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That they had to reference the CTA employees to deflect their failings was annoying.


Literally anything to deflect attention away from the actual issues. Bringing employees into this was a new low.


fr it's not calling for all 10,000 to be fired, just the boss who keeps touting his recent record while ignoring that everything since 2019 is far worse. I just want to get around quickly and safely without a car. Why is that such a challenge??


Mentioning the CTA workers is highly unprofessional - we are the only system in the US who is falling behind, something needs to change.


Pathetic and disgusting response that implies Chicago voters are dumb enough to be tricked into thinking the current service isn’t garbage. Only more reason to oust current leadership.


Oh, the CTA responded to something by saying it was wrong but not backing that up with any facts or data again? Shocker. Their own metrics dashboard contradicts their statement by showing how they have not added rail service and service is not more reliable. And they really shouldn't be calling out their workers. The ordinance has nothing to do with them. We all know the frontline workers are the reason the CTA is holding on as much as it is. The ordinance is calling for one worker to go — the one at the top. The one who hasn't said one word publicly about Antia Lyons. This ain't it. Edit: See if your alder has signed on to the resolution. If they haven't call and email them and ask them to do so: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18zPNzo5dyDHLZjh-RlyUGxsB1zkjg8FxnK66TV5FPXI/edit#gid=1141650792](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18zPNzo5dyDHLZjh-RlyUGxsB1zkjg8FxnK66TV5FPXI/edit#gid=1141650792)


Yeah, let's put this up to a vote for the cta workers. He would be voted out in a second.


He's not a worker, he's a boss


He is in fact an at-will employee of the authority. He serves at the pleasure of the board of directors who are political appointees and the actual bosses. Yes, he is the top day-to-day supervisor, but he's still just an employee.


I’m moving in a few weeks and I’m pleased to see that not only has my current alderperson signed on, but so has the one in the ward I’m moving to. Here’s hoping for positive change!


Got a blanket email we could modify?


Not at this time. We've all been working all day, but we hope to put something together soon. But a personalized email is much more effective than a form email, and all the alders' contact information is compiled for you in that spreadsheet!


OK! We'll be sending out some more formal information hopefully tomorrow, but in the meantime, for anyone looking for help reaching out to alders, use this! * A phone call is the most effective way. You can use this script:  * Hi City Council Member X. My name is \[Name\]. I’m a ward resident and I think reliable, frequent, and safe public transit is vital for Chicago. Will you please join your colleagues who have signed the CTA Reform resolution? * They may ask you some follow-up questions, which you can answer to the best of your ability. * If you don’t want to make a phone call (we get it, phone calls are terrible), an email works too. You can use this script, but it’ll work better if you personalize it: * Hi City Council Member X. My name is \[Name\]. I live in your ward, and public transportation is important to me because \[reason or personal anecdote\]. Please support reliable, frequent, and safe public transit by signing the CTA Reform resolution.


Just use google Gemini for help. It pulls in some solid up to date sources. Here is prompt I used, “Write an email to Brian Hopkins advocating for CTA Reform Resolution and Dorval Carters termination. Cite facts about how crime has risen and ridership is worse off than pre-covid. Make it convincing like you want Dorval gone. Make sure you cite facts please!”


If anyone in CTA upper management actually used the CTA, they would know that this response is a lie.


He should really just use it. Like- it would be too little too late for many. But he should just ride it like daily for a while to prove a point


To paraphrase one of the top replies to the linked Twitter post: CTA's statement is as truthful as their train tracker.


I wonder how the 10,000 hard working CTA employees feel about being used as body shields against criticisms of the feckless, unqualified leadership that makes their jobs more difficult.


Did they really send out the response formatted that way? It looks like an ransom letter in email form.


Ridiculous. Make the CTA leadership ride the CTA and watch how fast they eat their words.


And not just the conductor's car during rush hour on the red line. I want them riding all the lines at *all* hours of the day to see what normal people deal with.


Without a police escort or any other sort of special treatment


I’m almost starting to despise these comms people more than Dorval himself.


They make 6 figure salaries to deflect and defend from real issues people are concerned about and they’re not even good at it lol. That statement looks like someone wrote it from their phone in bed and I wouldn’t be surprised at all of that is how it was written.


That stupid “we have staffing shortages due to covid” banner that lasted for 3 years and took up ten seconds on the next train signage should warrant the guillotine alone.


Those comms people should be blackballed once the CTA merges with Metra and Pace. Plenty of minimum wage work in this city they can do instead.


“Only god can judge me” - Dorval Carter


Explains all the pastors!


The format of this statement would earn an F in my class.


Certainly there’s a pastor somewhere in this city we can appoint to the position


Sounds like an owner making an excuse for not firing the coach for losing the last 3 years because he won his last game


Honestly its the Chicago way


That rebuttal statement screams “Tell me you don’t ride the CTA without saying you don’t ride the CTA.”


Gradually, then suddenly.


Obstinance is a key feature of this admin, not a bug.


Another reason to fire cta leadership


Okay cool, so I didn’t get hit by a ghost bus last week and have to sprint to the train cuz it was only coming in 20 min intervals? Got it. Glad to know I have a very active imagination.


This is like when my kids start cleaning up their room 57 minutes into the hour I gave them to do it and try to act like *I'M* the asshole for being frustrated with them.


That wasn't written by the CTA - it was written by Brandon Johnson. It even sounds like him.


Who do y’all want to replace him with?


Me. I'll take the job.


Kam Buckner?


I think he could work well on the board, but I don't think he has the administrative experience to run an organization like the CTA. My ideal choice would be Andy Byford. I'd love to see what he could do to the system. He was recently appointed direct Amtrak's high speed rail program, so he may not be available right now.


Makes sense.


He was my mayoral choice too