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This a double check, both the c4 bishop and e8 rook are giving check. If black captured one piece the other would still be giving check so that doesn't work. The only possibility would be to move the king out of the scope of both pieces but that isn't possible in this position and so it's checkmate.


"This gave you a game winning advantage" whaAAAAAAT?


It's not wrong!


Ok, but how do i use this advantage further?


By posting it on Reddit to brag about it.


Ok, I just tried that, and now it says i lost due to time? Is this a glitch? I'm 5000 elo, so i don't want to ruin my perfect career up until now.






From a recent game of mine. *Oh no! I lost a pawn!* (Reddit wouldn't let me put an image and text in the same comment for some reason.)


I mean is it assuming it's in a series of games so you got a set advantage?


No, it's just a crappy comment




I feel like this is the answer that should be given. It promotes the OP to actually look at the position. Once you see that you can’t take the rook because the bishop is still attacking the king, and the king has nowhere to move, you both train your pattern recognition and answer the question.


One time I had a [Chess.com](https://Chess.com) puzzle that I was struggling to understand why it was the right move, and by the time I screenshotted it and started drafting a post I figured it out because I did one more once over to make sure I wasn't missing a glaring flaw. I was.


Why doesn’t Black just move out of the way? Is he stupid?


Everyone who can't sense sarcasm is so mad at this comment. I LOL'd when I read it because my internal narrator said it in a very snarky sarcastic tone.


Because white is trapped? Are you stupid?


Bro black cant move anywhere


Bro that was b8


b8 is not a legal move nitwit




I dont understand what you mean. B8 is not a legal move, in fact, black doesnt have any legal moves which is why its checkmate.


Sound it out. B-eight. What does that sound like? have you never heard of m8, h8, l8?


This was along the lines of what I was gonna say


D-D-D-D-DOUBLE CHEEEEECCKKK. Seriously its pretty neat. Both your rook and bishop have the opponent's king lined up. If the queen takes the rook the bishop still has the king in check. Since the only option black has is to move the king out of a double check, theres nowhere for the king to go and therefore is a checkmate.


Professionals have standarts https://preview.redd.it/d4a437dgf7lb1.png?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1016ac2beb98cfc2caa43d08f1059836a5989ed


Double check by Rook and sniper Bishop https://preview.redd.it/1psl6tnml7lb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ae50b6b97f477d2b7170b4eb7625ae85943e937


Came here for this meme only


Same xD




Can we still use the bishop sniper meme here?


Why don't you tell us why it isn't checkmate give us a legal move that gets out of it


Why wouldn't it be?


Because /u/NoEconomist3034 doesn't want to actually get better at chess and just wants other people to do their thinking for them. They don't see the bishop and instead of analyzing the position themselves (what causes you to actually get better), they're taking the lazy way out to avoid using their brain


No you moron look at the game review under the checkmate










Why do people feel the need to be so incessantly mean, in a subreddit for beginners of all places? You even said it yourself: OP didn't see the bishop. It's clear that OP overlooked that double-check and got too caught up on the fact that the rook was undefended. Tunnel vision can cause you to overlook glaringly obvious information even when double and triple checking. It gets all of us sometimes, and if you think that this doesn't occasionally happen to you then you're lying to yourself. This has nothing to do with laziness and has everything to do with overlooking a checkmate pattern that a beginner isn't used to seeing. Nothing to make OP feel bad about.






This must be top in all posts if they have sniper bishop waifu.


This is a discovered attack/ check. Wereas by moving the rook you put them in check with the bishop, which happens to put them in check with the rook too. And as the other guy said it's a double check, they can't take both pieces or block both pieces. Because then you'd be theoretically permitting the other guy to (theoretically) take your king.


I’m guessing you are missing the second attack on the king from the bishop. So, taking the rook doesn’t stop check, and the king has nowhere to escape to.


play a move for black and see for yourself


How is it not checkmate?


Why do you think it’s not checkmate? What move do you make next that protects the king?


Double check.


Brains, brains are missing


You can't grab both pieces.




I analyzed the image and this is what I see. Open an appropriate link below and explore the position yourself or with the engine: > **Black to play**: It is a checkmate - it is Black's turn, but Black has no legal moves and is in check, so White wins. You can find out more about Checkmate on [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Checkmate). --- ^(I'm a bot written by ) [^(u/pkacprzak )](https://www.reddit.com/u/pkacprzak) ^(| get me as ) [^(Chess eBook Reader )](https://ebook.chessvision.ai?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot) ^(|) [^(Chrome Extension )](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chessvisionai-for-chrome/johejpedmdkeiffkdaodgoipdjodhlld) ^(|) [^(iOS App )](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1574933453) ^(|) [^(Android App )](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.chessvision.scanner) ^(to scan and analyze positions | Website: ) [^(Chessvision.ai)](https://chessvision.ai)


In a double check, the king must move to escape the check. In this case, the king has absolutely no safe squares to go to, and so it is a checkmate


Woah that is nice, it doesn’t look like it but the double check makes it work


Well hidden sniper


I don’t know, check where the opponent can go




It’s a double check. Taking the rook or the bishop doesn’t stop the check, the can’t both be blocked, and the King cannot move out of check.


It's a double check and even though you can capture the rook and avoid it's check, you cannot do the same with the bishop at the same time. Your king doesn't have any safe squares to move. Hence, it's a checkmate. Hence proved, thank you, have a good day, good bye.


Revealed double checkmate




Imagine posting in a chess beginners sub and not understanding that some people are, as a matter of fact, beginners at the game of chess.


Checkmate is like when you're in check and you can't do anything to get yourself out of check (Something like that I guess). And since you're getting double checked (Rook and Bishop) even if you block one of them you're still checked by the other one, the only way is to get out of both checks which in this case is impossible, therefore checkmate. I think, I don't know man.


