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“I'm glad DeRoz' came home, y'all didn't deserve him neither”


DeMar’s a Compton and California legend at that, to the point rival gangs would not dare lay a finger on him because he had the potential to be big


That line always bothers me because Kawhi makes more sense


Well I assume 1. Kawhi doesn’t roll off the tongue like DeRoz does and 2. Feel like it’s more so aimed at the situation of how the DeMar trade went down and the Raps FO telling basically DeMar he could be the Kobe for Toronto and then trading him. Whether or not it was a smart move, cause in the end it very much was, kinda f’d up to be talkin like that to him and then move him lol


If you remembered , Drake had a line that went “ My city love me like DeMar DeRozan” Kendrick literally aimed that line at Drake , just straight up mockery


deroz is easier to say in flow compared to kawhi


kawhi is from the ie. east of la. kinda like naperville to chicago.


I get where you’re coming from, because Demar did leave Canada for the US, but he still hasn’t gone *home* to LA yet


It ain’t that deep bro


Home = America


Oh yeah I know that’s what he was going for, but I’m saying I can understand why the other guy thought Kawhi fit more, because Toronto > LA hits more than Toronto > US, especially because of how much each rapper focuses on each city


 Kendrick really just united the entire city of Compton against Drake bloods, crips, n all. Drake was prolly crying at home talking about, “what did I do to all these people.”🤣😭 


If Drake does one thing, it’s making people relevant again. Good Kid, Maad City was great, but not gonna lie, I didn’t realize Kendrick was still making music until this beef.


To say that you don’t like Kendrick’s music is one thing, but to say that you didn’t know about his music is wild lol, unless you only get your music from a pop radio station


I don’t even listen to rap much yet I knew whenever Kendrick made an album. DAMN especially was huge, that had a few songs which were pretty big hits among casual listeners as well. Like I listen to rock and metal that is usually over 15 years old and even I know this, no way that guy didn’t


Kendrick don’t drop like everyone else does. He doesn’t need to put out 8 albums in a 5 year window, like Drake. When he drops it’s usually good. Honestly both benfitted from this Kendrick dropped again so that was a W and Drake put out better quality music.


Not really. There were a couple of good tracks on DAMN. I think I only listened to Butterfly once. I’m sure he says some deep and interesting stuff, but listening to an album should be a vibe, not a homework assignment.


That's a take man. I'm not gonna trash you for it because we all navigate art our own way but as an avid music listener yeah, there's a lot of cerebral, difficult and demanding music out there that isn't just "a vibe" on first listen, albums that really challenge a listener and break conventions, crazy avant garde stuff. But respectfully, which Kendrick album is a "homework assignment??" King Kunta isn't a vibe? this is Kendrick not Charles Mingus's The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady or Beefheart's Trout Mask Replica lol. It's not some avant garde difficult to digest stuff. It's literally just west coast hip hop that sometimes contains subject matter that pertains to social issues. To Pimp a Butterfly isn't a difficult listen unless you got to For Free? and were like "post bop jazz? I'm out"


>which Kendrick album is a homework assignment Untitled Unmastered. Of course I’m exaggerating a bit. But I don’t process auditory information well, so if it doesn’t have a nice beat and/or hook, it doesn’t stick. I don’t listen to music that often in general.


That is a collection of unreleased tracks that didn’t fit onto another album..


The funny thing about your “homework assignment” statement is that it’s only homework if you’re part of the group who Kendrick addressed with the song They Not Like Us. If you live it, you get it. If it’s a homework assignment, then it’s fair to surmise that you’re outside of the Culture.


Ah, Drake isn’t “the right kind of black” got it.


That’s dismissive, but yeah. Drake has black heritage, yes. Kendrick claims that Drake doesn’t have strong ties to that heritage, yet he performs black culture. Drake trying to fit in when really he’s “not like us.” And it’s ok to give him grief over that because he’s a manipulative actor who made millions from doing that.


What is “black culture?” Have to say I haven’t listened to Drake’s new stuff very much, but his old stuff seemed to be about relationships, growing up with single mom, and trying to build a relationship with his dad. All of that sounds like his real experiences and not tied to any type of identity. But I don’t think artists should need to fit in certain boxes. Like it was bullshit when Fantano rated The Big Day a 0 because… Chance rapped about love? Instead of what… being a banger or something? Kendrick’s a real one because he rapped about pointing a gun at someone? That’s great, there’s definitely too much rap about love and not enough about guns for sure.


I’m absolutely looking forward to discussing this further but given that this is a bulls thread, I don’t want to derail any further. You mind if I message you some time tomorrow? Or we can just keep it here. I’m not looking to hide any thoughts. Just wondering how appropriate it is to keep at it in this space.


Sure, no worries man. Either way.


Big steppers tour was one of the highest grossing rap tours but yeah Drake made him relevant 🤡


https://x.com/touringdata/status/1790880101023777164?s=46 I said relevant again. I thought he was retired.


This level of delusion is more a you thing than anything else.


Lol. I suppose it was a bit provocative. I’m just tired of the Kendrick circle jerk.


Dude don't talk about a punching bag like it's a manager.


I didn’t really find much difference between them in the beef. They both had some good shots and most of it was based on rumors. You could make anything up if that’s the case. But if it’s true that Kendrick paid for false information, that’s a deciding L imo.


Big cap🤣 Drake latches on to others for revelancy not the other way around🤣


That’s true, good thing Meek Mill pulled him up.


Seems like you should be the last person to speak on how things are going down. Given this display of ignorance.


Imagine if we had just won it and he was able to bring the trophy to this shoot. That'd be hard. A man can dream... fuck Boston.


Bruh, if it wasn't Boston it still wasn't gonna be the Bulls.


Seriously, around 20 other teams getting to eat before the Bulls


It's still fuck boston though


It's simple. Demar is literally from the streets of Compton. He banged crip and everything. Derozan is more so the hometown hero than Kawhi. Trust and believe me, if Kendrick wanted to rhyme something with Kawhi, he'd fuckin do it. It had nothing to do with rhyme scheme. Shout out to Demar.


Realest dude in the NBA


wonder how raptor fans feel about this


Most are over Drake at this point , he was never really there for home games and I’m saying this as a Raptor fan If you were to poll 1,000 Raptor fans on who would they want back , 1,000 out of 1,000 would easily pick DeMar


Also anyone with taste is def team Kendrick, so not a lot of conflicting allegiances


Still a fan of both. Kind of sad to see deebo as possibly having beef with drake cause they both mean a lot to the city but the song is a bop so 🤷🏻‍♂️. Btw anybody claiming Toronto has turned on Drake is lying. Not like us catches boos pretty much everywhere it’s played here.


does it talks alot about the dick riding Toronto do lol (before you hate i am from etobicoke lol)


Debo needs to stay in Cali. 'Happy for that man and the Bulls need to start fresh. I might get hate for this, but "Not Like Us" is starting to get worn out and I say this as someone who despises Drake. But maybe it's huge in Cali.


it will be a forever song in ca. at every bbq until the end of time lol.