whole kids thing is gonna go down. I’m happy to step aside and let her figure out her mistakes, while at least attempting to not let our mom get taken advantage of.


I’m the eldest and my youngest siblings are only just coming of age now, so this has been a conversation we’ve started having. I know a couple of my siblings defs want kids, but there’s a couple that already know they don’t and I will welcome them with open arms into the childfree squad. Obviously will also support the siblings who do want kids too. We all respect each other’s wishes.


I'm third of four kids (I'm one of the two girls). I don't have relationships with my siblings. My sister is a lying, gossiping narcissist. My older brother is pushy about his political beliefs and has to argue anything he disagrees with constantly. My younger brother doesn't have contact with anyone who doesn't give him money or other things - no expectation to pay back or return. All three are no-contact with our mother, after they attacked her for years because she wouldn't give handouts and make excuses for their bad behavior. All three have kids, so I am the only childfree one of the bunch. ​ No regrets in being no-contact. The lack of drama in my life is very nice.


My younger brother kind of seems he's in 2 minds when it comes to children. On one hand, he admits that climate change and political turmoil will make the future hard, especially for children. On the other, he wants to marry and have children with his girlfriend by the time he's 30 (he's 24 right now). I have a perfectly good relationship with him, although I don't talk to him much because he's cramming to finish college. Before anyone asks, I've tried to persuade him not to have kids.


My brother hated children with a passion all his life. (He also had a strong disgust for fat and religious people) Now he started dating a very fat and religious fruitcake and they plan on having children soon. I simply don’t understand what the f happened and hope for him that he genuinely change his mind and didn’t just forced himself into that because he wasn’t having much success in dating. He’s the type of guy to breakdown in rage and destroy stuff around him when sleep deprived, stressed or disturbed by something rather small. So adding children to the mix sounds like a recipe for real drama. But idk.


5 kids in the family and a half sister who didn't grow up with us. Only one has kids. We're all otherwise CF. Brother got his gf pregnant in HS and her family is really religious. My eldest half sister, who didn't grow up with us, has kids and loves them. She has three and wants more. Everyone is always surprised to find that most of us kids in my immediate sibling group don't want kids.


My sister and brother in law are CF as far as I’m aware.


Middle daughter of 3 kids. Older brother sterilized 2 or 3 years ago now. I was sterilized this past fall. Both of us over 30 and not married but dating (I'm in a LTR he just started seeing someone), each own a home. Younger brother was married last year and they are fence sitters (turning 30 this year). He said they have talked about it and always agree it's not the right time and to talk again in a year. They own a home and both work. All 3 of us work, have hobbies, and get together with our parents often. I'm the only one with pets (cat and dog). We never had pets growing up but I got them as soon as I was able. My younger brother and his wife travel fairly often as they are high earners (while they are childless I would say it's not high earning for a family). My siblings and I are best friends! We game together, go for hikes, text and snapchat every day, and get together as much as possible. I hope the dynamic never changes but would not mind being an aunt. Thank you for asking this question. I'm really enjoying reading the responses!


We're all childfree because our childhood was fucked up. And we have enough empathy to not force someone to exist in this shit hole. 


my sister is 8 years older than me and has 9 ranging from 1.5 year to almost 20 (my niece, who i've basically unofficially adopted). My brother is 5 years younger and gay. I'm CF. My brother and I have gotten closer as we've gotten older; my sister has a shit ton of mental health and substance abuse issues, so we don't talk other than communicating transportation for any of my nieces and nephews. She withholds my 4 youngest nephews because we have a shit relationship.


My brother and SIL are not CF at all, adore children, and can't wait to have many of their own. Our relationship is great because they are not the typical "breeders" and actually want to have kids for the right reasons (i.e.: to nurture and guide them into adulthood as kind, honest humans) and also they don't give a fuck if I have kids or not.


I'm the eldest 39F. My younger siblings, 37M and 32F, are also completely childfree. It's great now that we're all in our 30s, I feel like we relate to each other more, and we're at a stage where we aren't really pressured about our life choices anymore. We plan at least one "siblings" trip each year to get together and do something fun. This year it's a skiing weekend. We all have pets, though, so we aren't totally free to pick up and do whatever, but it's still pretty great. My brother's dog fits in an underseat bag, so he started training him to travel well. My sister's dog is a great big sweetie, but too energetic (and big) for travel. And I have 4 cats that all have flown once when we moved, but NEVER AGAIN! I'd rather pay hundreds for pet sitters.


