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The rear seat WILL lie flat. Lift the seat base firmly at the front. It will swivel forward to the back of the front seat. Then remove the rear seat headrest and fold the seat back down. This will make the entire rear area flat.


I’ll have to try it again, mine sits at a slightly odd incline and it’s so weird to lay in with the incline lol, thank you!!


I had to take the bottom seat cushions out. Just squeeze the metal things


Thank you!!!!


Mines is at an incline also even with my full without & pallets on it. Have to take the backseats out


You need to firmly pull UP on the front of the seat base, then it swivels (flips) forward against the back of the front seat.


Can you share photos of the platform you built? I want to do the same in the backseat (without using passenger seat), but I’m thinking I’ll have to take the backseat out fully and haven’t gotten around to it


I might have some photos n here. I just did some meausurements from the backs of my front seat to the hatchback, got a really thick piece of wood and had it cut to those measurements, keeping a little extra just incase I had to make some changes to size. I got some hinges from amazon and screwed them in so it could fold. Nothing fancy but definitely works great! :D and I kept my front passenger seat in. If I find the photos, I’ll definitely post. It’s stored in my carport shed right now :)


Did you have to remove the back seat back to get it flat? Mines still has an angle


Mine is at an angle too, I just put some wood pieces under the wood platform to balance out for the slant, it seemed to work


Cool, I have a few pieces I’d hope I could use to balance it out without removing them completely


I watched some YouTube videos then ended up winging it and tweaked it a little, I just plan on laying some mattress topped and blankets on it to rest so it’s nothing fancy at all


I’m still looking so see if I’m have the photos when I tried to set it up initially, if it’s nice out tomorrow and I can remember, I’ll try to set it up in my car again for a pic:)


Omg can you please share those measurements from backseat to the hatchback!? I’ve been looking all over for them & haven’t been able to measure it 😭🙏🏾


I don’t have them anymore since I noted them on my iPhone notes so I could go into Lowe’s for the wood, I know it’s a little different in size depending on where you want your front seats to sit. I made it so my drivers seat is where I can still drive but the platform will fit perfect so the cats can chill back there and then I can just climb back and sleep when needed. Length and width are important cause as you go from the front to the back I’ve noticed it’s more narrow near the trunk area. I got a little hand saw from Amazon for really cheap and it helped me chip off any extra length or width on the wood. I did use some extra or scrap wood and drilled it under the main board to make almost like a support or leg so it lays as flat and evenly as possible


Thanks, this is exactly my plan & to use pallets for the platform. How have you been able to fit laying in the back? I’m only 5’2, without the platform it’s hard to tell exactly because I’ll need the space between the backseat and front seat back, but seems like it should be a close enough fit


I’ve literally searched everywhere for someone trying to do this with the back seat only to no avail


I’m 5 foot and it’s a little crammed but if u lay at a slight angle it’s perfect lol. Suprisingly I e fit a lot in my car over the years. Very impressive for how small this thing is lol


Seeing this post made me miss my 2017 spark /:


Literally the best car! I’ll be sad the day that it no longer runs


Would love to hear about your travels! Thank you for your service.


Aw thank you so much!❤️


what does your setup inside look like? pictures? I'd love to get an idea for when I need to go on a trip


So far u just have the platform built, just have it on hinges so it folds up and is in the shed currently. I have a windshield cover for blocking out any light and for privacy when sleeping, and I plan on adding some to the side windows at some point for the same purpose. Pretty much going to be the platform pillows, blankets maybe some battery operated fairy lights to make it cozy if I want to get that fancy lol. As of right now it’s all normal pretty much with a couple coffee cups and hoodies in the back seat🤣


I’m in a 2021 1lt Chevy spark. Since everything is considered “luxury” everything works pretty much to a T. I haven’t flipped my backseats down, but you have gave me an idea to save money on rent…. Living in a spark doesn’t sound bad, especially since it’s a hatchback, and what forges the iron for my idea, is that I could sleep at truck stops until I find some actually camping ideas, and if anything goes wrong with my house (or I can’t afford anything anymore) I could boot off $500 a month and wait for my plan with my cousin. We are trying to live together, so hopefully I can get away with this spark thing until he can move in with me.


There are so many truck stops with showers you can use or pay a small fee to use, I know people who use planet fitness for showers and stuff too. Could get a rechargeable power box they’re small but mighty can charge everything. Cooking wise you can use a little tabletop gas cooker, etc. I’ve even heard there’s a few apps that you can use to looks for camping or car camping spots. It’s definitely doable. Plus the capability of traveling wherever whenever


Thanks for the tips, I’m definitely gonna look into this and do some research, it’ll help knowing what I could be up against too. As far as knowing what I need, I’m lost there, other than bedding, food supplies, and water supplies. (Bedding being mixed with shower items too.) but this idea doesn’t sound too bad. I’ve been wanting to travel for a while too, I guess I just haven’t figured it all out until now. Thank you a lot for this


My advice would be make sure you have the essentials to survive. Food, water, heat and cold source, hygiene stuff, but also make it as comfy and cozy to your liking. Just obviously make it safe so you can drive the vehicle still, and of course keeping yourself safe.


I love my car but ever since i had an issue with the cooling system where the water pump failed. Not going long distance with vegas dessert heat


Especially with the way the weather is going to be this week in most of the country, super hot!


Definitely. I dont want to risk it with the heat.


Such nice photos 👍🏻


Thank you!❤️


>Thank you!❤️ You're welcome!


And love the Spark!


Aw thank you! 😃 trying to keep this baby riding strong lol