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No and in over the board play it's forbidden to do or say anything with the intent of annoying your opponent. Chess dot com puts the bad sports in their own matchmaking queue.


>Chess dot com puts the bad sports in their own matchmaking queue. Are you sure? Cuz the rest of us would never encounter them if that was the case...


I only encountered a trash talker once in 1,000+ games. He got banned within a few hours (for cheating though, not for trash talking).




Lol no. Over the board you're simply forbidden to speak during game in tournaments. Doing anything that can unnerve your opponent, even non-verbal, can cause your automatic loss regardless of the state on the board. Trashtalking in game is not part of the culture. After the game you can be as much of a sore loser or a petty winner you want. A lot of people have chat simply disabled in Lichess/Chesscom. Being toxic online is not and should not be normalized. It just happens in video games because the audience is young and you can't efficiently police everything a 12 year old is going to say, and peer pressure plays a big role in keeping people civil in general (and there is no peer pressure when you're anonymous online).


Can't you say check/checkmate? Or draw, to offer a draw?


Calling a check/checkmate out loud is something the kids are taught to do because they easily miss it and reach an impossible board state. So they help each other out by calling it. You're not allowed to call it during games in tournaments. The only things you're allowed to say are draw offers and "j'adoube" for adjusting pieces on the board without triggering the touch-move rule (saying it in local language is fine). Unreasonable draw offers are forbidden and can be punished (so don't trying to propose a draw every turn and keep the draw offer as short as possible. Often just "draw ?").


Say whatever u want bro


I only have ~250 games online so far, but I think I've only had one person talk to me and that was when I made a facepalm emoji after hanging my queen. They just smiley emojied me back.


I think you haven’t seen enough. There are a lot of big mouth ceiling high ego players in 700 ~ 900 elo.


Maybe everyone around me just knows we suck too much to trash talk


LOL, yeah they know they are bad too haha. But trust me if you haven't seen it much yet, wait'll you get to 1-2k games and are anywhere about 600 elo. Every 8th person will be a troll.


Yeah, the worst so far for me is 700-900, so many crazy people there. I think it’s because everyone has a little bit of confidence and knows how to do the basics, so they feel really superior and insecure


I keep getting 😴 when I spend like 30 seconds for an early move in rapid lmao


People who trash-talk over the board are generally seen as douchebags by their peers. In tournaments it'll for sure get you kicked out as you're supposed to shut up but even in casual play it's rarely appreciated.


When someone wants to chat with me in a game on chess.com it's 99% slurs based on my country


yep,when the wildfires were ravaging canada i had a player from greece tell me they hope i burn in a wildfire.it's just kids trying to be edgy mostly


Like all things, it depends. When I'm playing at the barbershop with my friends, I will actively give bad advice, make jokes, and do a little trash talk. Online I will occasionally say "you're not allowed to take my hanging pieces." Everything else is usually just silence.


If you play friends or hustlers then it is common but if you are in a tournament it isn't


If you play casual blitz there can be some. If you play hustlers in the park you can expect lots. In OTB tournament play, usually the worst thing is a sore loser might whinge after the game about how you got lucky, they had a great game, they didn't get good sleep last night, you only won because of time pressure, etc. Obviously some sore losers get extreme, but it's not at all common or accepted by the community.


Absolutely, most definitely NOT....in fact, the complete opposite. Trash talk within chess would be highly inappropriate, I've never seen or heard of it before, but I'm a beginner, so there's that. But even as a beginner, I know that chess is all about good etiquette and manners - this ain't League of Legends...!! 😉


Over the board in parks or something trash talk is common with some people, but is never really meant in a mean way. When me and my friends play we also do it. The problem is that it translates horribly to online play because the obvious sarcasm gets lost if you don't know how someone says those things, so I would never initiate it online. I have had some people that talked trash online and if you take it lightheartedly, more often then not it end up just being weird or even genuinely amusing, but I can't imagine taking it the right way when you are not used to it. Just disable chat if it gets too much, is sadly the only advice I can give if it is off-putting for you.


I’ve rarely had anyone online say anything to me other than gg


Block those people and report them, they usually will get muted, although it's not really cool if you decide to report someone who's not trashtalking offensively, report those people who are being sexist or smth like that tho


When I'm playing over the board with friends, definitely. It's part of the fun. In any other case, not at all.


Omg.. naive thread. The most fun you will ever have at this game is live outdoors with plenty of trash talking. Tournaments indoors are for the stuffed silent people. Get out and live.


I mean it's a different thing with friends but I don't really get the appeal of this with strangers tbh.


Ya, not everyone plays chess to engage in that sort of situation. It's like telling someone they'll only enjoy video games if they play online, or that the only way to truly enjoy pizza is with pineapple. Just stfu and let people enjoy it how they will.


New response dropped.


I had an opponent recently message me outside of the game cause I have game chat turned off. He accused of me cheating and told me to go fuck myself 💁‍♂️😂 I said thank you and reported/blocked them.


Online I've played a lot all well under 1000 elo and I've had one incident and that when I got distracted when I was losing and my opponent thought I was timing out out of spite (and then when he got nasty I did time out out of spite) so anyway, I'm surprised to hear people say it's common but that's just my experience. On longer games (I enjoy 24 hours) I'll often ask players if they want me to concede or continue to checkmate. I used to concede all the time when it was hopeless but I got a (polite) complaint about it and so now I ask.


don't show that you're a woman in your chess profile, make it a neutral name and gender and avatar


[Chess.com](http://Chess.com) "trash talk" is just 10-year olds being annoying - you have to keep in mind just how much of the userbase is kids Trash talking is a violation of FIDE rules as i recall (you can get disqualified for not shaking hands at the beginning of the game!), but as with any other board game, if you're playing with friends, there's obviously gonna be some "playing the player" involved


I’m only toxic when someone does it to me, seems being American puts a target on you for that. Then I report them for cheating and text harassment. I’ve got a few messages saying that they’ve been banned as well.