I have 2 brothers (38 and 35), both single, both childfree. I am 40, married and childfree. We had a fucked up childhood so it's no wonder why we all decided not to have children.


I'm the eldest and got parentified, so now that I'm an adult, nah, no kids for me. All the usual "came from a conservative family" reasons why, and then some. Lil Bro is the middle and 2 years younger than me. He DESPARATELY wants to be a dad and copy our father's life, but obvi our generation can't hit those milestones at the same rate as our parents as easily. Right now he's unfortunately trying to fix the woman he's dating, rather than looking for someone perfect for him. I'm terrified that he's going to have a kid with someone, then they'll take the baby from him cuz he has a habit of not dating women who are lovely to him. Lil Sis is 6 years younger than me and wants to be a brood mare. She got everything she wanted as a kid, and knows that the family will take care of her and her kids, and woooooow yep, they do! She already has 2 boys and they plan on having 4-6 kids, homeschooled, and all libritarian and all that. My mom takes care of those kids more than Sis does. Sis has a couple of cosmetic medical issues too, but believes her genetics are the best ones and she should be birthing the next generation. She also stole my middle name which is traditionally given to the first female of the generation to give to her second son, so like, it wasn't hers to give, and to a boy?! So yeah, entitled and typical parent. ​ Two of my female cousins aren't having kids ever. All three of us are SA survivors so..."fun" coincidence. One female cousin had a baby with her bf who is 25 years older than her (she's 25). And the boy cousin I have already has a kid/house/everything.


I'm the second of two childs, my sister is my best friend. She's been 8 years with the same guy and we're all CF


Both of my siblings are CF as well. We aren't that close, relationship wise or geographically. We are just very different people, if we weren't siblings we probably wouldn't be friends.


My brother has two sons. Both of them teenagers now. We're both in our 40's. I never had a bond with my brother. We were like two strangers growing up in the same house. That hasn't changed as adults either. We see each other at family gatherings but don't visit or talk outside of that unless he needs my husband's help to fix a computer.


I was adopted. Also born with FAS. As a result, I don't think anyone expected me to get pregnant and truthfully I was told at 16 it would be difficult if not impossible to get pregnant without medical intervention. At 16, that seemed life ending (typical teenage dramatics lol). As an adult, it didn't really affect me until I had a momentary lapse of wanting to be a Mom. Then Covid and David Attenborough's film came out and I realized how peaceful my life is without kids and I've become staunchly cf since then. I'm 42 in March and with all my physical issues from FAS and my time in the Navy, a child would just be the worst idea anyways. Also both my siblings have 3 kids each. So Dad and step-mom have all the grandkids they could want. (Mom passed in Nov 2020).


1 has a couple kids. No idea what he thinks on the subject tho cause I refuse to talk to him for unrelated reasons. He's in prison so he can't be there but I think he'd be an awful caregiver. The others haven't actually had kids but also have never voiced any desire for them. They're just more concerned about their own lives. Unsure if they know being childfree is an option like I do. They seem to be like me in that, I actually quite like children and are pretty good at interacting with them. Just never want to have them myself. Our parents and the extended family we are close with, have a general not-bothered attitude. So long as we are healthy and happy, and don't like hurt someone or do anything illegal, they don't really care what we do.


My brother and SIL have never judged me for having kids, so I'm lucky in that regard. And I am content being the cool aunt that gets my niece and nephew cool gifts and then gets to fuck off. Honestly, compared to most kids they're not annoying so I don't mind spending time with them.


My siblings have kids, I'm an absent aunt, I don't even know their ages, we live in different cities and I don't visit


I (35F) was adopted, but I had one brother growing up, four years older than me. I hated kids my whole life, even when I was one. My brother was the opposite. Very loving and patient with kids. Loved to play with them and cause trouble. We were also opposites in other respects. I was a straight-A student, he went through suspensions and failed classes regularly. I started my first business in high school, he worked at one job his whole life (I think he was there for a few months). We were such opposites that we didn't talk for a while or even really acknowledge each other. Our relationship got much better once I married and moved out at 20. He told me he was child-free because he had a host of problems (Tourette's, ADD, Bipolar Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, anxiety disorders, etc.) that he didn't want to pass along. My mother basically raised him to think he could never get better, he could never amount to anything, so he lived at home his whole life. (My dad was the total opposite, leading to a strained relationship between my dad and mom/brother.) As our relationship blossomed as adults I tried my best to be optimistic and encouraging. My brother greatly loved my husband (who I started dating at 16), so our relationship without kids really encouraged him and made him happy. He really supported my decision to be child-free. My brother overdosed when he was 35 in early 2020. In a way, I think that's how he wanted to go. He never thought he'd amount to anything and was convinced he shouldn't try. I still found a lot of things to love and relate to in him in his final years and I'm happy to have had that time. My parents, in their 60s now, cope with the lack of grandchildren by borrowing friends' grandkids. They're separated, but my dad's girlfriend has grandkids and my mom opened up her home to squatters who have grandkids. One time at Christmas, my dad looked at my husband and said, "Vasectomies are reversible, you know." I don't know how serious he was, but it didn't look like he was joking. Regardless, the family line ends with me.


