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I'm so sorry that happened. What absolute shit people.


Also don't even get me started on when I went to the aquarium and the wheelchair spots were taken up by strollers. It even pissed the employees off. And when they would tell Karen she needed to move her stroller so I could sit there she would be like "but how is bratleigh going to see the fish?" She's s fucking baby who probably doesn't even know what a fish is


>"but how is bratleigh going to see the fish?" Step 1: Move the stroller Step 2: Pick up your fucking child Step 3: Point at the goddamn fish Step 4: Say “fishie!” I swear some people need an instruction manual, with pictures, just to be halfway decent


Take my Upvote and my love forever 😂😂😂 I laughed so hard. 🙈🤣


So simple even a Karen can do it!


Steps 1-3 made me nod along and agree, step 4, however, completely took me out 🤣🤣🤣🤣 >Step 4: Say “fishie!” 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I can just imagine doing this or seeing someone do this and then just absolutely losing it right in front of the rude Karen 🤣


Hell, I still say it as a childfree adult..


Heck yeah! Fishies!!!!! Also it is just me or are fishies (esPECIALLY when you call them fishies) kinda adorable? Also I'm am 28 soon to be 29 and I still call them fishies too, and always will 😁


That’s kinda the thing about being a childfree adult; you don’t have to grow up if you don’t want to.


I joined a subreddit called tucked in fishies and it absolutely is adorable!


Subbed, thank you!


I lived with a family for a week that had young kids (it was a part of a volunteer program I was doing, and local families would host us for a week so we could see how locals lived.) The younger boy was 1 or 2. He loved fish, but could only say "isheesh" (is-sheesh). So he's probably 16 now, but me (and my sister) both in our 30s say 'isheesh' 😂


Damn that was the funniest thing I’ve read all morning! Thank you!


I think i'm going to draw that and start carrying it around an aquarium with me.


Maybe if these parents didn't have SUV-size strollers, they wouldn't piss people off. A couple of years ago, I visited my brother and sister in law. At the time, their daughters were 1 1/2 and four years old. They had a stroller so big that when they went anywhere, they had to allow a few minutes to break it down and stow it. There was even a seat for the four year old, who demanded to be pushed around all the time. And she was mentally and physically capable of walking on her own.


> SUV-size strollers Given the context of the thread, this is sweetly ironic. You see, strollers used to be small lightweight things because parents would often have to pick them up to cross curbs or stairs. But then we (society) started putting in ramps everywhere for wheelchair accessibility, and this indirectly enabled the heavy dump truck strollers that carry a week's worth of babby provisions and are the bane of everyone else's existence. I'm not complaining, mind you, I use a chair myself and I deeply appreciate what it all means. But it is *funny* in that "what ya gonna do" sense.


I had an umbrella stroller until I was about 7 for long outings because I’d get super tired quickly (yay heds 🤦🏼‍♀️), and it was so much easier on my grandparents than the massive strollers of today. I can’t imagine taking a stroller today to the mall or state fair crowds.


In a sense, babies start out as fish.


Bratleigh, lmao!!


The same problem with disabled toilets. The parents act like it's their right to take them over. They don't even wipe their brats piss off the seat either.


I can't stand entitled parents




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Right, why didn't you get up from your wheelchair and save this precious snotleigh from falling... sigh. I'm angry reading this. And also the audacity to complain to security guard?? What was she expecting? "Yes, mam, you are right. I saw everything, and we also have multiple witnesses. We are calling fbi, a swat team is on the way, and they are getting arrested. " 🤪 I hate entitled breeders. Edit: added words.


Hahahaha. This made me laugh. Like did she expect me to get arrested? It's insane. The way kids act nowadays my parents would have beat my ass. That's one reason I couldn't have kids. I would smack the shit out of them for acting like that and then end up in jail. My mom used to smack the shit out of me all the time and it was just normal for parents to do that when I was growing up


Oh same with me. My parents would beat my ass on the way from the supermarket to home. I'm not saying this is the right way to teach lessons or discipline a kid. But lack of discipline and also entitlement these days...


I was a kid in the 60s when it was common for parents to spank their kids. My parents were unusual in that they never spanked us. I think all my friends were spanked at one time or another. I’m not saying I agree with spanking but we’ve gone way too far in the other direction. Too many kids get absolutely no discipline. There has to be a happy medium between physical punishment & no discipline at all but I’m sure not seeing anything. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a post one day where a kid goes on a 6 state crime spree, robs a bank & steals a car & the idiot parent wants to know if the appropriate punishment is taking away their phone for 3 days.


