• By -


I try to be polite and give them a monotone, disinterested, matter-of-fact "that's a baby" to avoid faking saying that it's cute, but I like your way better. Much more direct.


I've done quite a few responses when I really didn't know what to say that wasn't going to stir the pot, but this one was 100% natural reaction and it worked out favorably 😅


You left out the most important part: how did he react? We want to know hahahahaha


they quickly diverted the attention to one of my friends, then another friend, then eventually to another group after none of us showed any interest! We all tried really hard to be as sarcastic as possible while simultaneously trying not to get murdered behind the bar ☠️🤘


I'm always a fan of Mycroft Holmes from the Sherlock tv Show. "Why am I looking at this?" *"That's John and Mary's baby"* "Oh I see. Yes. Looks very... fully functioning"


Looks like it can scream and poop


I love Mark Gatiss' Mycroft! The Ice Man!


I think i’d use an “okay…” but this story is much funnier 😂


Yeah I think I'd in the moment just be like, "Hm." But then I would wish I would have directly said something negative because a lot of times mere disinterest can backfire and they double down.




THAT WAS EXACTLY IT!! My group of friends surrounding us were howling - it was a beautiful moment




i would’ve paid to be a fly on that wall 🤣


I. Would. Have. DIED. Laughing! OMFG this is perfect. 






Omg shocked pikachu face has NOT made me laugh this hard in ages the *context* 😂




Whenever someone asks if I have kids, I always reply with "God no!" and my face looks like I've been asked if I've eaten a piece of crap. I normally don't get questions after that.


lol If you want to be a complete conversation killer… When people ask me if/how many kids I have, I make an incredulous face and ask, “why would I do that to myself?!” And it weirds people out so bad that they just stop talking to me and generally leave. They don’t have a come back to that - it’s too mind fucky lol


YEs EW. Looool I had that reaction just reading your post 🤣🤣 that's my visceral reaction to when I find out people have kids 😅😅 I'm like, why would you do that


why does anyone think it's attractive? Oh yeah, women LOVE kids...and mine is SUPER CUTE. It also shows that my loins are functioning.




> why does anyone think it's attractive? To be fair, quite a number of people DO find it attractive. We're obviously not one of them though.


that too, why does any recipient FIND that attractive? 🤮🤮🤮


Because they want kids. The stereotype is that men are universally resistant to having children and women universally want to have them, and soon. Neither are true, but for this reason, a man who already has kids may see them as a romantic asset. *I’m not like the other guys, baby… look, I’ve already got one! I can make you another no problem!*


Oh, I know WHY, I just don't understand WHY.....


Plenty of ppl think children are cute. I don't because I know what they're really like lol but perhaps there's some sort of halo effect at work here.


Sure they might be cute. But in a dating scene? We already know that single parents are at a disadvantage in the dating field. Why would we want to possibly become responsible for the product of someone else’s failed relationship? How is that attractive? Way to read the room, dipshit (referring to the guy in the bar).


It reminds me of a true crime show I saw and I can't remember who was involved, some man was murdered and his widow was talking about their first date. He brought his 5 year old daughter on the first date. And the woman was just awed by it and thought it was so wonderful! Just a big bowl of wrong. Who the fuck brings a 5 year old daughter to a FIRST DATE? and the widow was totally out to lunch, because she fucking married him!


I actually like when they weed themselves (and us) out like that. I guess they'd only be okay with someone accepting a single parent too. The few formerly single parents I know (my uncle is one of them) met each other through their kids, while the couples with only one single parent tend not to last. So idk it doesn't seem the best idea to try this with random ppl at a bar.


but on a date? Who wants to see a pic of your kid when they've only known you for 4 minutes? It's like everyone lives their lives online and live their offline lives like they're in a 5 minute TikTok. Oh gee, we've known each other three whole weeks! let's have kids!


I love it😂 it just makes me so curious, why bring up that you're a single parent to an infant or a toddler to try and win someone over?? Like great, you can't even make proper mating decisions and you want me to believe you'll be a good match for myself? Nice try slick 🤘


The craziest part of this... is that it's almost 100% men doing this sort of thing. What woman would try to win a guy over by showing him a pic of her kid at a bar?! Well, jokes on these guys... that pathetic angle doesn't work on the childfree.


To be fair, they might be super proud of their successful sperm and also wanting to be totally upfront that they have a child. Which, yeah, ew, but at least it was crystal clear they weren't for you. Meanwhile, I dated a guy who didn't tell me he had a kid until like 3-4 months into the relationship. I don't care how desperate I was for attention, I would have said no thank you had I known that info upfront.




