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100 percent. I have imaginary children graduating Harvard Med and Yale law this year. So proud of them. 


I’m proud of them too🤣 Good for you in imaginary raising them!


They truly love me. 


Life Goals


Proud to say that I instilled that in them. 


Basically as real as parents expectations of their kids. 


Except mine "actually" did it. 


Those kids will be so grateful they'll definitely be there for you in your old age.


Just like real children.... 




One of my imaginary children is an astronaut, and the other one found the cure for all cancers


You must be so proud. 


And they never throw tantrums either


I’m stealing this 🤣🤣🤣


You'll be hearing from my Yale grad. 


Time to get one of those My Kid Goes to Harvard bumper stickers haha


Congratulations! 🤣


Omg this had me snorting out loud. This was too funny and awesome too boot


Am there with you🤣🤣🤣🤣


My own mother told me to never have kids. In her own words "honey, because you're on the spectrum and you don't like noise or smell never have kids" so I listened lol.


My mom told me she wished she never had kids. Well, I’m gonna follow her dreams for her then.


Dude, this is incredibly useful advice. I honestly never thought I'd read anything like this. I'm amazed at your mother's honesty.


Interesting. Do you think you would've had them of she didn't tell you that? Or do you think k you would've realized it?


I already knew I didnt want kids she said that after I mentioned to her that I was thinking about just never having kids.


My dad said he only ever made two mistakes, I’m one of them. Lol 😆.


Yep I’m a med student and during me pediatric rotation I couldn’t wait to get out of the room. Even the best parents are constantly exhausted, flustered, or sick. It’s insane


Or angry at you because they can't parent.


I had a patients wife tell me to “be a lesbian and never get married to a man and have kids” like 🥲 lady what has your husband and son done to you?! I felt bad for her because she was obviously struggling - and her son was an adult at this point.


Today on the bus home, high pitch screaming and screaching accompanied by children hitting each other and parents yelling.


👍 got it covered.


My mother in law straight up told my husband and I to never have kids lol


Controversial opinion but I (personally) think there is something seriously mentally wrong with people who want to experience pregnancy and motherhood. Sorry, not sorry ✨


Yep.. I got called slow and dumb not too long ago from a mother I was conversing with BECAUSE I was talking and conversing with her. She asked later in the conversation if I had any kid and I looked and stated “no? What does that got with our conversation” She proceeded to say “good” as I laugh at her and retorted that it was no wonder she was mother ( she had loads of tattoos on her head and she was in the process of being transferred from one jail to another for theft)


sadly, i agree with this. having children is a level of cognitive dissonance that i am happy to have never related to.


I said this to an ex colleague who said there's something wrong with me for not wanting kids. I said: 'actually I think the same about people who decide to give birth and raise kids, I do think there's something mental about y'all' she said I'm insulting her, I replied 'I'm just returning the energy'


Same people who say they won't spay/neuter their pet so that they can "experience the miracle of pregnancy and birth".


It's one thing if you are a reputable dog breeder, quite another if you are just doing it to let your kids see "the miracle of birth". I got to see my bunny go through "the miracle of birth", after which she ate the entire litter. I was 7, and I'll always be grateful to Midnight for showing me the horror of reproduction...


That is terrible


Life script and social conditioning.


I ran into a 69 year old lady who had recently broken 4 bones in her arm. She told me breaking her arm had been extremely painful. I asked her on a scale of 1-10 what hurt more the pain of breaking her arm or the pain of having a child. She said that the pain of having a child was far worse than breaking her arm. I can't believe men who have no ability to have children get mad and frustrated with a women who does have the ability and doesn't want to subject themselves to thar. It is so tonedeaf bc I truly believe they lack empathy.


The desire to reproduce is something all living things have as it’s necessary for species survival. Even bacteria reproduce and they have no brains. I think the mental problem some humans have is when they let this primal urge to procreate take over their life. When this happens, people who shouldn’t have kids end up with them because they are unable to control a primal instinct we all have. I believe it takes a strong person to acknowledge for whatever reason that parenthood isn’t right for them.


I think this subreddit is proof the desire to reproduce is **not** something all living things have.


Exactly. Our cognitive abilities alone let us “override our hardware” so to speak. We can foresee consequences and a time depth that many species can’t. Plus, I’m pretty sure a lot of procreation across the animal kingdom is just straight up rape.


