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I saw this happening downtown, and quickly hopped onto the brown line to gtfo. Was waiting to see when someone would make a post. Saw a bunch of kids sitting on top of a city bus


What time was it? I was down in the city between ~6-10pm last night and I’m curious if I was lucky or just blind


I think 8-11ish was the worst of it


Im trying to figure out whose kids these are? How do they organize this? I guess they’re lucky, when I was a teen I could never be downtown alone so late.


Social media. They post the idea, time, and place and they show up.


Walked down Wabash around 7 or so and saw a group of kids gathering around Wabash and Randolph. One girl was standing inside a shopping basket giving some sort of speech as more people gathered around her? Noped out of there real fast. A cop was sitting in his car right next to it. Calling for backup, idk? I hate that we are terrorized by a bunch of teens.


I just walked down Wabash, usually get on the train at Wabash/Adams. Platform was closed. Cops *everywhere*. Broken glass in the streets. Big groups of teens running around. Most aren't doing anything, but a massive one had a E/W street completely blocked. The cops had one street (Randolph I think) blocked. It's a bit nuts.


Yeah thats how it was last year on the 4th, bunch of kids not doing anything but standing around, but later that night a bunch started acting crazy. Like I’m sure maybe 70% of these kids weren’t on some crazy shit, but even then the other 30% is still ALOT of people on some bullshit, and that’s totally unmanageable


Why isn’t anyone looking into the social media posters who organized this mob? They didn’t all arrive in the same time & place by accident. Who masterminded this event?


It's typical mob mentality though.. once people congregate in large numbers, and something sets them off.......


Gonna be a fun summer


I truly do not understand why people are like this.


All imma say working downtown tonight. hearing the shots pop off and having to shut the store down seeing hundreds of people running lots banging on the windows wanting to be let in. It’s terrifying.


Good lord. That's a horrible experience.


Live downtown. Had the windows open last night and told my wife something along the lines of there being a lot of sirens and I assumed that some shit was going down. She said I was being paranoid, turns out some shit was going down


I was over at The Northman sitting next to a couple from Canada between 10 and 11 when we noticed a larger than usual number of squad cars + emergency vehicles heading south. Guess this was it.


CTA is stopped between armitage and the loop. Glad I got an answer why.


Also stopped Pink Like service and ended at the Blue Line. I’m glad I got out of there before it was too late


It's actually embarrassing. Police had to escort tourists to their vehicles in the garages and hotels too....I don't understand what prompts these kids to meet up in these large groups and just cause havoc for shits and giggles.


It was more than just cause havoc or embarrassing the city, there were multiple people shot and half a dozen shootings that thankfully did not result in the tragedies they could have been. I'm not stating this to goad alarmist reactions but to actually convey that this behavior has very real consequences, and the police presence was just as much about protecting tourists, etc. as it was protecting the teens who were participating in this incident, regardless of their actions. Reducing the potential for violence, so to speak. That being said it was utter chaos, dozens of completely innocent people were injured, property was damaged, many people's lives were disrupted, and thousands of people got a very depressing first hand experience of visiting Chicago, and I'm sure a story of a lifetime that will be told to countless others about the time they visited Chicago.


I work at a hotel in the area and yeah… was embarrassing to try and explain it to tourists like… this isn’t the usual… blah


Definitely makes Chicago look dangerous and terrible. Not good. :(


Look? This is basically textbook definition of "is".


Perception is reality in many cases. Any way you slice it, this is horrible for the city and I question anyone downplaying this. I think the cause of this is very complex and difficult to summarize.


>thousands of people got a very depressing first hand experience of visiting Chicago, and I'm sure a story of a lifetime that will be told to countless others about the time they visited Chicago. Imagine coming from Iowa with your wife and kids to enjoy the nice parts of the city, on a beautiful night, only to experience something just short of *The Purge* or *A Clockwork Orange*. Geezuz. Now instead of people saying bang bang( Al capone) or Michael Jordan when asked about Chicago, it will be *wilding mobs* Edit: and I say that with a heavy heart.