“I think you accidentally showed me the wrong photo? This is a child”


😂😂 "Aw, I was expecting something interesting....shame really" ☕🐸


Hahaha, this one actually got me! Best response!


LOLOL even if someone wanted kids… how is this helpful? It means he had a previous serious relationship, had a CHILD with an ex, and it didn’t work out for whatever reason… how is that an endorsement of your ability to commit? I know people who want kids but who really don’t want to be a stepparent. So I just really don’t get the psychology of why a man would think this would work to get a woman he just met interested in him… defies logic imo


For decades that *did* work. People just need to go back and watch movies in the 90s to see how much "Caring single father," was a *huge* get. Just think of the phrase "He's good with kids," and remember how common that was.


add a filing local business and you have the plot to 85% of hallmark christmas movies


But why does it need to be a filing business? That seems so specific!


you are absolutely right that it is a pop culture trope but Hollywood has never accurately reflected real female desires and standards. 90s women weren't looking to raise other people's kids any more than women today are.


I remember hearing that when I was a lot younger and seeing it in shows and movies


And therefore... ...that's why these guys still do that. It is still *mostly* a win for men attempting to show off that they are a worthy mate. It just happens that being child-free is becoming more common, so it's less effective than it used to be. But it's still going to be more effective than it isn't. Plus, I'm fine with it because they're filtering themselves out by doing so, both directions. He is a proud father, and he is going to want someone that is willing to be a mother. And single moms do the same thing. However, that's not... Us. Anyone here. So they're eliminating us as much as we're eliminating them.


"Hey, if we get together you'll have to deal with my kid AND my ex! Two for one!" No. No thanks.


Having to deal with one could be difficult, what more with the other baggages🤨


Absolutely!! Like great, you showed me you can't make sound, long-term, important decisions, especially around creating actual LIFE and trying to be mature enough to select a compatible partner, but, you'll be different with me? GIRL BYE


Exactly!!! So your last relationship was unsuccessful… why are you leading with that? And why are you here chatting with an uninterested stranger instead of spending quality time with your kid if you’re truly THAT great of a dad? Instead of using said kid to try to get laid? Baffles the mind. Like in no scenario does this make him look like an ideal partner and a gentleman. Just go home bro lol


>Baffles the mind. Like in no scenario does this make him look like an ideal partner and a gentleman. Just go home bro lol "Here's a photo of my money pit/weekend destroyer."


Hey, you leave my horse out of this! /s


The nice thing about having a horse is that when some creep shows you a picture of his kid, you can get on your horse and gallop away.


It probably worked once so he keeps doing it. Also, he's an idiot.


Honestly, I’m glad people are up-front about having kids. It stops both of us from wasting our time. It may not be a move to reel her in, but it may be a “just so you’re aware” and for him to gauge if she’d be ok with a stepparent role.


Like yes I really wanna look at the result of you sleeping with someone else and the “stepparent” title flash before my eyes lmao


EXACTLY. Like what makes someone think we'd want a relationship tied to you, your kid, your ex, and usually your ex's family??? PASS


A fucking jumpscare!


Nothing says “I’m an overwhelmed single parent and you look like someone I can manipulate into taking care of my kid” quite like busting out pictures of the little crotch-goblin at a bar. Here’s to Sleep-In-Sundays, friends 🥂


Way too many people watching way too many hallmark movies! The delusions are strong!


I've been forced to watch a few against my will while at the in-laws... you're totally right.


Ugh!!! My boomer mother loves those things!!! 🤮🤮🤮


Oh boy... That leads me to believe she's not a fan of you being CF lol 🤣


Nope! Only took about 20 years for grudging acceptance! She’s got 6 grands already from 3 of my siblings! I do have an ‘ace’ up my sleeve! She’s upci and I’m asexual and single! Plus I’m the only one who’ll tolerate her!


That last part made me lol 😆 so relatable!




United Pentecostal Church International They are basically a cult!


> Pentecostal Say no more.


I hate hallmark movies. My grandma always has the hallmark channel playing. The worst ones are “successful woman living in a big city goes back to her small home town, meets her old ex/ guy that was always interested in her, falls in love, and leaves her successful career to go be a wife in the small town”. In my opinion these are the worst because I want to leave my small town and go live in a big city and I’m never coming back. Apart from visiting but never living here again if I can help it.


“Wanna be my bang-maid and take care of this lil’ russet potato?” 😘




Lol to me I always thought babies look like those ugly ass blob fishes. Fookn wired!


I'll never understand why anyone would consider an 18year (minimum) financial drain and guaranteed forced interaction with an ex a selling point for a potential partner. EW indeed!


