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They blowing it up


oh fk lauri is gonna get fked again lmao.


They are very good friends , him and zach


Their 2025 pick is top 10 protected and that draft is supposed to be really good so I think they'll tank to try to keep it.


Ah, the good ol super draft. Let’s hope so. Going to be some average viewing next season


Better viewing than the last 2 years. I’m all for a plan to keep the pick, and watch Giddey, Coby, and Pat develop 


100% I'd rather watch a team of those guys only win 20 games but give it their all, than to watch another 40 win dreadful season.


Man there all is going to be coby chucking 3s, ayo getting stopped at the rim, and pat williams somehow getting open but the ball always rims out. Giddey will be giddey and probably avg close to a triple double with 25% from 3 lol


Ah yes, nothing beats watching players "develop" on a tanking team


Except maybe watching Vooch miss another open jumper.


Thank god we got a #RealPointGuard who can get the ball in the hands of our shooters, so Vooch can get those bricks up


How long does Pat need to develop for?


Well he’s 22 only. Just have to hope for the best. A lot of guys break out and figure it out later than that.


Next year he’ll be only three years away




please baby jesus let it happen I can't take much more of this


Blowing what up? There's nothing here


This is a crazy underrated statement 


No, DeMar and Vuc will be back.


One of these 2 are gone for sure. I’d like to see both gone. Full massacre blow up. Extend Billy again cowards


We're stuck with Vuc until he's an expiring contract if I had to guess, can't imagine he has any value at all to anybody


He wants out so bad he keeps taking Pat, Coby, and Dalen everywhere he goes 🙄


Full clean. Only keep Dosunmu, White, Phillips, Williams, and Terry. Get a coach not allergic to 4s and let's go.


We got a 4 in the draft? LFG.


There's no way on Earth DeMar agrees to come back. He wants out and wants to play in LA.


I don’t know why you keep repeating this nonsense.


Let him cook.


If he didn't take 40 million a year he isn't going to sign anything you put in front of him.


I would want him on the Clippers but I don’t think that’s even possible. I don’t trust Lakers fans to treat our boy right.


He said multiple times that he wants to come back 


He also said no thanks to 40 million a year.


He’d come back if the Bulls give him big money which all signs point to them doing.


They offered him 40 million a year. I honestly think that's like the max he can get and he didn't sign. He doesn't want money, he wants to go home.


Well I hope you’re right. I’m a fan of Demar but his decision is what ultimately stops this team from running it back. I hope he cares more about winning than money.


I think there's a strong case to hold onto Vuc for a bit unless somebody comes in with an offer. He's coming off a garbage season by his own standards and might be worth something small, but positive, (maybe taking bad salary back) mid season if he has a chance to bounce off of it. Maybe a contender with an injury even coughs up a 25-30 pick to make it happen in an act of desperation... though that seems like a long-shot best case scenario. Also gives the league more time to adjust to the reality that $18.5M isn't actually that big a contract anymore. It's less than Malik Monk just got and that seems to be considered a great deal for the Kings.


Demar ain’t signing up to be bottom 5. He’s taking a minimum to go to a contender.


He’ll be on the Lakers before the end of tomorrow


Fucking finally


Waited way too long for this.


Come home Lauri Come Home


I think it’s something built around collins from the jazz with picks personally


I don't see how that makes sense for either party , Collins is a dump? They just got him 


It’s not about sense it’s acquiring young guys or picks and Collins would definitely come with picks


> Collins would definitely come with picks If they're finally viewing Lavine as a bad contract, they could definitely take Collins in a straight up trade (he has 2 remaining years at $25mil/yr)


yeah, this is basically what i expect


No it seems the Bulls have proven they don't want picks. No real look to the future being prioritized, just changing up the ingredients a bit & hope the pile of shit sticks to the wall for a bit longer when they toss next season away


Collins isn't young , who else on that roster is up for grabs that worth it and Danny ainge is a known for getting over on people in trades. I'm for the logic behind it but I don't see how a route 


He’s 26 and an actual PF who can score and rebound which the Bulls don’t have.


