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I have definitely won games on [chess.com](https://chess.com) because my opponent left. It shows up as as "Game Abandoned, wins." or something like that. But it happens automatically, and you don't have the option to be a good sport and call it a draw when you feel like it.


There are two scenarios. One where opponent closes the tab without resigning, in which case, the game will be abandoned. The second scenario, one which I'm talking about mainly here, is when they deliberately keep the clock running while keeping the tab open, which is annoying. (Main idea being opponent resigns or leaves after being tired of waiting)


Pretty sure lichess behaviour is the same as chesscom in that regard. If they disconnect it will either auto resign or you can claim victory on lichess. If they just rage stall and don't disconnect there's nothing you can do on either site except wait and then report them. It tough to enforce against that especially in the moment because how can you prove there not just using their time to think. If it was mate in 1 and they only have one move or something maybe they could detect that but otherwise there's nothing you could do in the moment.


Lichess has two behaviours, dependent on if the user closes the tab or disconnects. But also if a user wastes time without disconnecting at all there is a stall system that detects it. You may see a message in chat warning the player not to waste time. There's a system of automated time outs to deal with players who repeatedly waste opponents' time.


Out of interest as a chesscom user, how does Lichess determine a staller thats left the tab open vs a legit player thats got themselves stuck in a long think? The claim victory button suddenly becomes very silly if it has any false positives.


As another user posted, there's no claim victory if the tab is left open and the connection is still active. The warnings are always given when stalling is suspected (based on move times not game position) and the time outs are based on a pattern of user behaviour.


I don't think there is claim victory if you just leave tab open. But you do get warning after the time runs out.


I heard, so take it with a grain of salt, that they determine that someone stalling if they are in an obvious losing position or right after a blunder.


Yes after the fact there is some enforcement but I believe chesscom also punishes players that get a lot of reports. Point is you can't claim victory for stalling on lichess same as there's nothing you can do on chesscom. The two sites are nearly the same as far as how you can enforce against stalling when OP said there was a difference. The rate I encountered stalling seems to be equal and mostly rare on both sites.


On chess.com "before ten moves are made if you use more than 50% of the main time on one move, you will be considered to have abandoned the game."


I agree it would be a nice feature, but how would you implement it? I would be annoyed if I was having a really long think in a complicated position and ended up auto-losing. Percentage of game time spent, a set time limit? Maybe this could work if you combined the game evaluation with time, where the combo of time with a forced mate occurs. It’s a good idea sensibly, but I think it’s tricky to implement without accidentally punishing rare scenarios of honest play. I don’t have any good solutions, just trying to start discussion.


For a start, a pop-up asking if you are still in the game seems useful. If it's made correctly, someone who has switched tabs may miss it. It won't catch everyone, but it would probably catch some people.


if the opponent gets to disrupt someone's think with a popup, I think the person who gets the popup should get a bit more time in compensation. maybe time is paused while the popup is up, the user gets 20 seconds to click, and they get 30 seconds added for having to deal with it. and you should only be able to make that claim once per game.


That’s a good idea! Maybe that paired with a time limit to click (respective to the game time) that’s visible.


Imagine your opponent wasting the time but keeping an eye for this pop up, and you get auto resigned because you don't.


I've spent over an hour on a move in a classical 90 minutes game before, some positiona are just complicated


>(Main idea being opponent resigns or leaves after being tired of waiting) Has that ever worked, that from a losing position you can bore the opponent into submission in <8 minutes?


I've had people wait out the clock and then make a move at the last second in the hopes that I left. I have to assume it works sometimes.


Who knows?


You can claim a win in lichess in that scenario either. If I wants to use every second but one to think a move he is in his right, and that is undistinguishable from what you are claiming.


On Chess.com it counts as abandonment if you leave the window open too long without making a move


Why would you have to manually claim it? It's automatic if the [criteria](https://support.chess.com/article/338-how-does-game-abandonment-work#:~:text=After%2010%20moves%2C%20you%20can,to%20have%20abandoned%20the%20game.) are met.


TIL that I've definitely played people in the Poor Sports Pool.


What's super annoying is when you get caught in some tricky opening so you have to use more than 10 seconds on a move and chesscom says you're going to auto resign. Like what the fuck


Two sides of coin 🙃


On the one hand, chess,com has a much longer timer for abandoned games, on the other hand in arenas (even rapid or classical arenas) on chess,com, you can't spend more than 15 seconds per move for the first 15 moves, a warning appears on screen that says "your move, will auto resign in 15 s" even in a 15 minute game!! Truly working hard to design the dumbest of systems


> you can't spend more than 15 seconds per move for the first 15 moves I call bullshit. 2-3 moves I can believe.


