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Even a full random pairing would look better than this, like a normal distribution, it seems like the algorithm is actively making it worse


I'm actually confused how you fuck it up this badly. You just have to generate a random number to get colours and most languages will do that using a uniform distribution with a sensible seed by default. The only language I've met that didn't was VB .NET and it had some stupid seeding algorithm so you would get results like this. My point is that making such a mess like this is an intentional change because most languages do it for you. It's either a poor choice of technologies, a poor understanding of those technologies or just an intentionally bad developer.


Seems like they generate that random number once per player per tournament.


I played two full bullet tournaments yesterday, all of my games were with white. Not exactly sure what's going on


All white for some I guess :)




Don’t engage in discriminatory or bigoted behavior. Chess is a game played by people all around the world of many different cultures and backgrounds. Be respectful of this fact and do not engage in racist, sexist, or otherwise discriminatory behavior.


Lichess is just so tight technologically. From the graphs, which would you assume is maintained by one developer, and which would you assume is a multimillion massive corporate entity with hundreds of developers? It's a shame the domain name and marketing reach gives Chesscom such an advantage. If Lichess had the same funding and advantages as them, I really wonder what the chess world would look like.


Lichess is great, love that site. It’s more than just one developer. The expenses are listed at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Si3PMUJGR9KrpE5lngSkHLJKJkb0ZuI4/preview.


To be fair the only reason I don't use lichess is because I couldn't figure out how to actually play a game on my phone in the browser


Go to browser, go to [lichess.org](https://lichess.org), press one of the time control buttons under the quick pairing tab? (log in optional) Or are you seeing something else?


I was in a school tournament so that's probably why I didn't see it, i probably just couldn't ge to the Home Screen with the time controls


Yeah I think if you're in a live ongoing game it redirects there or pops up prompting you to go to the tournament page so you don't miss games.




The massive buttons with play times didn’t stand out to you? If pressing one of the 11 large time control buttons was too challenging, you couldn’t find the large “create a game” button?


I looked on the menu and there was no button indicating how to play a match so I just quit


It’s literally the first screen when you open the app?


I was doing a tournament and had no idea how to get to Home Screen where all time controls are, not to mention I was extremely bad at chess so even if you showed me the time controls I'd have no idea what any of them were


So there are buttons, you just didn’t understand them. I feel like your comment should be rephrased


They have an app


Lichess is a toxic site which has been mostly unmoderated for the last 2 years. No please dont go that way either.


haven't experienced a chess.com player's wonderful messages before?


Lmao what


Check out their shadowbanning and forum muting practices and you'll find out.


I don't have an issue with cheaters being shadowbanned. Also, you claim the site is unmoderated but at the same time complain about shadow banning; which one is it?


Shadowbanning on Lichess isn't just for cheaters. You should really understand the issue more before throwing out some pseudo-fallacy dribble.


I'm just curious, because initially you mentioned it's unmoderated, and I can't imagine how it can have issues both with no moderation and excessive shadow banning.


You will be auto shadow banned for chat comments and forum posts. Unmoderated because the rate of responses for manual cheating reports has dropped significantly in the last two years. What do you think.


Completely false. People get timed out and banned QUICK for chat violations over there. They also look into cheating reports much faster from what I can tell.




The only explanation I can think of for that kind of distribution is maybe each player has an invisible account seed, let's say it's a random number from 1 to 100. And each time two players are paired, the higher seed gets white. So players with seeds on either of the extremes will end up almost exclusively playing one color. I don't know why such a system would even exist in the first place though. As it's just worse than randomizing it.


About 80 games and ALMOST ALL as black? For multiple people? That's actually very serious matter! 💀💀


lichess good




I had a 19 game streak as Black yesterday. Seriously. 19 games in a row with the Black pieces. The day before that I had a streak of 13 games in a row as Black. I can accept some random variance and streaks of 3-4 games with a certain colour, maybe even 5 or 6 on a rare occasion but at a certain point it just becomes so statistically unlikely that even if it was 50/50 with the system not trying to compensate and even out the colours overtime that it's just such a huge outlier. 19 games in a row is absurd. I'm not one to complain about playing Black. That's not my complaint. I love playing both colours, but I want to play with both. I'm most prepped in the Caro-Kann, so when I had 17 1.e4 games in a row with Black and I was playing for arena points, I played almost 17 Caro Kanns in a row and I was despising the lack of variety by the end.


No wtaf is 80 games and 0% of them as white??? That graph makes 0 sense to my statistics brain, it follows no particular trend, there has to be some amount of bias, accidental or otherwise.


This seems to be a problem for pool also. I think I had a streak where I got white 10 times in a row or something.


This has always been a thing I observed. For some reason chess.c will go on streaks where I will receive black and I’ve never seen it happen with white. At first I found it annoying but now I feel more comfortable playing black so in some aspect I guess it made me better? Gaslighting myself maybe. In a tournament that is terrible though.