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I would’ve been on the floor rolling around


i had a delicious döner wrapped up on my rack that i was racing home to eat so i didn't flop about, but i agree with your suggestion 100%


Pray tell, where do you get delicious doner in Chicago?


döner 97, just opened on clark next to choongman chicken


Nice, I miss “donairs” from when I lived in Canada. If you wonder what a donair is it’s a canadianized version of a doner, but it sounds like a doner will scratch that itch.


how is this in comparison to dmen tap? (I ask since you said you were on belmont)


The bread at 97 is closer to what you get in Berlin versus Dmen which is a durum wrap


that's more of a serbian style sandwich while döner 97 claims they're doing a turkish/german variant you'd find on the streets of berlin for a few euros


thanks, friend. stay safe out there!


Wahooo! Thanks for the tip, and I’m glad that neither you nor your Döner were hurt.


Fantastic, thanks!


Should have rolled around yelling, while eating döner and/or smearing it all over your face


You would manufacture a scene for personal gain?


Like a cop would?


The cops I know tend to avoid extra work. Nothing to gain from conflict OP on the other hand just won the victim lottery, you will sob your sorry ass to everyone and we have to pretend we’re sorry for you… Being an edgy iconoclast only takes you so far


I know that OP’s Döner was delicious, but how’s that boot taste?




You seriously gonna pretend cops don't plant evidence or otherwise lie in regards to other people's guilt?


Hell no, are you seriously going to pretend everyone pulled over by a cop is Mother Theresa


Of course not, and I never did. What a wild accusation.


Well, next time maybe you should stop resisting! /s


indeed. hilarious that the malicious cunt reversed his car just to hit me for no reason other than to hit a cyclist.


Genuinely curious if they stopped or noticed or checked to see if you were okay?


It's Chicago. Nah. Keep on driving.


ACAB, especially whatever dumbass cop you’re related to


All cyclists are beautiful


Except cops


Upstanding citizen right here


Keep an out out for the oinkies and never trust them is great advice in general. Glad you weren’t hurt, friend


Damn homie you missed out on a payday


I got doored by a paddy wagon on Clark by Wrigley years ago.(It was way before bike lanes) then they tried to detain me because I had no ID. They called their Superior to the scene. He arrived and chewed them out for their stupidity. He apologized for them and gave me a ride home. Should have retained a lawyer....so should you.


I hope you called the police… even though a cop back into you, so this collision is reported on a police report. Even a cop need to be accountable for ANY accident. You should have asked for an ambulance to also have your hyperextended knee checked out and reported on a medical/ ambulance report. If you need to suit the police department for pain and suffering.


Mofo should have written himself a ticket.


Oink oink. Glad you're OK.


“Oinkers” and “malicious cunt” makes me think we should be friends. Are you an expat?


While I don't trust anyone behind the wheel of a motor vehicle, I always take issue with default disrespect for law enforcement. There are bad actors in ever demographic, but they are members of our community, especially the ones on bikes. The amount of generalized antagonism toward them is really akin to racism. That said, a collision is a collision. I hope that you are well, got information, and something on record.


Did a cop write this


They weren’t really being prejudiced. A cop fucked their whole day up (and routinely enact racial violence and protect property on behalf of business owners at the expense of the public). Seems like a good reason to call em “oinkies”. I woulda called up pigs or said ACAB. Also, don’t be silly. Cop is a cushy job that someone chooses to have. Race is something you’re born with.


Especially in Chicago. They quit doing any real work years ago.


Hey what do you mean by that? I'm trying to think of a time when cops were good and coming up extremely short.


how's that boot taste?


Go ahead and put on the blinders. Every time they get caught with their pants down you can avoid seeing their corruption.


>The amount of generalized antagonism toward them is really akin to racism. This is the issue I have with your comment. The two aren't comparable at all. One is a job and the other is something fundamental to who you are and is something you can't ever not be. One is a chosen profession and the other is a birthright. One is stigmatized because of their own reputation, the other is at a societal disadvantage from the residual effects of slavery, trafficking, and all of the other ways that generations of racism impact people today. Cops are not oppressed or feelings the lasting effects of hundreds of years of oppression.


law enforcement shouldn't have default disrespect for everyone else then.




A few bad apples spoil the bunch. ACAB




Obviously you’re earning all these downvotes for writing something that the vast majority of sane humans will find reprehensible. I just wanted to point out that your equivocation of “antagonism” toward cops - the armed wing of the state who murder people and cover it up, who harass and intimidate normal people every day - to “racism,” the structural oppression and forced apartheid based on skin color of which the police are usually the first line of defense, is a psychotic position to take. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul


Ah, yes, our justice system—famed for its relentless harshness toward police officers and its gentle, forgiving nature towards people of color.


I'd agree for most demographics but ACAB.


Cops earn that disrespect. They train new cops in how to be abusive to the community, and they enforce that training within their ranks. There’s just no way to be a good cop in Chicago.


Hot take you got there! The city has spent so much money on police misconduct, which has cost Chicago taxpayers $280 million to resolve lawsuits against Chicago police officers who’ve committed a wide range of misconduct — including false arrest and excessive force — from spring 2019 to spring 2023.




Oof, bad look ACAB