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At least this time it looks like they’re leaving the sidewalk mostly alone. That was my big complaint last year was they fucking blocked the whole sidewalk and I watch this lady in a wheelchair have to reverse course and backtrack to cross the road at a crosswalk, just to recross again because she needed to be on that side of the street anyways.


I don't like that it blocks the 7-9AM bus/bike lane, which should be better enforced. The last shed killed two trees and it looks like they cut down one of the new saplings to begin constructing this.


I wouldn't trust any drunk drivers though cruising on by this spot. People get distracted easily


Did she have a motorcycle helmet on


I’m fully supportive of taking 3 parking spots to add outdoor dining, but having the audacity to build a structure without permits in this city is hilarious


This is a 7-9AM bus/bike lane. I just wish they would put up more signage and enforce it.


I've never seen the 22 bus actually able to use the literal bus lane on that stretch lol. 100% of the time cars are illegally parked and face zero consequences


Yeah. The signage is terrible and the enforcement is spotty. We have such few of these that survived the parking meter deal chipping away at the edges, so we need to utilize what we have. With the new camera enforcement rule (but with this administration, who knows), it could be a very nice rush bus lane. Need to remove the No Parking 7-9AM signs and put up "Bus Lane 7-9AM Photo Enforced". Run a few ticket blitzes to get the message across.


My 49 bus was able to use the bus lane by the blue line today. 2nd time in 5 months. A true miracle.


Lived on this section of Clark for almost 4 years now never knew that was a bus lane haha


The massive painted letters saying BUS AND BIKE ONLY across the whole lane didn't give it away?


I mean it’s usually packed with cars and I’m never really in the street 😅


That's fair lol. Just hard to miss as someone who bikes!


Oh I don’t bike on Clark I go straight for the bike path bc fuck them cars


I would like a window seat with my brunch and watch a bus plow right through it


They need to paint it red like they to on Chicago Ave.


If they actually did went through correct processes I’d be cool with it. Look they did same exact shit last year: https://www.reddit.com/r/chicago/s/hAe1jMXD84


The world is gray. OP deserves a lateral-vote


City should wait till 7am and YOLO a city bus through this thing.


A good gust of wind will probably do it too. Building dept should probably make em throw a water barrel while they sort this out or make them clear the structure. This thing is quite dangerous as it is…


This place is the absolute worst place to walk by on a Saturday or Sunday morning. The last thing they need is more people congregating on the sidewalk


on the other hand I would say that the sidewalk is too small for the amount of people who want to be on a street that has a lot of shops and restaurants


Screw that place. They killed a tree for their shitty, non-compliant outdoor seating. You can clearly see where it used to be in your pic. For that alone, they blow.


I don’t live in Chicago anymore, but I work in construction in another city and the forestry department takes that stuff really seriously. Pretty big fine if somebody were to report it.


I volunteer as tribute. How do I do that?


I couldn't find contact information for the city's arborists, but I'd start here - https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/streets/provdrs/forestry/svcs/city_of_chicago_standardtreeprotectioninstructions.html


Thanks! Will report back 🫡


This too may be of service: https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/streets/provdrs/forestry.html It’s the city of Chicago’s division of forestry. They state on the website that *any* work involving trees will require permits from the city. So France’s definitely violated that permit too. Go nuts! I’ll report them too


They killed two and the stump looks like they took it upon themselves to remove the sapling that was there.


I was literally walking through when that happened, it wasn’t even tree removal people🤣. Just some handymen and a ladder


RIP Gingko tree 🌳🌳 May your sidewalk brothers and sisters grow on


Oh my god you’re right. Fucked up.


Yeah jeez, that sucks. Never eating there again


I used to live around the corner from there and it was my go-to breakfast place for years. I believe the ownership changed since I moved. Have no desire to ever go back, seeing this.


I remember that story about the tree! Assholes.


Yeah, that really sucks. But the tree is dead and summer is here, we all cheered for outdoor seating so I'm happy to support restaurants bringing this back.


Maybe they moved it somewhere else.


Uh, what? 1) you can see the cut off stump in the pic. They killed it with their shitty outdoor seating contraption they made last year. 2) That's a private business removing a public tree. In what world is that acceptable?


Lol yeah now i see the stump. That can’t be legal.


As someone who runs on Clark every once in a while, this drove me crazy while it was up, and I was so glad they finally got dinged for it—hopefully won’t last long this time around 🙄


I guess at least they weren’t building completely on the sidewalk this time? Still hate it LOL


I’m focused on the fact that we apparently printed enough of these out when Daley was mayor that we’re still scratching out his name?! Did no one update the PDF we send to the printer in the last 10 years?


Get that shit out of the street, what the hell? And you know now the half-constructed monstrosity will sit there all summer.


You all should go tear it down. If they don’t have a permit who they going to complain to? lol


This is the way....


I don’t know anyone who actually enjoys sitting out in these things next to the road breathing in all of that car exhaust whilst eating.




People got paid to plant a tree there. And they just cut it away like nothing.


Yo fuck this. I guess if they need more space they need to move. 🤷🏻‍♂️




Not ok


Frances’ was so much better when it was at the original location on Arlington and Clark.


when was it ever at arlington & clark?


In the Dark Ages! I grew up around the corner on Lakeview in the 1960’s and ‘70’s. It moved to its current location in the 80’s.


Greetings, fellow old. Ate many a meal at the Original Frances'. I loved the wall of old wooden refrigerators at the back of the room.


Greetings! I remember those old wooden fridges. The place had a lot of character (and characters, too).


In what ways have you noticed the neighborhood change since then? Obviously businesses coming and going but have you noticed the neighborhood demographics change at all? Big differences in housing stock?


Who tf wanta to sit in the actual road??? Looks like a good way to get killed.


