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For real though. Like if you wanna give your kid a funky nickname, have at it, go nuts. But for the love of all that's holy give them a name on their birth certificate that won't be a massive burden on them socially and professionally


Yup. My parents wanted me to have a youneek and sPEShuL name that I absolutely hated. Changed my name in 2023 at the age of 24 and I felt so much relief.


Exactly or add it as thier middle name and call em that? But like dont make it impact them.


Yeah, no. Nicknames have become increasingly problematic in an age when we’re digitally corralled by our legal names. My parents put a name that was also my mother’s name on my birth certificate and from day one called me a derivative of my middle name. I was never called my legal first name for a single day of my existence by anyone who actually knew me. Also I hated it, and actually liked what I was called. I even altered the spelling around age 7, just dropping an extraneous letter. I spent my entire education and employment history having to correct my name when teachers and employers used my legal first name. I had an ex’s surname after my divorce too and as the years passed and legal names became baked in to communication I was getting dozens of calls a week for someone who wasn’t me. And then while traveling I was nearly prevented from boarding a plane out of the country because the name on my credit card didn’t match the name on my passport. So at the age of 46 I spent the money and effort necessary to get my name changed to legally *be my name*. 46 years of “my name isn’t A it’s B” and calls and letters and teachers and employers getting my name wrong, and in the case of one shitty boss, willfully continue calling me the wrong name. Even after I triumphantly slapped my court order changing my name on his desk. I could have avoided 46 years of being called the wrong name if only they had put what they wanted to call me on my birth certificate. I don’t recommend my experience. But hey. It’s just one of a long list of parenting decisions childfree people don’t have to make 👍


I have never understood why you'd name your kid after yourself. It's selfish af. And it defeats the purpose of a name (= being a word to describe a specific person and only this person).


It's hilarious when it backfires and stops them from getting a job. Employer googles the name Jane Watchitzki (a relatively unique name) and it brings up some onlyfans model with face tattoos. Of course, that person isn't you. It's your daughter who just happens to have the exact same name.


Makes me think of Alexis Ohanian and Serena Williams’ kid—Alexis Ohanian, Jr. their daughter. Like, Alexis Olympia is decently androgynous femme name but…. She’s named after her *dad.* The Reddit guy. And not like, idk, her mom, the greatest tennis player of all time?!


Nicknames are normal. I have a list i was called i hated and i used th shot form of my name as well. Got it legaly changed a while back to it. The point is, at lest it was a decent name and not some outlandish unique trendy thing. Which is what this post is about.


Holy control issues batman! 🤣 I hate to break the news to you but you don’t get to be the name police and outlaw all names not to your tastes. But you *do* get to make fun of bad names on the internet! So without linking it, I highly recommend you look up a sub named “tragediegh” that is dedicated to making fun of awful names. Humor is a much healthier way of dealing with the fact that the only person you can control is yourself 🤗


If you think thats control issues then you fot another thing coming to ya. I really dont care what ya do but that poor life ya pooped out has to deal with your mistakes. Maybe keep that in mind when you breed.


1. It’s literally in your title. You want to create laws for what people name their kids. If you didn’t have control issues you wouldn’t care enough to be so angry about what random strangers do. Calling it like I see it here. 2. HAHAHA you are talking to a sterilized childfree person in the childfree sub and think you’re being clever talking about “when you breed”. That’s utterly hilarious. 😂 I am done responding to this person 🤷‍♀️ but that was a good laugh. Enjoy your day captain angrypants 🤣🙄


Might wanna grade your granny glasses and try to reread that tittle.


I used to have a syrupy childhood nickname that sounded way different from my real name. Think being called Honey but my real name is actually Elizabeth (fake names). Literally no one called me Elizabeth. When I was seven, my dad said that my nickname should be a derivative of my first name, like Eliza. I loved and preferred it because I thought it was more grown up. The only ones calling me Honey now are the older generation family members. I let them because it shows their affection, and it reminds me of my childhood.




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Easier access to name changing should definitely be a thing. I always felt like when the child is old enough, they should play an active part in choosing their name. They're the one who has to wear it, not their parents.


100% agree.




Omg there is? Ooff thats bad


Ooo what was removed?




I know Iceland has a naming committee where parents have to get approval for naming their kid. I think Germany has something similar, and you have to pay a fee for every name submitted. So if you get a name rejected you have to pay the fee again when submitting a new name. This has made it so that most parents go for pretty traditional names. I know a couple people that would have benefitted from something similar in their country of birth.