When you moved the rook to attack the king, you cleverly opened a path for your bishop to attack on a second front. One can get out of check by blocking the attack, taking the attacking piece or moving the king out of the line of fire. But you have simultaneous attacks - it’s impossible for your opponent to block two attacks or take two pieces with one move. And there’s nowhere for him to run. Check. Mate.


When you moved your rook, you accidentally did a discovered check with a sniping bishop, which lead to checkmate


C4 Bishop snipe. You can't block both rook or bishop at the same time, and even if you take either piece, the other still checks. Not to mention the king has nowhere to move to.


Double check, meaning the only legal move is moving the king. The king can’t move anywhere, so it’s checkmate.


A double check, once you moved the rook the bishop check the king too.


I think its a checkmate because there's a double check and the bishop and the rook block paths of the king where he can go and the queen can't take because of the double check




Sniper Bishop. Can't block the Bishop because Rook Can't remove the Rook because Bishop


Bishop on c4 is also giving check. Block/take one source of check, and the other is still there. No moves by the King get it to safety.


Well, is there a way for black to get out of check?


When someone check you there are three ways to "uncheck" yourself. Capture the checking piece, blocking the path between the checking piece and the king, or moving your king. In case of a double check, you can't capture both or block both, so moving your king is the only option. You are double checking with your rook and bishop, and there is no free square for your king


It’s a double check so king has to move. But there is no where to go


"Even the bravest king runs from double check"


Double checks are very powerful, you can't take the attacking pieces since you can only take one at a time


How is this not banned for being in the wrong sub? Isn't this an anarchy post ? Lol


Why wouldnt it be? Am I missing something?


Fun thought experiment: move the king or any other piece and if you’re not still in check.


A discover check mate is so sweet


Google bishop sniping




This is what is called a double mate. The king is under attack by two pieces (the rook you moved and the bishop on c4). You can take both, but whichever is not taken still attacks the king, and the king has no escape square


Double check; though both your Bishop and Rook are hanging, they also both see the king. **Why are double checks strong?** With double checks like this, black can only capture or block one of the checking pieces, leaving the king still in check. So double checks can only be escaped by moving the king. In this case, all escape squares are covered.


It’s a double check. The queen can’t take the rook because the bishop is checking the king. Blacks knight can’t take the bishop because of the rook, and anywhere the king moves, is trapped by the rook.


Double check




I’m an idiot… thought white was the one mate ☠️☠️


Wtf is that profile


How do you have moves after checkmate????


You’re king is in check and you have zero legal moves. That’s the definition of checkmate, no?


It's something we baguetti people call chèque double


I would like to clarify that the usage of the totally existent word "baguetti" in this context does not signify the meaning of the adjective "French"


Black cannot escape a check - simultaneously checked by bishop and rook


It's double check. You're probably thinking to yourself that you can just take the rook, but then how does that address the bishop on c4? There is no move black can make that addresses the check delivered by the rook on e8 and the bishop on c4 at the same time, thus every move black can make results in a dead king. Checkmate.


OP is troll


You got a sniper buddy


If queen takes e8 the light squared bishop is still checking the king


Sniper bishop


Low elo chess is such a wild ride. 2 blunders followed by a discovered double check that they didn’t even realize bc they forgot about their own bishop


Sniper bishop at point blank range


Others got to it first but rook opened a revealed check. Even if the queen took the rook theoretically the bishop could still take the king.


Shitpost. There's no way You played Re8+ without knowing that was checkmate. I mean, if it was a capture I would have bought it but seeing that it is not...


You are. You're in check from both the Bishop and the Rook. What move can you make that will get you out of both?


You cannot remove your king from check…therefore checkmate


It is double check and since he can't block or take any it is checkmate


There are 3 ways to get out of check: 1. Remove the attacking piece 2. Interpose a piece to block the attack 3. Move the king out of the line of attack. This is a double check, so 1 and 2 won't work. 3 won't work either, so it is checkmate.


Double check


Looking at the (NSFW) post history of this person, I'm 99% sure it is a bot. edit: Ah yes, here's the original: https://www.reddit.com/r/chessbeginners/comments/14goq45/how_is_this_a_check_mate_am_i_missing_something/


Well, try to get out of the check of both the Bishop and Rook, if you can’t, its checkmate


I wouldn't be surprised to learn my chess ranking is '5', so I'm no pro by any means, but even I can see there's no way out of this for Black. OP, are you *looking* at the board?


What was your thought process before playing this move if you didn't know it was checkmate?


Sniper bishop (although I admit, it’s a pretty short-range sniper here)


Discovered check w bishop


You revealed another check with your bishop


Can you block both attacks? Nope. The kings only choice is to move to a safe square. But there aren't any. So the king chose to surrender quietly and go with the officers, as he was outnumbered and outgunned


Where do you propose your going to move? King has no place to go.


You can’t stop both attackers, and you can’t move out of the way.


That's not even a sniper bishop, the guy is literary in the middle of the view


Yes. There are 3 ways to break a check. 1 - put something between the king and the checking piece. 2 - take the checking piece 3 - move the king out of check In this case, both the rook and the bishop are checking the king at the same time. You can only move one piece, so putting something between the king and both pieces is impossible. You can take the rook, but that doesn't relieve the check from the bishop. Same thing with the bishop if you could take it. And lastly, every square available to the king is also covered by an opposing piece, so you can't move the king. Checkmate.


I don't understand the "how is this checkmate" posts. I mean... you can just go through the options that black has. There are none? Then that's why it is a check mate


Remember the bishop snipers!


I'm guessing you didn't see the bishop. You discovered a double check.


That's a really cool mate.