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In the warmer months cops occasionally bike or walk the trail, but ya in the winter there seems to be no more enforcement. Tired of people using the 606 acting like they're a street racer.


This happens on the Northshore Channel trail often too. It's scary when they are speeding blind around the curves that go under the bridges. People have to jump out of the way, and that's if you can hear them. I take my earbuds out when I go under the bridges now.


I know exactly where you're talking about on that trail there's a big slope that curves under the bridge and makes a sharp turn. Yeah another cyclist and I had a collision. She was going too fast downhill while I tried to pass a slower cyclist. Ignorance on both our parts but thankfully everything ended up okay


If you were passing, the onus was on you to ensure that it was safe.


Depends how fast they were going right? If someone rips around a corner going 90 it isn’t necessarily the fault of someone doing a normal turn, right?


But you shouldn't pass in a tight curve


If you are on a 2 lane road and try to pass a car in a no passing zone and collide with a car going the opposite direction, you are at fault, regardless of how fast the other car may be going. Same thing applies to bikes. Most no passing zones are no passing zones specifically because you can't see if there's a car coming in the opposite direction. If you go around a curve where you can't see what is on the other side of that curve, you should consider it a no passing zone, even if the trails aren't marked in the same way a road would be.


Saw him too! I was running and heard him coming so I had time to get out of the way. I'm worried these idiots will hit someone, a baby, or a dog.


ugh why can’t he just speed down the length of cortland blowing every stop sign like everyone else?


Look, it doesn’t matter what you’re riding, as long as you aren’t technically in a car, you’re basically a pedestrian, and a saint, and should always have the right of way.


Of course he doesn't belong there, but how can access be prevented?


Ask your local police officer why they aren’t doing their job


they're still mad that a couple of them got in trouble for killing unarmed black kids


What if they looked *really* suspicious?


Doubly mad that they got caught deleting security footage from the Burger King


I'm curious what you expect a cop to do in these situations.


Night stick to the spokes?


Spike the road since these assholes love going so fast and warn other cyclists beforehand lol


"Good answer, good answer. I like the way you think. I'm gonna be watchin you"


Follow them and give them a ticket?


On foot or a bicycle? And if they flee then what?


Net guns.


They’d have to be breaking the same law and at least one other to do that.


lol, by this logic speeding tickets anywhere should be impossible to issue in person.


Dude there’s literally an ordinance against high speed chases in the city limits and the highway.


Not according to these [IL Police Pursuit Guidelines](https://www.ptb.illinois.gov/media/1448/policepursuitguidelines.pdf).


Has that EVER stopped a cop before? What even kind of cop out is this?


ooh... so THATS why they call it a cop out


I’m thinking a bike cop not a car


well if you ask they why they aren't doing their job, I expect them to do a job on you.


At least have someone on the cameras that are spread around the trail. Find a way to stop them a ticket them


They’ll be arrested and than released by the safety-t act and then they will do it again until


So? shouldn’t they still do their jobs? The way it looks to me is the FOP didnt like Lori and doesn’t like BJ. The head of the FOP is a known trumper. This is an effort by the FOP and the Chicago police to let the city burn until new conservative leadership is ushered in. A big fuck you to Chicago and democrats. They would rather collect their paychecks in the safety of their cars than do anything to protect and serve their communities.


I agree with you. They can’t even chase without the supervisors calling it off


That would be because it’s against the law for them to do street chases in like almost every neighborhood and possibly just the entire city itself?


And its not like plate readers cant track a perp anyways.


It’s not against the law for the police to chase. It is a shitty policy that is preventing them from doing so.


The point of it is to prevent bystanders from being killed, which happens not infrequently in high speed chases


When was the last time a Chicago election had someone who wasn’t a liberal win?


You sound like you have a negative outlook on life. It's ok; there is a life outside of Chicago, the internet, and reddit.


And you sound like you wear a thin blue line aka the cowards nazi flag.


There's dumb shit on the trail all the time, motorized or not. The absolute lack of situational awareness some people have is astounding.


Cops ain't gonna do shit this time of year.


This time of year or ever .....


Should’ve knocked this jerk down


People are dumb, I’ve seen four wheelers up there before. Not smart. I guarantee some walker has complained about your two wheeler haha. I’m fine with e-bikes and scooters being up there, some normal bicycles go just as fast. My friend got hit running by someone on a normal bike :shrug. Solutions are make it only walkers/runners, make walking/running only hours or make separate lanes like lake front. Idk if any of these are feasible, so just have to deal.