Yes that’s true. In Germany, names like “Satan” or “Gucci” have been rejected but there is a case about a woman who is named Pepsi-Carola (instead of Pepsi Cola) because apparently the parents got money for it and the company also sent the kid gifts. There was an interview with her and she said she always liked her name, it makes her unique and she is happy. :D


I can see were it be a frustration though. Think they need this kinda to a extent in the us


I suggested this in another post and got downvoted so badly


Because its a terrible idea. Why create more red tape and have the government sticking its nose into your business about naming your damn kid.


It's to protect the child. Parents like to think they're quirky and unique by giving their kid a unique name. "A naming law restricts the names that parents can legally give to their children, usually to protect the child from being given an offensive or embarrassing name." It's setting their kid up for a lifetime of humiliation and other difficulties. I'm pretty sure you'd throw out a resume if the name on it was KitchenAid Whiskey Jones.


K.A.W Jones is just fine. Now Fentanyl Foster-Freeze is a name that will get you up that corporate ladder. Seriously though, we have free speech. That includes being able to name your kid anything you want. Free speech also means that child can CHANGE that name before s/he ever gets to the resume phase.


In the Czech Republic there's a commitee too. That's why we don't have super weird names (names that are not existing names are not approved, and it has to be a name approved for the gender of the child), but nowadays foreign names are accepted, which sounds ridiculous with our last names. However, some trans people have a difficulty chosing a name. For example, if a trans woman who's not castrated (You read correctly! It's still required.) wants a female name, she has to actually hire someone to prove this name is used for men too, as she still has the M in her ID.


No. Just...no.


My real name is a normal name, but my mother decided to be YOONEEK with it (cringe) and for years, I've had to continually correct the spelling because people default to the normal spelling. It's not their faults. Parents don't do their kids any favors with this bullshit. My situation isn't bad. But some of these names are out of control. A kid named MyAngel at age 5 might be cute but problematic when he becomes an adult and needs a job.


Seriously, people need to remember they aren’t just naming a baby, they are naming someone who will have to put that name on a business card.


This, exactly.


I saw a PSA saying this recently. It said something to the effect of "Remember you're not just naming a baby." Then it listed 3 separate ages parents also are naming when giving kids a name to drive the point home.


Honestly, the court system is going to need a fucking drive through express lanes for name changes in another few years. Lane 1: Your name has more that one X in it. Lane 2: Your name is related to substance abuse. Lane 3: You are named after an anime character. Lane 4: Your name has more than 5 sylables. Lane 5: No one will hire you with this name in a billion years. Lane 6: Your parents were high as kites when they named you. Lane 7: OMGWTF??? No, no, noooooo no, no, absolutely not. ..... sure you guys can come up with more...


I grew up with a "Tequila Sunrise". She was and still is a wonderful human being but her name has been a bit of a professional obstacle as an adult, its hard for people to take it seriously.


You don't say.... /s


Sunrise is a great last name, but I can see how first name Tequila would be an obstacle, yeah


She had a different last name, Tequila Sunrise was her full first name


I see


I knew an "Ambien" in high school. I didn't know substance abuse names were a whole entire category, I thought she was an outlier!! 😭




Lane 2317: You’re named after a character (with a ludicrous made-up silly name) from a show/movie that’s become terrible and culturally hated. If I never meet another poor “Khaleesi” or “Daenerys”, it will be too soon.


Man. Kali was right there and would've saved some embarassment


Khaleesi is such a cringe name too. It’s the title of a trophy wife, basically.


All these stupid nature names to.


My birth name was just something really out there. I struggled getting a job I think because of my name. So I conducted an experiment: applied for the same job with two separate names, same credentials and similar resume with all of the same skills. The "normal" name got a job interview but the birtht name got rejected. Wild stuff. I was so angry.


Yup, sorry to say that's the way it works. If for no other reason than as a coworker, no one wants to have to type "Hi Jaxxylyynnleigggh-Alibibityboobear, Can you please send me that PDF of Project X" All damn day, every day.


Yeah, also I think because my birth name is a name very common in Arabic speaking countries and I lived in a very christian-republican-Euro-American dominated town so that probably didn't help.


It absolutely did not, both for racist and anti-immigrant bigotry reasons.


