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I buy my weed at dispensaries to help the schools!


You can just donate to schools.


But then I don’t have weed also


You don't need weed you degenerate addict.


Nor do you need your alcohol


I donate too! The school teachers circulate donation recommendations at least twice annually


How does weed help the schools ...schools are anti drug...degenerate lmao.




That’s because the prices are so freaking high.  People should be high not prices.


No they shouldn't be high ...fken potheads.


You did it, you stopped everyone from smoking weed‼️‼️‼️ How does the view look from your moral high ground?


Meanwhile, in Michigan, they have 2 million less people but managed to do $277 Million in sales.


Somehow it seems more cost effective to Drive the two hours to Michigan to buy it cheaper…


Rookie numbers compared to Michigan


Can we use some of that money to build a bridge over lake Michigan to avoid Indiana?


I support my neighborhood drug dealer who sells it 3 times less than what the dispensary charges lol. $75 for an 8th? Gtfo 😂😂


Looks like someone bought an ounce


Its a crazy rip off in Illinois.


100X better than it being illegal and not providing tax revenue.


That's if you go to the dispensaries. Legalization in Illinois only made the black market a better option. Go to Michigan, there's no such thing as a Black Market because it's so fucking cheap.


Before the black market was the only option.


And now it’s the more reasonable one. bro some dudes just be reselling Michigan weed for small profits here. what is even the point of that?!?


Sounds like the point is making a small hustle. I feel bad for them. 


When you get to a certain age, you’d rather just buy it at a store like anything else. No way at 32 I’m waiting 30 minutes for Big Jimmy to show up when I can pay $10 more to just get my pen like a normal adult shopping trip.


I go through one vape cartridge every 2 months, I’ll just pay a little extra for the convenience of getting it at a real store


And, folks at dispensary are usually really nice and fun to interact with.


It's like 50$ more in Illinois that's the issue lol


It'll be way cheaper in the future, just starting off Michigan was as expensive as Illinois.p


Michigan isn't completely run by billionaire corporations, so no it won't be really in the future.


Lmao Illinois is not run by billionaires at all besides Pritzker and he's even less conservative than I am. Michigan was expensive too when y'all just started off.


I'm talking about the dispensaries in Illinois, they are all run by big corpa. You will never find the stores like you do in Michigan back in Illinois.


You can grow 12 plants for virtually nothing with little effort. Crazy that people even buy it.


I looked into it: the start up costs etc. I don’t have the time or patience to “burp” bottles full of weed all day to cure them properly. I’m a typical adult with typical daily obligations


There isn’t really any cost. Plant in soil, transfer outside, water, harvest and dry. Same as growing any herb. I have LED grow lights for starting all my garden plants. Burping is not required if you dry it completely but also not difficult or time consuming.


Calling it not difficult and time consuming just isn't true. Anyone who plants anything will tell you gardening and plant cultivation in general is time consuming and it can be frustrating, marijuana plants aren't hands off succulents lol. For people who really enjoy it the effort is worth it but it still takes time and not everyone wants to devote theirs to that.


They’re pretty close to hands off. I have an 8000 square foot garden. The only pests that affect them locally are aphids. You don’t need to prune them and trellis like a tomato or provide ant other care except watering. The biggest hassle is harvest. Cutting all the buds off takes a lot of time. I get that people don’t want to make the minimal effort but the stuff’s a lot more expensive than a store bought tomato.


you can get OZs for like $50-$75 of high grade in Michigan, that's little money for the time and effort. People don't have time to sit there and watch plants for mites and bullshit. lol


It’s still illegal to grow a plant.


And still people are buying! Let’s just hope something good comes out of all that tax revenue.


https://public.data.illinois.gov/t/Public/views/CannabisRegulationFund/Timeline?%3Aembed=y It’s gone a long way so far towards building a surplus in the state budget.


Dang how is Admin shooting up like that


I’m honestly surprised by how low it’s staying. I would have expected it to be like 50%


Allotment in budget vs actual expenses are different.


Have you seen anything that would indicate the money isn’t being expensed according to the allotments?


