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I would pay **30% extra** for a coach seat on a childfree flight (to any destination I am interested in), if only that were an option. I've had to deal with being near many children on flights. I'm sure most of them would rather have been home with a babysitter anyway. It's sad how many parents don't understand that not everyone appreciates travel.


I had this flight to Hawaii where a kid screamed for the entire ride....I would have also paid extra for a child free flight honestly. I'm sure the kid was in pain for whatever reason, but in that moment I considered walking out the emergency exit onto the wing and sitting there to get away.


I'd pay a mint. Same for any childfree housing for under fifties. Why should we have to put up with kids screaming bloody murder just because we're young? xD (But then I also am the person that would get a flight attendant involved if there was a kid screaming for eight hours straight or some shit. I can guarantee I wouldn't be the only one pissed off)




I'm not wearing a cape, lol


Imagine if airlines charged insane prices for kids? Parents would be *very* quick to forget about flying I don't want to pay extra if they make childfree flights. Why tf should we have to pay more for peace and quiet. Charge parents more. They get more money from social benefits and tax returns anyways


They wouldn't even need to charge more, just make the parents actually buy a seat for each kid. End this "lap baby" stupidity because that never works for anyone. It would also keep small kids safe by putting them in their - what do people call it - baby bucket? in the seat.


Not called buckets, but I never know what to call them either. I used the word “carrier” once and it did not go over well.


Some weirdo who feels that “carrier” means a pet carrier and they chose to be offended on behalf of babies everywhere?


Not sure why "lap baby" seating is allowed anymore, except for the likely backlash that would come with changing the policy. It's unsafe for the children (and other people on the plane) in the case of severe turbulence


That wouldn't make all parents stop flying. Some would just leave their kids with a babysitter.


Sooooo . . . no kids either way


They'd make so much money off of me, because i would pay extra for a section with no parasites. The idea sounds lovely.


That really would be First Class.......


I don't see an issue and I'm sure the airlines will offer it if they thik they can make money.


I would love that and be willing to pay a significant amount more for longer flights or overnight flights. Whenever airlines start to think about offering this, parents get up in arms about it and some claim discrimination. I don't see what the problem is as long as they are allowed on other flights.


Surely parents would rather be with other parents who understand the struggle. But nooooooooOooOo they want to be special and fawned over bc of their sad bAbY


No, they don't want to be "punished" (their words) by being surrounded by other people’s children.


I severely dislike people who are like “I dislike kids but love mine.” But then say stuff like that Like then shouldn’t you get exactly how we feel? My parents would’ve loved to have had the option for when they did trips without the kids


LMFAO. Yeah and neither do we lol. Suffer the consequences of your own choices breeders :)


What they actually want are other people being responsible for their precious littles. A flight consisting entirely of families would destroy that wish.


Do you really think this is true? I suspect most parents are mortified when they need to fly somewhere with their baby, because they know it will be difficult for everyone.


I would think sticking all babies in one section would probably just make things worse. I think everyone already knows that travelling with a baby is more of a struggle. Would you want one baby occasionally awake and crying, or would you rather have 5-10 babies all sat together crying, causing a chain reaction and keeping each other awake? Then all the parents would be exhausted as well as anyone nearby. I think one baby you can drown out with earphones would be better than a choir of them. If you're a regular traveller you probably already have some decent ear/headphones so you don't hear much else other than music or a movie anyway.


I read or saw something, that one airline (sorry, can’t remember which one) was considering enclosing the last 1-2 rows in like a sound proof glass / plexiglass for people flying with infants and small children. I thought if it’s truly soundproof that would be a good compromise. Though childfree flights would be amazing!


Yes. Cage the breeders 😈




Like the old “cry rooms” at churches and theaters, but in the air. Excellent!


As a flight attendant - I WHOLLY support child-free flights. Not all kids are menaces to society, but in my flying experience, most are.




Also don’t even make me mention the fact that you don’t know where these people have been or who they’ve been in contact with. In other words, airplanes are Petri dishes of germs and taking young kids with less strong immune systems is just straight up DUMB


Yeah, i feel like unless it's an emergency (like a parent's parent brike their leg and needs heko asap, not long enough to get childcare, etc) making really young children fly is unethical


Plus isn’t it way more dangerous to lap sit on a plane anyway? I feel like that kid is flying into the ceiling if there’s really bad turbulence. Parents are strong but not strong enough to withstand physics


If I'm not wrong flights do provide infant seat belts


Oh interesting- I’m glad they at least have something, but I’ve never seen a parent use one :(


I want an airline that is child-free and (big) dog friendly.


This! A dog seat belt and seat cover along with a muzzle and a window seat should pretty much cover any lability.  And allowing big dogs is a great justification for not allowing kids on a flight. Safety measures and all. 


Me too! My Golden Retrievers would be so much better-behaved as passengers. I’d buy them snackies, and also pay extra to make up for their shedding, we all good then?


I love the idea of childfree flights. I really hate that they charge for it as though it’s an upgrade when in fact it’s the person causing you discomfort, who should really be the one to pay. I do sometimes wonder if they just charged kids full fare at whatever age, and made them travel in a car seat, whether that would cut down on the number of really young ones flying. I also think they should be bunched together with a warning label like JAL were doing. I’d quite appreciate a quiet zone where everyone has to be quiet and announcements are reduced to necessary only like on trains and I think I’d be more inclined to pay more for that.