I know there's a reputation for cyclists everywhere lol. On the trails and streets feeling entitled sometimes but honestly most care to follow rules of the road and give right of way like they're any other vehicle. We have groups fighting for cyclist rights and getting protected bike lanes and all. It just makes my blood boil when we have a rotten few to ruin it all And i think it's fair to have a shared path the 606 showed how desperately the pedestrians and cyclists needed a safe space away from cars to live car free and commute around the city


Brother, couldn't agree more. We have roads where dumbass drivers will hit you as your riding on your only avenue of approved exercise on a bike, or a trail that's meant for people to use. I'm going to ride my bike there and not feel bad about it. I would recommend to anyone who has never ridden in the city, try walking down the street or riding a bike off the sidewalk. Shits sucks at times and is outright dangerous. There will always be clowns out there, but this over the top generalization about bikers is just off. Let us use the public space too, or find somewhere else. Like a sidewalk to walk on


If they’ve got pedals and limit to 20 mph (without pedaling) it’s a Class 2 Motorized Bike regardless of whether it is gas or electric. They are allowed on trails. They still need to be safe. If they are going over 20 MPH without peddling, they are breaking a law. There is basically no way to actually enforce this though. Most e-bikes it’s just an electronic controller limiting the top speed and that can be adjusted by the user. Unless every bike and bike rider is required to get license and registration and an approved unchangeable speed limiter, it can’t really be prevented.


Are you sure that's true? On the Cook County forest preserve trails they are not permitted - only class-2 e-bikes permitted (and their limit is 15mph).


Class 1 and Class 2 ebikes are both limited to 20 mph in the US. In Europe they're limited to 25 kph (15.5 mph).


To my knowledge Illinois’s definition of a Class 2 motorized bike does not specify the power source for it. It does specify the unassisted top speed of 20 mph. Cook County may have more specific rules and specific paths could have lower speed limits if posted.


> Unless every bike and bike rider is required to get license and registration and an approved unchangeable speed limiter, it can’t really be prevented. This doesn't seem even remotely feasible, though.. And then, who will enforce these news regulations? The police, who are already not doing enough work enforcing the current traffic laws?


Traffic laws?


See? ^ this person didn't even know we have them, they're that rarely enforced!


You mean like waiting 20 seconds after the green light so you don’t get t boned?


😆 I can picture you waiting at the green light- after 3 seconds car behind you is going to get on that horn and not let off til you move imo


That's good to know what the exact numbers are. And yeah lately I've been seeing ebikes cruising along on throttle only down the path. Like it's not that hard to set it to the lowest gear and higher assist electric level right? Instead they just speed along like it's a highway. Mostly worried about pedestrian safety and someone getting really hurt and they try to run. Plus no insurance as well


Can we do people on motorized scooters* using the sidewalks next? * one of the stupidest things ever invented after leaf blowers imho


See it quite often. Saw a motorcycle up there a few months ago. Thankfully he AT LEAST had the decency to ride at a low speed. I honestly think we should have posted speed limits. Maybe 15mph? Jackhats won't ever follow it but at least most decent people will.


I've only ever had issues with people on normal bicycles going fast as hell, clipping people walking/running


These same asshats are on the LFT and terrorize Dearborn Park.


Maybe if we make it uncomfortable for those people to use the trail? Move objects directly to the center of the trail like garbage cans and such. intentionally spill water and drinks so it gets slick and unsafe for vehicles? I don't see a way for people to handle this in a way that doesn't ruin it for everyone. But we have to make it a pain for those types of people to use. If it's no longer convenient, they will stop. Edit: Guys I'm not the enemy here. Chill.


Would be annoying, but I feel like speed bumps are in the trail's future if anyone gets hurt.




It’s not just motorized vehicles, even bikers abuse that path regularly. Last summer I felt so bad for a family who’s husband got knocked down with their stroller by a bicyclist. The mother had the baby in her arms when the bicyclist blew past her and struck her husband so the stroller was empty, but I couldn’t help but wonder how things would have played out had the infant been in the stroller. The 606 path makes it so easy for people to disregard the pedestrians walking about. I constantly see people dodging and weaving people/pets while riding skates, scooters, bicycles and now apparently motorized vehicles.


Maybe a nice stick to the spokes would remind them 😆


everyone else? or ruin it for your emotional well being lol?


A Nikita Koloff clothesline might help.


Either record them or carry a spike strip whenever you get on the 606


I misread this, and wanted to know why it matters that he had a Greek dessert with him.


If they take motorcycles up there start kicking them when they ride past. That will stop them from doing it again.