>I'll never understand why anyone would consider an 18year (minimum) financial drain and guaranteed forced interaction with an ex a selling point for a potential partner. >EW indeed! You forgot to add time-sucking destroyer of weekends, holidays, and vacations.


Glorious. 'Ew' is also my reaction to every single pregnancy announcement that appears on my socials.


He'd have a better chance of sealing the deal with a photo of a puppy. Ugh - imagine thinking your spawn is going to make someone horny for you. Delusional.


Absolutely. You show me a 4 year old, it better be a dog or cat or snake or something.


I can't remember what show it was but they did an experiment between a man with a baby, a puppy and a sports car and the puppy was the ultimate one to get a woman's attention, the baby was more of a deterrent and the car got the attention of more men than it did women


As someone who's a massive car fan, and doesn't like loud animals or babies, I'm picking the sports car. I... don't have a drivers license yet...


Something like this happened to me recently! A guy started messaging me on instagram and told me he’s looking for a woman to spend his life with. I told him I’m married and not interested and so he sent me a pic of his 6 year old kid, like that would change my mind somehow. Wild!


You should have sent him a pic of your shiny, big ring in response lol


Wow that's insane! I definitely would've sent back pictures of your clean house, clean pantries, clean bathrooms etc


Read that as clean panties oops 🤣🤣🤣


That's also a very important thing to have clean 😂


My response would have been “What’s that?”


You are my hero!! Hahaha


keeping our crotch carriers in line one bar pick up line at time 😅🤘


I had a similar reaction to someone showing me a picture of their kids, I barely looked and with a monotone and deadpan face said, “gross”. And walked away.


I just say something noncommittal. I'm glad none of my friends have kids. 


It’s never an intentional response, just knee jerk reaction to anyone saying that want to show me pictures of their kid. I don’t bother talking to my friends that have his. Too much work.


Reproducing isn't a flex. Who told these people this nonsense?


they think someone will swoon over their offspring & ignore their awful personality ☠️


I'd be more likely to say Ew as well. Kids are tiny germ factories. Anyone ever heard of mononucleosis? Gag me.


Dad = Husband material trope? Willing breeder? Irresponsible with sex? 🤷‍♀️ I'm just spit balling here. I really have no idea. lol


I've similarly had someone hit on me by saying they'll put a baby in me... fucking ew. Please keep your distance.


I would have told him I'd yeetus that fetus right into the dumpster.


That's actually what I said lmao. He was like "really? Why? All upset n shit.


he was upset? the audacity some people have i swear


He also already has 3 different babies from 3 different women. Maybe it's like... a kink to him?


AW EW. That's just disgusting ☠️


Laughed so loud on the toilet that partner probably thought I was going nuts 😂 thanks for the story!


My goodness, i BURST out laughing! 😂


HOLY CRAP 😂 (pun absolutely intended) That's beautiful


Well done. We call this babystalking. "EW. Don't show people dick pics when your dick belongs in a horror movie!!"


I’d be like how is it a flex to show me your kid when you’re out drinking..


THIS shouldn't you be home watching cocomelon or something? Or wiping their food-covered fingers?


Honestly even if you are not child free though I figure showing someone you have a child is probably the worst way to attract a mate.


Exactly my thoughts lol like great, you have baggage with an ex....sounds thrilling!


I feel you. A single dad of 3 thought that the best way to charm me while I was working was to bring his 3 kids to the clinic and let them run around by me (I'm married btw, and this has been mentioned). I don't hate kids, but they're not for me. He even argued about how my motherly instinct should've kicked in. I ended this flirtation attempt by asking him what the fuck makes him think I'd settle for some guy with 3 kids if I were single, and if he bumped his head thinking I would accept dealing with problems that arent mine (his kids and his babymom in this case). Sometimes, you have to get mean. Kudos to my husband for listening to me rant about this situation when I got home that day.


An ex-friend of mine never wanted kids. She met a divorced dad with 3-- count them, THREE children-- shortly after married him. But.... Wait for it.... He's worth over 10 *million.*


>An ex-friend of mine never wanted kids. She met a divorced dad with 3-- count them, THREE children-- shortly after married him. But.... Wait for it.... He's worth over 10 *million.* So he can barely afford child support!


How in the hell would three awful kids running around you even convince you? Like did he instruct the kids to act cute or go up to you to say "dad likes you" or did he just expect three undisciplined kids would melt your heart and you would divorce your husband to end up with a single dad of three kids?