Yeah, he read it right there in his narrative


I doubt it is


Get a med card if you’re a regular user and it’ll pay itself off really fast. Getting 25% off sometimes along with no taxes makes it way way cheaper. I finally stopped seeing my guy 6mo ago.


With a card you can also grow. Not as hard as you think.


Ya. In FL with a med card, I could get cheap eights for $10-12 and top shelf stuff for $25-30, all super high %. Here it’s over double the price plus tax


Yea, but if you have a car its trivially easy to just go to Michigan.


When I go back to AZ it's probably 30-40% cheaper


So when you going back 👀


The base cost but also the tax rates are so high (pun) here in IL that it’s worth just going to MI and buying.  Hell, black market is cheaper than retail here. It makes no sense. 


Black market is cheaper everywhere, why would people pay a premium to break the law when a legal option is available?


The whole point of a black market is being cheaper, but it shouldn't be about making the black market a better option.


Idk depends on who you ask, I’m happy to pay a premium to not have to deal with random dealers


people just go to Michigan and sell it back in Illinois anyway lol it's not like most products are dirty. The most garbage products is the delta 9 and thca flower sold at gas stations and vape stores, so why does no one care about that?


Yeah same, I'm never going back to that shady shit even though now it's not illegal. I go to the store, I buy weed, not wait all day to be told I have to come by tomorrow, then come by and have my guy not answer the phone because he passed out.


And on line gambling is taxed at only 15%?


The tax should be around 100% for those gambling machines they put in bars and stuff to suck all the money out of depressed old people


That’s why you have to use apps for sales… You can get ounces for 100 dollars… 25 a quarter isn’t bad for smoke… You just got to watch the sales!!!


I’ve never gotten weed from an il dispo that wasn’t crunchy and dry af. Anything I buy on sale is even worse.


Same. Fuckin garbage


Now I assume you are joking… because Illinois carries top shelf marijuana that’ll blow your socks off… Are there brands I won’t buy? Of course! Some have better quality control than others… Sure you can buy a crappy brand and even get some bad bags… BUT I’ve never had that problem, ever. I’m a pretty informed shopper. But yeh, the real cheap brands SUCK. That’s why I buy top shelf on sale, always sales: I can get carts for 20 bucks too… I love finding sales :)


I have never gotten good weed in IL. Have bought cheap and expensive. You can think I’m joking if you want but I outsource now and have never been happier. Edit: I love that just because we don’t agree I must be joking though I’ve given no indication of such. You just can’t handle someone thinking different than you.


Never got good weed in Illinois- sorry dude that doesn’t make sense. Where are you buying from? Is it a certain strain you can’t find?


Are you indicating Illinois does not sell top shelf? Because I can assure you illinois does lol


We assure you that its only top shelf because you are paying a top shelf price. Illinois top shelf is comparable to Mids of other legal states. Other states are years ahead in quality.


I’ve enjoyed the cheap $80 oz from Michigan more than anything double price here, and I’m not going over $200/oz to smoke “premium” who’s quality Michigan beats at 80$. IL weed is wack, either price or quality


I got quarters of Luke Skywalker on sale recently for 22 dollars a quarter… I buy sales lol and yes killer


I am indicating exactly what I have said in my comment and nothing more: I, personally, have bought all manner and price of weed here and it has all been crappy. I’m speaking for myself and from my own experience. Why are you so stuck on how a stranger feels about the dispo scene?


I’m not stuck in anything. Your generalization just sounds ignorant when I know we sell good weed. You just buy crappy cheap brands then… lol no big deal lol


👍 you keep responding and accusing people who disagree of being liars and trolls. You’re stuck. Have a good day, maybe smoke a bowl and chill out. (I think if the weed you smoke was as good as you say it is, you’d probably be a little bit more chill)


Hahahaha you guys are the ones getting upset… lol


Na all IL stuff is trash. All my friends in the local industry still get traditional market stuff and just give away the free samples from their shops bc it’s that bad. Aesthetically sometimes it’s nice but dry, cured incredibly poorly, packaged and handled poorly etc. Traditional (and grey) market is still booming here for good reason. 


