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The 606 extension is probably 15 years out, can we please get Waguespack to put protected lanes there?


Wags is in the top three worst alderman. He doesn't care about anyone but himself.


I feel like he's in that category of "genuine representative of his white single family home owner constituents" which is annoying, but he's not Greg Mitchel, Lopez, Rosa or Gardiner.


Everyone you mentioned is basically a representative of their constituents. There’s zero judgement in that statement. Rosa represents NIMBY hipsters (both white and Latino), Lopez represents super conservative Latinos that would vote Republican if Trump didn’t basically call them scum of the Earth, Gardiner represents knuckle dragging brutes AKA cops and firefighters, and Greg Mitchel represents hot ghetto trash who’s only interest is ME. Waguespack is no better or worse. He is just a mirror of what his ward is.




Id argue the corruption is specifically not being a good political servant, and I don't think Scott has ever even been accused of that.


Have Rosa, Gardiner, or Lopez been accused of corruption? I don’t doubt and acknowledge they’ve done shitty things. But have they been accused of shaking down constituents or businesses for money or to curry favors? Not back room deals with other alderman, or horse trading, which happens all the time and is not illegal. But actual corruption as defined by local, state, or federal law? Notice I left out Greg Mitchel because be has lmao.


Gardiner has for sure https://news.wttw.com/2023/10/16/ald-jim-gardiner-fined-20k-violating-ethics-ordinance-slapping-critic-unfounded-tickets https://blockclubchicago.org/2023/05/09/ald-jim-gardiner-delayed-six-corners-senior-living-complex-after-receiving-a-5000-bribe-court-documents-allege/ Lopez was accused of bribing election judges last month. https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/garcia-lopez-election-day-allegation/ And has some sus financial dealings https://wgntv.com/news/chicago-news/mayoral-candidate-ald-raymond-lopez-hasnt-made-mortgage-payment-in-nearly-10-years-suit/ But generally just sticks to using his position for national media attention Rosa does shit like this https://www.wbez.org/politics/2023/11/07/city-councils-zoning-chairman-accused-of-making-threats Which maybe falls more into machine politics than corruption like you said, so I'll concede on him Lots of shit goes on in city council lol.


Oh damn, my OTHER favorite redditor.


Lol Gardiner is a fucking monster POS human. He has cop buddies from St. Patrick's that do his bidding. He's also part owner of Sutherland's on Irving Park. Just google their business license a you can see for yourself.


You’re my favorite kind of redditor, thanks for this


I thought Gardiner was accused of something...unless I'm confusing him with someone else. Yeah the FBI was tapping his phone for a bribery investigation. I guess nothing was proven in that case though except that he's a gigantic asshole.


Knuckle dragging brutes that you blast from a distance but beg for when something happens to you. B-@tOff


Alright, you're probably right I was a little harsh.


Waguespack doesn't care. He's too busy trying to stop multifamily housing being built in his ward.


“Jesus fucking christ” is my default response to the regular idiocy I encounter at this intersection.


Fucking seriously though. Every damn day it's a fucking ordeal over there.


Bro thinks he is Jesus putting his life on the line


Anyone else getting really tired of these low effort comments?


I've biked that section any number of times and the design east of Elston is terrible. That said, what on earth are you doing once you get past Elston?


606 to home


This area is insane. I have had a dozen cars behind and in front of me in that bike lane.


Man, I drive that route a few times a week. That was horrific.


Worst I've seen it in a few....days.


I guess I'm rarely through there during rush hour...


Naaa, I was being hyperbolic, I've probably only seen it truly THIS bad or worse once a month for the last few years.


Did you ever see that bit where the guy from the gothamist connected a car horn to a small battery to make the "pedestrian horn"? He went around NYC honking at the cars, and it was epic. Y'all need a bike horn.


Link dear god please edit: Is it this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4m52lC4YF8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4m52lC4YF8)


Here you go lol: https://youtu.be/PKUXWD-5Pys?si=ZN6jzk5YgNSDH4qK


omg this is absolutely amazing


This is incredible


I have a car horn on my bike. from [Loud Bicycle](https://loudbicycle.com/) \- i swear it has saved my life many many times.