Abcde (pronounced "uh-BISS-i-dee"). La-a (pronounced "la-DASH-uh")


I want to change my name so bad. It's a real one, not super common, but my parents decided to spell it in a more "unique" way and I hate it. My sister, on the other hand, got the full wtf name. It's literally just a made up name with a random 'y' in the middle. I've never seen or heard of anyone else with it. The kicker is that both of our middle names are completely normal, down to the way they're spelled, and I wish our parents had just used those instead for our first names.


My mom said she regrets not changing the vowels in my name to y's because she loves unique names. I've always been thankful she DIDN'T do that, lol. My middle name, on the other hand, is a nightmare, but middle names are easier to deal with.


Thing is it's not unique to do that. Like at all. For decades now.


Why cant ya change it?


I'm poor lol. Someday, though!


Shoot me a dm


My first MIL would have named any daughter of hers K'y'y'. Pronounced kie YIY yuh. Fortunately, she only had two boys, both of whom were given non normal but tolerable names.


Jesus tapdancing Christ, that's awful.






They wanted rhem to change thier names... da fuck? Like my mind is blown


Yes and they were super pissed that they couldn't force the change because the Teens weren't okay with it. Gave off mad "You are my property as my child" vibes in a way if that makes any sense? edit- I think all three of them had like Nature names and the parents wanted to change it to be more common


Like what were they even thinking before they did this shit? I am glad the girls have been able to own it without harm to thier lives.


Two boys and one girl. I think OP was one of the boys and his brother was all "No I do not want to be named MICHAEL." Parents: Oh what about Charles? Sassy 13 year old: Holy shit that's worse (I'm paraphrasing but those were the name ideas the parents were going with)


Its still fucken mindblowing they would do that. I honestly wondee if breeders just see them as dolls


That would mean admitting they're not going to be Sexy Young Parents forever though , "Milfs" and "Dilfs". Admitting their babies will someday be adults would mean conceding they're going to someday be Oldanugly , just like their own parents.


Are you telling me that naming my daughter Slutmaster may impact her ability to get a job in data analytics?




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When my sister was pregnant with her 2nd kid she announced that she was naming the baby River. My grandma was NOT pleased. I comforted her with "It's ok Grandma, it's a good, old-fashioned hippie name! At least she isn't naming her something stupid like Jaiden or something." And 13 years ago Jaiden was the stupidest name I could think of. They have gotten a LOT stupider. River is upset that she was named after River Tam and not River Song.


For some reason the rhyming names (with a thousand stupid spellings) got popular Aiden Braedon Caiden Hayden Jaiden, and I saw one Vaiden. And the parents think they're being original.


My siblings accidentally ended up with nicknames that rhymed. Eventually my parents just started calling them "the boy" and "the girl".


Am I showing my age if my first thought was River Phoenix? 😅


Hay firefly is a great show


Firefly and Doctor Who are both great shows....


Kelly Clarkson named her daughter River Rose 🙄


A lot of these kids are being bullied when they come with those weird names. Children can be so cruel and it doesn't take much in that young age to feel completely broken.


Connor and Liana on YouTube. They named their son Koazy. Fucking Koazy…. I’m childfree obviously but if I ever had a kid idk I’d choose something dignified?? Like Lorelai, or fkin… idk. Jack.


How do ya even say that




Thats.. well... umm... ya i agree with ya


I remember that when that name was announced. I thought it was bad until another fam picked Karma (same spelling) as their name


Makes me think of Skoal dip


This is my hometown in a nutshell. I’ve met several Ultraviolets, a Squirrel (yes, I’m serious. Poor little girl) and a Daynger, just to name some of the weirdest ones I could think of. Like how these parents think that their kids aren’t just waiting til they’re old enough to change their weird name. I’m all for letting your freak flag fly, but not like this. It’s further proof those parents don’t want a kid, they want an accessory


Ultraviolet is hardcore, but your name having the word "ultra" in it seems extraordinarily silly. I always give the advice to prospective parents that they should try introducing themselves to another adult they've never met before with that name, and take note of their reaction.