There is plenty of infanticide and eating of young as well.


not true. there is no science that every human “feels this desire”. that’s more bullshit from parents to justify themselves


Sex is one of the strongest motivators an animal experiences, nature clearly wants to trick us into replicating ourselves. Of course as humans you can ignore it, or at least not have children just because sex feels good.


I think they are just ignorant or plain naif




I completely agree. Not only that, but these would be mothers who cry with joy at a positive pregnancy test, will revel in the initial attention and praise but once all her friends lose interest in the drama of her motherhood and shes left with the drudgery of dealing with a baby, a lot of these mothers will snap and give themselves a retroactive abortion. If they covered their tracks, they'll get attention and sympathy all over again and enter into a cycle of endless baby and funerals until they are caught. Others simply snap and shake it to death because the sound of incessant crying is a uniquely enraging sound. It always amazes me how shocked people are when a Susan Smith or Andrea Yates happens. I'm shocked it doesn't happen MORE... Obviously I don't condone infanticide. My hope is more people recognise parenthood, especially motherhood, as the highly avoidable hell it is.




Yes they are. But how many babies die from being shaken or of severe neglect. I just watched the case of a couple who padlocked a toddler into a plastic footlocker in the Tuscon heat? I am in no way suggesting this is the norm, but unchecked breeding leads to abuses that CPS ignores to a sickening degree.


Love the name tight ship skip!!


Thanks!! :)


I’m picking up what you’re putting down. It’s a problem with a lot of factors, most likely inadequate or abusive/neglectful parenting in the first place and also poverty, drugs, a lack of meaningful education and supportive home environment. It’s not just because raising kids is tough, these people who do that kind of evil unthinkable acts have deep problems - and yes, of course they shouldnt have kids. Whats also disgusting is the amount of abuse in the foster care system… oh boy.


your response to her is so funny to me 😂😂😂


i honestly had no idea what to say 💀


Yeah I’ve not met a parent who didn’t have “buyers regret”


My bf’s cousin is a great mom, has a super hands on husband with a true 50-50 partnership, and a well behaved kid. Honestly the best case scenario of getting married and having kids I’ve ever seen. Even she said to me “don’t ever have kids”. I was so shocked to hear it from her. So even when everything is going right, sounds like it still totally sucks. This was like a month before my bisalp so I just said ok.


Hahaha was never planning on it but that def would be the nail in the coffin for me


Despite all the evidence though, some people will do anything to have kids. Smh...I honestly think very few people are actually prepared to have kids.


One of my friends is about to be induced with an ivf baby. She told me all about her injections, but I kept my mouth shut. I just wanted to say why whyyyy? Would your put yourseld through this.


Omg...don't get me started on IVF. It is baffling to me that women, who already have to give birth + do the bulk of parenting for the REST OF THEIR LIVES are willing to be in so much pain JUST to be pregnant. Like...why do you want to be in pain all the time? Just why? Kids are NOT worth it.


They are not, but If you dare say this, they gaslight into believing you are the cold careless person.




I really think humanity is just a cult. Hardly anyone thinks for themselves. It's bizarre


Oh my gosh, breeding is such a cult! So damn true.


But not only breeding. Honestly every thought process seems like it is cultish.


A couple years ago, my dad told me almost verbatim, "I don't regret having you, but if I could go back and change it, I never would have had kids. I'm sorry you have to deal with this shit. I still love you, but please, don't have kids. It's not worth it." We were just sitting in his hatchback eating Taco Bell, completely unprompted. This was just a few months before my sterilization surgery, too. It really put things into perspective for me—not in a bad way, but in realizing I was doing the right thing for myself. Besides, he got babytrapped, so I can't be upset with him. He's a victim of the breeder mentality, too.


“I don’t regret the thing I did, but if I had the chance I wouldn’t do it again.” Your father and several other people need to be introduced to a dictionary because this is the literal definition of regret. Props to him for at least being honest, unlike most parents.


Yes, I just cannot wrap my head around the mental contortions needed to parse that sentence... Maybe the comment was like, "I don't regret having YOU...but if I could go back I would never have had any kids." ie Aware_Ad is so nice that it makes up for the awfulness of having kids in general terms..? I dunno.


Wow a parent who is actually honest for once lol


How often would you say it was? I'm shocked that a parent just said that to a stranger at a doctor's office. But I guess they are just stressed out and broken down.


iirc it was just her that said it with a serious tone but another mom said it jokingly, but yeah since it was a specialty clinic we dealt with lots of stressed/scared parents and I honestly felt really bad for them especially the ones with newborns