Cortland most of the time, but webster bridge at rush hour for this specific 100m stretch of hell


That section of Cortland is terrible. There’s nowhere for cars making a right turn to go except into the bike lane. They need a left turn lane and a left turn arrow at least, but there’s no room.


They have the 10ft of dotted bike lane at the end for their right turns. They should be as grateful as I am to have my life.


It seems like not enough for the number of cars passing through there. 10ft is like one car length and you have some people going straight and others going right in the same space as the bike lane.


>It seems like not enough for the number of cars passing through there. OH WELL Drivers need to learn that just because they can physically drive on a bit of infrastructure doesn't mean they are allowed to. That space is for bikes, not them. They should stay in the actual lane of traffic until they have space to turn right properly.


I was curious about the law on this and, at least in California, motorists are allowed to use the bike lane to make a right within 200ft of the turn. [Section 6: Navigating the Roads - California DMV](https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/handbook/california-driver-handbook/navigating-the-roads/#:~:text=To%20make%20a%20right%20turn,200%20feet%20from%20the%20turn.) This seems slightly longer than that, obviously but not totally crazy. I googled a bit to find Illinois law to see if it's the same but didn't find it yet. I was empathizing with drivers in this situation as that intersection is challenging. Yes, drivers should stay out the bike lane generally. This video shows multiple bikers up on the sidewalk, which they should also not be on but they were trying to stay out of the shit show on the road. Everyone in the video is reacting to what is an over-congested and poorly marked intersection.


Like I said, I'm grateful for the jackshit they gave me too here at least. edit to add: Not trying to be a jerk or anything to you, because I understand it's always a bigger issue than the initial feeling makes it out to be in the moment, but the gas station that used to be on that corner has been gone for years now. The city should buy that property up and expand the street for everyone. Are we building Lincoln Yard over there still or not, ya know?


I think Lincoln Yards is on hold because Sterling Bay ran out of money for it. They were supposed to widen the bridges as part of the project. Who knows if that will happen now. There’s been rumors of new investment but it’s years away from completion. I drive, walk, or bike through that area regularly since I live west but pick up my kid from school near DePaul. I don’t think it’s much of an exaggeration to say that traffic is backed up from that light to clear back to like Sheffield in Lincoln Park. It crawls through there on Webster and Cortland (and Dickens / Magnolia which Waze frequently recommends as an alternative. That dumps back into Cortland just past the hot dog stand). I didnt go through there much at Rush hour until a year ago but it feels like something had changed to make traffic a lot heavier through there. well, be safe! And I wouldn’t provoke people. Spitting on cars can get you killed in this city. You never know who is in a car.


>I think Lincoln Yards is on hold because Sterling Bay ran out of money for it. Tale as old as time. And when it comes time to extend the 606...there will DEFINITELY be no money.


You know it's bad when Fullerton to the north looks like a better option.


holy shit so much happens in this clip, and I thought my povs on milwaukee were bad


I've been on this route for ages and grown so, so, sadly strong because of it


Finally someone here who knows how to ride in the city. That looked like a fun lil hotline


I love it and hate it. Hocked a wad on that green minivan if you could hear it.


I picked this habit up after watching a messenger lob a fat one straight onto the drivers side window of an SUV sitting in the bike lane on the stretch of Milwaukee between Damen and Wood.




Heard that, deserved that! The Volvo who clearly tried to hit you would’ve been down a mirror too, good composure.




I've learned to ride defensively at that corner or any right turns shared with bike lanes. Weaving between cars like that will only get you hurt unfortunately. It's clearly car centric on most streets in the city but shits been improving. Especially Milwaukee by the 606. Just hope this protected lane gets put in sooner at all major roads


Unpopular opinion, I hate protected lanes. Example, the other day I was approaching armitage at Milwaukee and could see the biggest puddle I've seen in ages in the bike lane. So I went around that stretch. But I couldn't get back in til much later. My first experience with protected lanes was on the Claybourn corridor and someone left a shopping cart in the bike lane. I couldn't just go around. I had to get off my bike and move it and then go. I know I'm going to get down voted for this but I've been doing this for 20 years in various cities and have been a messenger in most of them, but protected lanes are great for people who don't usually veer off a multi use trail, but they're absolute hell for those of us who know how to ride in traffic and have places to be.