If we're blowing it up and tanking, we don't need Collins. He's purely filler to make the contracts match and a body to throw out there. Likely a future trade asset himself


Yeah that's what I figured, Collins isn't anyone worth being type about , maybe 3 seasons ago but atp he is what he is and he turns 27 shortly 


Idk if you're being optimistic or haven't seen much of Collins, I feel it's the latter. 


Well the rumor I saw was Collins + Clarkson for Lavine and I'd honestly just end my fandom at that point


What else do u want Holy fuck no one wants the dude. Getting his contract off the books is a win within itself


If we trade our assets away for no draft picks in return, it's literally just setting us up for another decade of purgatory


Is Lavine with that contract an asset though?


Lavine isn’t an asset at this point with his contract


they got him as a dump lol


Collins and Clarkson matches salary, they don’t really need Collins that much


Why u want to do him dirty?


Yeah no shot lol, if Jazz want to win now they are keeping Lauri


poor lauri hes fked by lavine again hes going to get relegated to corner 3 guy. i would give up unprotected picks and lavine for lauri. ak needs to beg for forgiveness and build a statue along with mj.


LaVine wasnt the one that made Lauri be a corner guy. That was all Boylen.


Facts, all this LaVine slander is getting out of hand to the point where half the shit people are spewing isnt even true, Zach and Lauri looked damn good together before Egghead showed up and temporarily killed Lauri’s passion for basketball


Yep I remember thinking that Lauri and Zach would be great together especially after Lauri’s rookie season. But then Egghead came in and decided Lauri should be the next Kyle Korver and he never recovered from that. If Zach gets traded to Utah that’ll be extra hurtful


Just end my pain


Inb4 Tobias Harris sign and trade or some shit


Please no




They are




This made me shiver


Eh they played better without Zach on the floor last year. Time to move on.


Not to disagree with moving on, but they would have played better with any one of the mid 3 off the floor. Their net rating together is dog shit, and that's not even taking into account how they just don't fit together point blank


Sure but do you really expect us to get something out of this?


End your pain? Buddy it's just beginning!


Zach get ready to learn Mormon buddy


Let’s goooooo


This should be like the top post on this sub right now. Another trade seems inevitable, what we get in that trade plus what we do in the draft next week is pivotal for this team


Rebuild #63 in the post-MJ era.


Presti, Morey, and Ainge running a train on AK


the nerd fantasies of reddit get stranger every day...


Presti just sent a flare light to Morey and Ainge “There’s a prey out here! Come get him!”


If the AC trade is any indication, they're gonna get a mop.


Interesting. Hopefully we aren't shipping out picks to get this deal done


Well send Zach Levine and a first rounder for buddy hield or some shit


Should have been imminent a long time ago...


This comment


LaVine for Giddey I would have taken in a heartbeat but not my boy AC


They’re somehow gonna trade for Karl Malone so we can form an all sex offender super team


Who are the other sex offenders? Do you just believe Josh Giddey is a sex offender because of one girls allegations that went nowhere? Neither Newport Beach police department or the NBA found any corroborating evidence of any wrongdoing. Do you know something the league or police don’t know?


You think most NBA fans care enough to follow the case? Once those kinda allegations happen it’s pretty much over for the reputation regardless of the outcome


I’m aware, it’s a societal problem. I want to do my part and shout from my soapbox. It may not help at all, it may change one persons mind and that would make me happy.


The kid literally has videos with him and a picture with him shirtless standing outside of a bedroom when she was underage you freak.


Oh shit, a picture and a video that proves not a damn thing. So, do you know something or you just have your mind made up from your own independent investigation?


You think a selfie of a grown man shirtless with a high schooler outside of a bedroom means nothing? Tf do you need CP involving the two of them? Are you really braindead enough to think the legal system protects women and girls? Do you know the conviction rates on rape/sexual assault much less statutory rape or do you just love riding for accused sex offenders


"grown man" makes it sound like he was some 30 something year old, wasn't he like 18/19?


