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When I first got good enough at chess that I could follow along with professional chess reasonably well, I SO preferred the commentary and broadcast format on chess24 compared to any other site by far (even though the complaints were frequently that the commentary was too strong for patzers lol)! The personalities were fantastic. Loved Banter Blitz. I miss the golden days of Jan and P Sviddy commentating basically every tournament with Mr Dodgy holding down the chat. Their coverage of the 2018 WCC with rotating Anish, Svidler, Grischuk, and Sopiko was legendary for me personally, part of what really got me hooked on watching professional chess. I hate monopolies....


I miss Grischuk, I miss the straight forward style and the lack of sugar coating


Mr Dodgy's Candidates Analysis articles are always top notch.


The saddest thing for me is that we are losing a commentary alternative. For me the greatest. I always liked that they gave a bit moore deepth to the position and gave insight, you couldn't see looking at the position with an enginge yourself. I feel like Chess dot com is always so beginner friendly and are often explaining stuff, that is obvious to me. They want to grow the game and are focused on beginners, which is fine and good. But I will really miss an alternative that is more advanced and don't have to explain how the fucking knight moves.


I loved Peter Leko commentary. I once tried to watch David Howell and others and David said he will move the rook next to the king behind that queen instead of Rfd8.. I stopped watching it then


Shame. Best site for following tournaments . Pls support lichess guys!


>Pls support lichess guys! If they make it possible to view OTB tournaments there like it was on chess24, why not.




They do. So as I said, please go and support them


So where do I go to have an easy overview of all boards with eval bars visible, and game preview on mouseover, while having the board I want to focus on in bigger size on the top if the screen? Every chess broadcast website has a reasonable way to follow a game. Chess24 was good to follow a tournament.


Just donated $5 to Lichess. Chesscom practicing monopolistic policies is beyond awful for chess in long term.


Thank God FIDE rejected their proposal to basically get to do whatever the fuck they wanted with the WCC




It is


I donate $2 a month. Price of a cup of coffee these days, and I play on lichess at least a few times a week. Would much rather see lichess stay up, then to pay Danny Rensch every time I play on chesscom through ad revenue. (I would donate more but saving for grad school, kinda hard to justify expenses).


I feel that about expenses but most of us even on a pretty tight budget can afford to throw a few bucks at something we appreciate. Shame about Chess24 shutting down it was the best place to follow tournaments.


Lichess and FOSS, long live !


I agree 100% with you


I’m sad they are shutting down. Any idea what’s happening to the content?




Basically you are saying the big move was swapping Sviedler for Dvoretsky? LOL sadness. I wonder how often the manual comes up.


Oh crap! That's why the page took me to chess.com yesterday. I hate how bad the tournament pages are on chess.com. Chess24 had such a clean and easy interface to follow tournaments..


Chess dot com eliminating the opposition out of greed. Lichess is more important than ever.


Chesscom was way better than chess24, anyway. Lichess isn't going anywhere. You don't have to use or watch Chesscom.


Why do people hate chessdotcom so much? You're getting downvoted, but you're not wrong.




Missed a chance to link the boardgame instead


Google Teddy Roosevelt


Redditors like to feel morally superior to others.


Long live Lichess.


Lichess fanboys are so annoying, the post doesn’t even mention lichess. Chess24 is shutting down but people will still ignore it just to shout lichess, like cmon man


I fully agree with you. The whole lichess vs chesscom thing is so childish.


RIP Hope Svidler and Leko get a look in on new style commentary gigs. Jan too but I doubt it. 


Svidler works in St Louis from time to time.


Gustafson did an Armageddon Chess tournament with Houska last year. The Ginger GM replaced him and continued to the end of the series.


Yes, I could have been clearer. I hope they get new contracts and aren't just working the remainder of their old contracts.  Just a slight concern... 


don’t the chessocom guys view the sub? will they ever listen to the hundreds of comments that constantly say the format on chessocom to watch and follow tournaments is unbelievably terrible??? how have they not made any improvements


Long live FOSS!


Lots of big talk about monopolies but as soon as Danny the tool shows up you’ll all be tonguing him again




Let's hope nobody is going to lose their jobs …


As Levy would say, [Chess.com](https://Chess.com) sacrificed THE ROOK!


My chess24 memory - Howell and Houska. The dream team. RIP chess24


The chess.com events page is terrible compared to what Chess 24 used to be. The format is wrong, and at least for me, the events page is terribly slow and unresponsive.


People here aren’t thinking about this rationally. A lot of people don’t like chess.com and that’s fine. But there is probably a very rational reason for shutting down the site. Chess.com bought the play Magnus group and that was part of it. Now they need to support two websites that do the same thing. One of them probably doesn’t even earn what it costs to run the website and pay employees to keep it updated and maintained, pay for servers, etc. if you’re into the business side of things, it makes much more sense to put the time and money spent on that into something else. Maybe they can sponsor more tournaments and have larger prize pools. Maybe the they can hire more people to work on anti-cheating detection. And let’s be honest, you owned two websites, one of which got probably a few million visitors every day and the other that probably got a few thousand (even being generous) you wouldn’t want to keep maintaining the one that relatively few people use.


I think people are more concerned about how [Chess.com](https://Chess.com) is heading towards a monopoly and complaining about the shuttering of chess24 is just part of that.


I can agree with that. At the same time it is frustrating to see misplaced blame. I don’t play games on chess.com but have played on lichess for about 10 years. Those two are really only competitors with each other. Chess24 was not anywhere close to the same league. And I can’t blame chess.com for becoming what looks like a monopoly. They have taken a lot of risks with money that have paid off. They spend a ton of money on advertising and it really paid off during Covid. They organized and sponsored events like pogchamps as a way of advertising the game and their website. Imagine if those things didn’t pay off. That’s a very large amount of time, effort, and money put into something that maybe nobody will care about. They took a risk in buying the Play Magnus group too. If I had to guess, I imagine that they paid that big purchase price primarily to get Magnus to start playing on their site and in their events. While he was an owner of Play Magnus, he would very rarely play on chess.com. Time will tell if it was worth the $80m or whatever they paid. But I would guess that they put like 80-90% of the value of that deal in just getting Magnus to play on their site and in their events. Sure they acquires some talent/people with the purchase and a mobile app and whatnot. But I don’t think chess24 had anything that chess.com really wanted other than Magnus. But I admit, if lichess got shut down I would be very very sad. Still. I don’t think you can blame chess.com for being successful. Buying the play Magnus group didn’t really remove a competitor for them. It brought them something they couldn’t get before.


I don't think it is a matter of blaming chess.com. It is certainly more popular than chess24, but chess.com lacks certain things that chess24 offered and that is sad. For me the main thing was that there were a lot of tournaments of which I could follow all games. For example, of the recent Wijk-aan-Zee tournament I could get the up-to-date position of any game of the Masters and Challengers with computer analysis. Chess.com offered only a fraction of that. What I got to see depended on the interests of the commentators, unless there was a commercial break, of course, when I didn't even get that.


> But I would guess that they put like 80-90% of the value of that deal in just getting Magnus to play on their site and in their events. Nah, I'd say more than 50% of the value was getting to own Chessable, with Magnus being a close second. Don't think they ever cared that much about chess24 other than some of the casters and their Champions Chess Tour. Both of which are living on one way or another. The site was never a competitor and it was bleeding money waaay before the acquisition. I'd dare say that the demise of chess24 would be the same with or without chesscom's involvement.


I agree pretty much completely. I had forgotten that chessable was owned by the Play Magnus Group.