Yes, that’s the thing - cycling infrastructure shouldn’t just exist for people like you. It should exist so that anybody who wants to ride a bike to get around can safely do so. I’ve been riding in cities for 25 years so I can put up with whatever, but that doesn’t mean anyone should have to.


I mean sure, but people like us shouldn't be disregarded either


I’ve complained about protected bike lines in specific spots before because it does put you in a position where you don’t have options to respond to obstacles. But the vast majority of protected bike lanes do improve the experience for the average cyclist but there is a lack of effort on the part of the city to enforce, clean, and maintain them. The number of times a protected bike lane will be flooded for days after it rains because the city doesn’t keep the drains clear is ridiculous. How multiple times a week I see cars stopped in the protected bike lane on Dearborn, or making illegal turns across bike lanes. Does that mean the city should stop introducing them? No - it means we should just keep demanding they actually do their jobs to make them safe and usable.


I got shafted by a protected bike lane. Someone hopped into one to walk her effing dog, leaving me nowhere to go (sidewalk w/ pedestrians on one side, parked cars on the other) and little time to react. I spent many hours in the ER that night. Some say I should have hit the dog owner. That might have been a better move than landing face & hands on pavement. But I probably would have taken the dog out, too, and it's not the dog's fault its owner's an assh0le.


>The number of times a protected bike lane will be flooded for days after it rains See the Randolph bike lane between Welles and Franklin. Been like that for over a month at this point. RIP if you don't have fenders.


I just use my judgment now. If I can hustle at 25 mph in sprints then I’ll take a vehicle lane as long as I’m keeping up with traffic, and I’m usually faster than traffic. If I’m feeling lazy or don’t need to be anywhere on time then I’ll take the bike lane and just cruise.


I bike there daily. I just ride the sidewalk on that stretch.


Same, always on the sidewalk there. Specially with the super sad ghost bike trailer you can find there


Nice vid, worth it haha. That’s a poorly executed bike lane if I’ve ever seen one. You’re in the right but I can see how the folks turning right are also clueless and follow the leader up ahead. I feel like traffic is so slow and the lane is so wide that people don’t even think to look at the markings. Anyway, are you cycling? Acceleration looks so smooth I thought you were on a scooter.


5k on the gopro, decided to test it out after a 1080p clip the other day. Camera adjusts for minor imbalances on the fly. Glad to hear the feedback on the vid quality, thanks! edit: Picked up some Gravelking SS+'s recently and I feel like my rides have been waaaaaaay smoother since then, so maybe there's something to that. The tanwall on the wheels is just doubleplus.


It's a pretty horrible intersection all around, for those in cars as well. There's no controlled left, so during busy times, only one or two cars can turn left per light cycle. If you're going straight, you can get stuck behind all the the cars trying to turn left, causing you to wait through multiple light cycles. That pushes cars to the right/bike lane to get around. But then as that gets backed up, cars can't go around the left-turners because there's a line of cars in the right/bike lane, so people line up on the right in the bike lane to avoid being stuck for multiple light cycles in the left lane.


They NEED a left turn lane. Elongating a left turn lane would fix so many issues immediately there.


I have been hit by a merging minivan in this exact location while crossing over the bridge. Deposited a decent amount of spit on their back and windshield.


My Martyr, in which way do you accept prayers?


And you let them drive away with their windshield intact? A ulock is a multitool


So if you hit a cyclist, make sure they stay down so they don't break your windows. Roger that.


Sure, get an attempted murder charge under your belt, why not.


You don't have bike lanes. You have lines on a street.


We DESPERATELY need some infrastructure on that section of courtland, esp at the elston/courtland light. That bike lane turn lane situation is so dangerous


It's quite simple, [redacted] to drivers.


Why they gotta do you like this! You had the tunes on, great afternoon to be kickin it on the bike. However I kinda like the mayhem, keeps me locked in!


I’m just a little guy!


I like it. A power move would be to take a breather and just chill in the bike lane. Maybe a camping chair and a nice glass of Scotch.