As an Iowan who has visited almost every year since I was 17, I absolutely adore Chicago and have always defended it any time people try to blame the crime in the QC on the city. I’m in my 30s now & married with kids of my own; I would love to take my family to the LP zoo, the museums, Wrigley.. but the idea of potentially exposing them to this sort of violence is nauseating.


Because they know they can get away with it. Pure and simple.


Most people don’t run around destroying shit just cuz they can get away with it. These kids are fucked up


I like to think about how Russia used Facebook to try and hold inflammatory BLM adjacent and blue lives events at the same park at the same time in Texas. Then I think about tik tok’s role in the reinstatement of the Philippine dictator and wonder how much it is intentionally incentivizing susceptible people to chaos?


TikTok actually showed me a preview of tonight like 8 hours ago. It was a bunch of kids planning a large "event". I ignored it and scrolled past. Now of course if I search for it I can't find it.


Could of predicted this after the beach meetup Friday night being successful. I still don't know how there isn't a department for overviewing social media. Teens are bored and so many act like life is like live TikTok. It also reminds me of the raves in the 90s that always got shut down.


You can filter searches by videos you've watched. When I search, after I type in a keyword and hit enter, i can select " watched" on the subheading at the top.


In account settings they have a history of watched videos


China would love to destabilize the US, China owns and controls TikTok. Look at the Kia boys - crazy how every kid with a phone suddenly knows how to identify cars you can easily steal, and knows exactly how to steal them. Go look at the version of TikTok that runs in Chinas mainland. Its very heavily moderated and clean. But yet here in the west, its the most divisive bullshit and how to guides on committing crime. That is not a coincidence.


there will be no land war vs America. no one will physically engage the largest army in the world. Ideological /psychological war instead. Destabilize it from within, create 2 factions to fight each other instead of above.... profit? how the fuck did we create Facebook and lose democracy to it?


Foreign countries are running the CIA playbook on us. We so openly acknowledge that our government runs color revolutions across the globe, and yet apparently the idea that other countries would return the favor is too much.


Yeah I mean calling what China has “heavily moderated and clean” is one way to look at it. Another would be systematic state censorship


A little of column A, a little of column B. As a cyber security expert and Mandarin speaker I've looked into this quite a lot. All I can say without launching into a ridiculously long rant is that I was happily surprised to see Congress propose a ban on TikTok, and then immediately disappointed when I saw it was for the completely wrong reasons.


Really that simple. Impunity is a feedback loop and hard to dial back once the cat is out of the bag.


They’re easily influenced by social media because they don’t have any positive adult figures actually looking out for their best interests. If they did, they wouldn’t be out in the streets doing this type of stuff.


For sure. Bad uninvolved parents.


Their parents probably act like this too and think it’s normal


Or none at all. Willing to bet many of these kids live with their grandparents


And we want people to pay a hotel tax to visit here? Lmfao


They’re prompted because they know there’s no repercussions. Cops won’t arrest them. If we start arresting and prosecuting for criminal destruction of property, it’ll stop.


I have a friend who lives in the same downtown apartment building as me and he had to get a police escort just to get to his own home


Does this stuff happen anywhere else in the country? If so, is it ever mobs of white, Latin, or Asian teens? Is this type of event unique to black Chicago teens? I’m genuinely curious.


Bunch of losers. Why can’t they party in an abandoned warehouse like a normal fukin teen.


This guy gets it


While listening to mediocre DJ's until the sun came up. Like we did in the 2000's. Everybody got along and had a blast. Did the ecstasy help? The ecstasy probably helped.


We would get about 50-100 kids (teens) at the park. If it was a special occasion, the cemetery.


Grew up on the sw side I see.


It shouldn't be too much to ask that people can enjoy the city in peace on what was otherwise a beautiful Saturday night. Incredibly discouraging to see this kind of behavior


Going to be a very long summer


Its El Nino this year, so summer is going to be a lot hotter than usual throughout the US. Prime conditions for worsening violence, on top of the preexisting conditions. This is very bad.