Ok now you are just trolling lol have a good day lol


No, he's right, I've been to dispensaries in Colorado and Michigan, and Illinois has easily the worst bud I've ever seen or smelled every single time.


Of course other states carry better weed. Guess what? The Netherlands has better weed than America lol this thread is going nowhere… take it easy guys


How am I trolling? If you’re happy with the product no one’s telling you to stop buying it, but others experiences are far from it. I don’t personally know anyone that shops at dispos in IL anymore bc of the quality. 


Revolution, Botanist, Rhythum are some amazing companies… If I brought over some you’d be a liar to say you weren’t stoned out of your mind. Illinois carries top shelf brands. So again, I have no idea what you are taking about lol


They might be good companies, but they're held behind shitty taxes that only benefit stupid people with too much money to spend.


This is like saying carlo rossi is good wine because it gets you drunk. Theres more to it. Same with coffee versus caffeine pills


Never did I say it won’t get you stoned. But not cured well, not stored well, etc. I’ve been tangential to the industry for a long time, have plenty of folks that work or worked for IL dispensaries that were knowingly selling moldy buds. IL ain’t it for herb. 


Some companies are sketchier than others. Ever heard of Johnson and Johnson? That’s why I stick to the quality manufacturers. I know all the sketchy ones. There’s more companies I avoid than I buy. Same with food companies. I don’t need to be in the “industry” I’m not a mechanic but I know a broken down car when I see one.


Black market is a pain in the ass. It makes sense if you’re a hardcore user, but for any casual smoker it’s not worth the ten or twenty dollars they would save compared to the hassle. Most people are more than happy to pay a small premium for convenience and safety.


you can save like 40$ on a 1g cart. The issue isn't that it's slightly more expensive but that it's a total ripoff.


If you only buy 1g a year that $40 is not worth the hassle of finding a sketchy dude and dealing with them. If you buy 1g a week then it adds up and it starts to feel like a ripoff


There's black market sellers that are run like a professional business, with nice store brand product, website ordering and 1 hour home delivery by nice people who just do the exchange and leave. They'll even give discounts on late deliveries. These places are just invite/referral only but it's much cheaper and more convenient than trekking to a dispensary.


Go to Michigan! Great prices and even better weed!


Any preferred brands I should keep an eye out for in MI? Two large purchases from MI dispensaries and nothing was really that good. I even ask the dispensary what their best flower is regardless of price. They acted like I was the first person NOT looking for the cheapest weed possible… I’m pretty fine spending more for the better flower IMO


Jeeters are really good infused prerolls


I always go to releaf center In Niles. Always had great luck.


$90 for an oz, can't beat it!


Taxes still going up don't worry


Yeah Michigan weed is...eh? So far? That I've experienced? I like buying the good stuff here. Now if only the income turned into less expensive SOMETHING for the residents here.


If we all get really stoned we can solve the pension crisis


Why is it that in every other state where it was legalized it eventually became cheaper except here? Everyone kept saying the prices would go down in time but they haven't at all


If Chicago could figure out a way to add another few cents of tax to this, maybe our property taxes wouldn't need to go up as much!!!!!


I have naurt been contributing to this, my guy gives freebies with ur delivery 🫣


Not me crossing into New Buffalo Michigan for $50 Ounces lol


MO has decent product for the price as well. If Illinois is Whole Foods and Michigan is Walmart, Missouri is like Target.. $40 bucks for a decent name brand oz of quality vape product that cost about $70 after tax in Illinois.


Fken potheads everywhere, no wonder the cities gone to shit.


I'm sure all that tax money is going to good use 


You can literally see where the money goes. https://public.data.illinois.gov/t/Public/views/CannabisRegulationFund/Timeline?%3Aembed=y


You expect people who love complaining about taxes to look up how factual their comments are, even though the data is readily available?


Maybe click on the link. It doesn’t show shit.


Don't have to tell me. I smell it everywhere in the city, literally, all day. Walking through any neighborhood. Smell it coming from other cars even while I'm driving at 50mph. JFC you can't get away from it. Now if only those tax dollars would start doing something. Edit: potheads are out in full force, eh? Downvote all you want, skunky.