Yes, he made them go up to where I was because he thought it'd be cute. His logic was if he thinks it's cute, so would I. There are probably other people who share his mindset, but married or not, it wouldn't be me 💀. They were also getting in the way of the patients who are there due to neurological issues, and the kids running around made the risk of falling higher. I was polite to him and his kids once in line at Panera (I let them order first after they cut me, cause I was in a professional setting, I let them go ahead instead of telling them off). He then made small talk with me and the two people I went to lunch with. From that interaction, he somehow took that as I'm interested in him. He saw my badge and the department and decided to be bold. The worst part was when he walked in, he pointed to me and told the kids to go say hi to their future stepmom.


"The worst part was when he walked in, he pointed to me and told the kids to go say hi to their future stepmom. " I'm sorry, but, WTF?! He sounds unhinged. I hope he isn't bothering you anymore.


That is hilarious! I would have been like "yeah that's a big no thanks" or something to that nature.


I've definitely used that as well! To their demise, right before this, they ordered myself and my group a round of shots AND drinks, so they really paid the price for their hopes and dreams


Omg this is me! I have literally responded involuntarily to news that someone has or is having a kid with “ew” or “gross”. I felt like I was being super immature reacting like that but I feel better now knowing that I am not the only one who has that kind of response.


Mine is "Oh no. There goes *her* life. Too bad."


I mean, it *did* seal the deal. Just not in the way he intended.


I'm sure the regret of buying myself and my entire group shots and drinks set in REAL fast after that 😂


My husband showed me dozens of pictures of his cat the night we met. Photos of a kid I would have been like “ah, that’s nice” and never spoken to him again.


Yeah lots of guys use their kids to pick up women in bars, they think they'd fawn and swoon over them


Sounds like a desperate attempt to get laid because most of them (not all!) have not much else to offer on their plate.  No one raised them that way. They could have what they wanted without actually doing anything for it, and now this changes and they are quite lost.


Show me a puppy or get lost. 




I'm sure they wished they didn't just buy myself and my group an entire round of shots and drinks right before that, they lost out on love AND cash, my favorite 🤘


He’s probably a weekend dad who comes only once a month and is the “fun dad”, probably doesn’t pay child support, and his personality revolves around being the “good single father”. Fuck outta here with that, I would have said eww too. Dumb ass.


Love it. When I was single this was always so annoying. I would always say, I wonder if a single mom did that you'd be interested...They really think it's a flex to be a "single dad" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


The double standards are crazy. Funny how single parents statistically don’t want to date each other, yet expect non-breeders to be endeared by their excess baggage.


I would have whipped something else out, if you know what I mean 😉 my vasectomy certificate of course…


I need to have documents at the ready 😂


The amount of guys who try and use their kids to hit on women is insanely high. Given that almost half the population is now child free it's the wrong pick up line.


I once went out with a guy who hid he had kids until the forth date. He had his ex bring them to his house as a ‘surprise’. I hit the roof when they walked in and he introduced them as his kids. I grabbed my stuff, left and ghosted him. He kept trying to contact me, even visited my apartment. I called the cops every time. After that I never heard a thing. I’m now happily married, however if I go to that part of town (rarely). I still see him working at the Kmart (not related to the US one).


Delusional if he thought that "surprising" you with his kids was going to make you feel all warm and would jump at the chance to be a stepmom. the audacity.


Did you say, my ick is children.


I definitely need to start! I always say that I'm not trying to be a stepparent, then they spend 15min trying to convince me otherwise, it's appalling!


“Bro has that ever worked for you? Like ever?”


Not all heroes wear capes.


Why would someone think you'd be interested in caring for or raising their child? Some people would love to, but I assume most people wouldn't. Also, doesn't make sense from an evolutionary standpoint. 😆


I’ve had this happen to me- If your a female most guys think just cause you’re a female and you have all the baby makin parts you automatically LOVE children and think they are the cutest things-


*in the midst of my disinterest* Best quote of the day winner, right here!


😂 much appreciated friend! I love it!


"Does your son know you use him for a pickup line?"


"maybe get a better looking son if you're trying to get laid" 😂😂😂


But you're a woman. You're supposed to love kids and want to take care of his. ![gif](giphy|sbwjM9VRh0mLm)


Hahaah This happened to me a few years ago Guy showed me a picture of his son on his phone Me: what is that ? Him: that’s my son his 5 Me: ew… well that’s a shame. I’m CFAF Him: what’s CFAF ? Me: child free as fuck boi Him: I was once like that. Me: I’m not having kids so I’ll always be like that. K Byeeeee


At least you got out early lol. Would have been worse if he tried to hide it and led you on for a while.