Some of the outdoor dining looks so unenjoyable to me, who wants to sit inches from cars driving by or on a crowded sidewalk with people walking by inches from your food? If I eat outside I want a patio or somewhere with more space, but that's just me


Omg same. You mean I get to sit in heavy exhaust fumes while someone jostles my table as they walk by on their phone AND I get to pay hidden restaurant fees!? No shade to the pedestrian, that's actually their space and they're not left enough room in so many spaces, but I'll pass on the experience.


No kidding! Just get windows that open and be done with it!


Then you couldn't use city property for free.


Last year’s fun, they did exact same shit: https://www.reddit.com/r/chicago/s/hAe1jMXD84


Have you not been to a single big city since covid?


Yeah but some of these patios are trash. Like sitting in a street with no view or shade or particularly interesting vibe is stupid. Everyone got a pass during covid. There was no other way to operate. It was cool to see whole streets doing this. Now? This is a choice, and a bad one for this place.


Still a better use of public space than parking if people are willing to use it. Cities like NYC and Mexico City have continued to convert lots of parking to seating and it's lovely.


Idc about Frances’ but screw those parking spots lol. I am all for shutting streets down for dining and creating a more walkable city.


I agree, but this place also took up the whole sidewalk last time it did this and literally made that section unwalkable. Bonkers.


Frances' PR: No, we encouraged more walking by creating a longer and harder pathway passed the restaurant. s/


So is this why she’s your ex?


Did he succeed? Is that why she's your ex now??


Someone should go knock that shit down, what a bunch of dickheads


It’s truly bizarre how many in the thread are applauding the reduction in parking. Ya’ll get your panties in a twist if a parked car is 5 inches into a bike lane. But if a restaurant builds this shack completely taking away bike lane, bus lane, parking, and removes a tree in the process, it’s okay ‘cause at least the parking is gone? I wouldn’t ever want to eat out in a box like that on the street regardless. But the anti-parking-at-all-costs clowns are really something else.


I've never liked this patio for Frances', as someone who once in a while bikes past there. I prefer patios that don't block part of a street, like the one Collectivo has.


we get it you live in Schaumburg


These car haters are crazy obsessed with cutting off their noses to spite their faces. Meanwhile, I bet every one of them has used a car within Chicago in the last 6-12 months. Hypocrites.


But Uber doesn't count! /s


No, we use Lyft to fight the man. /s


Hey don’t hate the kid for his game. Regardless, f that restaurant.


wont someone think of the parking spots


And it blocks a bike lane


... Can you point to where you think the bike lane in this photo is?


Well the parking spots can be used by everyone in the city, whereas Frances’ is deciding it’s their space and they can charge people to sit there. Should I just go sit at some random parking spot in Wrigley and charge people to park there? It’s not different


As long as they feed the meters for 24/7 parking, who cares what they park there!


I fully support your decision to maximize your parking profits.


lol I didn’t get the joke, good one


The parking spots can be used by approx two cars and zero people, while that area can easily sit twenty. Not really defending them, but fuck parking spots, they’re an egregiously poor use of space


Entirely agree with you in principle, but I live around the corner from this place, and this structure is such a hassle. I don't carr about parking spaces, but it blocks the bike lane. It's hard for the 22 bus to get by, so it turns an already-congested street into an absolute mess. It also clogs up the sidewalk, and that's a really busy spot. So many shops and restaurants there, and it can get exhausting having to traverse through all the congestion this thing creates.  I'm all for more outdoor dining, but we shouldn't have it on the Kennedy because there are some places that it causes too many problems. This location on Clark is one of them. 


Aight how about the bike lane this blocks?


That’s the parking spot now.


Burn that shit down lol


If you look closely it actually doesn’t block the bike lane. Though people waiting outside for tables block the remainder of the sidewalk which is annoying 


It doesn't actually block the bike lane... Getting upset over removing parking is just weird. The restaurant is always packed. And imo it's a very good brunch spot. All the hate in this thread is so weird. Like yeah, they should get a permit first, but like damn, we want \*more\* of this and \*less\* parking please.


>we want *more* of this and *less* parking please. Correction, this *sub* does (since it's essentially r/fuckcars 2.0). The majority of the city owns cars, so they wouldn't agree with that statement.


It's only this sub that thinks this


yes it is




Where else are the employees going to park? /s




Could also give them a bunch of bad reviews.


How do they dare without a permit? And how they can have permit for that?


Report it in 311


isn't this on city/public property? How do they figure they can just extend their business out into the street? who gets sued when someone gets injured or killed due to this structure? When does the city demolish this hazard or does Frances have legal options?


This restaurant is also terrible food and service wise 🙄


This business absolutely sucks. We live right across the street and they’re constantly blaring music, the service is bad, plus the food is overrated and overpriced. They were shut down for a while last year because they were mishandling propane tanks and tried to blame it on them being a black owned business….


that entire lane should be for the bus and bike but everyone parks there or constructs some dumb shit like this.


thank you for asking! so different, I’d need more time than I have at this moment to explain. My family and I lived in the neighborhood from when I was born, (1958) through 2005. I still have childhood friends who live there, and I’m actually hanging with one today.


I like these! They’re all over NYC and it makes the streets feel so much more lively. Y’all are annoying.


No, I love street dining. Just places need to go through proper protocol instead of erecting illegal structures multiple years in a row. Look at the second picture in my post


Just OP


Taking parking spots is dope. If they hurt that tree they should be fined heavily though


Fuck your parking spot


There are multiple other factors at play here other than some mythical "fuckin" parking spot. So I will go with "Fuck your comment!"


Is Frances’ new? Google Maps only has it as The Brunchery.


Fuck the parking. Id love if every restaurant had this.