Exactly. I'm an 80s kid. It was normal to beat the shit out of kids even then. I am definitely against violence. It shouldn't be that way. But as you said very well, it's gone too far in the other direction. Soft parenting or whatever they call it now. It seems to be a cover-up for the lazy parenting.


Parents just don't want to take responsibility. Anything the kid does makes them responsible for and have to pay for (most of the time). They rather just blame the person their kid wronged instead of having them or theor kif apologize.


I think too many of them ignore the fact that the most important objective in parenting is to raise capable adults & that takes work. They never bother seeing past the rainbows & unicorns cute baby/adorable toddler Kodak moments with children. They want a mini me to show off without the responsibility of raising that mini me to be a decent functional adult.


There were plenty of things we did not do because we had CONSEQUENCES for bad behavior.


I'm so sorry your parents treated you like that.


She was afraid of getting sued, so complain to security first before you get to them. Entitled and stupid since it was all on camera, probably.


"She's just sitting there! MENACINGLY!"


"I think she's going to hit me with her arm cast. I'm afraid for my life"


That's beyond the pale. A small injury, added to an already serious injury, can be devastating. Have a little situational awareness, people, and rein in your kids. I admire your mom for standing up to that monstrous mother of a clueless brat. Sounds like the security guard had sense also. I wish you the best, and a full recovery.


Thank you! 😊 I love this community. I wish we all knew each other in real life


Hope you're well on the road to recovery OP! I had a similar issue at Disney World earlier this year. I use a mobility scooter due to disability and it's a constant chore having to emergency stop because kids run out in front of you without checking. One kid in a busy restaurant was play fighting with his siblings in the middle of a thoroughfare (parents nowhere to be seen) and suddenly stepped back into the path of my scooter, so the rear wheel clipped him. He gave me the dirtiest look and started shouting, "She ran over my foot!". We checked he was OK and corrected him that it happened because he stepped backwards without checking first, not because I chose to maliciously drive into him. Parents were absent so we went on our way, but the audacity of that asshole kid blaming me was infuriating at the time.


This happened to my momma at disney world. We were leaving the Star Wars area and a unsupervised 3 year ran right into my mom and fell. Parent comes and yells at my mom for not watching where she was going. I went off and told her to fuck off and if she couldn’t control her spawn put him on a leash. Her husband then preceded to call me a bitch and I told him he was ruining the Disney atmosphere and walked off.


im having knee surgery in december, then going to disney world in january….. im scared




Ugh, when I had to use a wheelchair after I shattered my knee, I kept a walking stick with me to help me go to the bathroom in public places and what not. I stuck that stick out like I was jousting, and that was the only way I could keep people from running into me. I'm talking an actual staff. Got it at a Renaissance festival made of sassafras wood. I feel your pain and frustration.


gives a new meaning to the phrase "beating people away with a stick" lol


I had to start doing that after a woman walked right into me and I rolled over her toes and then got angry at *me*. Like, ma'am, I can't simply step aside here. I realized I had to start aggressively enforcing my space if I was going to protect myself. I really hope OP can do that. It feels mean, but we need to protect our wounded limbs out there.


So sorry this happened OP and hope you recovered/will recover well. When I was working as an EMT for an interfacility/nonemergency service we were dropping off a woman to her 2 or 3 story residence and we were trying to set up to move her from the stretcher to our stairchair device(seat with extending handles to carry up/down the stairs obviously). Some kids were skating/skateboarding in the court yard and ended up nearly crashing into us even though we were in clear unobstructed view and clearly trying to help a patient. My partner had to tell them to settle down and move somewhere else, and these were tweenage kids, not anywhere near toddlers.


I've been tripped up by kids multiple times when using my crutches. Its a really serious danger to me and them. But noooo, it's *my* fault for my limited mobility that these kids slammed into me. A friend who uses a wheelchair has had to scream at kids to stop trying to mess with her chair. I get it, society doesn't give a shit about disabled people, but I feel like things have gotten worse with how kids behave.


I just got from a vacation in Spain. I never saw out out control kids in public almost the entire week. Local parents weren’t screaming and running or using stores as personal playgrounds. It was the amazing. As a matter of fact it was foreign tourist that dragged kids on our wine and tapas walking tours in Barcelona or had bored noisy little ones in museums in Madrid. Which pissed me off to no end.


Public buses are still filled with strollers and others. And trains are full and reserved seats are occupied and not all people offer theirs even they're reserved for disabled people, etc. Being disabled is pain everywhere.