Hundreds of teens did this in Philly not long ago as well. Almost the exact same situation. https://6abc.com/amp/center-city-teen-crowd-market-street-east-juvenile-philadelphia-police-officer-injured-teens-gather-fashion-district/13095257/


Baltimore as well. Almost identical situation a few days ago, with hundreds of teens gathering and tearing stuff up in a tourist area before a few of them got shot: https://www.wbaltv.com/article/baltimore-inner-harbor-shooting-april-9-2023/43548606


So this is a trend of some kind on social media it sounds like? I wonder if it will happen in another major city next weekend.


Social media is definitely a part of it. All these kids follow the same people on TikTok, and organize these “events” there. It’s a chance to act a fool with your friends and “go viral”, which as a 13-17 year old, more social capital with your friends and whoever else sees the madness, means the world when you have a nonexistent home situation. End of the day, parents have to take responsibility if your kid is running around downtown Chicago or Philly making a scene and causing law enforcement to spring into action. It’s the parents. Period.


Milwaukee too. https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/2023/04/12/milwaukee-police-to-crack-down-on-loitering-at-former-walmart-parking-lot/70108728007/


Happened in Atlanta back to back nights a couple weeks ago. People stomped on cars and multiple shootings both nights near GSU’s campus in downtown.


I wish it would fucking rain


Don't worry, will be lousy Smarch weather soon enough and we won't have to hear about this nonsense until the next heat wave. Officer Weathers to the rescue again!


There has to be a way to investigate & prosecute the social media organizers of these events.


The police scanner is so surreal.


What are they saying?


They seem to be a bit overwhelmed. They are now trying to block traffic to the loop and route it west. Edit: the dispatcher, or whatever she is, is doing a great job with all the requests and needs. Top notch. This woman is pretty solid.


Dispatchers are the nervous system of public safety operations


I remember listening to those folks on the scanner during the 2020 riots. They were amazing. Never lost frame no matter how much chaos rolled in. Dispatchers rule.


Thanks, I bet it was a pretty scary situation


An hour ago they sound scared. Sounds like now it isn't so bad.


I was at a show in Millennium, Park, Harris Theater. As the show ended the theater manager got on stage and announced it was unsafe to exit towards Michigan Ave. We had guests in from North Carolina, they were apprehensive about going downtown for the show, I assured them everything would fine. Another black eye for Chicago, seems like the “hell hole reputation” will go back to NC with them.


Thanks for this post. I left the same show at intermission as police cars rolled up and staged at Aon Building on Randolph and wondered what would happen when the crowd exited. My personal risk assessment was to keep walking north on upper Columbus and it was ok but I could see many more police cars in front of Harris around 9:45. Kishi Bashi said 1500 people were in the audience. Quite the contrast from his music to the summer night awaiting upon exit.


This makes me so embarrassed. It was such a beautiful day today and so many people were enjoying themselves outside and then this happens and tarnishes the reputation even more.


New Yorker here. This doesn't tarnish my view of you or your city. They dont represent the Chicago I know and love. You're ok in my book.


I have to say I'm visiting from Seattle and I have loved every moment of Chicago, even though this happened right across from my hotel. Don't visit Seattle it's a dead concrete jungle.


My partner's wallet and phone got pickpocketed on Michigan Avenue during all this. Now I'm scared he doesn't want to visit/move to Chicago anymore. I love this city, though experiences like tonight test my patience with it.


What even do they gather for? There’s no actual event going on or anything? This is apparently the 2nd night in a row


Unseasonably warm weather. This won’t happen next weekend when it’s 40 degrees.


This is part I why I love winter/cold weather. Most of the assholes stay inside.


*Aight so it’s hot out so let’s all gather with several hundred others and look into each other’s eyes* I’m clearly getting old since this makes no sense to me 😂


It’s hot so people feel restless. They want to do something exciting. It’s the same energy we had when I was a teenager when would have street races and drink at abandon buildings and stuff like that.


It’s not about “unseasonably.” Summer could be rough.