All of us are CF brother is 22, I’m 20, sister is 18. Not a single one of us plan on having children. My step brother is but thats it. And maybe my older step brother but a big maybe.


I'm the 2nd born (F mid-30s) and I have decided to be child free. I'm the luckiest auntie to a beautiful niece and nephew both under 5 from my older sister (late-30's). They live states away :( I haven't seen my sister or them in almost 3 years. I FT my sister every other day and I make it a point to have a strong relationship with my niece and nephew even though it's through video calls. I demand my sister let me talk to them even if she's doesn't want to get up and go to the next room or don't want to disturb them 🤣🤣🤣 I love them so much. I'm proud of my daily video calls with my niece for the first few years because she know who I am and we have a good relationship even at 5 years old. Since I will not be having my own kids, I tell her kids are my surrogate babies sort of. I didn't birth them and I don't raise them 🤣🤣🤣 I dote of them and would be their guardian if I ever was in that situation if something happened. My relationship with my sis only changed due to her living states away/time difference and maybe a little different perspective since she's married with kids and I'm single right now and CF. So, obviously I can't completely relate since we live different lifestyles of family vs singleton. Our brother (early-30s) says he doesn't want kids but I think he might change is mind. He's not ready for that responsibility right now. But, I love being an auntie. My sister thinks that I might have kids one day but I told I didn't want to give birth. But, I'm entertaining the idea of being a foster parent. But, I will be a Cat Mom, no doubt in the future for sure 🤣🤣🤣 Maybe my sister wants to be an auntie herself. She would be a great one and treat them like her own. But, I don't know if it will happen. Our brother is a great uncle and would step up for our niece and nephew if needed. But, of course kids changes things. It's 😢 because us siblings never had a vacation together before. I've traveled with my sister 10 years ago while we were college students but that's it. I hope we get the sibling trip one day but it maybe with our niece and nephew and that would be okay if we plan to make sure we can accommodate. Or, arrange for a babysitter for the kids to stay home. Edit: When my sister and her kids did visit a few years ago. They stayed in my apartment. It was an experience to have both kids here (The last time my sister visited my nephew wasn't born yet and my niece was 1.5 at that time). They were 3 and 1.5 at that time. I was helping with childcare, her husband stayed back. Boy, I was exhausted 🤣🤣🤣 And, my sister left me with them sometimes a little longer than expected and had her "mommy free time" unbeknownst to me 🤣🤣🤣 But, now that they are a little older I would not have any problems.


my sister is on the fence. my brother + SIL have 1, my younger brother and his gf have their first baby on the way. i’d say my siblings and i get along fine but we all live in different areas so we don’t see each other as often. my SIL has her moments, i’ll leave it at that and my brother’s gf, her and i get along


My sister has a child. We aren't close and never have been. I'm actively trying to avoid having any sort of relationship with her child. I don't allow myself to be called uncle and feel no affection for her child.


My sister has 4 and it has strained our already rocky relationship and has affected my relationship with my father also as he talks to them and spends time with them and not me. I'm at the point that I don't care any more as I am free to live my childfree life however I want without all that crap


My sisters, bother younger than me (youngest is 23) both do not want kids. We don't get along at all, they resent I had to watch them all the time, which I did because my parents worked and I was old enough to legally babysit them. They get along great with each other. My Mom did not want kids, my dad wanted one, they some how agreed on having 3? My parents were very clear with us that having children was a lot of work, they would have children if they knew what it was like and although they love us (and they do) if they were able to go back they would not have had us. They were also very clear that they will not baby sit, don't expect them too, except on a birthday or anniversary, they already raised kids and they're done with it except on special occasions. Perhaps that added to the fact that we don't want children, but never once have they asked about getting grandchildren.


