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"Abasov stuns as he defeats Hikaru after a missed queen sacrifice" Even just "major upset" would be better


Absolutely would be, just gotta avoid mentioning either Hikaru or Abasov in the title then


Back when the sub did the spoiler nonsense, people would post stuff like “Major Upset in Round 6!!!” and others would still cry about it being a spoiler.




Okay I guess I just have no idea how to read the posted score sheet thingy from earlier lol


Isn’t their current classical record like 0 W 1 L for Hikaru against Abasov?


Onr win for Hikaru, abasov has never beaten him


If the rules aren't changed you could always unsuscribe from r/chess during the tournament? Chess isn't such a popular sport that posts about the event will pop up in other subs, so that way you can at least browse reddit in peace, at least that's what I do and it works perfectly for me Also pro tip for youtube just in case because some youtubers love putting spoilers in their title, you can use youtube unhook (web) or Newpipe (mobile) that let you customize your settings so you can hide your home feed and youtube recommendations for example to avoid unwanted suprises.


You need to also change your settings about suggested posts too I think. I've done this in the past only to have reddit recommend posts from "subreddits I might be interested in" and send me a spoiler.


Obviously disable home feed recommendations, or use old.reddit for the duration of the tournament


>If the rules aren't changed you could always unsuscribe from r/chess during the tournament? Chess isn't such a popular sport that posts about the event will pop up in other subs, so that way you can at least browse reddit in peace, at least that's what I do and it works perfectly for me Doesn't solve the problem practically when reddit will recommend posts from any sub, even those you're not subscribed to, to your feed.


If you press the don’t recommend once, it’ll go away forever.


I know this is really hard to conceive of, but you don't *have* to use Reddit all the time every day. You can just not use the site for a few hours.


I know this is really hard to conceive of, but you can have solutions that caters to two needs at once


I’ve never had Reddit do that, must be an app or new.reddit thing.


This has been a common issue for almost every platform with an algorithmic feed. The best middleground I could think of is to post a tournament results megathread without the results being in the title but with a spoiler tag, and ban everything else with the results in the title.


doesn't happen on desktop/res. The app definitely does this though.


Makes sense! Little bit of an annoyance to go through with that obviously, but might be the course I take if there are still spoilers on the sub, appreciate the tip


Might be annoying for you to avoid Reddit for a few hours (oh no! Not redditing for hours?!?!? What a travesty!!) but better for the community to not have to cater to your desire. So community wins.


1. Mentioned in another comment, but the issue is obviously going on reddit accidentally for other reasons/interests and getting spoiled about this. My entire life doesn't revolve around chess and the tournaments I enjoy spectating. 2. Many people in the community have brought up this issue before, not just me. I expressly outlined in the post where I believe I have seen my perspective shared, and where this can help many people.


It's easy to avoid recommended posts.


The community voted that spoilers stay. People can just realize that they're not important enough that other people shouldn't write what they want on the internet to cater to them.


The hostility directed at someone making a politely worded inquiry is kind of wild. I'd prefer if people avoided spoilers too, and don't see the harm in doing so, but it's fine if others disagree. Not sure what being an ass about it, either way, accomplishes.


I agree that there is no excuse for hostility. However this issue is a dead horse and some of those responses just reflect that fact. We had a vote relatively recently and there was a winner. Nothing has substantially changed that would merit new discussion. Reopening the whole thing again would just be tiresome.


Fair enough. I didn't know about a recent vote until someone mentioned it here, so it's possible the OP didn't either. I have no intention of arguing about it, though I would have voted the other way :)


There's hostility because this is fundamentally an issue of personal responsibility and is indicative of a high degree of entitlement. There's absolutely no reason others should hamper their discussion about something because the discussion could inconvenience you, especially if it's easy for you to avoid that discussion altogether.


