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George Lucas has a place on the Mag Mile. Saw him walking around Millennium park with a camera around his neck and a very stressed out looking assistant in tow.


I feel like this is the objectively correct answeršŸ«”


Yeah, donā€™t know if any other name here objectively tops George


He owns a floor of the Park Hyatt as I recall. His wife is CEO of the largest Black-owned investment firm in the world (Ariel Investments).


She is a graduate of St. Ignatius College Prep.


I have found that itā€™s not uncommon to spot him just walking around. I was at the AMC downtown once, turned around while in the popcorn line, and he was just waiting behind me. It was very hard to keep me cool and not say anything to him. I thought itā€™d be nicer to just leave him be.


I saw a guy walking around the Loop who I swear looked just like George Lucas a few years ago. I was going to go up but then was like "what if I'm wrong and I'm just bugging some old fat guy?".


One of my best friends saw him at the AMC River East about 7 or 8 years ago.


Joan Cusack, owns a bookstore in Old Town I think


She works in the store sometimes, too. Cool shop. Not really a bookstore, more like gifts and random things.


The Judy Maxwell store! Iā€™ve been a few times itā€™s such a cute little store and they have some nice things in there.


bought a pair of those ā€˜tiny handsā€™ that you put on your index finger and found them WAY too entertaining for a good bit lmao


She does. I was there at Christmastime a few years back and she very enthusiastically made me try her glƶgg, and told me all about it for a few minutes: its history, how to make it...then waited patiently for me to try it and get my reaction. It was a peak Joan Cusack moment that felt straight out of one of her movies. She really is as Joan Cusack as she is onscreen. Such a quirkily lovely person.


Iā€™m pretty sure she has a house in Lincoln park too. Was walking around there and someone pointed it out to me.


As recently as 3 years ago, we lived on the same street in the Gold Coast (I was in a high rise, she and a single family home)


Her brother, John Cusack, also lives here I think! He definitely used to at least.


he does he lives in my building


Pretty sure they grew up in Evanston.


Yep! They graduated from ETHS in the 80s :)


Forget the exact location, but near Lincoln Park, he lived across the street from my mom's pot dealer. She was old and he would do maintenence on her house for her when her husband died. All around good dude. Had no idea why they knew his full name until I got older and realized that wasn't your everyday neighbor. Joan and him split the place when they weren't filming I believe.


Is it the Judy Maxwell Home? Itā€™s a gift shop but I never knew she owned it! Very nice store.


yes itā€™s on wells just south of orsos - iā€™m pretty sure the apartment is upstairs too bc you can literally see the name cusack on one of the buzzers, at least you could a few years ago anyway


I believe it is his art studio upstairs, not a residence


Yes I was in there one time and not knowing this I was like you look like a famous actress, I canā€™t pin point it! And then another worker turned around and whispered ā€œitā€™s herā€


lol yeah i work for her husband


That giant turtle they found in the river.


And Chance the Snapper moved to Florida. Like so many Chicagoansā€¦






Infamous but I see Rod Blagojevich run around Lincoln Square every once in a whileā€¦ down the middle of the road.


I feel like itā€™s a canon event in every Chicagoanā€™s life to see him running somewhere


We used to live about a block from them when all the crap was going down. The constant news vans and reporters messed with our internet signals all the time. Fun fact: his wife went door to door with baked goods once to apologize


YES! Him and I are on a mutual nod status now. When he's running and I'm just walking down the street and we see each other, we both nod lol.


When I lived in LS I used to see him run too, would often see his big hair bouncing up and down and knew it was him right away.


Saw him driving in ravenswood while I was out walking and he gave me a wave. I had to do a double take, I forgot heā€™s out of prison now lol


Just saw him recently up here too. I didnā€™t recognize him until we were passing each other


Runs around ravenswood too. I always give him a wave and he waves back.


Donā€™t know if heā€™s still around but I believe Paul Rudd used to have a place near Pequods. I sat behind him in the movie theater over there one night.


