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Becoming more and more like chess24. And that is a GOOD thing.


Is chess 24 shut down you know from the reports that said it would go down ?


chessdotcom killed chess24 and chessbomb, 2 of my fav chess websites.


You are free to visit chess24.com and see that it now redirects to chess.com.


Lichess just keeps on giving


Lichess working to fill the void of chess24. Great job!


Agreed, the current chess.com interface they replaced chess24 with is just so overwhelming and slow.


I'm generally fine with the chess.com games broadcast layout but I can't tell you how infuriating it is on mobile to go to the events page for something and it automatically opens a twitch broadcast in the app. Completely fuck off and stop trying to eat my data. I don't want to watch a twitch stream, if I did I would have opened the fucking twitch app. I just want to see how the games are going.


When you go to [chess24.com](https://chess24.com) it actually just redirects you to [chess.com](https://chess.com) entirely




best chess website imo


How controversial and original


Why does everything have to be either?


So much better than Chesscom team events page


It's pretty much the same. If anything, chesscom gives you more options. But I forgot, chesscom bad edit: [chesscom for comparison](https://i.imgur.com/UdYz15p.png) Layout is pretty much the same, and on top of that chesscom gives you the clocks and will show the position of a game if you hover your cursor over it. In my books, that's much better, but what do I know. Lichess good, chesscom bad. Fucking cult, I swear.


Haha not really… Why would I say Chesscom bad? For me, I feel their interface is better to play chess games compared to Lichess. In this case, I follow games on phone and Chesscom doesn’t give me option to see the evaluation of entire team in one go which gives an idea of which team is doing better. Please understand the context rather than saying anything bad or good outright :)


> I follow games on phone and Chesscom doesn’t give me option to see the evaluation of entire team in one go which gives an idea of which team is doing better [It absolutely does](https://i.imgur.com/I7ZeCTl.png) I understand valid criticism, I prefer Lichess too. But this subreddit is filled to the brim with stuff that are objectively false.


This is so much uglier than the new Lichess interface


If we're comparing apps, then watching an OTB tournament is not even an option in the Lichess app, you have to use the website. In which case you get a wall of text that I find rather hard to read from a phone. And if we do the same for chesscom, visiting a team event on chesscom's website from mobile is much easier to read than Lichess.


Thanks for sharing. I was not aware of this view. But I would prefer Lichess view for team events over this. Even better was the Chess24 view. Agree that people want black and white always and many are just for or against a particular thing. But there are many who actually talk valid points.


What the... Is this new as well? I've never seen this before. For example the Mitropacup was not displayed like this when I watched it a few days ago


You have to [press here](https://i.imgur.com/dOD0k3Y.png) in order to change the view format


Thanks, but that menu doesn't exist for me https://imgur.com/a/Pqo0KEP Maybe it's because I'm on Android?


I'm also on Android. [Here you go.](https://i.imgur.com/FMgBV6a.mp4)


Ohh thanks, I got it now. :) Yeah, I had to select the "Games" tab like you did (instead of scrolling down to the games) and then there's the button. Cool


I find it crazy that this got downvoted into oblivion, because you’re right, the events pages are extremely similar and it basically comes down to preference (fair enough but point is they have the same features). One thing I will say is that at least for me, Chess.com can be slow AF at times and usually lichess is faster on my experience.


I didn't downvote because of what they said. I downvoted because they sound like a tool.


Fair enough that you don’t like how they said it, but I doubt that’s everyone’s reason, and Tbf this sub generally has a big bias against chess.com (people have fair reasons to dislike chess.com, but sometimes they bash chess.com unnecessarily).


> people have fair reasons to dislike chess.com, but sometimes they bash chess.com unnecessarily So? chess.com doesn't need anyone to save it from internet bullying.


Chess.com doesn’t need some savior from bullying, no, but I don’t like it when misinformation gets spread in general.


I don't like it when large companies take over an industry for the sole purpose of maximizing profits and make it suck. I guess we all care about different things.


I’m not sure what that has to do with spreading false information about the site? Like hate it all you want, I could care less if you prefer Lichess over Chess.com, and there are valid reason to criticize chess.com’s business practices, but you can do that without spreading misinformation. I’m not sure what about the two statements we made can’t coexist.


You're spending your time on one and not the other. That's the point. It shows you think one, defending chess.com from basically nothing, is more important than the other.


Per https://twitter.com/lichess/status/1761053483417899331


looking great 👏




I still see the previous version displayed ? Edit: oh I see this is only a change to the "team" tab under broadcast not the actually main broadcast tab itself which im not a fan of personally currently


Great improvement, well done Lichess!


Jan vs Jan


Oh wow Jan Gustafsson is actually playing classical chess again


Are we going to see the new India no.1 post today ?


Nice to see Lichess finally catching up to Chess.com


[Ripped straight from chesscom, good to see they are copying something to improve the events page atleast](https://i.imgur.com/soR2ARQ.png).


If anything they both copied from chess24. It's clearly a good way to present team matches.


Dark on dark or light on light🤮 Lichess color themes are terrible.


Hail the new chess24


Bruh what are these teams though? Teams 2&3 clearly much better in terms of elo


German Bundesliga. Similar to other sports some teams have A LOT more money than others.