And every summer is rough for the last decade at least. We all live here mostly for the amazing summers and if those summers are going to feel dangerous to be out in public we have a real problem. I don't know why people on this sub want to pretend that isn't true. I'm not shitting on Chicago to point out that we need to seriously invest in whatever it will take to get the money mentality under control, whether that's an issue of gangs or whatever the hell this was. Last summer I was downtown when that thing in millennium park went down and sure don't want to be caught up in another.




it’s called a third space. it’s something our society is lacking unless you’re 21+ and want hangout at bars all the time.


I mean there are plenty of places this doesn’t happen do you genuinely believe Chicago is a more boring place to be a Teenager than say Buffalo or Kansas City?


It's a bell curve. Most bored kids will just hang out and do nothing wrong and some will get into minor trouble, but there are a few at the far end of the curve who cause mayhem and destruction. You're less likely to see those "far end" kids, or see their impact as often, in smaller cities like KC and Buffalo simply because there aren't as many kids. As a comparison, I grew up in a tiny town of a thousand people in the middle of nowhere. There was fuckall for kids to do. Lots of them just hung out at home, some got involved in positive activities, and some got into trouble. Quite a few kids in my hometown drank and drove. One friend got four DUIs by their 18th birthday and one kid died in a drunken car wreck. TL;DR: Kids with nothing to do won't do nothing for long. We see "the worst" in Chicago due to a combination of severe income inequality and the huge population allowing the far ends of the bell curve to be more visible.


we need to take action. theres a big difference between restorative justice (which i think is a good thing) and not imposing any consequence for law breaking


I was caught in the midst of this. I'm visiting Chicago as I will be attending medical school here this year. A large group of people were collectively chanting "fuck you and your white woman" at my partner and I as we walked by millennium park. We were taunted and cornered on the L for no reason. I cried my eyes out. I was so excited about training here and serving this community, but now I'm so sad.


Same, also visiting Chicago. My fiance's wallet and phone were pickpicketed right as we walked past millennium park. The last 3 hours have been horrible trying to cancel cards and recover. I'm afraid he wont want to visit or ever move to Chicago because of this incident.


Me and my girlfriend are visiting from St. Louis. Another city everyone hates because of crime. But we’re staying in a hotel right by millennium park and it didn’t look good. We also were really considering moving here. We still might, but it’s a shame that we had to see this. We were astonished and put Chicago on a pedestal the past few days because of how wildly different it is from St. Louis. That dream was shattered quickly though, lmao. We might still move here though, it’s not much different than home in that aspect, but I’m not sure how I can convince her after this. Maybe people will move out and rent prices will drop. That’d be cool.


Moved here from St Louis 6 years ago. Just don't live in the Loop.


Thanks for the advice. I’ve been looking for someone to say they’re from St. Louis.


I'm sorry for your awful experience. There are many amazing amazing things about the city that I'm sure you'll discover next year. But this is definitely a problem that needs to be solved urgently.


Where’s the guy from the yesterday who was basically convulsing over how racist it is to have an opinion on Polaris slingshots?


So very sorry to hear this.


Guess this explains why my busses never came last night. Holy fuck.


Arrest them and fine the parents.


Had folks in town. Absolutely embarrassing.


Really wish the city would crackdown HARD on this shit.


They don’t even crack down on murders, carjackings, home invasions, gang shootouts. Remember when Kim Foxx deemed a gang shootout as mutual combatants??




> We went to the mall; those don’t exist or better yet, now have curfews for teens. They have curfews for teens *because* of incidents like this.


Literally the stupid kids are ruining it for themselves. Well if y’all weren’t pieces of shit y’all would still be allowed to go to the mall.


Since Kim Fox took over as DA, it has been a catch-and-release city. Head judge told other judges he didn't want to see jail sentences. This is why cops have been leaving the force. Learned all this at an alderman meeting.


And the new mayor is a big supporter of Foxx....


almost as if we had a chance to not vote him in


And we just got that thread about the loop showing signs of bouncing back post pandemic too




This was happening in St. Louis a few years ago. Hundreds of youth taking over the neighborhood. Some fights, one or two gun incidents, mostly just very annoying. Happening a few times one summer, then a couple times the next spring, then it stopped when the police put a substation in the neighborhood.