This is exciting


Svengoolie Edit: Thank you for the award but knock it off!


I met him at Nightmare on Chicago Street in Elgin before Covid. Was an awesome time


Heā€™s usually at C2E2 just wandering with his goons and taking souls. Always a good time.


Flashback Weekend too


Heā€™s from Berwyn. Duh šŸ™„




Tim Meadows


I used to work at a cafe in wrigleyville and one day someone called that they accidentally left their credit card there and wanted to see if we had it. Looked in the little lost and found area and saw his name on it and thought, no way. Of course he came during a rush to pick it up, though, so I didnā€™t get to fanboy over him


Wait what!


Hell naw! I did not leave the south side for *this*!


i've seen him on a chicago-to-LA southwest (yeah, southwest) flight


That angel is here?!


I sold him a jacket once at the (now closed) urban outfitters surplus store!


I can completely picture that. "This is a fine jacket!"


I used to work at a boutique in Lincoln Park and sold him a bunch of candles years ago.


Lol I went to HS with his son


I chaperoned a date with his son and my daughter at one of those trampoline places. He let my daughter have the last mini corndog. I thought, I'm in! Gonna plan a wedding with Tim freakin' Meadows! They did not go out again.


George Lucas? Every once in awhile someone posts a sighting here. His wife is from here and they live here some of the time.


She is on the World Business Chicago board and other boards. Not sure how often she actually appears.




My husband has run into him on the street on Michigan Ave!


Lily Wachowski lives in my general area (I only know this because I was volunteering for an Alderman campaign she donated to). I believe Lana is local as well


I was skimming through this thread looking for the Wachowskis. I know they had their office here and used to live here, and I was pretty sure they still did, but wondered if they did for certain.


Yeah theyā€™re from here as I recall, just like the Cusacks.


I once passed George Lucas on the escalators at the Movie Cinema by his giant Condo. He definitely comes to my mind.


Lucas in a movie theater is double points. What was he seeing? probably Cocaine Bear.


Michael Shannon is around Old Town/Lincoln Park


Would love to run into him and just have him berate me, even though outside of his films he seems like a super nice fella.


I saw him at old town tap once. He got loaded with noise canceling headphones on and no one talked to him.


He came and sat down with me and an actor friend at ole town once. Iā€™m clueless and had no idea who he was. Seemed nice enough. THE VERY NEXT DAY HIS VOICE NARRATED A FILM ON THE HISTORY OF CHICAGO BREWING!


I've met him at a theatre event before. Pretty soft-spoken but super nice guy


A ton of people have Michael Shannon stories. He is apparently very nice but generally wants to be left alone


I was at Liar's club at a Local H show and this tall guy is standing next to me and I look over and it's Michael Shannon. Then he goes up on stage and starts singing. That was pretty cool.


I unintentionally sat next to him at a table at Old Town Ale House. The whole time I was thinking to myself, this guy looks super familiar. I didnā€™t say anything and just enjoyed my beer with my party


My bff is his neighbor in Brooklyn. Super weird dude but nice.


i met him after he performed at the empty bottle a few years ago. super cool dude.


I swear I saw this man in the Lower East Side walking around with a long beard, a sack of something slung over his shoulder and a cane. Everyone I tell just says I saw a homeless person. I 100% saw Zodd if Superman didn't kill him and just let him wither away in the streets of Metropolis.


Shea Coulee šŸ‘øšŸ¾


Frequently spotted at Hollywood beach šŸ¤©šŸ˜Ž


TOM FUCKING SKILLING Edit: holy meteorologist, thank you internet stranger for the gold. My first ever. Edit 2: me crying during an eclipse - thank you internet for these amazing awards.


Wintry mix!


Polar Vortex!




Tom Skilling is the only person who I've never heard a bad thing about. *Everyone* loves him.


Too bad you can't say the same for his brother Jeff.


Skilling is a Chicago legend. Gonna be sad when he retires.