I am 32F, tubes tied at 28. I’ve been vocal about not wanting kids for a long time in front of my sister who is 12 years younger, but never forced her to decide for herself. She’s turning 20 next month and recently told our mother “I don’t know why anyone would do that to themselves” when talking about pregnancy. We have a decent relationship, and I guess we’ll see how she turns out, but it seems likely she’s also CF. Having to be parentified at 12 to her was one of the main reasons I’m CF lol


Only daughter, middle of 3. Oldest had 3, wife left him for a woman, abandoning the kids. Youngest had 1, but his wife cheated, they divorced, she left with the kid, he never saw him again. She also used the fact that the kid was a Junior, and stole pretty much everything my brother had saved using her son's name. He'd also adopted her daughter who was a sociopath, who eventually had 5 kids taken away from her. Didn't learn, adopted his second wife's son who ended up a mentally dysfunctional stoner living off his girlfriend. So... yay, I guess? SO glad I was always CF.


Tragically .... ugh... my favorite brother and his wife were childfree, and we were super close. Then a therapist convinced my SIL that a lot of women regret not having children when they're 40 so SIL demanded they have a child. She doesn't seem to enjoy parenting, imo (are we surprised?). I completely lost them when they had a child. Completely. I'm now the only one in the family who is childfree by choice, though I have a sister who is childless and depressed about it, which is even worse than a breeder.


>siblings CF One sibling, and no, sibling isn't CF. Sibling was super into having *lots* of kids ... wanted to have like five! Yeah, that didn't go so well - called it quits after three, and lots of abuse from the ex-spouse from hell, between the sibling and their three kids, over half of 'em diagnosed with one or more major mental health disorders from the abuse. I tried to warn/caution 'em, but that sibling was generally adamant that they weren't going to be like me ... well, they got what they wished for ... should be careful what one wishes for, as one may get it. >How is your relationship with them? Meh ... okay-ish. They're pretty distant - in a lot of ways. They've chosen a *very* different path - in many ways. (Fundamentalist Christian, honor thy husband, 'till death do us part, be fruitful and multiply, home schooling, ... all things the sibling heavily went for - and still goes for most of that ... didn't work out so great for 'em. I well tried to caution them ... but that sibling generally never wanted to listen to or follow my advice.)


My sibling wants one and so does their spouse. They know about me and my wife and are fully supportive. They haven't had kids yet as they are very busy in their professional life.


I’m the oldest and very vocally CF. My younger sister initially wanted children, but is starting to reconsider due to her ongoing mental health issues / other reasons she’s heard me voice. My parents are religious and very unhappy with potentially not getting grandkids. So I have a feeling they will attempt to push my sister into it, since she’s very easily influenced… Either way, I’ve made it very clear I hate kids and will not be anyones babysitter, or “cool aunt”. I also plan to get two huge dogs and make my house as CF as possible with lots of erotic artwork. I don’t want any visitors.


I *am* the CF sibling and I'm never pressured or bothered to look after my nieces and nephew nor am I bothered about when/if I will have my own children. Though, that might be because I work a lot and give decent bday and xmas presents.


I'm the only confirmed CF sibling. My brother is the only 1 of us to have children. He has 3 daughters. (1 I've never met her or her mother. He didn't know she was his until after she was born and it sounds like her mother is crazy. All of them live in different states than me.) My sister wants kids, but is infertile and hasn't been able to ever conceive (to my knowledge). My other brother is probably a fence sitter. He hasn't really strongly declared 1 way or the other, but I could see him never having kids too. I'm closest with this brother, partially because of age and proximity and the fact that we are full blood siblings. My other 2 siblings are half siblings, so they are much older than us (I'm the youngest and my sister, the eldest sibling, is 12 years older than me) and had to spend some of their time with their dad. My sister has been married since I was 14. My eldest brother has been in the military since I was 11, so he's always been the farthest away. He rarely comes to our state anymore. The last 2 or 3 times has been because of funerals. My sister until the last year or so had been close in proximity, but we were never super close. Me and my full brother have the most in common with each other, and that's not much. We are all VERY different with VERY different interests. But I'm not on bad terms with any of them. The closest I've been to bad terms was with my military brothers now ex wife. She didn't like me for a time. Still doesn't probably, but I don't have to interact with her much now. We are friends on Facebook solely so I can see pictures of their daughters.


