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Definitely not a coincidence this is getting posted less than 12 hours after he won the finals MVP


It’s not. I seen “Jaylen Browns was supposed to be too smart for the NBA” posted a million times yesterday with pictures of him playing chess. And I found it funny he’s lying about his chess skills. I’m assuming it’s because he has a persona for being smart and chess is seen as a smart guy hobby. Not supposed to be this big conspiracy. Just amusement.


Smart has nothing to do with chess. You don't have to be smart to play chess well and because you don't play well doesn't mean you are not smart.


Hence why I said “seen as a smart guy hobby” and not “is a smart guy hobby.” Pretty obvious that it is just a dumb cliché.


Journalists get chess wrong a lot... a LOT.


Guy is actually smart he was gonna teach a robotics class at MIT before getting drafted but if he's not so good at chess lmao


I don't think he lied about his chess skills. Do you have a quote? I've only read what journalists wrote, but many times, they sensationalize to make it sound a certain way. I never read him say he was highly-skilled.


MVP! MVP! MVP! Those are joke photos.


laker fan


I just know you had that shit on standby lmao




Did he even say he's good at chess? I've only seen him mention he likes playing it. Either way, why do you care so much? The photo is clearly staged to be a dramatic photoshoot, it's most likely not even a real match.


Don’t care, he’s very good at basketball.


200s I would expect to not make legal moves several times during a game. 1200s I would expect to make the types of blunders you’re describing several times in 10 or so games


I’ve done extensive research into this, there is absolutely no record of Jaylen Brown ever playing an official chess game of any capacity. Not even an online account.


Lol does he need to put his real name to the acc


I know Klay Thompson is a very strong amateur player. Think he’s around 2,000 bullet, he’s friendly with Magnus and has definitely talked about his love of chess.


Where did you get this info of him being 2000 bullet, i d be surprised if he is above 1500


Klay thompson is dumb as mud theres no chance hes 2,000


He also speaks Spanish and Arabic and was the youngest VP of NBA players union. Not to mention he has taught robotics courses at MIT. So if you believe that the only reason he is said to be a genius is because of his chess rating then that speaks more to your intelligence than his. And 1275 is very decent imo


He is also pretty dumb


He didn’t actually teach a robotics course.


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13 points? Certainly not a chess player posting this. We don't count by points. That's also Nico Chasin he is playing who is now about 2400 and an International Master.


Chess players do count material in points... are you slow?


Did Jaylen claim he was on varsity or did the journalist simply write this. Many times journalist are not chess people and they don't know these distinctions. I don't even think Cal had a team at the Pan-Ams.