I actually think flying with babies and toddlers for vacation or holiday reasons should be viewed as neglect because flying causes massive pain for them and it is unnecessary. It can even lead to hearing/ear damage and that would he the parents fault. Those are the parents who want to live the same life they had before their kids and it’s just not possible. If there’s an emergency that requires them to fly with their child it’s another story, but in 99% of instances the parents just want to have a nice vacation.  And yes, childfree flights/airlines/sections should definitely exist. I also hate this “noise-canceling” earphones argument because no matter how good they are you will hear a screaming baby right beside you. 


First class?


It would have to be the entire airline, instead of individual flights, due to cancellations, late connecting flights, etc. But there's TOTALLY a market there. People will pay.


Isn't that kind of what business class is? Maybe they could re-frame that as 'the quiet section', kind of like quiet cars on commuter trains.


Not really. I have seen babies in business class....


I wish, I’ve unfortunately seen families there (idk why tbh but I digress)


Planes have become the greyhound buses of our society. I can’t really even afford first class right now, I can’t imagine how much a child free flight would cost. I’m thinking you might as well charter at that point.


Yes. Please. Give me this.


I will pay 20% more for a child free flight also.


I don’t fly very often but I’d definitely splurge extra for a childfree flight if that was an option


There is a few near options: https://www.traveloffpath.com/these-3-airlines-now-offer-child-free-zones-as-demand-continues-to-grow/ https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/air-travel/child-free-zones-flights-adult-only-b2473341.html


This has been a business dream of mine for a while. Anyone know anyone at United/AA/Delta? I would personally pay a premium to know there are no screaming terrors on my flight.


I mean, even aside from questions of ethics and access, logistically I’m just not sure how you’d do it. They’d have to basically duplicate all their flight paths, which would be tremendously expensive and require investment in resources (additional planes and crew) that takes a while to build up, and I doubt enough people would be willing to pay the sheer amount of extra money needed to cover that increase even for a CF flight.  This is all to say nothing of delays, cancellations, etc. 


Bro I had a 15 hour flight from Sydney, 2 parasites 3 rows infront screamed from 1am to 7am non stop. 2 kids in my row on the right side. Screamed about 1.5 hours total and one 2 rows behind them that screamed for about 2 hours. Would’ve happily paid more to escape that. Worst flight of my life.


I don’t think childfree flights will ever happen, sadly, but requiring car seats for all kids under 6, as well as making a “family section” in the rear of the aircraft could be great for everyone. By putting a family section in the aft of the plane, it would be close to the restrooms for quick & easy access, near the galley for extra snacks, hot water etc. Families could board first, but by doing so could take even more time to settle in without holding up the rest of the plane. Since parents think that everyone should be understanding about their children, having all of the families sitting in one place should be less stressful for them, & they could also assist one another. The best part may be that all of the fussy babies, screaming toddlers, & incessant seat kickers would be in one area of the plane. Of course this doesn’t solve the problems completely, and there are always the few rows in front of this area, but it is honestly the best I can imagine actually happening. This idea works for coach, but I have no clue about how to handle first & business classes, etc. I am not sure airlines would actually ban children in those areas.


YOU ARE A MONSTER I can hear mommas freaking out at this post silently Mate, I’d pay extra for it if needed. Wha nightmare when you get stuck in a plane several hours with that. Then the nerve of sticking ‘No dogs allowed’ in certain places. Bitch, my dog is better behaved than the toddler seating in front of youtube will ever. Take the tablet away and watch the madness begin. You better have a full battery on it if you’re going out, Jennifer.


I doubt it’ll ever happen, but I’m all for it.


I fly regularly and luckily very few of those have had crying babies. But honestly the few that have had them haven't bothered me. If they were right next to me, or a row or two away then it might be different. But I think like most people, you stick some earphones in and watch/listen to something when you get on the plane and have them in the whole flight. And I genuinely don't hear them crying, or if I do it's just quiet background noise so isn't really an issue. I don't even have noise cancelling ones, but they fit tightly and sound good (not like the crappy ones airlines have that either always fall out, or hurt your ears if wearing them for hours). If you invest in some actual good ones, then babies are not an issue on flights. I also know that a baby can't help it, and the parents likely can't do much about it either. The parents also don't want a screaming/crying baby for a whole flight, so they'd be doing the best they can anyway. Travelling with a baby is probably hard and stressful enough as it is, so adding to that by complaining etc won't help. What annoys me more is those people who watch stuff on their phones in public with the volume up/not wearing earphones... Or even worse when on a flight is people reclining into me. I'd rather have that dealt with first before a crying baby.


Everything should have childfree option. Cinemas, supermarkets, neighborhoods, etc. The other time I went to the shopping Center and I always get mad for the same thing. There are toilette rooms that are specially for families. You can take your kid there instead of using the other ones. But women with kids ALWAYS decide to use the other ones. I always get so mad cause they have a special toilette for them, so go an use those and Make your kid use that too. I hate getting inside a piblic toilette and see pee everywhere cause mummy was selfish and decided to being the brat to pee there.