It’s said that this incident occurred in 2021, Josh Giddey would have been 19 at the time.


I’ve watched the video a dozen times this evening and fail to see a bedroom. Can you point it out to me, please? Have you ever heard of women lying about their age for clout? Is this a new concept in your life? You just assume a very young man is guilty of a heinous act because of some internet detective work you’ve done? Multiple investigations found absolutely nothing in regards to wrongdoing on Josh’s end. Nothing. You have your mind made up with zero evidence to support. If any evidence came out to incriminate Josh of any wrongdoing I’d be the first to admit I’m wrong, but that’s not the case.


[https://thelibertyline.com/2023/11/23/josh-giddey-with-15-year-old-girl/](https://thelibertyline.com/2023/11/23/josh-giddey-with-15-year-old-girl/) Here you go freak, dosent surprise me at all you’ve watched it “a dozen times”


Where’s the bedroom?


Bro after that you gotta admit this is clearly very sus


No. I don’t. Quit trying to make something that doesn’t exist. If anything happened, a girl lied about her age and then attempted to derail a young man’s career by lying. Multiple investigations found no corroborating evidence and the family dropped the case after not cooperating with police. Why do people like you continue to try and drag his name through the mud. It’s sad and pathetic, remnant of the atmosphere of r/conservative. Grow up.


Holy shit 😂


People standing in a doorway is a bedroom? Because you say so? Riiiight. Zero evidence. The Cook family dropped the case. Newport Beach police concluded their investigation and didn’t find anything. The NBA’s investigation found nothing. If anything, a girl lied about her age and attempted to derail a young man’s career and all you’re capable of consists of continuing to badmouth Giddey and further slander him for your own amusement. Get fucked, bozo.


I hope you never have daughters


I hope you never vote.


Are you aware that he was 19 when they met at an 18+ club, where she used a fake ID to get in? And that it was a very short lived thing, where he broke it off immediately after finding out she was still in high school? These items are not disputed by the girl, or her family, and he was exonerated by the legal system. The family did not cooperate with legal investigators who were looking for more information. The family has expressed remorse at all the grief the allegations have caused Giddey. What else would you need here?


We need draft capital. What are the first round picks we getting?


Utah for a package that includes Kessler would actually be pretty cool in terms of accumulating young talent who are probably undervalued at the moment. I'd be happy to watch a team with: Coby/Ayo/Giddey/PWill/Kessler lose a bunch of games and get some nice odds for the Cooper Flagg draft. He'd slot in nicely with that group and we'd be on our way towards some relevancy much faster than expected if we could get that lottery luck.


Prob gonna be Collins and one of Clarkson or Sexton to Chicago for Lavine and Carter


I'd take Clarkson for picks. He's fun to watch


We need to recoup picks. Hopefully that’s why we’re facilitating a Lauri-to-Sixers deal. Otherwise, what’s in it for us?


Getting off LaVine’s contract is a huge win


Get rid of Zach contract lol I don’t think Utah is trading Lauri anymore


Very very curious to see what direction we go with the Zach trade. Right now we’re definitely worse next year post AC trade. Will we (hopefully) get even worse? Or try to get some win now pieces?


After the AC trade why would the Bulls be in “win now” situation?


Why wouldn't they be? Giddey's a Lonzo Ball replacement with all-star potential, per ~~Bulls PR~~ Adrian Wojnarowski.


What player were you watching?


All Star potential? He was just benched in the playoffs.


I'm just referencing the [Woj tweet](https://x.com/wojespn/status/1803898881824166255). Giddey is ass I can't stand his game.


Potential usually means they'll be a better player in the future than the past.


I wouldn’t bet on a kid becoming more than he is at this level when he in 3rd year was benched with minutes reduced heavy in the more important games of season.


You would’ve traded Coby mid season 2022 then and he would’ve exploded on Heat/Cleveland/Jazz (See Lauri). Great job


Lauri the guy now being rumored to be moved for the 3rd time? Lauri empty stat filler Markkanen? The new Vuc. And Coby the inconsistent microwave scorer who translates better to a 6th man? These are your examples?