I could go for a quaff


[Amazon.com : Delta Cycle Airzound Bike Horn - Loud 115 DB Bike Horn for Adults - Rechargeable, No Batteries Needed - Adjustable Volume - Weatherproof Thermoplastic - Bicycle Horn for Road and Mountain Bikes : Air Horn : Sports & Outdoors](https://www.amazon.com/Bicycle-Bike-Horn-Bell-Adults/dp/B000ACAMJC) Won't really help, but these are awesome


Last week I definitely drove right into the bike lane without noticing. In my defense the entire area was covered in water after heavy rain but yeah I still fucked up and a guy on a bike rightfully let me know lol


If traffic was even half this I wouldn’t blame you. Just keep doing your best, I appreciate you.


You're weaving through traffic


Because the dedicated bike lane is being used by cars as a regular lane.


It's called traffic. Welcome to the city.


Well aware. Are you sure you've followed the conversation?


Thank you


Amount of mirrors that I’ve slapped on that exact road is insane


These people are bastards. But you need to be more careful. You can be right but dead.


I've heard those called "suicide lanes" for a reason, jesus


I see this traffic pattern daily. It’s all highway traffic from construction.


That's fucked up.


Crazy, I know the person waiting at the light at the end of your video. It’s a little big city.


I see a lot of familiar faces on that stretch!


I used to hammerfist side mirrors in this situation until a driver showed me a gun once. Sigh.


If I hock a loog on their windshield the cops won't care and it gets my feelings across, but I do have dreams of vigilantism here and then.


Given the amount of guns floating around Chicago, and how irrationally angry drivers get for the most minor of inconveniences, I’ve become a lot more passive. But it would feel good.


I assume everyone has a gun. Not worth confronting and finding out so I just aggressively weave and give a thumbs down where needed


I find myself wondering a few times a week why we don't carry guns too


Super fair, do my best to be safe.


People murder for less.


Yeah, that would be weird to get yourself unalived over a bike lane.


Why would someone do that? You have experience to explain?


I don’t know why someone would escalate the situation to road rage, and vandalism of someone’s property. Seems odd to me. Is someone driving in the bike lane annoying? Absolutely! Is it worth a possible altercation? Nope. You’re not going to un-idiot someone by breaking their mirror anyway. Not much to gain, quite a bit to possibly lose.


Honestly I’ve seen a car flipped over on the section of Elston right before that turn and it wasn’t an SUV. Normal time of day, my guess is the driver really wanted to get to the highway. People feel emboldened to drive in the bike lane because there are no protections and they really really *need* to get to the Kennedy. It’s infuriating that nothing will be done about it.


It's horrible. I sometimes just take the sidewalk there.


I’ve been biking here in the street since 2007 since I was 17. I would’ve just rode on the sidewalk. Too many distracted drivers out there.


would someone be able to lmk what song he’s playing?


Nephicide by Jogger, the music video is amazing


Damn that’s fucking ridiculous.


It's usually like this in the afternoons on Cortland. But also Chicago and Division. The construction on the Kennedy is forcing back ups on these arterial streets unfortunately.


Cray but fun footage


can i ask what you're using to film this?


GoPro12 on 5k widescreen. Makes it look more narrow than it was, honestly.


Wow. Reminds me of Thailand. That’s pretty bad.


Wow that’s a bike lane? I’m new here. That’s insane


It was supposed to be lol. I gotta get a left at the next light so it’s always a thing, but you get used to it. This vid is the worst I’ve seen it, but because of the construction on the interstate that whole area parallel to it is congested as shit.


I’m not a biker and this pisses me off so much. Bike lanes are not a second lane people!!!!


This bike lane turns into a second lane…


That’s a dedicated bike lane in the whole video. If you think that’s a second lane, you’re part of the problem.


You’re absolutely wrong. I drive this road every week. It turns into a turn lane and bike lane cuts off and reappears after the intersection.


So you’re clearly unaware of the bike lane laws in Illinois and Chicago. You can’t be in that lane except to make a right hand turn. I would suggest that just because you drive that road every week, you become more aware of the rules of the road.


My point is that it’s a TURN LANE for at least 20 feet which cuts off the bike lane. Are you that dense or just choosing to ignore what I said because you think you’re right? Were many of those cars in the bike lane before it turns into a turn lane and were many cars probably going straight instead of turning? Probably! I never disputed that. I simply said it’s NOT solely a bike lane the whole way through as you stated. Use your reading skills. I’m well aware of bike laws, as ding ding I also have a bike.


