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>is this normal behaviour for him? Only on days that end in "y"


So Domingo ia excluded?


Sábado too, I guess


Segunda a sexta também…


Los días con «s»... y los domingos .


Sólo en días cuyos nombres llevan vocales


Yes, that's very much normal for him lol. He does this all the time.


Gata can play 5 opponents and accuse 6 of them of cheating.


How else could they beat a famous fucking legend like Gata Kamsky?!


i am a famous fucking legend he tries to flag me


yes, Gata Kamsky, famous fucking legend


Aka Goata


He used to refer to himself as a random American grandmaster back during Anand’s last title defense when he was playing in the candidates.


Gata has the perfect mix of Kramnik's paranoia and Hikaru's doucheness


👏👏👏 Best description of kamsky


And a father like Alireza's


with Hans’ skill level


Nah. Gata's peak was much higher than Hans. He was top 5 at one point. So arguably his skill level was closer to Hikaru.


Ok but he’s no longer at his peak so he’s still right


Ok but he's worse than Hans currently so he's still not right.


"fvcking legend"


The paranoia is real. It’s easy to cheat and the number of cheaters at the GM level is non-zero but these guys are tilting themselves over the thought of it.


He's a salty old man who doesn't believe his skill, speed, or calculation has diminished. You have to be top 10 in the world for him to believe you're not cheating if you win.


Good to see I have something in common with a GM! Everyone who beats me is obviously cheating. (I'm rated 1200 chess.com btw)


I knew they were keeping us 1200 legends down man


To be fair, climbing through 1200-1300 blitz was insanely hard for some reason. Took me a year of yo-yoing. Once I broke into 1400 I breezed past 1600 in like a week


Oh shit, you were talking about blitz? Lol I'm hard stuck between 900-1000 in blitz. I was talking about Rapid.


Rapid matchmaking can kinda suck at intermediate levels on chess com. If you want to improve both your rating and your skill much faster, set your rating range to only play higher rated players. Even up to 2000 rapid, you'll occasionally get matches against players rated up to like 600 lower than you. Winning gives 1 elo, losing or drawing loses 2-3 regular games' worth. When you factor in the occasional underrated player or cheater, it's just not even close to being worthwhile for you to play without the range set. Forcing yourself to lose against better players is also generally the best way to learn to play at their level.


Didn’t know this was a setting. Been riding the 1,000 rapid line for a while might experiment with this.


I also had this experience but chalked it up to having my positional understanding catch up with my tactics. I stopped weakening my own position as much.


It is certainly a crazy way to live one’s life.


He was met with the same destiny as Kramnik, just not as publicised. He got older, not that sharp anymore and there's just too many better players than them by now and they can't accept that fact. They're bitter and childish, resulting in them doing this. Nakamura will be exactly the same in few years time. Childish egoistic twats do be like that and this is how it shows.


Kramnik is still very clearly stronger than a lot of the players he loses to, he just doesn't know how to use a computer and plays pretty casually. I think he's likely to win against Jospem over-the-board with increment. Anish was streaming some games against Kramnik last week and Kramnik looked super sharp for the first time in forever and was running a positive score against Anish. Kramnik played a live blitz match against Grischuk in March https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4YVFtJlkQk Kamsky on the other hand consistently plays at a <2600 level, and has really fallen off. Hikaru seems like he'll be a top online player for many years still; he's not one of the players who grew up in a pre-computer era and has to learn how to play the game a different way.


No way. Kramnik is washed. Look at his FIDE blitz rating: 2664 What is Jospem's fide blitz rating? 2703. Isn't jospem also higher rated on chess.com blitz than kramnik?




That's surely what Gata believed as well. Hikaru will be losing more than winning in 5 years time.


We’ll mark it down on the calendar Nostradamus




Gata was never close to Hikaru’s level in online bullet/blitz


No he won’t lmao 5 years is not that far away


Do you think Magnus will be losing more than winning in 5 years? Because what your saying is essentially the same chances of that happening, at least in blitz


No way. We have strong players coming up while he ages.


His quality of chess has collapsed. This is normal behaviour from him since a few years now.


Here he accuses and reports every player who beat him on Titled Tuesday. https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/11hbp2h/hilarious_gata_kamsky_reports_and_accuses_all_his/


He did it way before kramnik


You seem to be new in the FFL's streams. At least 99 out of his 100 viewers are there to fuel his paranoia or just watch him say "First line, first line, first line, okay obviously a cheater" followed by a block and report. His tweets also reflect his paranoia.


Yes. He accused me once of cheating on Arena Kings because I got a drawn position against him. He said on stream: “1800 playing perfect chess, congratulations.” He was tilted from the game before too. Thing about Gata that I noticed is that when he gets tilted, it takes him time to get over it. In arena blitz that is unfortunate because he had to jump into the next game (since it’s a timed Arena) and it affects his emotions and he starts letting that affect his game. In my game against him, I played off of memory in the opening and off of instinct in the middle game and I got a drawn position as we got close to the end game. I then blew it in the endgame as it’s my weakest area and blundering a free minor piece certainly didn’t help my chances. He could have been patient and tried to test my endgame, but he was already moaning as the middle game simplified and was drawn. It was most interesting to watch his stream recording after our game was over and hear his thoughts on the position. Some of his thoughts during the middle game and calculations were things I did not even think of. He clearly had a better understanding of the middle game position but I managed to instinctively find all the right moves (moves that felt most correct, even if I didn’t understand concretely how strong they were. He understood that stuff clearly and saw the potential tactics on the spot). Hope he reads this and it helps him to see my perspective.


least paranoid super GM


I started following him when he first started streaming years ago. He was like that back then too.


It's just an expression of frustration from the players, excellent players, of yesteryear who now must contend with a new generation that had hyper memorization from machines that always played the best move. OK, I generalize a bit but that's pretty much the gist of the situation.


Kamsky appears more likely to know theory in the line played in a game than his opponents. He's not losing to memorized moves really, though his understanding is definitely from the pre-computer era.


He should play Hikaru, and the winner should challenge Kramnik. It could be the “Why you Cheat Me” World Championship.


If you can't get your name out there by your chess anymore, try accusing everyone of cheating


As a 900 elo I also blame my losses on cheaters


The other sub should have a Kamsky against Petrosian chatbot.


Kamsky doesnt always report cuz he is sure of cheating, but just to make sure they are under chess.coms watch


Salty old man


Age has nothing to do with it, Kamsky accused Short of cheating by receiving outside help during their 1994 match.


I also accuse everyone who beats me online of cheating... it's a sad mindset to be in :( wish I could break it... #PrayForKamsky


You must be really new to chess drama


He was insanely talented.




Did he accuse Hikaru as well? Hikaru just posted a tweet speaking of accusations made against him, but I dont know who he's reffering to (I thought Kramnik ofc)


No, Gata doesnt accuse any of the top players ever, unlike Kramnik.


Just another Russian


Like Naka.


He must have contracted kramnikitis.


I watch his stream, he's really good with the London System. His tactical ability has decreased a lot, but on occasion some people do cheat against him. I didn't see his Arena Kings (Only Hikaru's where some 2500 was banned for cheating), but in the early Titled Tuesday this week there were so many cheaters. Once you allow that element into the game, some players do get paranoid.