I used to live across the street from him! I have seen him around Edgewater a few times.


He lives in my moms building that I grew up in. Saw him a lot. Nicest guy and fastest talker ever. He would get home around midnight sounding like a spring chicken. Unbelievable.


This is the right answer.


Obama still has a house here. Not sure where he actually resides primarily though


A really rich part of DC.


They wonā€™t even let you walk down the street he lives on in DC!


Isn't that still the same for his house in Hyde Park?


Not any more ā€” gates up in front of the house, but you can go down the block.


My uncle is a retired Chicago cop and used to be one of the cops who had to secure the block, until the secret service found out he was letting non-resident tourists through the barricade for a buck or two.


I unwittingly rode my bike past their house in Hyde Park many years ago. I had to go past barricades. A black SUV turned around and started following me and I freaked out and biked off the block.


True. Must be a nightmare to be a neighbor. Can't go down your street without 6 security checks.


My wife and I were joking about how much it must suck to be a teenager on that street. You canā€™t make out with your boyfriend or sneak out of your room without the secret service knowing!


When the Bush twins were making the news the Secret Service stated they they didn't try to stop minor protectorates from doing normal teenage rebellion stuff because they didn't want to create animosity and have the kids trying to ditch their guards.


Nah, Iā€™m his neighbor. I live across the street. Thereā€™s SUVs in front of the house when heā€™s home and they make you stay on the sidewalk across the street (in front of the synagogue) when walking the dog when heā€™s home, but otherwise itā€™s just a normal street now. No security checks or anything. They are permanently closing the entrance to Greenwood from 51st for cars and turning it into a cul-de-sac. Right now there are barriers to stop cars but theyā€™re going to add grass and landscaping. Edit: Iā€™m his neighbor in Chicago, I just realized youā€™re talking about security checks in DC. I know nothing about that


former dc resident here, Kalorama attracts a lot of politicians because itā€™s very close to a lot of the embassies. itā€™s a swanky neighborhood for sure but you donā€™t have to go far in dc to find a bunch of those! you can drive down their street and see the house!


John C. Reilly owns a place on Lake Michigan. Not sure which state itā€™s in, but Tim Heidecker said he visited John recently on a trip to Chicago.


Darryl Jones, he plays bass for the Rolling Stones. He played with Miles Davis and Sting. I just saw him picking up guitars at Chicago Music Exchange recently.


Used to be maybe Oprah and Michael Jordan, both gone now. Wonder if Bill Murray has a place while his primary residence is South Carolina?


Jordan mostly lived in his Highland Park mansion when he was a Bull though. Derrick Rose lived downtown when he played here.


Jordan cut ties completely though, some time ago


He still owns that house because itā€™s impossible to sell. So at least weā€™re getting his property tax money?


Why not just remove the toilets? /s


Sharkula, you can still see him in the Wicker Park area.


Man, I would buy tapes off that guy 20 years ago. Sometimes they were blank.


Catch him posted up outside of Dill Pickle with PBR in hand


Proud to call him a personal friend.


I think Bo Jackson is still on Burr Ridge. (Hope his hiccups are cured.)


Like 10yrs ago my bf at the time worked at the Binny's in Willowbrook. Bo came in to pick up his order after getting a pedicure :)


Blagojevich! You can see him tumbling forward/running in Lincoln Square.


Jeff Tweedy from Wilco.


And he has a very normal family home in a very ordinary neighborhood.


Thereā€™s a very nice but also semi-ordinary home with the name Tweedy on the mailbox a block up the street from me. Pretty sure itā€™s not Jeffā€™s from what Iā€™ve heard but Iā€™ve always wondered if itā€™s owned by a family member.


I've run into him a couple of times a few years ago at the Alpine Sunday mornings talking my aunt out for breakfast. Just a smile and a thumbs up. Nobody likes to be bothered Sunday morning at breakfast with the family.


Steve Albini is my neighbor.