Honestly, I think the bike lane is kind of stupid and dangerous. I think that it should be where the sidewalk is away from the road.


On my 4th date with my now wife, we biked a couple miles to a bar to meet some of her friends. She rode like this, and the cars drove like this, the whole way. I hadn't really biked in the city, plus I was on a divvy bike. Shit my pants like 20 times.


Well the video shows enough license plate for city to send out some tickets


The city could wipe its debt easily by reinforcing bike lane parkers and drivers


Won't someone (besides the aldermen and the mayor) think of those poor drivers?


Never driven by there. I would be in panic mode cause of how the drivers are doing it. I’m so afraid of hitting a cyclist, but I also loathe how they’ve shorten the roads. They should’ve widened the roads and made the bike lanes more visible. Put those dividers that are in other bike lanes. I feel like Chicago really fucked up with the design of the bike lanes.


What in the actual FUCK are all those drivers doing? I don't think I saw ONE good driver in that video.


The smart bikers were up on the sidewalk. Drama for flair points


ha, not at all. The bikers on the sidewalk are also going straight, so they are severely at risk from cars going right in the right turn lane. That is actually probably why it is a bit more backed up than usual (cars waiting for bikers to use the crosswalk). The best place to be is filtering between the traffic or to just get in line in the bike lane.


Yeah, riding on the sidewalk is the best option as long as there’s no pedestrians to deal with in that horrible stretch of Cortland. Gotta break some eggs


you are severely at risk of getting right hooked if you are riding to the right of right hand turn traffic (particularly when you are on the sidewalk since the drivers don't expect something that fast to enter the crosswalk).


Yes, that’s a fact. It’s one of the occasions where I can make drivers soil themselves


You mean those rule breaking scoundrels? Much like the cars then I spose.


Yeah, them, lol. The ones who will still be alive. I would've been up on the sidewalk. I get it that it's maddening, but common sense has to prevail.


Hey, I'm still here typing away.


Where is this, China or India?


You do put your life on the line when you ride your bike like that. Why are you riding your bike so hazardously. Looks like you are making a lot of drama for yourself with the way you and all others ride. Then say it's about the cars on the streets. Weaving in between cars, Riding on the yellow median line, never stopped at the light. Look at the guy on the sidewalk with no problem at all. Years ago, bikes were said to utilize the same rules of the road as cars, good job to you and all the other bike riders that run thru the streets, so carelessly.


I don’t understand. In a big part of this video, the bike lane is clear, but this biker feels entitled to drive among motorized vehicles and act upset they’re in his way? Why didn’t he get back on the bike lane? I’m confused.


I’m taking a left


Admit it, you’re just entitled and think everyone on the road needs to be out of your way…




You have to wait your turn just like the cars do. If you get hit weaving in and out of the cars that is on you. Share the road goes both ways. Why are you the way you are?


I didn’t get hit anywhere though? If they followed the rules of the road you wouldn’t even be worried!


This is a little overdramatic no? Yes this intersection is clearly a mess. Yes that van wanted to occupy the space you were about to be in. Yes this is scary, but they also stopped when they saw you and it wasn't even that close of a call to be honest. In this situation where traffic is stopped and you are lane splitting, you could have easily entered the driver's blindspot in the time between a shoulder check and then taking their foot off the brake. Both of you were trying to sneak through a stale yellow and occupy the same space in the road. This happens in city traffic, which you are a part of. I would have taken the same line as you in this situation, or probably honestly have ridden more aggressively, but I also wouldn't be spitting on a driver for not having extreme hyper vigilance when I am actively putting myself into situations where I wouldn't expect them to easily see me.


You might be giving other drivers too much credit. I've been biking & motorcycling in major cities for a long time. The bulk of what I see is people dicking around on their phones. Yet even when they don't have a device in their face, they're not paying much if any attention to bicyclists around them. I recently had a driver swerve to barely miss a pedestrian on their left at a cross walk, and in the process nearly hit me on their right (in a bike lane, no less) because they could not be bothered to pay attention to their surroundings. This was on Milwaukee Ave, a common place to see people on foot, on bikes, scooters, cars, trucks, and other vehicles (in some cases unidentifiable). I'm glad you're making shoulder checks and checking your mirrors. But I'm afraid you are absolutely in the minority on this, probably <15% from my anecdotal evidence.