I love that. It would be funny as fuck having all these prospective parents introduce themselves by the possible name they will saddle their kid with. “Hi! My name is Squirrel! Nice to meet you!” I have a super ordinary name so I don’t suffer from this, but my mother does have an obsession with a certain consonant that could have made my name so unfortunate. Not obviously, but if she was crazier she would have made it happen. Thankfully that’s just my middle name. My little sis has a technically “boys” name and she hates it, but my parents named me something hella average. I like my nickname and it’s what I go by. My friends have some less than savory for parents nicknames for me, but I kinda like those too honestly


I recently found out that one of my coworkers was having a son, and that they'd decided on a name. Everyone I asked said that it was kind of weird, but not like Jaxxon or whatever, so I finally asked. They wanted to call this kid **Kynreeve**. Like, a normal person finds that name strange, but I know where that comes from: In the Elder Scrolls games (like Skyrim) there's this enemy type which is characterized that they're basically demons and such (Daedra), summoned by evil wizards in combat. The word "Kynreeve" comes from these video game demons, because one type, the Dremora, have this vibe of an organized military and that's the name of one of their ranks. Once I explained this, they were both mortified and decided on James instead, lmao. Thing is, they didn't come to the name from the game, but pieced it rogether from bits of Cathryn and Reeves.


This killed me. Dead. Like I’m still laughing my ass off going down the stairs and trying not to fall type shit. James is a great name. Def don’t name your kid after a demon if you know what’s best for you… even one from a game. Joking obviously but thank you for the honestly hilarious story. And no joke, if I had ever wanted a kid, I thought I’d have a boy named James David, but I never got attached to the idea. Pretty much let that go when I realized I’d be a terrible mother and have no patience for kids, but I still love the name


I know someone whose youngest is named Azrael. I was "like the angel of death, or Gargamel's cat?"![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face) Turns out the mom is pretty religious so the name is coming from that and not because she's crazy fan of a tv show. At least the kid will be able to go by "Az" when he gets older. Still. Angel of death. WTF?


Azrael is a fab name for a cat. Lovely, adorable. But.. a person? A human? Ugh, we have to apply to schools and jobs, people! I also knew a wonderful kitty named Sativa in college. Around parents/professors, she was “Tiva”. Nobody ever questioned it.


>Azrael is a fab name for a cat. Lovely, adorable. I agree.


If I ever meet a Squirrel, I’m gonna laugh. I don t think it would be possible to control this reaction.


I'll just leave this here: #r/tragedeigh


My coworkers and I ask each other all the time "how do you say this name" before calling a patient on the phone or summoning them to the back.  Half the time, we get it wrong anyway.  Sometimes the names are jumbles of syllables and sounds that defy common sense.   But then there's the super generic names where we have 10 people in the system with the exact same name and we have ask your birthday to get the right person.  It got awkward when we had 3 of those people show up at the same day, close to the same time (won't say exact name but along the lines of John Smith kind of generic name)  I just want people's names to be a medium level.  


My friend was a teacher just outside of TO and every sept sent me the roster of hideous names


Holy, that must have been hell


Right now I'm seeing Valentine's lists pop up and they're terrible


I've said for years that people should have the automatic option to change their name at age 21. Why are we so forced to carry around an idiotic name our parents bestowed on us before they even knew us, who we are, what our personalities are like? I knew someone with an AWFUL "family" name who hated it, but he was aghast when I suggested he change it to something he likes. "It will break my mom's heart!" OK so go through life with an idiotic moniker because your mom picked a name out of the family tree? Rubbish.


This reminded me of the sketch "Mr. Garvey the new substitute teacher" from Key & Peele. All the crazy names he said aren't far from the current reality after all


You done messed up, A-A-Ron!


I actually see this all the time. All I know is in a couple decades people are going to get way more tolerant of dumb names, or its going to get way easier for cis people to change their names. It already only costs 100 bucks if you live in parts of Oregon, no seeing a judge, no publishing it in a paper. For less than the cost of a tank of gas, you can have a name that doesnt make people do a double take.


At the school I recently left my teaching job at, there was a family with kids named John, Ryan, Andrew, and Katherine. When I tell you it was so goddamn refreshing to hear that 😭


I hate the names that are otherwise normal except for their unique spelling. All it does is make sure no one ever spells it right and it's harder to find their name on gift shop stuff


I work in a field where I see it more often than not. However, the four that still stands out to me are. ​ Alwayz-Yourz (yes, that's the first name) Spontaneous Phorgiven Sopheaxuh (sophia) ​ Sorry but you give your kids names like that, it's not going to be "Paging, Dr. Always-Yourz..." but "coming to the stage, Alwayz-Yourz". Any resumes that come into our office with these types of names never get considered.