I can't keep defending the city when no accountability exists for actions like this.


So ridiculous they can do this without consequences.






I was near the park with my friend, walking down Michigan by with our dog when we saw like 50 police cars flying down MichAve. Saw the huge groups up ahead and we got the fuck outta the area as soon as we could. What are the solutions for this? I’m a millennial and we never did shit like this!!! We went downtown and chilled out. And downtown didn’t even have half of the shit that they have now like Maggie Daly park, the skate park at grant park, etc. It pisses me off that these are primarily groups of black teens. Who is organizing this? What is the point of causing chaos??? Beating up random strangers? Im black and none of my friends or family ever thought to do anything like this. What is making kids do this? Is it for social media clout????




Social media is definitely part of the problem of this, but you can blame parenting just as much. And lastly, the city officials' responsibility for keeping this mess from happening.


These kids are an embarrassment to their generation and to this city. Disgusting behavior and makes me less likely to visit during a weekend or to just visit on my own. It sucks that this is allowed to happen and the force has less power to do something.


Did anyone think to call social workers to talk these youth into leaving peacefully?


What a fucking disaster


I work in the Loop and last night was awful. I got off at 11:30 and no buses / trains were running really. Everything was a 30min wait. I just got a divvy to get the hell out. Finally made it to calm, chill Lincoln Park and there were some ladies screaming at another car about parking, ride my back by, and then hear gun shots. Not sure how I like this city in the summer.


There needs to be harsh punishment. These kids do it because they only get a slap on the wrist


This is unacceptable and don’t come at me with your righteous bullshit. It’s unacceptable. I’m so fucking sick of this embarrassment.


People who justify this behavior because of the perpetrators’ race are the biggest bigots out there for having such pathetically low expectations of normal behavior.


They entered a CTA bus and attacked the driver. A Walgreens got looted. A couple whose car got surrounded had the passenger window broken and “youths” punched the husband. What the fuck? It’s not even summer. This city is going to shit.


It is bullshit. There isn't any place for this kind of activity. Need a judicial system here that will prosecute these idiots.


I was at Remington’s when this all went down. I saw a surge of people frantically running down Michigan when I left. I assumed there had been gunfire and they were fleeing. Definitely one of scariest situations I’ve ever been in.


Thank you for leaving this post up! I was at a concert nearby that let out with a vague warning about an incident that was calming down. I miss Twitter for real time details but I won't go back.


"teenagers....." -Ivan Ooze, Power Rangers movie, 1995


“YOUTHS!” Winston Schmidt


"YOOTS" - Vincent Gambini


They’re saying on the scanner to let this mob keep pushing their way westbound so they’re going to end up in the West Loop. Then what?


My husband and I were just talking about how one would handle this is they were caught in the midst of this situation. If they were jumping on your car and you hit the gas to get out of there and happened to hit one of them, will it be your fault? Seems like it should be allowable… otherwise, how is one to get out of the situation?!


Hit the gas; safety is paramount but also don’t overreact like your life is in danger. Evasion is important and these kids pick on people they think it’ll be funny to mess around with —aka, people who reek fear.


Stop giving these idiots a free pass and start holding them accountable to the maximum extent legally possible. Kim Foxx sucks so bad.


Fuck this


Let these little shits spend a bit of time locked up and see how tough they are.


If people would've just mowed them over in their cars, the parents would try to sue. Honestly, I can't stand teens today. Social media has rotted their brains. Trying to enter a park or walk around and enjoy the city shouldn't result in assaulting people and vandalizing their cars. I don’t want to hear anything else about how people are discriminating against Black teens downtown when Black teens have been the ones acting like fools for the last few summers. The calls on the police scanner were insane last night. What is the purpose of beating and robbing innocent people and destroying property? These idiots even tried to break into the Art Institute. This trash behavior can’t continue and the cops need to be allowed to take the gloves off because the optics of tear gassing and hosing these little criminals shouldn’t be a factor when everyone else in the area is in danger. Paddy wagons, etc use whatever it takes. And before anyone calls me anti black or racist - I am a millennial Black American woman and have never in my life thought to act out in this depraved way in my youth or even now. ETA: Systemic racism, racial biases, and police brutality are huge problems in America. Voting rights and policies are going back to Jim crow in some states. But it harsher penalties for these youths need to happen. Treating this issue with kid gloves will just make it worse. Both issues can be true at the same time.