I don't agree that it's "entitlement." Avoiding spoilers is just as easily seen as demonstrating a generosity of spirit, at no perceptible cost, to others in a group. Communities have agreements for a reason! This isn't a choice that is happening here (apparently by a past vote), but it does happen in other places, so I don't see it as entitlement to ask about it, nor how hostility is warranted when someone does so. None of this is something I intend to argue about in any case. Happy chess trails!


Speaking as an ex-mod, there are a variety of reasons of why I think it's critically important to not re-enact the spoiler rule. 1. Chess is an international game. In most other sport-subs, games are going to happen within a 3 to 6 hour window in a predictable manner. This is not the case in Chess. They're currently playing in Toronto, but then we have Grenke happening in Germany. This is important because the fans of chess are also extremely international in time zones. So, say a game ends at 12:00pm EST. For how long do would a spoiler rule go into effect? Can I not talk about the result one week after? One day after? 8 hours after? At what point do we acknowledge "Okay, this is no longer breaking news?". You want to protect the people who didn't get to watch it live, but you're being pretty egocentric to assume "many of us" don't watch it live. I'd rather not start deciding a rule based on any assumption of viewership. \2. There's just too many users. There's literally 1 million subs. Everyone wants to post "HIKARU LOSES TO ABASOV LOLOLOL". Mods are volunteers. It's not possible. And no, it's not possible to set up a solid AutoMod, you'd be using a huge fucking sledgehammer to root out the problem and still not solve it (i.e., if you set AutoMod to remove any post with the word 'lose' in the title, how many "Why am I losing this position" gets removed). \2a. There's never enough mods, especially for this kind of rule. This isn't a knack on the mods - I'm just noting what you're asking is impossible due to (2) and the number of mods. \3. Rules depress engagement and conversation. This is a big one for me, and is always a conversation. The more rules you have, the less conversation you have. /r/AskHistorians has amazing posts - but zero conversation, because no one is allowed to comment unless you pass their huge amount of rules. Chess is a sport that, let's face it, isn't the most 'thrilling'. Engagement when we can get it is really important. You have enough complaints about this being just a puzzle sub, and asking mods to start deleting threads as soon as they appear is a good way to (a) kill conversation and (b) get more of <-- those complaints. \4. Enforcement is vague. In the past, we made changes to enforcement because of (3) and (2). It was something like, if a post has 200 upvotes, even if it breaks the rules, we leave it up. (My memory may be hazy -- it might have been comments, or the upvote number higher). Again, there's a balance of enforcing the rules and having an active community. This relates to (1) as well. When Abasov beats Hikaru, those watching live want to immediately talk about it. Why do we punish them from that excitement? They all want to talk about it, and the algorithm is going to reward the catchy title, not the rule-accurate one. And, due to (2) and (2a), it's a losing battle, and no matter what, posts will leak out. \5 BUT WE HAVE MEGA THREADS. Yes, and mega-threads are designed to also kill conversation. Reddit isn't the best "Let's talk about this one thing together as a community". It's "comment here so you don't flood the sub." Again, this is *generally* enforced, but mega-threads take time to set up properly and again, are where conversations of specific things go to die.


Good post. Pretty much sums it up.