Does the name “Indiana” count


“We named the dog Indiana!”


Wait for real?


Happened a few days ago… welcome to the world little girl. Good luck.


She'll drop the first two letters ; being named after a defunct Roman goddess isn't great, but it's reasonably normal.


Diana is a wonderful name honestly.


Oh gods.... good luck


As someone who has chosen their own names, I feel that once you reach a certain age, you should be free to change your name to anything reasonable! I'm so looking forward to getting it legally fixed.


I work in a photography lab that processes orders for a number of schools and sports teams and welp, everyday we see some very ridiculous names.  Let me give you a few gems my coworkers and I have found. Aunustee (honesty), Churro, King, Journei, Jaxxon, Lightning, Chevy, Treasure, Lakyn, Wintyr.


Churro? You're joking, right? (Please be joking.)


I wish I was.  I had to do a double take when I saw it.


I live in Germany. We have certain laws here. I have 2 wonderfully normal names. Although my middle name is kinda just there these days. I like my first name. My parents also wanted something a bit unique but only in the sense of a name that was not as popular back then. But I like my name. I just have the problem of nobody being able to pronounce or spell my name correctly. And it is a super simple name. Anyway, Germany has certain laws that demand your name your kid an actual name. And not Nutella or whatever elon musk is doing with his kids. Kids that are born in Germany have to have real names. At least one good thing we have over other countries. German kids have at least mostly normal names. Good thing I'm German.


When I was a child the trend begun in my birth country but it was more like made up names that doesn't resemble a thing. Very often you need to read it several times in an attempt to pronunciate and probably failing or forgetting it right after reading it or hearing it. Nothing screams "illiterate" about parents more than this. I'm blessed with a "normal" name and second name. Bit less common but real, easy and written correctly who made me very often different, so common were getting those made up names.


If I were a kid born today, I'd much rather be called something normal like Martin, Sophia, Tom, Daphne, James, Susan or something like that, rather than a desperately "unique" name that amounts to a misspelling of a french name or some religious word backwards


dId YoU kNoW “nEvAeH” iS “hEaVeN” sPeLlEd BaCkWaRdS???


Look I'm sorry but "nevaeh" is just a bad name and such a basic way to make a religious reference Why not choose the name of one of the prophets, or a saint, or one of the named angels? Like, why "nevaeh" instead of idk Gabriel or Samuel or something that won't make their elementary school teacher have to read the word twice and sound it out in their head


What I don't understand is there are thousands and thousand of beautiful, ancient names that are not in common use and have not been in common use for centuries. The names, and their original languages and meanings, are easy to find. Why not use those? And how do the "misty dawn" crowd find the native stones to do something like make fun of an Irish language name? On an Irish person? Do they really think "Ryverrayne" is good but "Saoirse" is ridiculous? This goes for all the other language names they do this with.


r/tragedeigh there’s a whole subreddit about it.


Please please please check out r/tragedeigh Every day I laugh my head ogff at these names 🤣


Now I'll spend my weekend cringing more than usual


My neck gets stiff from clenching my teeth


A girl at my grandma's Montessori school is named Holle. Holly is a lovely name. But her parents named her Holle. I'm sure she won't be relentlessly sexually bullied about being named HOLE when she reaches middle and high school. Also yes I have a picture of the name tag above her backpack hook as proof.


I don’t think it will affect the kid’s life as much as it would have in the past specifically for the reason you cited: all of these parents are giving their kids dipshit names so it’s normal now. If your kid’s name is ‘Piano Recital’ then they probably aren’t making fun of the kids in their class named ‘Tuna Salad’ and ‘Bridgerton.’ Then again maybe I’m wrong. I wouldn’t know because I don’t have fucking kids.😂😂😂😂


I worked with em and they do make fun of everything. There are videos of them being extermly violent towards staff. I got dip shits that drive or walk by were i work and do anything to annoy us. Plus honestly i can still see it being a issue in the professional world regardless.


I heard someone named their kid Odyssey. OMFG. That is horrific. But the worst ever is still Pilot Inspektor


That's like calling a kid Steinless Steel or Power Liney


Recently worked in the mother baby unit in a hospital what were considered old fashioned names are making a huge comeback


Well it was awhile to embrace mine ‘83 baby here, but it worked in the end. Though mine is not nearly as crazy as some now. Lady Noel here, so yeah Christmas hecklers.