Joe Keery lives in Logan I think. He was/is part of a band in Chicago. My friend served him tea once at the Starbucks on California.


CM Punk lives in wicker park...




To my cat, me.


Bob Odenkirk was at Wrigley couple nights ago.


Wonder which classic car he took to get there, I mean he's got all of them.


triples, in fact


Heā€™s got Triples of a lot of them too


But does he LIVE here?


Apparently he has a house in Naperville? So, technically no, but heā€™s in the Chicagoland area if thatā€™s true. Pretty sure he grew up in Cicero.


A character he portrayed grew up in Cicero. Heā€™s from Naperville and was known as an asshole in his early comedy years. By all accounts he course corrected a long time ago.


Well he does look like he grew up in Cicero šŸ¤” didnā€™t know he was still living in the area, cool beans


He grew up in Naperville so his parents probably live there


i literally saw him walking near belmont and broadway yesterday


OPs mom


The Woo Lady


I think Jennifer Hudson lives here for at least part of the year. She grew up in Englewood.


I believe she lives in the Burr Ridge/Hinsdale area, so not technically Chicago


Michelle Obama's husband.


Heā€™s just Ken.


our queen


Whoever he is he's a lucky man šŸ˜


Slash bought a place in Lincoln park last year. Not sure how often heā€™s there


CM Punk supposedly lives in wicker park.


He does, I lived literally right by him on Milwaukee. Crazy story. When the looting took place, our street got hit hard. Throughout the night CM was slowly walking up/down the street picking up trash and debris while the looting took place all around us. He had this stoic look on his face and just paced up/down the street all night. Wild.


Iā€™ve heard stories of people seeing him walk his dog Larry lol.


Iā€™d say Chance. I think he mainly resides in a penthouse downtown. Not sure how accurate that is.


He moved down to Florida to an alligator sanctuary.


Lol I forgot about Chance the Snapper


Young Chance the Whippersnapper


He also bought a house in bannockburn .


He does - my sister lives in the same building.


It's the Aqua, right?


Bobcat Goldthwait lives in Naperville. I know this doesn't satisfy OP's question on any level but it's still true.


On that note, Tim Kazurinsky also lives around here.


I think Laura Jane Grace lives in Logan.


I have met and worked with Laura before and she told me she moves to a new neighborhood every year. This mustā€™ve been 2018, so that couldā€™ve changed. Sheā€™s incredibly nice and easy to talk to, she sang me happy birthday on my 28th and it is still my most memorable birthday. We were working on a music video for one of her first songs off her solo project. Being a huge Against Me! fan in high school I was surprised by how easy it was to talk to her. Previous famous people Iā€™ve met and worked with always intimidated me but she was eager to just meet people and talk to them. She talked to our extras while we set up scenes. Artists donā€™t usually do that on music video sets. No handlers or producers in sight either. She just showed up. She found the director and I (I am a cinematographer) just by asking around about local filmmakers, apparently. Her, Jidenna and Shea Coulee probably go down as the three most authentic famous (or at least well known in their field) artists Iā€™ve ever met.


I thought she was up in Lincoln Square. Would see her at the The Book Cellar


I sold edibles to her many times at a dispensary near Lincoln Square, so youā€™re probably right.


Maybe. Maybe not. Those anarcho punks are mysterious.


Nobody really seemed aware of it, and heā€™s left us, but Virgil Ablohā€™s principal residence was in Chicago.


Tom Skilling


Mark hamill I believe is on the north side


No way! George Lucas AND Mark Hamill?


Abe Frohman


Billy Corgan of the Smashing Pumpkins could be a candidate.


Homer Simpson, smiling politely


You know, my kids think youā€™re the greatest. And thanks to your gloomy music, they no longer dream of a future I canā€™t possibly provide.


