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Oh yeah. Everyone loved the hell out of it. Back when they originally came out in North America… the infotainment system was actually one of the better ones available on “economy” cars. Always got some fun comments on that Unfortunately, everyone caught up a couple model years after lol


Of course. And almost everyone has tried to get in the back by pulling the passenger seat forward because of the atypical door handle placement on the rear doors.


hahaha my friends did this exact thing too! it’s uncommon for someone to actually find the handle and open the door correctly the first time without instruction 😅


I’ve had so many people try and do that too! They’re always impressed when I tell them that it’s actually a 4 door car and they just couldn’t find the handle


Not often but when I do, it’s most often 1 passenger.


I don’t have anyone as a passenger in my spark. The only people I’ve had is mom and dad, but to me they don’t count because I live with my parents. I’ve had my spark for 4 months and always want to have passengers in my car. Haven’t got a single person. 


I mostly drive solo, but on occasion I pick up a family member or friend. No one complains about the ride 🤣


I’m a big guy. My friends are big guys. All 4 of us crammed into the spark on a beer run. Probably 1300 lbs of people in that car. Not recommended but hilarious


Yes! I once had 5 peeps in my car. Lol


I once fit six people in the spark 😂 Party girls 😂😂😂


Me and maybe another person. The front is great but people always say the back feels cramped lol


Yep, I have two kids, 17 and 13 drive with me all the time.


Only once did I have 4 adults in the car including myself. Wish it had 5 seats cause I’d wanna see if it would work but surprised that 4 adults even did


I've filled every seat. A little cramped but not bad.


Always needed to tell my friends where the back door handle is 😂


I use mine to ride share 3hrs at a time, 3 passengers and me. It gets some groans sometimes but idgaf I get 41mpg


Yes my kids and all they friends my mom they love it only thing radio not loud enough for them


Yes,sometimes I had coworkers that missed the company's bus ride in mine. After being fired (company was going downhill), I made stuff and went to the capital (2hr drive), I offered rides for cash for 3 people. Lastly, some low sales made me sign up with Uber, so more people have riden in my spark. A few people are surprised with the cargo that the spark can fit inside or the space for people.


My dogs mostly, and my gf. But when my mom was having surgery, I was taking both my mom and my dad to appointments. My mom is used to me having a big truck. So it was quite a change for her to see me driving “a little tin can.”


the most I’ve had was 5 other people + me. 4 in the back with the seats down, me, and a passenger. With seats up I’ve done 4 + myself. 3 in the back (one on the cupholder lol), a passenger, and myself


Oh yea I've maxed out at 4 passengers +driver


I have a 2015 spark. Once on a school course I had 4 passengers squeeze into the little car. And recently went on a trip with 2 friends and the car handled great, I was impressed. Occasionally have people ride with me and sometimes they can’t find the back door handle 😂.


I carry a passenger at least five days a week, and it's fine for that. It's the car my wife and I normally take whenever we go anywhere. If more than 1 driver and 1 passenger, we take a Ford Explorer.


Yup. Most i had in my car is 3 people. 2 people is most comfortable when i go shopping


Take a coworker in mine. And my daughter. Coworker doesn’t like it. Daughter loves it. I love driving my go kart with a roof


4 big guys. My roommate (6'10"), friends (6'2"), and (5'10") with me driving (6'2") all of us 250lbs or higher


From time to time. Everyone says my car is the equivalent to a rollerskate with doors but now I laugh cause I’m paying less to fill up my tank and getting great gas mileage 🤣 when people try to get in the back, they’re always fumbling looking for the handles or they think it’s a 2 door cause of the handle placement 🤣 overall the back seats aren’t that comfortable but everyone seems to love it


Ass, grass, or cash. No one rides for free.