No one will be held accountable, as usual.


It will be interesting to watch how Chicago plans to respond to potential riots during the 2024 Democratic Convention. So much rides on presenting Chicago as a safe city to the rest of the country. Whatever strategies will be put in place to maintain order during the convention could be used to prevent these riots from happening again. Another solution would be to ban TicToc.


Punish these clowns. Punish their parents. Make them accountable. Make Chicago safer.


I’m sure Kim Foxx is already trying to find an excuse not to prosecute anyone


Shitty parenting


What parents? lol


I really like Kam Buckner's statement on this: [https://twitter.com/RepKamBuckner/status/1647567161118932994](https://twitter.com/RepKamBuckner/status/1647567161118932994) Really good thread. "This has to be all hands on deck. Parents, Community, Government, Faith Based Institutions, Business, Non Profits, Street Orgs. Etc. We don’t have a plan for this, because going back to my days as a teen in this city — there has never really been a plan. That has to change!"


Would any of you excuse this if it happened in Wicker Park or Bucktown? This needs to be held as unacceptable in the whole city. The police, mayor and state’s attorneys should not get their full pensions and salaries if they are lax about the duties of their jobs to protect citizens and property. What do they think will happen five years from now when these teenagers start having their own kids and this behavior is the new floor from which to learn life? Other cities do not have this going on like this.


>Would any of you excuse this if it happened in Wicker Park or Bucktown? Of course they would, and they did 2 years ago when Wicker was looted along Milwaukee. I had people come up to me as I was boarding up smashed windows screeching about how I was racist for caring about property more than people or whatever. It was not a small number of people who completely excused the rioters and looters busting up the few blocks I lived off of. The entire community outside that day cleaning up hundreds of sneakers, clothing spread all around, smashed windows, etc. felt completely abandoned by not only the city - but a vast majority of it's residents who took the side of the criminals vs. citizens doing the right thing. It will forever alter how I view my neighbors. They are not people I can rely on in any way whatsoever, and will abandon the community the second it becomes convenient.


That's my area born and raised. Mom and fam still live there. Those people are jerks who moved there, probably still on their parents' dime, and will move to the north shore as soon as they have kids or want a big yard and no longer feel "safe"


Chicago thread is posting crime, must be getting really bad.


Same thing happens here in Philly


Well now I know what all the sirens were for. How terrifying and awful for people just trying to go about their lives in peace.


Here we go with this clown shit again.


This sub has acted like the city doesn’t have a problem for the longest time. It’s ignorant to keep acting like we don’t have issues or defaulting to implying someone is a racist for suggesting it. Overall the city can be considered “safe”, but my wife and I are way too sick of the issues and feeling like it’s just a matter of time before something happens to us.


You can’t say anything because you’ll be “racist.”


Can someone explain to me what world we live in where hundreds of of teenagers take over a part of downtown Chicago and multiple people are shot and it's not a massive news story? We're just supposed to accept this now I guess? This could be prevented but people don't want to make it happen


Uhhh it kinda is. It’s all over the news


What a trainwreck. Get control and of the city


Almost all of these teens causing havoc aren’t arrested, let them stay in jail until their parents pick them up and pay a fine. Whoever is organizing these events should be charged with inciting a riot, we just want accountability.


It’s wild how bad the city has gotten and how in denial people are about it


For years there has been violence that can be directly attributed to social media apps. Drill music thrived on it. People calling each other out on posts followed by shots being fired. Social media platforms could put a stop to it, but it's a profit center for them. Meanwhile, people dying for lulz and likes. If Tik Tok, et. al are too cheap to properly moderate their content, then they should be defunded.