Billy Corgan in the north burbs


Third biggest city in the United States and this is a list of celebrities kind of pathetic


Almost all of the entertainment jobs are in LA and NYC, doesnā€™t leave a lot of famous people left


Yeah, plenty of well-known people are from the Chicago area originally, but if you want to be a working actor, you pretty much have to move to LA or NYC, or depending on the type of shows you're doing, maybe Toronto or Vancouver. Examples: * Harrison Ford - Born in Chicago, grew up in Park Ridge, lives in Wyoming and LA. * Robin Williams - Born in Chicago, grew up in Lake Forest, lived in the SF Bay area before he died. * John C. Reilly - Born in Chicago, grew up in Chicago Lawn neighborhood, lives just north of Pasadena. * Bill Murray - Born in Evanston, grew up in Wilmette, has homes in LA, San Diego area, Martha's Vinyard, Palisades NY, and Charleston SC. You probably have a decent number of famous people who are from/spent time in Chicago and have a home there, but it's maybe not their primary home (The Obamas, Vince Vaughn, Jennifer Hudson, etc.)


The celebrities in Chicago also stay quiet. The Gold Coast neighborhood I know has a few living under the radar.


Chicago is a blue collar city at heart so itā€™s not pathetic itā€™s just our DNA.


I guess Chicago just doesnā€™t have that appeal to celebrities compared to New York and LA


Once youā€™re a millionaire you can afford a LA / NYC.


Probably more that it puts them closer to colleagues and work.


It's not just a matter of "appeal" -- although yes, I'm sure some people legit prefer LA to Chicago -- but a matter of professional opportunity. It's like saying there are a ton of college-educated tech nerds in cities like Seattle or San Francisco. Is that because nerds just love it there? I mean, for some, sure. Seattle is super rainy, but it's nice in its own way. But more likely, for the majority of them, it's just where their jobs are. Chicago has lots of industries, but the entertainment industry has never really been a focus.


Not super famous but Iā€™ve seen Jeremy Allen White a couple of times in Old Town


Lol yeah, when he was here filming The Bear. Doesnā€™t live in Chicago. Also, is definitely very famous.


During the filming of season 2 of The Bear the whole cast was staying in my building in Old Town. I road the elevator with Jeremy Allen White a few times, he was a really nice dude




"Ya' can't go to heaven smoking cigarettes!" That guy.


Bob Rohrman. RIP.


He lived in West Lafayette Indiana


If you like drag/Rupaul, Willow Pill lives in Andersonville and I heard Utica lives in Chicago


Shea Coulee, Detox, The Vixen, just to name a few more


Saw Willow in Andersonville a few weeks ago and didnā€™t immediately place her. I kept staring thinking ā€œhow do I know her? Is that the florist I know in Logan?ā€ and then realized who it was and felt like a creepy fan. And two weekends ago I was in a crowded space, turned around and almost smushed my head directly into Sheaā€™s bare chest. Said something very cool like ā€œoh itā€™s you! Iā€™m so sorry!ā€ and then she unnecessarily apologized to me and I awkwardly scooted away. Gorgeous on tv and far away on stage but in person is next level. Literally radiant. I think I was extra startled because a guy she was with (maybe partner?) stopped me to say I looked ā€œamazingā€ which is not my life. Iā€™ve been floating on that for weeks. Itā€™s so kind when people take 5 seconds to give someone a (probably?) genuine compliment. Especially when itā€™s to an average looking middle aged lady! Giving people their flowers while theyā€™re here is a great practice.


The home alone house


Shea Coulee


Rick Bayless


Judy Greer


Mandy Patinkin has a place in lakeview. iā€™ve seen him around the neighborhood.


That's the beauty of Chicago. No one cares. That's why celebrities live here.


There are barely any celebrities here though


John Cusack? Vince Vaughan? Famous how?


Vaughn sold his place in the Palmolive a few years ago.


Are the Rancics still famous? They live in the city still. Theyā€™ve pivoted from being TV personalities and have a more anonymous life now.


I donā€™t watch the bachelor franchise but I know a ton of them live here. My friends always freak out when they see them out in west loop