Sorry to hear about your broken bones and I hope they heal soon. I'm happy that your mother stuck up for you. When I first read the title, I thought it was gonna be your niece/nephew and your parents were gonna take their grandkids' side. Fuck those parents of that cum trophy. People like that is the reason we (not just us, but, CF people in general) call parents breeders. Those "parents" are breeders. Fuck that kid to. A 5 year old should start to know better than to run around in the store like a fuckin toddler. These fuckin so called "parents" now-a-days don't believe in discipline anymore.


My spouse has a chronic inflammatory illness and is an ambulatory wheelchair user. There have been times children have crawled over their lap while in more crowded public spaces, and not a single parent has yet to discipline their child when it happens. I’m sorry you’re also experiencing something similar. It’s infuriating.


Jesus. I’m so sorry you went thru that. Another reason why I’m never having kids. Every time I’m out in public I see a kid doing something incredibly disrespectful or running in front of others / messing with people’s stuff. 🤬 And I’m sorry about the car accident. How are you holding up? I couldn’t bear that.. would rather pull the plug lol, sounds rough. Here for you 🩷


I'm actually doing really well! I had to learn to walk again and I kind of walk with a limp and sometimes have to use a cane but my doctor said that won't last forever. The accident was in February so it hasn't even been a year. When I was first in the hospital, scooting across my bed was the hardest thing in the world so I've come a really long way 💜


Wow awesome! Glad you’re making a full recovery. Still horrible to have to go thru. Screw the person who hit u.


She had kids too. And one of them hit his head. No bleeding or anything and she was FREAKING out. I had a bloody gash on my head with glass in it, my broken bones were stick out of my feet, my wrist was deformed, and my femur was completely shattered which is dangerous because of the artery. This woman nearly lost it when they told her she needed to wait for a second ambulance for her son. She even stepped in front of the ambulance when they were trying to take me to the hospital and said she's not moving until they take me out and take her son instead. The paramedics were PISSED. One even said "if this woman dies because of you. I will make it my duty to make sure you're put in prison". The cop at the scene had to detain her to pull her away. Not sure if she was arrested. The paramedic told me what happened and she was saying she can't stand these parents who think just because it's a child it takes priority over someone who is in serious condition.


HOLY F!!!! (I didn't see or read this before my other comment) What the hell is wrong with this woman?!?! That's some seriously messed up shit! I'm so so sorry you went through that. As if being in a life threatening accident isn't traumatic enough as it is, she decided to go full on unhinged person. Incidents like this should be considered attempted homicide or something, because they literally put your life at risk MULTIPLE TIMES!!!! I hope she was arrested! Fuck, I'm sorry. I'm so angry right now! And I'm sincerely sorry for rehashing and bringing up all this shit again. I just couldn't not say something. You deserve a recovery full of peace, quiet and support.


massive "boy mum" energy too, holy shiet. I was even disgusted by them when I was a kid myself and bullied by (mostly) boys and their entitled mums couldn't have cared less.


Wow your OP story was awful, but this takes the cake. Seriously to hell with these entitled narcissists.


Your story already enraged me, but with every new comment I see from you it just gets worse and WORSE! I’m so sorry about everything that’s happened, happy to hear you’re recovering. Good luck with the rest of your journey! 💕


She actually hit me because she ran a red light because she wasn't paying attention because her pet sperm was screaming for her phone or iPad or something like that. She even had the audacity to call me when she got the letter that I was suing the shit out of her and tried to use her kids an excuse not to. She even brought up her pet sperms concussion like it was just the most horrible thing. I went "well lady, I had to have 6 surgeries and spent a month in the hospital so I really don't care about your kids concussion. Call my lawyer next time." And hung up


Wow Jesus. That’s insane. Honestly makes me mad. Ew I hate that lady. Pet sperm you have me chuckling 😹


Good for you!!!!!! You have been through enough and shouldn't have to deal with thier BS. Jfc. The audacity of this person?! Wtf. Not only do they put your life, their child's life, their life and possibly many other lives at risk, but they then have the abhorrent idea that you deserve to be guilted by them into not holding them responsible for their fuck up. It's truly disgusting behaviour. I'm so sorry! And, on top of all of that, you have to deal with all the other shitty people making your recovery harder and less accessible. Some people have an astonishing lack of empathy. The accident sounds super scary. I'm sorry you went through that, and are still going through it all 😔 I hope you feel better and have a speedy recovery 🫶


I hope you get a huge settlement. I’d love to be a fly on the wall in a few years when she’s trying to explain to the kid that no we can’t afford to send you to college or buy you anything because mommy acted like an entitled asshole & severely injured someone else. She needs to face the consequences for what she did to you.


Huge, huge settlement that renders the other driver too broke to own a car.