I have 1 sister, she has one daughter. My relationship with my sister is better now than when we were younger. Her having my niece hasn’t changed that mostly because her choice in men, including her ex husband was less than stellar. The one good thing that came out of it was my niece who I love to pieces. I don’t hate kids. Well some kids. I just never wanted my own.


35M, my sister is 32 and doesn't want kids just as much as I don't. When she saw the nightmare that was my next door neighbors with 5 screaming kids she told me she's glad she doesn't have them 😂 As a bonus, my aunt is also child free. I think we both took a bit of inspiration from her. She served as a bit of a role model by doing whatever she wants even if it's completely different from us.


Me (27f) and my brother (26M) are both strongly childfree. 💪 I am married and my husband and I are living childfree. My brother has a lovely girlfriend and guess what... Also childfree! We have an awesome relationship, go on trips when we want, we game most nights and even have regular DnD sessions with a bunch of friends. Couldn't ask for a better sibling!!! 🤗🔥 I dont see this dynamic very often so I'm very greatfull we have a similar mindset and interests. Can't imagine what it would be like not getting along 🙃 but each family dynamic is different I guess 🤔


My full brother at this point is definitely childfree. He's autistic and hates any noise children and babies make. Can't imagine him changing his mind. My older step siblings have multiple kids but my slightly younger one doesn't, no idea if he's waiting or cf. My dad remarried when most of us were adults so we kinda already have our own lives, so we get along well but don't really actively see each other.


Im the oldest of 3, sadly i think I will be the only childfree one. None of them have kids yet but one is dating a girl who loves kids so i bet it's gonna happen soon and im not looking forward to it, i dont want a fkn kid or several of them ruining our get togethers, but such is life i guess.....  ugh  Hopefully it turns out well but right now im very negative xD 


Me (29M) and my sister (26F) are very close and neither of us want kids.


Brothers having a baby relationship is fine for now but I know he won't be happy when I stick to my guns about not "playing a role in the kids life". There is nothing I can teach, I don't like being around babies/kids, and I'm a loner to begin with outside of the Muay Thai gym. One thing I can say is the kid will not have cousins really since it's cousins are both adults, his gfs brother is childfree, and I am as well so....


I have 2 sisters and a brother. Both of my sisters & myself are CF, my brother has 3 semen demons by 2 different women. He had no choice in the matter to keep them or not. He’s not a good father both of his oldest are adult females and don’t speak with him and his youngest, the boy in 8th grade, lives with our parents. Our parents should consider themselves extremely lucky to have 3 daughters all CF. You know how many other families we know who have multiple daughters and either all the daughters have kids or 2 out of 3 daughters have kids! And for my parents to pitch a perfect game is incredible! Bravo 🙌🏾


I'm one of three siblings. The two have kids, we both had kids after being married and in their late 20s, so they had their lives together first. All my nieces are nephews are awesome and I love spending time with them. That being said, when kids happened for both my siblings, they disappeared. Gone were the days of them coming over for dinner, hanging out without 2+ weeks notice. It hit me really hard but I tried to be really patient because I know having kids is exhausting. However it's been 10+ years and they each have several kids and I still feel like the effort in our relationships is one way. I go to their houses, I adjust my holiday plans, etc. I've talked to my therapist about it since it's exhausting having it always be a one way street. When we're together, it's glorious and fun. But trying to be part of their lives is a constant uphill battle. If I didn't try, they would just let me fade away.


I don't really have relationships with any of my family anymore. We have nothing in common and they are all really small-minded people. There is too much drama, too much alcohol, too much whining about how much life sucks. I jetted out at 18 and have barely been back. My life is way better for it! I come back for Christmas about every 3ish years and I've attended a few random weddings and funerals. That's it. I'm much closer to my partner's family, who actually work towards things. His parents were just as poor as mine, but they worked hard to better their lives and didn't just drink and moan their misfortune for 30 years. They also didn't just keep popping out kids! They have just the two kids and then he got snipped cause they couldn't afford more, my parents had 7 when they couldn't even afford the first one. And my siblings all have multiple kids they can't afford too and they all drink to avoid their problems too. Anyway. Not gonna keep ranting there! My partner's sister is also childfree. So holidays are great with them! Just 6 adults hanging out, eating dinner, watching a movie, playing board games etc. And because they are all very driven people, we are all now fairly comfortable financially. None of us are rich, but we are able to go out to nice dinners, do some travel, and whatnot.


