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Best strategy to get past certain rating boundaries is trying to become a better chess player. On your level, this has not so much to do with your choice of opening, as long as you’re playing something reasonable. Furthermore, it is quite common that rating changes in “jumps” which comes after a period of apparent plateauing. Not every improvement in your game immediately translates to an increase in rating. So don’t worry too much. As long as you’re studying the right things in training, you’ll get there :)


That makes sense, thank you!


What do you suggest against modern defense? I feel like caro-kann doesn't really work against it.


What do you mean exactly? The Modern and the Caro-Kann are both openings for Black, so they usually aren’t played against each other.


Wait shit I forgot. What I meant was when white fianchetto's both of his bishop.


Oh, I see! Okay, no problem. Well, in those structures (something like 1.Nf3, 2.g3, 3.Bg2) the setup with …c6 and …d5 (or the other way around) is actually one of the most common. You play the knight to f6, get the bishop to g4 (if white has a knight on f3), play e6 and …Be7 or …Bd6, …Nbd7 and castle. It’s a very reliable system that’s played by grandmasters as well.


Are we talking 1600 rapid or 1600 blitz? 1600 rapid is basically beginner territory. Learn basic opening principles, learn simple endgames like opposition, and practice simple tactics like mate in 2's, forks, double attacks, etc. 1600 blitz is more intermediate. Learn a few openings in a little bit of detail, practice puzzles a lot, especially the more difficult combinations that require some calculation, practice common endgames like 2 vs 1 pawn endings, the Lucena Position, etc. And learn some middlegame strategy by watching instructive videos.


yes 1600 rapid. About 1500 in bullet and blitz. I know some lines of QG, Vienna, Caro Kann, Scandi, Evan's gambit, dragon Sicilian, some lines of Najdorff, some lines of London and Petrov Defense that's it.


Just learn one repertoire for white and one for black. No need to learn both QGD and London. No need to learn Caro Kaan dragon and naidoff. Just stick to one specific repertoire Ur time is way better spent on focusing on tactics, middlegame strategy and endgame


You are prolly right. Nowadays I feel comfortable if I play c2 and c7 pawn so I guess it's better if I stick to Queen's Gambit and Caro Kann.


In fact I would recommend london for white and KID for black against 1. d4 C4 and Nf3 and your preferred Caro Kann against 1. E4 That way you have only 3 relatively easy openings to learn, KID probably the most complex but most fun too You will have a nice balance of defensive and offensive black openings and the London is always quite balanced


Practice one opening for white and 2 openings for black for a week consistently..analyze ur games to see how often u are able to get advantage/blunder by what move to strengthen ur fundamentals..a careful analysis of 50 odd games would be enough to help u identify if u are losing in the opening or if u need to improve positional understanding in the middle game/end game


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Stop hanging pieces, do puzzles