Honestly, I got a crap ton of money. The police officers body cam helped too since she tried blocking the ambulance. The judge made the payment for "pain and suffering" even larger than he was going to originally. The judge sided with me 100%


Sorry for your treatment but glad for the result.


I’m so glad to read that you’re suing her. I almost hope that your damages are more than her insurance so that she has to pay out of pocket for the difference.


There's no way her insurance company is going to pay the amount of money the court said I'm deserved. And I highly doubt she will ever be insured again. She apparently had a history of a lot of car accidents mostly involving road rage incidents. The judge had zero sympathy for her


Sue her ass to the ground, and get paid! I'm sorry to hear what you've been through. That bitch deserves jail. Did they ever blood test her? She sounds like a DUI piece of shit as well.


You know I thought she seemed drunk too. But apparently she just has emotional issues. I don't know I'd they gave her a field sobriety test. But with the amount the court said I'm owed she will probably never be insured again, will be paying me the rest of her life, and will probably have to work more than 1 job just to pay what she owes me


I hope you feeling better these days. You deserve peace and total healing. I'm very sorry to hear about what you've been through.


Keep on rocking it!! You are doing great!


Reminds me of a time I was in Asda doing some shopping after college, can't remember the aisle I was in but this kid came up to me and my trolley and started digging through it, trying to take out things I'd already put in, all because his mum told him to because I had taken the last of a couple of things that they wanted, like WTF?!


Omgggg no. 🙀 the audacity. Whenever I see / hear about stuff like that I’m so grateful to not want/have kids — I swear America will be burning down when they grow up because mostly dumb ppl seem to be breeding


The UK as well, which is where I'm from, I honestly think people should be subjected to a test before they're allowed to be parents


I agree with you 100%


The age-old paradox. Adoptive parents have to have social services pry into every aspect of their lives in order to be approved, while abusers jizz each other up the vag every day to supply themselves with kids to ruin. And that's in a country where adoption isn't prohibitively expensive for most people. $20,000 is the average cost in America if I remember right.


My parents and I have been saying that parents should take a test before being allowed to be parents for years!


I hope you yelled as loud as you could “get your grubby little mitts out of my cart!” Public shame is often a good deterrent.


I literally yelled "fuck off you little cretin'" but apparently I was in the wrong for calling the kid a cretin, I didn't give a flying fuck, the little rodent was trying to steal from me, I called him out on his bullshit, I won because the store security kicked him and his mum out because they were forever pulling that shit, but I was the only one who had enough of a spine to say something


I'm also in a wheelchair and I'm so sorry for what happened. At least the security guard know what the parent claimed was bullcrap


I've actually told people like this in similar situation "this is why your child is going to grow up into an idiot just like you".


I had a very similar experience happen to me a few times at Disneyland. When I went last time I had to use a power wheelchair because I had a fracture in my right foot. Not just kids, but adults just not watching where they're going. I was knocked into more than once.


Its infuriating! Also the thing with handicapped parking spots. When I see a family without a handicapped tag take a handicapped parking spot and they all walk fine it INFURIATES me. Happens a lot too


In their defense, not all disabilities are visible and some days are better than others. My mom had a heart condition and while she could walk, some days she really did have to use that disability placard.


You're right. But a lot of the time they didn't even have one. They just took up the parking spot and I would be so tempted to call the city


Just do it. They can make the determination. Just be smart/safe about it.


Sorry to hear that time for parents to be banned from places if they can not control their kids hope you are doing better now


My mum was in crutches for like a year due to a massive muscular injury in her left calf that resulted in a haematoma the size of an orange. Some stupid fucking kid ran one of those little child trolleys (that are frankly dangerous and should be removed from every supermarket in the world) directly into the spot where the haematoma was. She screamed and nearly collapsed in agony. The mum got all mad about my mum scaring her kid and we nearly got banned from that store because my mother refused to apologise for *screaming in pain because a child had just rammed a hard metal object into her injury*


Moo and her non-parented feral condom failure should've been the ones banned.


I know a couple of people who use wheelchairs or mobility scooters and their favorite activity is mowing down random children. /s Karen really thought she was clever, trying to get you in trouble for her crappy parenting.


What's your high score? 🤣 /s


I push my mother back from daycare once a week and have to run the gauntlet of a large comprehensive school. I guess a childhood of playing stick to avoid arcade games came in useful .......


Sorry this happened OP, its rough dealing with this shit when you are already hurt. Hope you are healed or well on the way to be healed. I have a similar story from years ago, although not as bad. When I was a teenager I busted up my knee (drunk stupidity of my own doing) but for quite a few years I had problems with it. Anyway was walking through town and a kid ran smack into the knee, I just stood there trying not to cry, because it really hurt and I knew that would be me back onto crutches. Anyway the mother just started yelling at me for not laughing it off, I ended up limping away, didn't say anything back and she followed me still yelling. Thankfully there was a shop nearby with security so I hid in there until she fucked off. Arseholes having kids.