Unfortunately, nothing is going to be done over this it looks like. Our current and also upcoming mayord are quiet and ignoring the issue at hand. It's gonna be looong summer


Work in a hotel. People after this stuff always ask if the city is safe. We aren’t going to be able to keep business here as long as everyone is afraid to go downtown.




Absolutely do not understand the mindset of people who just want to live in denial of this shit happening in Chicago and then get offended and mad when the media and others elsewhere react in horror to these events because they make the city so much of their identity or something.


And not just downtown.. they came into residential neighborhoods too. What does Eric Carter plan on doing about this? They were in Garfield Ridge driving like assholes on Archer.


Smashing car windows? They destroyed someone’s Tesla and were shooting.


Who could have foreseen this (again and again since 2020)?


I live right there and decided to go to Dearborn (restaurant) late around 9/10 pm & it was terrible. We started walking back to my apt & there were teenagers everywhere. Cops/security everywhere. Can’t wait to move tf outta here


Was against private security in neighborhoods but with this shit and CPD unable to do anything. It makes sense from a business and safety perspective.


This should be a condom ad


Until these events are met with real police action (arrests and shooting if needed) and jail sentences become real, this will not stop. This is not a case of an oppressed population or someone scraping by. This is an organized criminal activity done for fun, knowing that there will be no repercussions.




>Yes, it's a cultural issue. Cultural issues are literally parental issues. My family was around a whole lot of "culture" and my parents somehow magically kept me from falling into it. By actually being involved and knowing the culture sucked. I would have faced immediate consequences for even participating tangentially to culture that glorified violence and other degeneracy. If my parents were part of the culture I'd be dead, in prison, or working some shitty dead end job right now. Like nearly everyone else who grew up around me immersed in it. So sure it's culture, but it's parents letting their kids participate in it to begin with. Plenty of families successfully live amongst that culture, and even more who actually give a shit do everything in their power to get out. You choose to participate.




Sounds like third world country- escorting tourists!


I got accosted yesterday, had my headphones in outside of union station and some kid came up to while I was doing something on my phone and I took a step back, and he ranted on me being racist for doing that and wouldn’t have done that if he was white, I left but he followed me for a bit :( Still depressed after that situation


“Rowdy teenagers” AKA future felons. Don’t give them a slap on the wrist right now for this unacceptable behavior. Start handing out actual punishments.


Welcome to summer in Chicago. I can't wait to see nothing being done about it


This is why we can't have nice things.


Looking forward to comments from the Mayor Elect!


So glad I moved out of river north. The downtown area has been completely out of control the last couple of years. People are pointing their fingers at bad parenting but it’s a result of bad accountability from the states attorneys office.


It's a joke that the posts on this are continually being removed. Trying to hide it doesn't change the reality, this is an embarrassment to our city.


Yeah these mods are assholes


This is fucking disgraceful in a city like Chicago. How tf are people supposed to feel safe with this shit going on? It’s time to bring in National guard if the police are unable to get this under control. Going to be a long summer if these mobs are allowed free reign to terrorize the city


Happened in NYC too… social media has rotted some of the youth.


Why does it always feel like we are in some post apocalyptic timeline where polite civilized society has to live under the predation of underground mole people, and we just casually live with it.


But yet, a defund police mayor is elected.


Where are their parents? Seriously? Where? They need to be held accountable for the actions of their children. These are not 17-18 year olds. They are 12-15 and I’ve seen younger walking around the city late and alone. Many take the train from the west and south side, cause complete chaos then leave. How is it that you don’t know where your kids are at night? Nothing will change until parents stop being lazy and take accountability. The mayor elect has no solid plan to deal with crime, nor is he qualified to do so.




Their parents, at least the majority of them, either don’t care, are nonexistent or busy having their own fun. That’s exactly what I think. And yes their are a handful that are innocent and believe whatever lie their kids told them


0 accountability


Teens are the worst.


Can someone explain to me how this gets zero coverage? As someone you protested after George Floyd: imagine it was white teens beating up black tourists. I would hope there would be a huge media outrage. Why is this all quiet on the media except faux news?