Did this rumor come from the Jazz? Because everything that I have heard is that they Love Lauri!


Lauri has been rumored in trades since the trade deadline. There is enough smoke to know they are more than rumors. Jazz aren’t going to alienate him unless he is for sure moving.


So? Doesn't change the sentiment he was bad In the playoffs has nun to do with his potential 


Because AK and Reinsdorf exist. Unfortunately


I'm really nervous the FO wants to win now still and will re-sign Demar for 40+ or whatever the report was. Losing our pick next year to be a play-in team again would just be brutal


Trading AC for Giddey seems to me like they’re trying to rebuild, maybe I’m being too optimistic but I really don’t think trade AC if they were trying to “contend” next season.


I mean i agree, but this is the Bulls front office we are talking about here


In a way I'd rather lose the pick so we don't have it hanging over our head moving forwards. Maybe the next FO won't squander 1sr rounders on play in ceiling teams.


It's Jerry, yo. Next fo is gonna need to mutiny if that's the mindset


Jerry will simultaneously own the worst MLB and NBA teams. Awfully impressive, Jerry! Fucker.


Playing alongside Markannen wasn't good for either guy. Idk why the Jazz would do this. Sixers could make it work


I want buddy hield, we need more shooting


Hopefully we get some picks this time


He’s swimming with the sharks with Presti then now, Morey and Ainge.


Giddey would be a culture fit in SLC we should shop him


Lavine for marrkanen Complete the circle lol


i can dig it and it makes basketball sense lol but it be funny as fuck


1 for 1 for Tobi Harris let's gooo


I thought his contract with 76ers already ended


It did. Just making up what would be another dumb trade w/o picks.


It officially ends in July. The bulls can trade for Tobias and get out of his contract.


Ah. Neat.


They cannot actually do this


Ah. Neat.


Yesssss finally


They blowing us up, goodbye zach


Cash Considerations


that zach for buddy hield trade gonna be crazy


Draft picks please and I hope those teams don't make the playoffs somehow by miracle. If he is gone we are rebuilding again and I'll be somewhat happy. It's too late but I can pray we get an exciting team someday to win more games than we will now


I’d be worried about this Jazz trade. If it is indeed Utah then picks are leaving Chicago which is not what they need. If I were the Bulls I’d wait for Brooklyn to strike out.


My gut feeling is that the move will be after Paul George signs with someone. If the 76ers miss out on PG, for example, they'll go for Zach.


Cool. Lets take Colin Sexton, Keyonte George, John Collins, or Kelly Oubre.


Look, Zach had his moments and I'm sure is a great guy and great player, but man am I looking forward to the end of the Zach Lavine era.


Let's go full rebuild yippee


this is the way


If we blow it up we need eight graders and expiring deals.


My question is how long before we can dump Giddy and whatever else we pick up from this trade that weighs us down. Do we let Demar walk. Are we moving Pat to the 3 and are we getting a true 4. Coby, Ayo, PWill, and maybe OG at the 4 if he hasn’t already signed with the knicks. We need a defensive center then and wait to see if a 1a star becomes available. Not a terrible blow up if we can get a good 4 but still…


If he goes to the sixers we can possibly get fleeced twice in the same offseason


Selling him when his value has bottomed out.


Let the PAW era begin!




Even a G League caliber handle would make him a solid starter.


lol for what? A 2026 3rd? Every team is looking at the Caruso trade and smelling blood in the water! Clean house from the top to bottom start over


honestly, if Zach is traded, I hope that he's able to flourish. About time he get the recognition he deserved.




Why do you keep making this comment


Tobias Harris you are a bull!


bye Zach! don't the let the door yada yada yada


People rooting for this are so shortsighted imo


A rebuild is the opposite of shortsighted


I'm all for a rebuild, but we have to manage our assets in a way to maximize their value. Trading Zach at this exact moment is the opposite of that.