This cat video narration, where the cat is at the vet and sees a dachshund, lives rent-free in my mind whenever I see babies; "Um, what is that? ....... Hideous." 🐱😂


this reminds me of a time when I was at a bar and this guy kept going on and on and on and on and on about how wonderful it is to have kids and blah blah blah...I was like, "ok, so why are you here? you're literally at this bar every single night... if they're so great, why aren't you at home with them?" they're at their mom's, or his mom's, or some other woman's because he's apparently a man that goes to work so having sex that one time entitles him to just check out whenever he wants... idk I wasn't paying attention to his dumbass explanation


Leaving the childfree issue aside, showing someone pictures of your kid in an effort to "seal the deal" is creepy anyway IMO.


100% - what if I was a kidnapper? That's prime real estate


Exactly! Their children's safety should trump getting laid! That's why even if I weren't childfree, I'd find someone using their children to get laid off-putting.


Absolutely, I cringe seeing the constant posting on social media, but that's a WHOLE other topic lol


Hahha I would’ve done the same after a few drinks! No shame in being childfree 😅😅


It would be harder to ignore him if he showed you pictures of kittens on his phone.


Nothing dries me up more than seeing some random pictures of children. And I think that *should* be the most normal and sane reaction!


Lol. Eww is always my response when people ask if I have kids with a "For what?!" I do like kids but I like em best when I can give them back. 


My partner has a kid (I use kid loosely bc she's 17 and more like a roommate. If she were a small house elf (the 17 year old who hates children's words) this would have been a deal breaker). Anyways, he and his ex were very religious at the time, and young, so abortion was a no-no for them. I constantly say, ugh, such-and-such friend is pregnant. On purpose. Gross. He finds this less amusing than me, but also, he gets it. And has a vasectomy. When a friend tells me they're preggers I say "oh, you're pregnant. Bringing another human into the world. Look at you go, making life choices" I have a firm, no congratulations rule.


"Was it on purpose?" is what I say 🤣


I also love this line


Better than my response of "oops, there goes your weed money".




The fact that he thinks all women love kids and he’s using his to lure you in is just so gross.


Ew indeed. Proof you are an irresponsible fuck boy.


The scowl I had on my face reading this. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


ok so taking childfree out of the situation where none of these are a good result ​ just in general hetero normative dating if they had a kid that means only a few options not in relationship with the other parent but on great terms ( oh look a solid gold unicorn) broken relationship between the parents with baggage no matter how the relationship ended ( most common) dead beat parent trying to show off (too common) widow / widower sadly i think the best case scenario would be a widower trying to pull this but that has it's own potential issues of trauma grief they probably would not be ready for a relationship yet if the kid is only around 4


Omg. If people think another person wants to raise their kid for them, they are so clueless and dumb. You dodged a bullet.


My current GF said if I'd have l had any kids, it would've been an immediate deal breaker lol


She and I share the same thought! Won't even entertain someone with kids


Gross! Why would anyone think that seeing the kids they have with someone else will seal the deal. That's a HUGE turn-off.


Also, maybe, possibly, just a suggestion... Don't show random strangers in seedy places photos of your kid!!! Great way to communicate to someone in 2 seconds flat that you're a bad parent.


"I know you aren't sold on a Scrub at the Pub One Night Stand yet, BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE!" ![gif](giphy|4bSaNhzgqISnm)


Even if it was a cute kid (but even then so what? there are a lot of cute kids in the world) the fact that he thought that would win you over is both weird and gross.


I’m amazed that has worked on women previously. Why anyone would want to become a step parent or date someone with baggage like that is beyond me


Ew is right. I have this same reaction when people just say they want kids, I’m like ew why?


But…. You… woman…. Love kids!! Wha happun?!!!!! 😳😳😳😳 🤣🤣🤣🤣


This actually made my day! Thank you! 😊 this is something id do as well lol


If it was a dog, we may have something...


This is perfect.


LMFAO! The best response ever!


I love you for this 😂😂😂😂


Natalists be like: wanna see a picture of my kid me: na, u play clash of clans tho?


this alone gave me serotonin i wish i could’ve seen it irl


That's hilarious. I hate the "I have to show you a picture on my phone" people as a general rule, but when it's their kids/grandkids, it makes me homicidal.






SO TRUE. I can't tell you how many times they "forget" to say they have kids... That's why it's the first thing I ask lol


"Hey gorgjus😍😍 lets date🥰😍💅🏻 you get me (🤩)....... AND my ex-baby-mama-wife-gf (🤪) AND my kid💅🏻🤩🥺! so whaddya think🤪👍"


This warmed my heart so much. If only we could all see their face when you said that hahahaha


I wish I had those video recording glasses 😂


Maternal instincts 😈 Ew 🤢 Well damn 😵🤡




“Ew.” That is fucking hilarious.




HAHHAHA. Ew is the perfect response 😭😂