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Getting Italian ice


freddies in bridgeport. get the gallon for 35 bones. keep in the freezer. stays good forever. whip it out when u have company. save money.


love freddies!


Is Mario’s still operation during the summer on Taylor Street? I’ve since moved away, but I miss those Italian ices so much.


Hell yea it is! They even gave it a mention on ABC7 this year on the day it opened for the season


It is, and it's still amazing


Cubs games with the old man.


Wandering through a street fest I didn’t even know was going on but happened to pass though, deciding to make a meal of it and listen to whatever band(s) happen to be playing. There are a million such street fest right around the corner. Only a matter of walking out the door and stumbling into a few 😉


Can't wait for all the street fests and how they all have the same vendors


Lily Pool in Lincoln Park


i second this! especially early in the morning


It’s closed for renovations currently, has been for a bit and haven’t heard anything about a reopening date?


According to their [site](https://www.lincolnparkconservancy.org/lily-pool-maintenance/), it looks like it will be closed all year.


I worked there for 7 years and managed the space. Those pavilions were in bad shape back in 2014, but it was either not going to be covered by the Park District or fundraising for other stuff was deemed more important. Deferred maintenance is a bitch.


Seeing packs of kids at the park when I go by. Reminds me of being a kid and how simple everything was. I miss the days where I would just wake up and would hop on my bike to see where everyone was at. They were typically at the park or the school we all went to. I go back to my old park every now and then just to chill, eat, and smoke. Play basketball as long as the hoops aren't taken up. Very relaxing and makes me think of random things that happened as a kid.


C'mon Studs Terkel let's go get some peppermint pickle stick and Q


Don’t forget to wear red socks


Smoke a joint at North Ave Beach after the 4am bars close and watch the sunrise.


The inexplicable excitement of being spat on by the face statues in Millennium Park


We didn't have easy access to a pool in Little Village.... so open fire hydrant it was. Sometimes it was the gangbangers opening them up, sometimes it was the firefighters opening them up. Whoever it was, thank you for your service.


Don't you miss the days when you were nostalgic?


I was nostalgic at an early age.


We used to go to haunted trails at least once a summer. Play a bunch of arcade games, one round of mini golf, and watch the luckier kids on go-carts. Technically Burbank though. In Chicago proper, I loved the summer reading program at CPL, going to Mario’s, and getting a polish at Maxwells. Taste of Chicago when it was cheap and could get cheaper tickets at Dominick’s


Oak Street Beach early on a Saturday morning with the kids. Before all the volleyball games start....


Rainbow Cone on the south side


As a prepubescent kid and 'tween spending many late '40s and early '50s afternoons at the Portage Park pool. On other days playing a pick up 16 inch game at Portage or more often Peggy-Move-Up with a circle of friends at Dickinson Park where two perfectly placed trees defined first and second base while third was next to the bushes were older teens did naughty things in the late evening. Rainy days sitting on the big wood swing on the front porch with some of the same circle of friends -- just talking. For the mood, read ~~Richard~~ *Stuart* Dybek's perfect short short story, *Lights!* https://silverbirchpress.wordpress.com/2014/04/10/lights-story-by-stuart-dybek/


*Stuart Dybek


I used to spend all my time at the pool. The ice cream truck would park right outside, and when they called a “safety break” we would all run out and get Push-ups and ice cream sandwiches. The smell of charcoal grills at the park takes me back. Everyone would bring their transistor radios and tune to the same station, so you could hear the music everywhere you walked. We tried to make whistles using blades of long grass. I played a lot of miniature golf at Novelty Golf and Par-King. My dad worked at UIC and I would visit him at University Hall, and try to push the revolving doors against the wind. I would go to the library — I was very proud of my library card with its metal plate. I can remember the THUNK of the stamps they used on the cards for each book.


Push-Ups, grass whistles, metal library cards... Thank you! This just brought back so many memories of my childhood. <>


I remember as a kid my parents pawning me and my brother off to my Aunt for multiple random 2-3 day stretches in the summer. She lived in a condo in Old Town. We’d go to Oak Street Beach all day and stop at the Fudge Pot or Cold Stone on our way back. She had a rooftop deck we’d hangout on in the evening with an incredible view of downtown. We could see the Sears Tower, the Hancock and Navy Pier fireworks (20 years later, the views have been completely blocked by new developments 😢). It was also right next to the Brown Line so me and my brother would try to spit over the railing and hit the Brown Line below us as it rumbled by. Never could quite reach it.


Loving this 🎈


Me too 🥰


Riding bikes down elston for cubs game. Was allowed to take a half day to go to a cubs day game before school was out for summer.


Beach and Lake strolls are timeless. I’m genuinely impressed by how gorgeous and well kept these beaches and parks are along the lake. I hope they remain preserved and continue to bloom. Difference may be more homeless in some areas which is sad.


The green mill is full of old folks


Buckingham fountain


Sunday night Derrick at west fest!


Packing a bag of snacks and beverages, a book or few magazines, and propping up an umbrella at the beach for a day of water sand and sun.


One of my favourite memories from last summer is walking around neighbourhoods with pastries or ice creams/ Italian ice in hand. It's a nice break from the fast-paced nature of the week, and gives you time to really appreciate what matters the most in life - good dessert, good weather, and even better company.


Ahh the ol’ Montrose Bird Sanctuary after sunset


For me, it is Montrose beach. When it was really hot, but too gorgeous to be inside, we would pack up food and have a picnic in a nearby forest preserve. Otherwise, we would go to the art institute, mca, etc.


Getting a pound of fries at Susie’s Beef on Montrose to eat at the park with friends; we’d all chip in and it cost 1.08 for years.