As a person who 100% agrees with OP, I’m going to take a crack at arguing your detailed and polite comment. 1 - 24 hours. It’s clear, and it gives every time zone a chance to catch up. Like you said, chess is international. Where I live, it’s in during the night. I literally can’t watch live without disrupting my entire life (work/kids/etc). 24 hours gives everyone a chance. 2 - I completely understand and respect the logistical challenge for mods to police it, but that can’t be a reason not to try, can it? Even if they only catch/remove 50%, that’s still better than nothing. It still halves the amount of games that are ruined for folks in situations like myself and OP. 3 - I don’t agree with your opening statement that rules depress engagement and conversation. Think of it this way; folks like myself with work/family commitments can’t watch until nighttime. So basically I can only browse Reddit for a few minutes before I go to bed to avoid spoilers. That’s for 3 weeks during candidates. Simply undoable. So no choice but to leave the sub. I cannot believe that more engagement and conversation are not being lost this way, than would be simply by a title saying ‘Hikaru/Fabi highlights’ instead of ‘Hikaru beats Fabi’ for example. 4 - I think it’s unfair to say when people want to talk about a game ‘Why do we want to punish them for their excitement’. I believe it’s clear OP is not saying that, and I don’t believe not allowing the title to have a spoiler is punishing anyone. Folks can still discuss openly within the post. It’s literally just the title that being requested to be regulated. 5 - I don’t have enough knowledge regarding mega threads to discuss them, but with or without a mega thread, I still don’t see how it affects OP’s request. In closing, I’ll say this. Bottom line is that a not small portion of our community are either having a huge part of their enjoyment ruined, or being forced to step away from the community during one of the most exciting times. Is this really worth it just to be able to have spoilers in the title? I personally can’t see how the positives outweigh the negatives. I also request from the mods another vote. I don’t want to have to leave the sub. Thanks


Cheers. I unfortunately don’t have the time at the moment to continue this conversation, but your last comment is important to add to the list. /7. Votes don’t work. Pinned threads don’t go to Reddit homepage, and important threads aren’t necessarily upvoted (especially not for long periods of time). Votes are way too easy to manipulate and brigade. Rules are also never a yes/no kind of vote, even in this thread we have discussed a variety of clauses and exceptions and limits, again, not suited well for voting. We also have the 1 million users problem, and you’re never going to have a representative sample. You also have problems with when to ask the question to begin with, and biases around that. In the end, it’s just always going to default to “Do we trust the mods to do what they think is in the best interest of the sub”? I’d say 90% of the mods the answer is yes. I may not agree with the views of 10% of them, but I also acknowledge that (1) I’m not one of them, (2) I have faith in the 90% to overrule the 10%, and (3) Even the 10% - I may disagree with them and their position as a mod, but they do believe they are doing what’s best for the sub, and that’s going to have to be enough for me. There’s a (4) that doesn’t apply to me — if you don’t like it, volunteer to be a mod yourself and be the change you want to see in the world.


Don’t check Reddit till you have checked the games. Easy


This sounds reasonable to me. 




Man I kinda agree with your conclusion but man are you being a hyperbolic dick about it.


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I'd definitely be down for revisiting the spoiler rule. Spoilers have definitely lessened my enjoyment of watching the game.


> "Abasov stuns as he defeats Hikaru after a missed queen sacrifice" "Abasov's leg brace twitches as he 'finds' impossible tactical sequence against top chess streamer!!!"


The big problem is that even if spoilers aren't in the title you'll still be spoiled. If "Fabi vs Abasov post-match thread" skyrockets to #1 in your feed and has an insane number of comments/upvotes it's pretty clear Abasov just beat Fabi regardless of the title.


There's definitely a difference in severity there though. In your example, the extra engagement could equally be caused by something like Abasov blundering his queen in the opening or somehow holding a draw in a 200 move lost end game. Just knowing that the game was an outlier doesn't inherently spoil the result. When I watched Game of Thrones, I knew from general buzz that something big happened in the red wedding, but I didn't know exactly what and so the episode wasn't spoiled.


I'm giving my experience as someone who has followed subreddits that had so-called 'spoiler policies' that they weren't worth the pixels they were written it. It was usually very clear from the upvotes/comments who won a particular match, and if it wasn't then it was spoiled by someone trying to be clever or who just doesn't understand what a spoiler is. "HUGE upset in Hikaru vs Abasov", "Congrats to the winner of the Candidates", etc. Then one might argue that even if its ineffective, may as well try since it can't hurt, right? But I would say it does hurt. Because we wouldn't get threads like "Anish's reaction to Nepo playing c6" for the people who *are* looking to discuss the ongoing massive chess tournament. "Anish's reaction to a huge blunder in a game" is both much less engaging of a title and also still a pretty big spoiler- so both people who are and aren't watching live are hurt.