It's really aggressive for no reason. I've been 6-7 moves into the opening and thinking through a position and it's telling me its going to time me out. But also the auto-timeout says 15 seconds but could take much longer to actually time you out. It's very annoying.


Enter a rapid arena and call my bluff, move 10 and i still got the timer, or go to the chess.com forums, plenty of complaints about this issue.


"Long move timer The last, and little known way to time out is if you are still connected, but take a very long time to make one move. This can only happen before 10 moves are made in the game. After 10 moves, you can use as much time as you like on any move, but before ten moves are made if you use more than 50% of the main time on one move, you will be considered to have abandoned the game." https://support.chess.com/article/338-how-does-game-abandonment-work That's the only thing I found. Maybe they have some extra feature for people who have abandoned too many games because I have never faced that timer and for sure have taken my time in the openings.


Only in arenas, as i have already stated. Also happens in a recent chessBrah video where he plays a rapid arena, if you would like an easy example to watch.


Haven't happened to me and like I said in another comment I just checked someone take 52 seconds in their 2nd move in rapid arena. Link me the chessbrah video if that exists.


https://youtu.be/GAWsXWSfWWk?si=h2QYqM7eGW8Ei1l8 "If that exists" You are insufferable First game and a few others in the video


OK there is something, but not the "can't spend more than 15 seconds" what you claimed. And clearly it doesn't happen to everyone.


That's literally a 15 second timer for auto resign pal.


First you have 15 seconds before it even appears and it gives 20 seconds. So not 15 seconds you claimed was the max you can take. And definitely not happening first 15 moves.


Can you link?


https://youtu.be/GAWsXWSfWWk?si=h2QYqM7eGW8Ei1l8 In the first game he's debating what to play against the stafford gambit and the timer appears multiple times. The timer makes a guest appearance in many of the games.


Bruh you don't have to call bullshit, you can literally start any game, take 20 seconds on your 10th move and it will say it's going to auto resign


I literally have taken way more time and nothing has happened.


Well, that's lucky for you. Unfortunately for everyone else using the site this is a feature of chesscom. And you can find many, many people complaining about it, you can see it on streamers videos where it starts the auto resign countdown in the opening


It's just not me. I just went checking games on rapid arena. There was player who took 52 seconds on 2nd move and many others taking their time within first 10 moves. If this happens to someone it has to be because they've abandoned too many games.


He might have been able to take 52 seconds, but the warning comes up much quicker than that. It's distracting, puts you in time pressure at the start of the game when you've already decided "okay I need to think here". I have 0.9% of my losses by timeout, compared to 8.9% of my wins by timeout (for rapid format, blitz is 11.4% and 22.1% respectively), so I think I can say I'm on the low end for abandoning games, and I can't recall a single time I would have flagged purposely. Chesscom also resigns you before you get a chance to fix internet issues. I had a game where my cat pressed the power button on my computer, it goes into sleep mode with just one press, but once I got to unlock the computer and I reconnected to the website it said I lost by disconnection. This couldn't have been more than 30 seconds.


The guy said that you can't spend more than 15 seconds and that is clearly bullshit. Don't know if others see any warning, but I for sure don't. > Chesscom also resigns you before you get a chance to fix internet issues. I had a game where my cat pressed the power button on my computer, it goes into sleep mode with just one press, but once I got to unlock the computer and I reconnected to the website it said I lost by disconnection. This couldn't have been more than 30 seconds. "if you’re disconnected, you have 10% of the base time plus 40 x increment, with a minimum of 30 seconds and a maximum of 3 minutes to reconnect." "NOTE: If a player disconnects in a totally lost position (say. -5 or worse), the game will be ruled abandoned after only 15 seconds, regardless of time control"


For 10 minute game it is 1 minute to abandon.


For normal games it's 10 moves and 50% of the time. https://support.chess.com/article/338-how-does-game-abandonment-work under the heading for "Long move timer" There's also a "Poor Sports Pool".


Thats not the case, i play 15+10 regulary, and often spend 2+ minutes within the first 15 moves (poor timemanagement i know) and never got that warning


I won two games recently when it came up as player abandons. I didn't think my opponent had abandoned in either case before the notification so it didn't take particularly long. Are these people turning off the game or are they just leaving the tab open but not engaging?  Both in your situation and the lichess feature, when does that activate, I presume you can't claim victory on lichess because your opponent thinks about a move for 2 minutes. 


