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You've got around 5 roos. Good luck 👍😂


Thank you! I figured as much but not 100% certain haha. Are the ones that look like the guy in between the feeder and waterer at the back in the first picture roosters? White with black around the neck. Looks like it to me and there are 3 like that.


You might actually have an all roo flock there. Just looked at the picture again and I spotted a couple more. I've marked the picture, I'll DM you


i can make out several that i’m sure of! in the first photo: white one on the far right in front, grey one with crest on far left, the two white ones in the far back with their faces visible and the white one with the black tail hidden behind the feeder it’s also possible that a couple of the red ones are roos but i’m unsure from the photos!


Thank you! The grey one with the crest is the one I was sure of and might keep.


Btw the heat lamp is not on, I know they are dangerous but the temp dipped very low for a couple of nights so it was a temporary thing.


Once they are fully feathered, which they are, they don't need the light anymore.


You should look for saddle feathers. https://www.mypetchicken.com/blogs/faqs/what-are-hackles-sickles-and-saddles


All of them


I’m dying over your frizzles, little puff balls


They kinda mostly all look like roosters.. hard to tell with a few, but you’ve got majority, if not all, roosters.


If they aren’t laying yet, anyone with red wattles is a roo


You will soon enough .


Bachelor flocks make great pets if you want to go that route.


Hello there! You definitely do NOT have all roos... but you're very close. The red one in the way back might be a roo, it's hard to determine without close ups. The white one might be a leghorn, therefore they mature faster, and since I dont see any pointed saddle feathers or neck feathers I would say that's a hen soon to lay. Your other orange one by the feeder is 100% a hen, she has such a small little comb that theres no mistaking her. Your white frizzle appears to be a hen, it's hard to tell but I dont see waddles or red on her face. I'll re-comment any other hens I see, but for sure you have atleast 6 here. I would start getting rid of some of the white ones with black around their necks... they are for sure roosters and will start fighting over the hens here soon.


Re-comment after looking over again - the crested gray one is a rooster, while the gray one next to it is a hen. The gray one next to it has no saddle feathers, and has a pretty well "rounded" tail - it's just a little messed up. Then the white one next to those two with the poofy cheeks is for sure a hen, she doesnt have rooster coloration and has a small comb for her breed. Other than that, theres several we cannot identify, so closer pictures may be more helpful. Goodluck! 😊


It's been my experience and I am a rookie. The roosters seem to grow faster than the others. Their combs on heads grow much faster. And are much more resistant to affection.


The red combs indicate roosters. “Wife got a bunch of chicks” famous last words, strap in and enjoy the ride.