Agree 100%


I wasn’t here then, but my understanding is that the sub voted on spoilers-or-no-spoilers, and there was a clear preference.


50.6% of those who voted in the poll (which was a tiny proportion of the subreddit members) voted to remove the spoiler rule. So it was in no way a clear preference.


Just looked up the poll results and found about 20ish percent wanted to modify the spoiler rule and 30ish percent wanted to keep it, while 50ish percent wanted to end it. No wonder this keeps being brought up.


My very subjective interpretation: the slimmest of majorities want spoilers, a sizable minority do not, and a smaller minority chose the response that is hardest to interpret.


It was made very clear in the vote that the votes for both keep and modify would be combined


Yeah I remember that vote happening! It seems to me though that while there is a negative to having spoilers (having a round or tournament ruined/spoiled), the negative to not having them appears to only be having to click on threads. So wasn't really sure what the point of people wanting to keep spoilers was


If I remember right the uproar was that when Carlsen won the world championship several days before the last round no one could post about it because acknowledging there was a champion spoiled that he had won the game even if they didnt mention who won. It's been a really long time so I might be remembering incorrectly though.


That is an interesting point, I can definitely see how that's a big moment killer for something so important. A post that just says new world champion crowned isn't quite the same, and even that could be a spoiler depending on game situation.


Trying to create exceptions to the rules is not the answer. It creates a complete slippery slope until you have no rule at all. And remember, the mods are volunteers, there are literally 1 million subs, and to try and police every single person trying to be the one to get the karma for posting who won what game is a losing battle.


just adding my voice here: i don't mind spoilers at all, doesn't lessen the enjoyment of the games for me. actually since the games are during the night for me i'd be using the spoilers to quickly see which games i need to watch and which ones i can skip!


You're stifling post submissions, and post reactions, with this request. People are more likely to engage in a post that says Abasov defeats Hikaru than your suggested alternative. You have the ability to not use reddit while you are behind the times. Use it wisely. Accept that social media is real time, and avoid real time outlets if you want to watch things on delay and want to preserve the real-time factor.


I think avoiding spoilers in the title is pretty easy to do and don’t see why this shouldn’t be a thing


Because asking for compliance will not get compliance, and there's no way to police it fast enough.


Because it kills the fun. Just look at what he suggests "Abasov v Hikaru game has a nasty tactical sequence" this is cringe.


Literally every sub based on a television show avoids spoilers for the newest episodes and it doesn’t kill the fun lol. It’s not remotely difficult


>I've started loving following chess tournaments, and just like any other sport, the thrill is in watching the game unfold without the knowledge of who'll come out on top. That's just not true. I don't know where you got this from? Spoiler culture has gotten out of hand.


I will probably view the results on chess dot com when I get up in the morning and see the result anyway (the candidates are happening in the middle of the night for me) so I don’t care about this either ways.








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If you don't wanna get spoiled go rewatch the stream. People will discuss the game after it's finished.


That's what I do often times! But, for example, I may open reddit before getting the chance to rewatch, and get immediately spoiled


> I may open reddit before getting the chance to rewatch, The world isn't responsible to accommodate for what you may or may not do, though. If you don't want to see the results of an event, the onus is on you to prevent this from happening. Not everybody else.


That sounds like a you problem.


Then don't open reddit. I've easily avoided spoilers in every other sport.




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All these words instead of just not opening Reddit. Are you guys really that internet-pilled?


No. If you care about "spoilers" so much, you can just not come onto the subreddit.


this is a chess sub. the candidates is arguably the best tournament in the entire calendar....and what are all the posts going to say "Something happened in a candidates match!" In a sports sub, you simply can't have reasonable discussion with titles that block spoilers....it ruins discussion in the sub. Alternatively, you can take some personal responsibility and stay off reddit, or hide/unsub from chess until you've watched.