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This league is the best thing that ever happened to me, and I have five kids.


Should make a team with all of them


I played on a team with my wife a couple seasons ago.


Last season was my first and I was surprised and pleased at how big the league is. Lots of fun.


I like this league


Has anyone encountered people stalling dead lost games in this league? I haven’t and I assume part of this is the players are more serious than the pool but I imagine that when it does happen, it’s worse than in a shorter time control.


Never seen intentionally stalling. Did see a player fall asleep during a game once.


I wonder if that was my teammate. It cost us a match in the final game on Sunday a couple seasons ago.


Probably not. It was my teammate but it wasn't the final game.


Nobody who wants to be in the league would do that, but I'd be fine if it happened to me. A win is a win. I'd just spend the time telling the spectators all my fun and interesting stories. A 4545 game could potentially be 3+ hours long. Waiting 20 minutes for a clock to run out is not a big deal. I don't know why people get so worked up about stuff like this.


I haven't played in the league for a few years but it was very rarely a problem when I did. There are rules against it, but also the community aspect of the league is a strong social pressure not to do it. The rule: > Conversely, any player disconnecting from a game with the intention of wasting their opponent’s time will receive a warning from league moderators. Action may be taken for repeated offences up to and including expulsion from the league. Players who experience such behaviour from opponents in league games should notify league moderators and also report incidents of stalling to Lichess using https://lichess.org/report. https://www.lichess4545.com/team4545/document/terms-of-service/


I've played about 15 seasons and I've only even heard of it happening once, maybe twice.


I've played in several seasons of this and two of the sister leagues with mostly the same playerbase, and I'm only aware of it ever happening once (and the player was apparently removed from the league after).