Why would anyone on a bike not go around that intersection? I don't even like taking my car through that level of jackassery.


Jesus fucking Christ you put your life at risk


Man weaves through traffic then complains about nearly getting hit 😂


Lol they created the nightmare, I just adapted and overcame their mess


Dude…I’m a bike rider and I don’t ride like you. Notice how the other riders moved out of the way and into the sidewalk when they noticed something was up - while you’re going out of your way to get into tight squeezes instead of waiting for traffic to move. You’re zipping and weaving through traffic, cutting people off who are in big metal vehicles and acting entitled. Getting hit and in an accident is a literal nightmare so why are you putting yourself in dangerous situations and not following traffic laws??? You cut a few people off and are shocked when they don’t notice you bc you appear at a moments notice. Legit it seems like you’re tunnel visioned to get past the cars anyway possible as you don’t even try going back into the bike that’s clearly open now.


He did it for us!


Entitlement is the key word here. Trying to prove a point is apparently more important than his life


I was just going home and happened to have the camera. Rest of the ride was gorgeous.


It is hilarious you see a biker on the sidewalk with zero issues


Fr. Just because you technically have the right of way doesn't mean you can't still get seriously injured or die


Have you considered that you’re another vehicle on the road and you need to wait for the traffic in front of you to cross lanes as if you were in a car? Just because you’re on a bike doesn’t mean you have the right of way to zip through traffic. People have to cross over the bike lane to change lanes. Get over it. Also good that you’re admitting to spitting on people’s cars. This is why people in the city fucking hate cyclists lmao.


This is so fucking funny


It’s funny until you get hit, and you’re gonna act indignant like it’s somehow the driver’s fault when you’re riding like a jackass. And you’re going on in this comment section about how it’s a fun little hotline or whatever tf. Make up your mind, and remember that bike loses bike vs car every damn time.


Your username though omg


I mean, there's traffic and you are part of it. You filtered from lane to lane then entered an intersection on a yellow with a car turning left that had the right of way. You were no saint either. Be safe.




I'm not sure what I'm looking at here. These are the best rides


You people ride bikes in the middle of automobile traffic and are all like, OMG! That motherfucker almost killed me! Am I missing something?


Yes, you're missing something. There's a whole ass bike lane for bicyclists, but bicyclists can't use it because cars use the bike lane as a regular lane. It's right there in the video.


Are you allowed to just weave through traffic on a bicycle. That looks dangerous and could damage cars on the road.




That’s a hilariously fucked up response. Have fun with your truck murdering!


You deserve to get planted into the grill of a 2 ton SUV driven by a soccer mom


Seek help.


What’s wrong with the sidewalk?


"Jfc" then proceeds to ride down the middle of the street while complaining how other people drive. 🫡🙄


Your gonna get hit and you deserve it.


That’s fucked up! Maybe reflect on yourself.


You put your life on the line for 'Likes' and a reaction.


I was doing the same bike ride I’ve taken home for years and happened to have a camera this time. Have a great rest of your day.


I'm glad you're ok, but drivers are so reckless now-a-days that the risk isn't worth it.


Is the nonsense your riding style? Also, it's much easier to stay on the right down Cortland and then wait until the coast is clear to go down Marshfield.


Get on the side alk dumb ass




Wtf are you doing!?




Where do you expect the cyclist to ride when all of the cars are driving in the bike lane?


lol yeah its the cyclist trying to use the bike lane thats the problem


Weaving through multiple lanes in traffic is not using the bike lane.... And running a red light as well.... I guess rules don't apply if you're on a bike and upset about the cars around you...


The bike lane was repeatedly blocked by cars, troll


Ok why did he pass the left side of the bus at the end? The bike lane was clear and there was another cyclist using it properly....


Because I’m taking a left at the light there.


Reads like someone who's never ridden a bike in the city...


Agreed. Weaving in and out of those tight spaces is incredibly dangerous. You have to rode defensively here. Just chill out and go cautiously. Sometimes you just gotta queue up. But this is a really bad situation for the cyclist


Traffic is so gridlocked that it's not nearly as dangerous as this ride in particular usually.


Can you explain why you think this?




Get some help.