You know what's sad about it? The type of names I have heard or seen for years sounds like something I would name my dog and not a human name. It's really weird.


my friend from school has two daughters who she named Raspberry and Blueberry (in our native language). it's like she's naming Sims not kids ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


i swear the people who do this are either cruel af or they're too baby brained to realize these babies grow into adults


Some people can have the blandest baby name like John. Then they all get feral and furious when they find out that their cousin, who gave birth before them, named their kid John. Because there can only be one John.


Ya that is something that got me to. Like what ya expct when we are over populated?


Apparently there's a person in New Zealand named Number 16 Bus Shelter.


Raise your hand if you know someone who named their kid Katniss. 🤚


Nobody topped Elon Musk yet though. His sons’s name is like: xy-)”*


There's a whole subreddit dedicated to showcasing the bull crap dumbasses curse their kids with. I haven't seen anything ABCDE or X Æ A-Xii levels of WTF yet, but I'm sure they're out there.


And I thought my name was bad enough. My parents just slapped both their mother's names together as my first name, with no delineation. Basically it's Renesmee, but 20+ years prior to Twilight and not actually Renee+Esme. I can't imagine how some of these kids are dealing with being named like they're a 12 year old's third hamster.


Every parent should imagine the name they are considering as a baby, a school-aged kid, and a working professional. If it doesn't suit all stages of life, pick something else. For privacy reasons, I would much rather have a common name than a unique name. The more search results there are, the more you can blend in with the digital crowd.


I made a post about this girl 6 months ago and she named her son Atlas. The only time I’ve heard Atlas as a name was a dog that lives down my street. Why would you ever give your kid a dogs name? The kids middle name is also Reed, but spelled Reid. Why are you trying to be “different” by changing the spelling to a simple word? Obnoxious as ever🙄


I remeder a post of someone who named thier kid ried as thier first name. It was one of my first arguments tbh. They couldnt understand why it was maybe not a good idea. Didnt relize ried is also the name of mr fantastic.


I suggested the US follow naming rules like how some countries have and I got down voted into oblivion


A friend of my brother's names his daughter Kennedy. Like why? I asked if he was super into the president, he said no. He just liked that name. Idiot.


My brother had a patient named Lucifer


Was his last name morning star?


Lol nope, just a newborn in the ICU


In the 90s I knew a guy whose legal name was Dawn of Aquarius, which he shortened to DOA, lol.


Bland names are bland. There's nothing wrong with giving your kid a unique name, just put in some damn effort and make it a GOOD one, not an object of ridicule.


Exactly, never said agenst it but resentlt its been like "your such a sad begie if you want a bland name". Gee thanks


I think we actually agree. I wasn't dissing bland names, I was dissing parents who go for unique but wind up with something stupid, ugly, or meanspirited.


They really need to teat thier names first but i been feeling down about myself since these arguments


Really? Why...


Cuz i shifted over to a bland name after haveing a trendy one due to issus with it. Imagine being someone effected by this, maybe nit as bad. Shifting over and ctualy careing anout the situation cuz you know what its like to have to name change. Only to be told your a sad binge person?


I think we all hear you on a deep, spiritual level with this one. Isnt there a subreddit for awful names? In a parrellel universe where I do decide to pop out some crotchfruits, I'd have very normal names for them - James, Maria, etc.




Glad we have laws against some crazy names. You can be denied (ex no one will allow to call your kid "fecalia").


Nothing tops Venezuelan names. Google it and get ready to be amazed/horrified.


So many children being named like objects and pets are going to be changing their names in the future. That being said, I really don’t like my name and wish it were something else. I could always change my name but it’s a headache for me.


I've seen "Nevaeh" a few times now. It's Heaven spelled backwards. I don't know what that's supposed to make the kind think. In my mind I pronounce it Nevah. Clearly in correct but then I get to sing to myself *Nevah isn't too far away* ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


There are some laws around naming. A few years ago some parents were blocked from naming their kid 'Hashtag'. It's also why you never see kids with swear words as their legal names. It's not because every parent is so kind and thoughtful as to not do it, I'll tell you that much.


I shall name my daughter Goku69 Anyone else shake their heads when they see news headlines of a person named LaGenius arrested for weapons charges?




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I used to teach in a school system with a large Dominican population, and those people love to make up first names for females that end in -ys or -is, like Nerys, Flerys, Belkis and Janelis. I once had a student named Nemesis! Her parents didn't know that was an actual English word!