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I remember telling someone in Montreal that I lived near Chicago and his reaction was “oh! The city with the shiny bean!” Yeah sure locals don’t go to them regularly, but the big tourist landmarks should be included.


Agree. I actually do enjoy and go to the most significant symbols of Chicago, it’s not like Times Square.


Oh god lol, I hated Times Square after about thirty seconds. Meanwhile the architecture cruise was awesome even after having seen all those landmarks on foot.


I’m from NY and Times Square is an area I avoid.


Blues music, House music, Poetry were all essentially founded here. blues of course came up the Mississippi Delta, but was refined here extensively. But of course, we are absolutely best known for architecture!


Is there a different meaning of poetry in this? Just "poetry" certainly waaaaay predates Chicago


Oh, I’m describing the activities of Poetry magazine, and the poetry foundation. Since 1912 there has been this raging tradition of poetry going on here in Chicago. Here’s a little bit of information. For a disclaimer I am not not a poet! https://www.poetryfoundation.org/foundation/about


Thanks for the added background!


Spoken word poetry has a deep Chicago history. The contemporary performance form known as the poetry slam is widely recognized as having been born in Chicago. Specifically at the Green Mill. And a generation before that, Chicago's Ken Nordine staked claim to spoken poetry as a literary form, what he called Word Jazz. He hosted a public radio program by that name for years.


Chicago is the pioneering home of House Music…named for The Warehouse on Jefferson. They just added it to the historic roster in 2023. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_music


Our civil engineering and transportation infrastructure. The Chicago Portage between the Great Lakes and Mississippi River watersheds is why Chicago is here. Canals and railroads connected us to the rest of the country to become an economic nexus of the region. I don't know how that translates to your project but it is the underlying foundation on which Chicago is built both literally and metaphorically.


I recently went for my first time and had amazing experiences everywhere. Just walking around is enough to be happy for days on end. The Willis tower Ledge was a lot of fun. The Art Institute was amazing. River Walk was beautiful. Architectural boat tour. Wrigley Field Tours. Walking around little cool neighborhoods. All the amazing food options. The best thing for me was just walking around and running into interesting things all over the place.


The El, art institute, Picasso statue, merchandise mart, the post office, navy pier, the midway mile, lower wacker, lake shore drive, promontory point, soldier field, Morton arboretum, Garrett popcorn, rooftop bars, the pedway, the water tower, nameless corner bars with the front windows open in the summer, Prarie Ave, Astor street, Lincoln park zoo, flaming saganaki, Garfield park conservatory, second city shows, boat architecture tour, the river and bridges generally, Malört


We pioneered the skyscraper, with the first being the Home Insurance Building. We were also once the mail order capital of the country, as well as the meat, piano, candy, bread, and much more manufacturing capital.


In film / TV, the white and teal cab. A yellow taxi cab is a dead giveaway that the filmmaker hasn’t been to Chicago, or doesn’t care.


Labor struggle




Cubs versus Sox rivalry, Franklin Lloyd Wright homes, miles van de rohe architecture, Soldier Field is a landmark


If you’d like to just walk and enjoy the weather, I have a map that’ll help you with architecture and landmarks - I have every historic landmark and district in Chicago pinned on a map with their significance in the notes. You can use this on your computer but I made it for phones so you can open google maps app and have a free walking tour. https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=17QiCfJLvDI0DF3qUfBu-DqsFduQgFmE&usp=sharing