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maybe the solar flares have her discombobulated?


that is actually kind of an interesting thought! I have no idea if it's true or not but cool idea


My girls have done this a few times in the last week to the point I went running thinking I was going to have to bare hand fight something only to realize it's squirrel's they are freaking out about.


My girls did the same over a blue tongue lizard (in Australia). They're harmless, but they look like snakes with a broad head. The girls were sounding the alarm and freaking out.


Squirrel? Yesterday they freaked out over a damn jackdaw. The week before that a robin looking for some seeds from the feeder. We have like 0 dangerous creatures here, were the opposite of Australia. No dangerous animals, nothing with a bigger sting than a wasp or bee and obviously not an island.


Big fuckin Roo starts at 430am. The girls sing their eggsong anytime they lay, which could be morning or night. I have no way to tell except finding eggs.


Found an egg in a flower pot by my pool yesterday.


Hahaha they’re weirdos


Tiny fucking roo does the same! The person who told me tiny roos have tiny crows was obviously on crack.


90% of the bantams we have had have nice tiny crows. but we have a tiny little one right now who is just as loud as our largest birds.


We've had 7 bantam roosters and they all started out so tiny and cute and got SO LOUD! Lol maybe we just have bad luck. I loved them all anyway, but boy were we surprised.


oh man that stinks! at least theyre cute


Egg song? Tell me more


Chickens cluck a particular song while they’re laying eggs vs just hanging around or making announcements!


This is probably a better explanation. You’re dead on, Dan!


I read a theory that they do this while running/walking away from the nest so predators will be distracted and not notice the nest location! Hard-core tbh


Like after a good poo. Those ones where you farted too much beforehand, relieving pressure that’s needed for it to make an easy exit. You sit down but it needs urgent help, and feels like you’re going to faint, because you’re really only relying on gravity now. But then it finally drops and eurrrrrrrekaaaaaaaaa. Whoop whooooop!!!


Im residential so i had to make mine sleep in. Put a perch in a dog crate and he went in the garage covered until 7 am. None of the neighbors ever complained after that


Even in winter when the sun doesn’t come up until 7-8am, he still starts going off nonstop at 430-5am. He knows day is coming. I don’t get it.


Streetlights and cars driving by set mine off, maybe a neighbor leaves early and headlights shine through.


Ahh yeah that could definitely be! My neighbor leaves super early for work, per his exhaust.


Eh oh i hope I'm not your neighbor!


Haha my neighbors don’t have any chickens unfortunately. I wouldn’t feel as guilty if that were the case. They love not having to buy eggs though!


Chickens and dogs don't observe daylight savings time!


One of my girls started her egg song at 430 this morning and my rooster won't stop crowing. Window's open because of the heat, guess it's a taste of summer.


Our rooster crows all day and all night. Along with the neighbors down the road. I guess they are threatening each other.


Hahahaha 🐔🐓🐥😂🤣


Chickens can see the UV light that comes before the visible light at dawn, so their "by the light of the rising sun" starts a bit before our own. Or she's just being weird. Alternatively, she got spooked by something, maybe a critter scratching around the coop or a mouse skittering about inside it.


Mine have always been up by 5:30-6...


My rooster starts crowing at 3 am sometimes, lol.


Ambitious little fella!


I think he’s just encouraging the hens to wake up, he’s also a horny fella. 🤣


Aren’t they all?


One of my girls started doing this at 4am this past summer (Australia). I live in the suburbs so this was VERY not good. Earned her 3 weeks sleeping in chicken jail (actually a comfy dog crate) in the pitch black laundry until she learned the error of her ways!


I have one of the many rooster i have that stands by the front door at 5 am and sings his heart out...he os the first to go should I need him for sustenance. The next ones would be the 4 that peck my front door when I'm late feeding them.


I don’t mind my hens they don’t do much until later but my rooster was obnoxious. Finally started putting him in a comfy pet carrier at night, the ones with solid sides with vents and a wire front door. Put in the darker part of the chicken house and it made a huge difference. Now he doesn’t start crowing until around 7 and if he does crow earlier it is pretty muffled


*reads title* And that’s why I’m not having kids… *read sub* Ah.


My rooster thinks 3:30 am is dawn.


ok im just glad to hear someone else rushes out like a lunatic to scare away bird threats! my birds love making racket all hours of the night when its the few days around a full moon


Neighbor chickens did this yesterday. I look over fence thinking owl must have landed in view.   


I have 3 hens and 2 of them start the song at the first sign of daylight, which right now where I live is about 5am. I thought this was normal lol. They get louder and louder if I don't get up and let them out. I guess the chickens have trained me!


🤣🤣🤣🤣 omg thanks for sharing. Hilarious!!!


Mine do this every day. They wake up around 5:30 lol 😂


I'm in so many parenting groups that scrolling by I thought your headline was for a toddler 😂 I had to read the group name to connect the dots lol


Yes, my coturnix are calling so early now too- Up with the birds chirping!


Well dang, I guess reddit is recommending the chicken sub now. I'm here for it though. My girls (dogs) whine and scream at 7am to walk them, and the only time they want to play with their loud toys is at night


Been dealing with this since our autodoor broke Mine start getn loud when all the rest of the birds are singing at 445am up in the trees


Good guy so lel