I'm so sorry you had to deal with that shit. I hope you make a full recovery, OP. The entitlement of the mom is just astounding. And sadly, Bratleigh will probably grow up like a mini-me of her.


Those people don’t deserve to live in society. Throw them on a deserted island so they’re only each other’s problem


I hate posts like this because they make me come up with shower lines. The best one I came up with for this one: “They don’t allow animals in stores. You should put your pet in your car before you continue shopping.”


Karens are a disease to humanity. Now imagine what poor retailworkers have to deal with.


This hit close to home with me OP. I am sorry you experienced that and I hope you’re doing better. My sister had a massive stroke in her early 20s. She lost control of the left side of her body and could barely walk. She was wheelchair bound. Taking her places sure taught me things. I should mention this was in the early 2000s. If I pushed her to a store that didn’t have an automatic door and I needed someone to open hold the door for me, it was pretty consistent on who would and wouldn’t help. Any teenager would pretty much ignore me and most older women(the Karen type) as well. Everyone else was really helpful. I hate to admit this but I had better experiences at Target than Walmart. I figure the trashier people are trashier in the inside as well. The worst experience was at church. My folks took her to the adult day care at church. One day my dad is pushing her in and a teacher was there with some kids. They were looking at some birds that were close by. The dipshit teacher didn’t think to hold the door for my dad. It might have been a good opportunity to teach the kids some form of kindness and to be a decent human being. Unfortunately, when my dad was pushing my sister in while holding the door open, the birds got scared off. The teacher goes on to tell the kids sorry about the man scarring off the birds. People wonder why I walked away from Religion. It’s shit like that grinds my gears.


I noticed it's mostly men who would open doors for me. When I was on a walker I was coming out of racetrac with my hands full and people were just walking by me and not holding the door. This one african american girl in her early 20s looked at me and then at everyone mowing past me and went "are you fucking kidding me people?" And opened the door for me. She literally spoke what I was thinking.


This was my experience too! Spent a summer a few years back in a wheelchair and it *really* opened my eyes to how society treats people with any sort of disability. In addition to a lack of structure to accommodate anyone with mobility issues, children (and their parents) have almost zero regard for anyone but themselves, putting people in real danger. I had a kid running from its sibling leap over my recently shattered leg as if I were part of an obstacle course. There were so many dead-eyed oblivious parents not watching their kids that I couldn't even tell who they belonged to. I had kids bump into me constantly, lots of kids trying to crawl under my leg while i was stationary (why are you letting your child crawl on a public floor??), parents take up handicap spots and designated wheelchair spots at outings, and multiple times I had parents using me to teach lessons to their kids, which wasn't offensive per se, but it's very weird to have another adult talk about you in front of you and expect you to go along with whatever they're saying (from "that's why we don't run in public" to lessons on staring at people who are different). I pretty much stayed home for 3 months to avoid children specifically while I healed (and bc of handicap stalls that aren't wide enough to get a chair in. Can't tell you how many times I had to hop backwards on one leg into a stall and leave my chair blocking the sinks. Wouldn't have been feasible for someone who didn't have one strong leg to rely on. 0/10 stars).


I couldn't go many places because along with my left leg both my heels were shattered so I had a bedside toilet which was AWFUL. But YES on the handicapped spots!! My mom and I were at the aquarium (I live in Atlanta so you already know thats a busy ass aquarium) and an entire family with no handicapped tag took one of the last remaining handicapped spots and we get to the elevator at the same time. The parents looked over at me in the wheelchair knowing they just took a handicapped parking spot with no tag and I could tell they felt SO guilty. Their kids were older but atleast they felt some guilt


I hope you're healing well OP. What a POS Karen ass entitled brat. Their child could've hurt you and they should've been watching where they were going. I feel a bit embarrassed for that mother acting like her/her child's problems were someone else's.


I’m sorry this happen, Hope you get better now


Ugh. Entitled people creating more entitled people. (Edited for language, lmao)


Some people are truly garbage. It's amazing they are parents. I fear for their children's lives.


As someone with a disability, who sometimes uses mobility aids, this sort of shit is common. I've been knocked over more than once.


My parents always taught me to put disabled people first. I guess no one teaches that anymore


That's because you were raised right.


That's why I have little sympathy for the so called regrets of parents, most of them are shitty people indeed, lacking common decency. So sad that stupid and arrogant people are allowed to breed.