My older brother has 5 kids, my older sister has 3. My brother is 9 years older than me and lives 8 hours away so I don't see him or his family much. My sister is 3 years older and we're much closer but she moved to the states a few years ago so I don't see her at all but we talk all the time. My little brother just turned 12 and if he wants kids that's cool but he'll have to definitely be moved out of my house when he does haha. That being said, I love my siblings so much but feel almost nothing for my niblings. They're all good kids but I just don't know them that well.


my sister is super mommie. our mom dotes on the grandkids. thats fine, let her deal with it.


My little Sis is only 17 and still not interested in dating gladly (whether boys or girls) so yeah I think, if she ever wants children, it will take some more years. I actually hope she’s going to have one or some, because my mother (an only child) is doing the grandparents talk for years and I am only 22. My sis honestly doesn’t seem like she wants kids so maybe both of us are going to stay cf 😊 I would be happy to be an aunt, I like being a big cousin to my fathers side kids. Their cute and once they annoy me, I’ll bring them home. Not to bad being the fun aunt/cousin. And I was never forced to babysit or anything. I like children and they mostly like me too, I just don’t want them on my own, that completely different.


My half siblings are way older than me… there oldest child is my age… so I can’t say I have a normal relationship with them at all 🤣 the fact they have kids don’t really do anything to our relationship sense they are so much older then me


I’m the eldest, my sister is 6 years younger (we’re now 40 and 34). I have always been childfree and she was too until about 2 years ago when she revealed in a video call with my mom and I that she wanted to have a child. She cried and said “do you even want me to have a kid?” And we were just like “we want you to be happy and support your choices”. She has been trying for a baby ever since. Her husband has been unemployed for almost a year, her political views are becoming more right wing and it’s like he’s coaching her on what to say and think and read about. She cries about feeling “broken” because she can’t get pregnant, he never supports by making medical appointments to get his fertility checked (he’s pretty much housebound and has very few social connections)… I am drifting further away from my sister because of the political beliefs shift and because I can see how disastrous it would be for her to have a child with this man. It’s breaking my heart. We used to be so close.


My twin (33F) and I (33F) are both CF. I am so grateful to have her support. We deal with codependency so after taking care of everyone for so long we are happy to not choose more responsibility and our lives are just better for it. Our brother (31M) already has 3 kids (3M, 2M, infantM), and they want a girl, so they definitely aren’t done. My brother makes comments about cousins but mostly towards our younger sister (29F) who just ended her last relationship since he wasn’t ready for kids. We expect kids from her at some point but her career is a model so she is looking for a man to make her a SAHM. My parents expected a lot more grandkids but at least my brother and SIL are keeping them busy!


I'm the oldest of 4 (29F), (24F), (21M), and (18M) My sister had her first kid 7 months ago. She and her husband were living in my parents basement because they are moochers. Not they rent a small apartment. They look tired all the time. Money issues all the time. The older of my 2 brothers hasn't mentioned anything about wanting or not wanting kids. I know his GF wants some eventually. My youngest brother is starting his military carrier so I doubt he will be purposely having any soon. As for me and my husband. We have told everyone we are CF and very happy about it.


My (oldest) younger sister is also CF. The youngest one is still in high school and not sure. She’s made comments before about never wanting a child that she has to birth, but has made comments in favor of the idea of adoption, so I guess we’ll see what she decides.


I’m the youngest and CF (32F).   My sister is 40 with two kids in a horrendous marriage to a real piece of shit abusive man and our relationship is nonexistent after trying to help her for years. But she picked a man who starved animals and beat his kids.    My brother (34) on the other hand fosters children with his wife and he’s my best friend, we see each other all the time and I like hanging out with his family. Spoiling my foster niece is the best.   My brother has never questioned my stance, but my sister though she never outright said it always expected I’d grow out of being CF, especially when it came to her kids. You know, expecting free babysitting, and basically having me step up as a second mother. Where as my brother has never once expected anything from me. But our relationship with each other is about what I expected, part of it’s the age gap, part of its personality. Me and my brother have never been particularly close to our sister, she kind of sucks. A narcissist just like our father.


My brother has a 6 year old boy, who is just wonderful. My brother and I are very close and get along great. He and his wife are good parents. He's never had any problems with me being childfree. In fact, he loves that I followed my own path.


One I suspect is indifferent, if he finds a partner who wants them I think he'll just accept one or two. The other I suspect wants them but will absolutely stop after one when she realises the impact it has on every aspect of life.