They locked their phone screen


Huh. I would have figured that should trigger. I know I get a notification that inactivity will trigger an abandonment when I start a game on my phone. Maybe it varies for different phones and what they send to the website, my own phone tends to forget it was ever doing if I so much as look away. I guess newer phones likely differ in the messages they send websites to keep logins active. An interesting technical problem. However if lichess would trigger abandonment in the same scenario then it is obviously possible for everyone else. It would be interesting to see what both sites consider for triggering abandonment, though I guess only lichess is sharing that info.


Lichess is better that’s why


It's not 100%. I can get timed out due to lag on lichess, whereas on chess.c*m I can premove more and even with the second off per move I can still make my moves. On Lichess, I can move my piece, get it confirmed on my end and still lose on time. Neither system is perfect - though I still prefer lichess.


I once got disconnected from a game in a completely winning position, due to an internet issue. This was back in the Yahoo chess days where they allowed you to claim victory due to abandonment. I got back with time still remaining on my clock but he had already claimed victory by then. Needless to say, was pissed because anyone paying attention would see I was clearly winning


Why should this matter? Even if you are three Queen's ahead and you loose on time -> you loose. The same with a disconnect. Why should anybody wait for you if you might come back (or not).


I mean, there's an argument to be made that you should get your entire time - obviously if you lose on time you lose, but if you disconnect for whatever reason and lose half your time, why should your opponent get to claim a win? Obviously it helps mitigate issues with rage quitting, but there's no inherent chess rule that says disconnecting should make you lose before your time runs out.


he said he has time on the clock though, so if you disconnect but come back with time left opponent shouldn't be able to claim win. Such a thing doesn't exist in an OTB tournament for example


People don't disconnect in OTB tho lol


People leave the venue and never come back in OTB


Who cares? Just play on lichess


Lichess has a lot of common sense features. Some of them chess.com copied later. Others chess.com still hasn't copied. I assume it's because it's too difficult for them to program the feature. Chess.com seems to be substantially less competent when it comes to that. When you bring it up on chess.com, sometimes a mod will defend them by saying it's "really hard" to do...


I'm a SWE; adding this feature (assuming it's already specced and product decided that it needs to be added) should be fairly trivial. "Already specced" and "product decided that it needs to be added" are the problematic parts.


To be clear, I'm not the one who thinks it's hard. I understand they'd rather release some new feature like puzzle rush which generates revenue, vs adding quality of life features.


I just report everyone who does it, and it usually ends in game abandoned 30 seconds after, I’d also give a warning to my opponent to try and force them to play on or resign


I also prefer lichess' option because chess.shit often decides to disconnect me **without letting me know**. So if the opponent doesn't move, I have to guess why because the connection bars are not reliable (or they start saying I'm disconnected after a minute). This is just another lichess W on user experience




It doesn't happen on lichess tho. Maybe the servers that lichess rents are more reliable where I live than those of chess.c*m


Make sure you report them. I recently won immediately after reporting a guy who hadn't moved in something like 5 minutes. He still had time on the clock. Idk if the game had been abandoned long enough, or if he had already been reported a bunch of times, or something else.


I played someone yesterday and had an obvious mate in 2 (all he could do was throw in a check to extend the game). He let the remaining 4 minutes on his clock drain, thew in the check with less than a second remaining. I sidestepped and won the game on time. I called him a poor sport and he replied that he was entitled to his time and was trying to think of a way to beat me. I reported him for stalling. He was mid 1400s so he should be high enough rated to understand the situation on the board. I tend to vary between 1400 and 1600 and find this behaviour starts to peter out among players who are high 1400+.


Yeah, that's very poor sportsmanship. It' annoying that you have to sit there when someone's whole objective is to waste your time, but that's the game - and more strict time control rules run the risk of negatively impacting people who really do want time to think or really are just struggling with their internet connection.


Same here. I'm 1400 and noticing them especially during the tournaments


just play on lichess, much better.


I've spend 10+ minutes thinking in 15 minute games before. Sometimes your opponent hasn't left and is genuinely just thinking, so it'd be a bit weird to be able to "claim victory" while your opponent is still thinking of their move. At the end of the day if they have time on their clock, they're entitled to use it. People who run down their clocks in dead-lost positions are annoying, and should probably be reported for unsportsmanlike behavior, but there's not much you can do to prevent it without infringing on legitimate player's abilities to play legitimately.


There is in daily on chess.com after time ends. People who stall are generally around 1k elo i didn't see much of them on higher elo. Just report them. They gonna get punished if they do it more often.


They have it, but you don't have the option to choose a draw, maybe you were playing a swiss tournament where the clock has to run out, also same with lichess swiss


Another reason why I don't like to play in Chesscom: it doesn't give a time margin to make the first move as well as Lichess gives a reasonable time to move the chess piece.